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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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i seemed to know how to work with wood a little, but the bandar business showed me all sorts of new ways of how it can be done, how to do it beautifully, we are now on the main square, here is the upper basement, and the building was still added under the tsar, 1894 year it was completed, but here we are working... with our containers, below us there is a middle basement, this whole large area where we are located, under it there are large tunnels and containers where wine materials are stored, the same containers with which we are working, yes, in principle, when you notice how people work here, how they treat wood, what they... do with it, it attracts you and you want
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to try it yourself. tanyush, look, our window is leaking here, we need to caulk it to stop the leak. so, here we have a booth that we manufactured, put into operation, it’s like the brainchild of our workshop. the container had a capacity of about 1500 liters, and we made it out of it. and as if they had started work, they had already filled it with wine as the final touch, as if the window had to be caulked to prevent the last leaks, due to this, this girl, a graduate of our bandar school, is now doing this in practice, learning to put her skills into practice. i’m 19 years old, i’ll be 20 soon
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, i’m from simphepol, i’m studying at the simferopol institute, to become a winemaker, it turns out that they came to us and offered us to study at the bandara school, and i was the only girl in the bandara school, in my stream, there were a lot of boys, though they were all married, but oh well. well, it seems to me that, firstly, it is useful simply for general development, like person, that is, the ability to work with different tools, the ability to work with wood, and it was also interesting from the point of view of the fact that i met different people, new people, interesting people, i made useful contacts, and that’s cool, well besides, really... i kind of learned
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to understand winemaking technology a little better. ivan, well, we talked with your bandar school graduates, but as we understand, not all of them even want to connect their lives with this profession, a really difficult profession, and you, how they said your idea was to find new personnel. that's how successful you think these projects are, considering that some guys decided to connect their lives. well , everything is going on as if for the future, as you rightly said, this is a selection of personnel. at the moment, we have had two graduates , that’s about 12 people, and there were two groups of six people, we already have results, two people stayed to work at our enterprise, plus two people went to our branches, they also work there bandarny direction.
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i really hope, in fact, that winemaking is an industry that, underneath itself , crushes many other industries, this is yeast, this is yeast nutrition, this is vineyards, respectively, now there are already a lot of chemicals and fertilizers. for vineyards, that is, this is a bottle, this is both a cork and a cap, this is a huge industry that crushes a lot of production, well, in the end it all makes up the russian economy, so i think that maybe even sanctions are for the better, because this as an impetus, an impetus for the development of ours, specifically the russian one, which is why we always look first of all to russia.
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in war there is always a place for a miracle; in a seemingly hopeless situation, suddenly there is a person who takes command and saves people from imminent death. this is the quality
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of a real commander. we found such a person and decided to tell you about him, this is igor zuev. who brought me out of death trap your unit. september '22, donetsk people's republic. this happened at the end of september 2022 near the town of torskaya, krasnolimansky district of the donetsk people's republic. zuev's unit was ordered to cover the withdrawal of russian troops. i received confirmation for the withdrawal of zyama’s unit with the main forces, as i understand it. i am yenisiy, zyama’s unit remains, let them cover the withdrawal of the main forces, reception. yenissei, i'm an alligator,
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i was swimming. numerous mobile groups the armed forces of ukraine, national battalions of foreign mercenaries advanced, pressed our units, and captured positions. therefore, the command, fearing encirclement, decided to take the troops across the seversky danets river. in the fall, the liman direction became the hardest direction there. well, of course, few people wanted to get there, because you knew that the most difficult direction turned out as always , that is, we were abruptly removed, we were located south of donetsk, we were transferred exactly there, that is, part of my platoon was transferred under lesechansk, and part of my platoon , together with me, was transferred to the red estuary co-transport, well, that is, from my platoon there were eight left, that is, this is my one beha with plus the landing party, we went there and... the situation was generally difficult and what did it have to do with me it turned out that when we arrived
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at the position there, there were units of a neighboring regiment from the twentieth army, eight guys had been there since february, they had been fighting , they came and poured in on us, there were eight of us, that’s it, he said, i’m like, i’m coming to you to the rescue, i say, like, where are you from? he says, the third corps, i’m like, there’s just a third corps, i’ve probably heard since may that they’re starting to form it there and so on, everyone started talking this way and that, well, i keep saying: they’ve divided the territory, i’m on the right side of the road, he’s with left, that's it, he set up, hid the typewriter, here we have it, there are 17 people left, they had a neighboring regiment of eight people who were the deputy command of the divorce, and well, when i was younger, i had to take the command myself with him. the ukrainian armed forces, using the tactical superiority of the positions we left behind borrowed quickly. so it was on september 30 , twenty-two. and this time a whole battalion has already come out against us, that is
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, they are the ukrainian army there, represented by the nato right sector, nato members - poles, germans and all their equipment is polish, tanks, armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers, well, they are preparing an offensive, all tanks, armored vehicles they pulled up, there are already thousands of them there, and they are attacking. in three directions, apparently , the ukrainians saw this, that the equipment was leaving, we went happy, satisfied, they thought that we had left the entire village, everyone came out, but no such luck it was in torskoye, where igor zuev remained with his small detachment, confusion reigned , shooting was heard, polish mercenaries were already walking along the main street, conducting a cleansing operation, on another parallel street, zuevo’s detachment settled in residential buildings, the village was already almost...
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on eyes, how can it get between them and burn them, before our eyes they were just
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standing here, we just jumped out here 10 meters away and shot with a machine gun, these two jeeps arrive, we shoot them at... at this point, in short, we destroyed 37 poles, that is, they suffered a lot in that battle big losses, not counting how many more we hit them, and even when the bhas were calling , and i already gave the command for everything to bha, that is, we stopped, even then the guys told us, who were the last to leave before satarin, it was thanks to you that we managed to jump out having assessed the situation and realizing that only
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half a platoon was against them, the ukrainians decided to organize a personal hunt for the bmp and zuev’s small detachment. then we sat down on the beha, while all the guys were there, they were hiding, we started to go out through the garden on the beha, well, that’s it we were in pursuit, we didn’t know that the entire settlement had already been taken, it’s also good that i had boxes tied to my back, we loaded these cartridges there, this saved the things, because when we left, behind me, the guys were sitting in this bykh, so they shot at our dog, these boxes flew into pieces, in short, that is, i saved my life. then he also played it, because he was put into the tower, i sat on the tower like this up to my waist, the driver showed the command in the direction, the cash was sitting inside, he i was spinning the turret, trying to find this target, shoot, and the guys were shooting with machine guns in all directions, there was a chase after us , and they arrived at the tower, and the turret only turned in the opposite direction, uh, from behind, who was
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caught, who was thrown out and it would turn out that the tower should have flown off, but thanks to the box, it was also slowed down, if it flies off... i cut off a reach like that to water there, one guy jumped out so that the deputy commander came to the reflection and we drove off about 100 meters and now he’s already a machine gun where - he flew away, he runs there too such a picture, everything seemed to me to be in slow motion.
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stop, stop! i realized, he was running, i saw his eyes behind the house, just an armored personnel carrier was leaving behind him, and i saw his eyes, he was running these 100 m, in short, i thought that if i left, i simply would not be able to forgive myself, but i would dream , while it was arriving, the tower turned to the right, and i was thrown out, i did a somersault, i immediately passed the standard for this... preparations, while i ran 400 m behind the car, but they didn’t wait, in fact, they shouldn’t have waited, and then that stopped, i know that there will be a second one, we’re all going to die, so he ran, jumped in, we fired at this armored personnel carrier from the sunshade , it’s not clear at all, we figured it out in a split second, everyone was shouting like, come on, come on, come on, come on, somehow we left,
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uh, we drove up the mountain, uh, that’s it, we don’t remember. the left or right gusla flew off because something flew in, well, apparently, how much dawa traveled, gave so much, everything took momand, that’s all, and we immediately went into obrazhek, when we tell you about an incident in the war and interview people who may have experienced the most dramatic moments of our lives , we make reconstructions, of course, we cannot show you completely down to the minute in every detail what happened at that moment, but... but we can make it clear what was happening, we turned, there are steep turns driving by, i climb each other on the enemy, but i thought that he was coming at the enemy along it, as soon as we get away, why do they, they are tiplov, they see all this, but we can get away from the enemy, well, it’s so overgrown, but it turns out they walked and walked, and it ended, it turns out, on the left side of the field, on the right side of the field, i say, everyone lay down, lay down
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so they came at us, drove, searched, walked, combed, i knew that... dead comrades, for me this is. the fourth war, i will lead us all out of encirclement, he simply told us, trust me, i will lead you
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out, this is the very first phrase, from that valley, this one he said, listen to me, no squeals, no squeaks, listen to me , follow me, and i didn’t say a word, at least two commanders per year, in fact, that’s it, but again, only he has experience, i’m of course not too young either. i’m not a jerk, but i understand perfectly well that you have experience there will be more of him, plus we seemed to be on a break , that we were talking, well, before that, there he showed photographs with awards and so on, that is, it really is that the person is not easy, he did not come to the store for sugar, he came with a specific mission, well, i see that we are going in the right direction, because we are moving away from the populated area, some height is going away, but the most important thing is that it was not explained there that... 30 km walk to klemenaya, there there are no populated areas, if they get out there, we don’t we just don’t let's pass, well, we were all on adrenaline , i didn't think about it, the situation turned out to be such that
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because of my concussions, because of the drops, everything turned out to be the opposite for me, so i led them not in the direction of ours, but i i led them in the direction of another one, there, kukurum, this also saved us, because to the side... it was flinty, they threw shells, then the next day we finally went there, everything was hidden there, these equipment, they were looking for them, they shot, in short, and we went in the other direction, well, really , we’re going to look at something in one settlement, the third flea posts, these ukrainian ravines of some kind began, well, then i guessed, i said, guys, someone has a compass, so we’ll get it, and so we went northeast in the direction and we were somewhere... after lunch we came to our own, again, we went to save our lives, we understood perfectly well that the guys died in battle, uh,
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moreover, no matter how we chickened out, we didn’t run away, we gave battle, knowing full well that our forces were superior , we tried to retreat, it turned out like this, as it happened, someone did not enter the battle at all, someone ran away, as if here, well, no, no,
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his call sign was his father alexander in civilian life, alexander nikolaevich burlakov from the village of ramadanova in the republic of mordovia. he was only 52 years old. an adult, independent man, entrepreneur. he raised two children alone. at first, during the special operation , i couldn’t sit. at home he volunteered for the front, the children had already grown up by this time, guard junior sergeant burlakov died in that memorable battle, for more than two months his body could not be retrieved from torskoye, the ukrainian armed forces did not give the opportunity to collect the remains of the dead russian fighters. on december 23, twenty -two, alexander burlakov was buried with full military honors in his native village of trofimovshchina near saransk. he was posthumously awarded the order of courage.
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they started shooting, trying to attract attention to themselves, so, but this was not the only loss, then another volunteer died the death of the brave, private evgeniy bondarenko, poseur jackson, moskvich, a very young man, only 24 years old, he lived a bright life, full of courage and right actions, life, i sent jackson, yes there to the house. to run, he ran, but he didn’t make it, he died, so i regret that , well, i should tell the guys to leave, so they could get out into the street, they could
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have gone back to us, but well... here that’s why the jackson boy died at the age of 24, i regret this , well, they mowed him down, when he was crossing the road he was just on the edge of the road, such is the lot of the commander, if he is a real commander, to remember everyone by name, living and dead, his comrades in arms who will forever remain in his soul. it turned out that our crew no longer for the first time participating in hostilities , that is, i am in chechnya, the fat one is also in chechnya, zyama, it also turns out, as the word will break through, one might say, it means that where ours did not disappear, ours disappeared everywhere, i
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replayed this situation several times. and there it’s really like a knife’s breadth, if even just a step to the side, a step to the other, then we wouldn’t get out, and naturally there are some forces, well, especially since i’m a believer, i myself am an old believers, a siberian old believers, a charger, for they prayed for us, the chapel, who live in siberia and pray even here in moscow belouksky priest, i think i came to the service myself. here, because there are old-timers who fight, that’s why, yes, indeed , there is something supernatural here, because this trick that we did cannot be repeated, it is impossible to repeat this, commanders are not born, life makes people ... truly important when a person voluntarily takes responsibility for other people’s lives.
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in peaceful life or in battle, he manifests himself as a commander and bears this high rank. peasant hut, miraculously no one died she shot a cannon with her own hands and killed her, what is the difficulty, her mother is especially important at her court, everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like
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everyone else. and the girl repents, it seems, they drove her to paris, we’ll eat an oyster , we could have forgiven her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew her up, so i’ll kill you the horses tore it apart, where are you going, drown yourself, two. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, look, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, free, without registration, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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the russian army launched a group strike with precision weapons and drones on military enterprises in ukraine, where they produce missiles and drones, and also repair equipment for the kiev army.


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