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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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having opened these poems, the guys at the front would have felt strength and faith in victory, they would have felt that they were not alone, and in order for them to remember this, i signed the following words on the cover of this book: dear friend, remember, my father is fighting next to you, nikita mikhalkov. nikita mikhalkov held a creative meeting with military contractors in moscow. the director donated collections of his father’s front-line poems. 700 copies, practically from printing houses, will go to the combat zone. read more, maria valieva. a collection of his war poems father of sergei mikhalkov, the famous film director, actor and tv presenter nikita mikhalkov personally presents it to the fighter, who in a few days will go to the zone of a special military operation. the first edition is 700
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copies, all books are softcover, so that soldiers can always carry them with them, either in a military uniform pocket or in a backpack. well, that’s all i wanted to talk to you about today, especially since the midshipman came and said, let’s leave one at a time, if anything happens, we are geologists, and we, with your... permission, are going on vacation, i really hope so, that during these holidays you will be able to watch reruns of our programs, which i think would be nice to remember, all the best to you, god willing, until we meet again soon, all the best! and now to the news
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from taki haneda airport, where, during landing, a passenger airbas a350 hit a coast guard plane and caught fire. according to preliminary data , all passengers and crew members were evacuated from the liner, that’s 379 people. the second military transport plane was also engulfed in flames. one of the crew members managed to escape, the fate of five more remains unknown. the airbas reportedly belonged to the japanese. airline and was operating a domestic flight. the liner burned out completely. the russian military attacked enterprises of the ukrainian military-industrial complex in kiev and its suburbs. according to the ministry of defense, the group strike was carried out with long-range precision weapons and drones. enterprises that produced missiles and drones, as well as repaired weapons and military equipment, were also hit. among the targets were missile and aircraft guard sites.
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weapons supplied to the kiev regime by western countries. next on our broadcast is a special report “african mission”. anna afanasyeva will talk about how priests of the russian orthodox church are creating an orthodox community in africa. watch right after the short commercial.
2:04 pm
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2:05 pm
new year's discounts in the red caviar magnet 2499 with russian lotto the holidays continue in january, we are playing at home! cars, and also prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, hundred lotto, watch the match avant-garde, solovat delaev, fonbet of the khl championship on january 3, oh, lipstick lost it, today my mother changed her last name , this time she is elena loselovna, now she’ll pick me up, sales, i found it, look what... cashback on the new year’s sale in the megamarket, we can buy you cosmetics, perfume or a blouse for it, but a dress, a lipstick, or better yet, all at once , they always do this for a loved one,
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it’s profitable to make mega happy in the new year, get off the couch, the new sportsmaster application will help you become more active, launch an activity tracker, walk, run, complete challenges. receive bonuses and pay for them their purchases. update sportmaster for prizes. and what do you think? like in paradise? now i will show you real paradise. golob-2. and that's what you take away. already at the cinema. it's easy to imagine your ideal home. so, just imagine, and the click house will do the rest. from dreams to home. one house, click. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it around once. rotate, twist. and only then confirm the payment. until february 4 , order savita with delivery starting from 1 ruble.
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check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment.
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the russian orthodox church has ceased delegate the powers of orthodoxy to the greek church of alexandria. since the twenty-first year, since december, with the creation of the patriarchal zarkhat of africa, the russian orthodox church has taken
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the implementation of the mission of spiritual nourishment of orthodox christians in africa under its amaphora and its response.
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already 11 students are studying in st. petersburg theological schools, seven students are studying at the moscow pedagogical state university here in moscow, at the department of studying the russian language, in order to subsequently go to our moscow theological school. the missionary group is constantly changing one after another in africa, we teach the russian language, we constantly call groups of our priests from the patriarchal eccarchate of africa here to moscow for...
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churches, monasteries they have the opportunity to come into contact with the great shrines, prayers of intercession for which russia is holy stands like a cypha, like a stone, stands firmly, stands powerfully.
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father sergei vaimava - rector of the orthodox church in the capital tsar bangi, one of the first priests from the continent who as part of the mission of the patriarchal exarchate of africa , he received spiritual education in russia. this is a story that became very significant in my religious life, when, at the invitation and with the blessing of metropolitan leonid, i went to moscow, this was my first trip to europe, i really traveled a lot in africa, here europe, russia, moscow, i have very warm the memories were preserved, i saw with my own eyes that moscow is a holy land, it seemed to me that almost every 100 meters there was a temple or monastery. about the trip to the holy moscow he can talk about the earth for hours to his
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large family. today he shares the story of why sergius was baptized. in moscow i learned the story of st. sergius of radanesh. i was on a tour of the monastery. father simeon archimandrite told me about the life of st. sergius. i was very impressed and the metropolitan blessed me to bear his name. a great name that has greatness.
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some of them recently converted to orthodoxy, we had and still have young clergy, africans, they stood so firmly on the canons of orthodoxy, on the canons of universal orthodoxy understood that their patriarch was leading them into schism, they courageously declared their disagreement. the situation with the schism is very difficult, it divides the churches today, and those who went into schism, like the patriarchate of alexandria, the patriarchate of constantinople, they must come to their senses. this is our desire for which we pray every day, every day we pray for peace.
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in a country where armed conflict has been virtually constant since gaining independence from the french in 1960, prayer for peace is often the last salvation for believers who were not spared by the rebels. there were moments when shots were fired from all types of weapons. we were forced to close the church and run and hide in the jungle. in moments of calm, we always returned to the people to preach the word of god to them. these were very difficult times. one day they launched a shell at our church. fortunately, god wished that it did not hit the building itself, landing right behind our wall.
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there were seleka rebels, anti-balaka, who fought with government troops, with peacekeepers minusca and sangarit. so what is it there was a war in which we found ourselves victims , i myself was once taken hostage, the rebels needed my car to transfer their fighters, there were moments when they pointed the barrel of a machine gun at me and threatened to kill me, these are bad memories, i would not want to talk about it anymore to say, i am a man of god, i can only forgive, i forgave it and continued to pray for peace.
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here we have children aged 3 to 5 years old, they speak four languages, sango, french, english and russian. it's such a blessing that these kids have the opportunity. study and join... at school, here are
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the children, our children, with pleasure, little by little learning the russian language, the war. it comes from my heart, i treat children with great respect, i always wanted to work with them, and children love me too, in moscow i received a lot of attention from children, of course, my skin color was unusual for them, but i think , that there is something else that naturally connects me with children, and i try my best, do farming, animal husbandry, to help. i myself have 10 children, only one of them native, the rest are adopted, some of their parents died of illness, others died
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in the war, but we try not to tell them that they have no parents, i am their parent, they call me dad, i am their father, before in our the family had 27 children, some grew up, some went their own way, but the youngest remained.
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where is this russia and where is this africa and where is this split, what can africans understand there, this is a very harmful misconception, and i will tell you why, because to africans, the same greeks, the same europeans, the same representatives of the collective west, still...
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i am masai by blood. this drawing on my face
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is part of our culture, from this drawing everyone else can understand that i belong specifically to the masai tribe. the masai captivate with their beauty, carefully chosen heads, thin physiques, beaded jewelry, bright capes and sticks in the hands of men resembling spears, incredibly bright and original. and it seems that we, white guests from russia, look like savages here, eagerly looking at their beauty. the basis of our life is cattle breeding.
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once upon a time, our ancestors knew no other food than what their cows gave them. today the maasai diet is mixed because we already belong to a different generation. people often come to the maasai on excursions, but as a tourist you can’t get to this tribe. they agreed to accept us because we are accompanied by orthodox priests, they respect the traditions of the tribe, and we begin our acquaintance with a dance.
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dance for us is a symbol of happiness, sometimes it has ceremonial significance. we perform one of these ceremonies during the ritual initiation, when a boy becomes a man and is dedicated to war. but what we dance today is a welcome dance, this is how we greet guests, it is a sign of our respect.
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“the maasai jump and during the ritual matchmaking ceremony, it is believed that the man who jumps higher is the more enduring warrior and hunter. i, our muslim driver, also join the maasai dances. thanks to the activities of greek priests, some maasai converted to orthodoxy, combining the tribal way of life with christian religious traditions. this.
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this is a local temple, people gather here and the service will begin very soon. when we started looking for a place to hold the service, we realized that renting a separate house would cost us a lot. then it became clear to us that we could perfectly conduct the service under the tree. yes, this is excluded.


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