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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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everything will be as you want, everything will be, pay for purchases with any sberbank credit card, an apartment in moscow can be yours, the sberbank credit card is the best in the country, this is a corporate party, this is entermin, enterum is a new generation enterum. its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body while retaining nutrients. a smart solution against poisoning. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, this is not a business at all. but you didn’t listen, because you do everything wrong. continue. alfabank has the best program. business opportunities, we pay 3,000
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rub for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. in january we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million. get your tickets soon. this have not happened before. russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try it, a real ice cream. narrow cold, large, incredible taste, thick walls, high floor, signal interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first start a cat with wifi technology, use mobile communications even where there is a signal interference, belain is on your side, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, great blow, now i’ll post it, damn it, the wrong file.
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how to cancel, there’s no way, artyom, it’s a megaphone , everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it took off faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster, let’s go , these are discounts, and you will take away such benefits, what men are silent about, that life is out of control, fears of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidasa promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. langitaza against prostatitis. it's better to watch it once than watch it 100 times. turn,
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rotate, twist only after confirming payment , before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, retiring in the new year is profitable with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, favorable rate on deposit, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. transfer your pension to sberbank. online or in the branch. hello, the legal program is being broadcast by the duty department. in the studio maxim mavchin. they saved the family at the risk of their own lives. rostov patrol officers, seeing the burning house, did not hesitate, rushed inside and did not let its four residents die. first, hearing the crying, the police made their way into the nursery and carried out the child, who by that time was already dead. unconscious, so
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it was decided to give him first aid, since the child’s teeth were clenched tightly, there was a spoon nearby, i took the decision to squeeze out the teeth and the child began to breathe a little, there was water nearby, i took some water and, uh, washed out the airways and wiped his face, then the ambulance arrived. and we handed over this child to the ambulance , in a matter of seconds we found another baby in the bathroom, also unconscious, took him out of the house, soon together with the firefighters we helped three adults get out of the fire, the doctors managed to save everyone except one woman, she died from severe poisoning from combustion products, as for police officers, they will now be rewarded for risking their lives to save citizens. fireworks incidents and loud booms of fireworks in some places responded with a series of challenges for... not everywhere,
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the festive fireworks delighted and gave positive emotions. in chelyabinsk , several charges from a fireworks battery flew into an apartment window and caused a fire and the death of the owner of the home. it is reported that the man died from carbon monoxide poisoning. it is noteworthy that the fiery emergency did not stop pyrotechnics lovers. the apartment was on fire the sounds of fireworks exploding in the yard. the whole room burned down. in the city of murino near st. petersburg, people got caught on new year's eve. under fire from uncontrolled fireworks, the fireworks were set up on the playground and not secured, as a result the charges did not fly up, to the sides, people had to hide behind cars in snowdrifts, fortunately there were no casualties, the residents of a high-rise building in ivanovo were also lucky, on new year's eve hooligans fired at them a house made of batteries and
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fireworks, it was only a miracle that there were no casualties from the fire. the following video is clear demonstrates what happens from a direct hit. fire charge. in surgut , a rocket launcher hit a car. the car was badly damaged, the windows were broken, the door was dented. in kamchatka on new year's eve , two fires occurred in apartments due to dangerous fireworks. a large family from bashkiria was also left homeless in the new year; in this case , a house in the village of angasyak caught fire in the middle of the night due to a faulty garland. fortunately , fire alarms went off in the premises and all eight residents managed to escape. rescuers have enough. together with the police, they tell you what to do if your car stalls on the road, how to avoid freezing or , conversely, not getting burned in a fire due to your own carelessness. such
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information is now more than ever; by the way, on the eve of a trip from the novosibirsk region to omsk , the car almost ended in tragedy for a family of five due to extreme cold. stalled on the highway, fortunately, at that time a crew of traffic police officers was passing by. the police took the people into their patrol car and drove them to the nearest village. by the way, on on many routes there are now mobile heating points; white tents with the symbols of the ministry of emergency situations are visible from afar; they will provide assistance and have everything you need to warm up or charge your mobile phone. but still, unless absolutely necessary, on these frosty days, rescuers advise against going on a long journey. check the weather forecast along the entire route of exploration. if the forecast is unfavorable , if possible, postpone the trip, take a supply of food and drink, as well as warm clothes, inform your loved ones about your trip and the approximate time of arrival at the destination destination, take with you communications equipment, chargers and spare batteries for them. for those who decide to take a chance and go on
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holiday abroad in the first days of the new year, there is a heating point at the highest mountain border checkpoint, near the village of verkhniy lars in north ossetia. hot tea, please, here. heating can be heated, thank you, thank you, everything is fine, for getting there, thank you, in order to comprehensively provide drivers and passengers, a heating point has been deployed, a disaster medicine center is operating on the road and traffic police patrol. another important warning from the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, you should not use electrical equipment to warm up the car in cold weather, why now the owner of this car from the irkutsk region knows for sure, the foreign car caught fire. after it was blown with hot air from a heat gun for half an hour in thirty-five degree frost, they took the car with a heat gun, so, well, after starting it knocked, they ran to put it out. it’s still too early to sum up the results of the new year holidays, say emergency situations ministry employees. rescuers
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appeal to all residents of our country with we ask that during the celebrations we not forget about the safety of ourselves and those around us; a huge number of victims and tragedies can be avoided if everyone remembers this. in the new year andrey romanov, lead the duty department. a military veteran was attacked, chelyabinsk investigators are carefully studying footage of a drunken brawl, five rowdies, one of them with a baton, attacked combatant alexander tyazhelnikov. at that moment he was simply passing by with his friends. the brawl, as usual, began with swearing. first, the aggressors insulted the military man, spat in his face several times, and then sprayed tear gas and began beating the blinded man with a stick. as a result of comprehensive work in collaboration with colleagues from the investigative committee , the identities of the attackers and their locations were established. the police detained young people with russian citizenship and living in chelyabinsk. a petition was sent to the court to select a preventive measure in
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the form of detention. the criminal case has been transferred to the third investigation department especially important matters. the life of alexander tyazhelnikov is not in danger. the veteran got away with his ears. two planes collided at the airport, a passenger plane with people touched the coast guard board during landing, they stopped the pilot of an already burning car, almost 400 people were urgently evacuated from it, the second plane also caught fire, five members of its crew died, with the latest details from our staff correspondent in japan , sergey mengazhev. the fire in the engine broke out at the moment when the landing gear of the passenger airliner touched the runway in takiya haneda airport. there were 367 passengers and 12
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crew members on board airbus 350, which was flying from the city of sappora on the island of hakaida, and the cabin was instantly enveloped in smoke and people were seized with panic. the fire is rapidly growing and the damaged wing is engulfed in flames. immediately after the stop , the evacuation of passengers begins along emergency inflatable slides. the causes of the emergency were announced even before the fire entered the cabin. during landing, the passenger airliner hit the wing. military transport taxiing for takeoff a japanese coast guard aircraft was preparing to fly with a cargo of humanitarian aid to the disaster zone in ishikawa prefecture, where large-scale search and rescue operations are continuing after the devastating earthquake on the noto peninsula. according to the airline , there were no injuries among passengers or crew members. people were evacuated quite quickly in civil aviation, this is called the 90-second rule. the military transport plane, by the way, also burned down, it simply did not fall into the field of view of the cameras on... surveillance there too casualties could not be avoided, the coast guard confirmed that five people were killed, the sixth
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crew commander is in serious condition, the fire extinguishing lasted about an hour, the runway is currently closed, all flights from haneda that were planned today were canceled, example fumio kishida stated that he took the situation under personal control. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asian bureau to conduct, especially for the program to conduct, duty department. magnet scam, capital police caught a couple of crooks. the victims of which were pensioners and unemployed. here, special forces soldiers enter the apartment of one of the suspects. the lady placed an advertisement in newspapers for work at home. according to the investigator, the owner is also an accomplice of the alleged fraudster. why was she detained? don't know. you have been charged with committing fraud, article 159. this lady placed an advertisement in the newspapers for employment at home and promised that she would teach. they make souvenir magnets for anyone who wants them, and they also provide them with orders, and under this
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she lured money out with an excuse, an agreement was concluded according to which applicants paid 5,000 rubles each, supposedly as a deposit for materials, then the false employers, citing damaged workpieces, stopped providing orders, and the money was not returned, i was also waiting for this order, she will tell me everything tomorrow the day after tomorrow, a week later, but i realized that it was like... a deception, during the search the police found one and a half hundred contracts, now it will be easy for them to find all those deceived by fake magnet dealers, the counterfeit is in the details, security forces destroyed the so-called garage empire for the illegal production of spare parts for russian cars, but illegal products continue to enter our markets, how not to get hooked by dealers in counterfeit spare parts, watch on wednesday on the russia 24 tv channel, investigation by eduard petrov, pirates of the auto industry 2. for many years around the largest automobile plant in talya there were
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inconspicuous workshops, their workers copying spare parts for cars. hello, are you already closing? the first signs are missing holograms, businessmen shoveled money, do not worry at all about the fact that their counterfeits cause fatal accidents. brake pad without id marking. and in los angeles, america, a new year's party ended in a mass shooting,
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two people were killed and eight more were injured. these images show how a crowd rushes along a busy road to the sound of gunfire, people in panic looking for shelter. minutes later, the wounded , unconscious on the asphalt, are given first aid. all this, as foreign media write, is the result of an unauthorized new year's parties. it took place in the basement. in the midst of fun between the guests. a fight ensued, but the words quickly ended and the brawlers opened indiscriminate fire. the police are now looking for the criminals. love to the last penny in search of the ladies of the heart of that naive gentleman. business falls under the spell of seductresses who only want money. this is not just a mindset, a large-scale criminal scheme. our correspondent daniil quickly managed to be a victim and a hunter in order to reveal the details of such scams. this chase
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is the culmination of an experiment we spent to get to know the so -called consummators and their bosses. this. scammers operate on dating sites, luring naive guys into dates in fake hookah cafes, where the poor guy is then forced to pay greatly inflated bills, so we also went on the hunt on social networks, almost immediately our agent came across a suspiciously assertive girl, well, let’s meet today, let’s hang out there , let's sit, maybe somewhere? of course, the girl herself suggested the meeting place, and later took our agent to the basement hookah bar, according to the standard scheme, the siren ordered a hookah and tea, at a clearly inflated price, why is it expensive, what is expensive here, but we won’t let her go. right there on the street we met our breeder,
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tell me, have you been engaged in consummation for a long time, what kind of consummation, what are you talking about, how are you consummation? i understand correctly how you work , well, what is your plan, tell me , i met with a young man, we sat down to drink tea, none of the staff waited for the police to arrive, in such conditions they prepared a romantic dinner for the guests, this is an elite cheese plate , this is the knife that apparently they cut up everything that was in this kitchen, dirt, dust, unsanitary conditions, on one of the tables there was a check for almost 30 rubles, apparently some poor fellow had to fork out a considerable amount. this establishment tried their best to create a romantic atmosphere, dim lights, soft sofas, crumpled roses or board games. it seems that the owners of this brothel loved the mafia most of all. the reverse side of the scam looks even more cynical. in fact, girls don’t even spend time on correspondence; specially
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hired people do it for them. we found such a vacancy. us they offered to lure men under the guise of the girl alena, and also sent instructions on how... exactly to do this, an interesting detail, the scammers call their victims mammoths, this is such a primitive hunt, do not invite a mammoth for coffee or tea if you don’t want a small payment, our establishment can be imagined as a hookah bar, a bar, a restaurant, as a journalistic experiment this time i will be the mammoth myself, we send the scammers a questionnaire with my data, and the trick works, in the evening a girl is waiting for me at the metro, who has not actually corresponded with anyone, now she is the same alena, hello, alena, have a short conversation with... fake alena persistently calls to her favorite hookah bar, orders one glass of champagne after another, and at the same time talks her teeth, i’m actually such a very ambitious person, i want to realize myself somewhere , because i am a very social person, and i always need to be myself, i need communication with people, for a consumer, time is money, alena is in a hurry to eat and drink a solid check in about 10 minutes, when
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the waiter appears again, we hide the cards and we’re calling the police, hello, russia 24 tv channel, tell us about your scheme, no? so what? the hall of the pseudo-cafe is filled with hired beauties and their victims. young people, if you understand everything correctly, these are consumers who deliberately scammed you. siren and their formidable patrons immediately rush into the scattered. girl, can you tell me how you were doing? don’t touch me with your hands, what’s the point of beating me? zhen, girl, tell me how not to film me, girl, i’m not the girl here, who are you? you guy, stop filming me, you'll be famous, our counterpart also decided to remove me. alena, well, alena, alena, or are you not alena, alena, yes, they wanted such a life, yes, wonderful, yes, but what is your real name, the girl, the gentleman, and meanwhile she is recovering from shock, i ordered a screwdriver , i look, she’s like that, well, i think so, well, wine, take wine, i think maybe she ’ll take wine too, she starts ordering there,
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everything for herself, well, that’s it, basically i look at this camera, that’s all, she immediately i decided to get out of here in a panic. hide, tell me let us know how your establishment works wonderfully, it’s my first day brother, i don’t know anything, but since you don’t know anything, i don’t know anything, just tell me, a friend asked me to go out, and maybe you can tell us how to make money, shift, today is the first shift , kolyanchik, this is everyone’s first, let’s count alena’s appetites, all this splendor, a small plate of fruit, a couple of glasses of champagne, tea and a rather bad hookah, cost 13,926 rubles. those who did not manage to sneak through the roundabout route were taken to the police department. present tense on this fact an inspection is being carried out in accordance with article 144. 45 of the criminal procedure code of the russian federation, a similar statement was received by the zhulebinsky police department, where an inspection was also carried out. employees of the ministry of internal affairs have already closed such fake cafes several times
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in moscow and in other large cities of the country, but more and more new ones are coming to replace the detained girls and those with high scores, easy money is too tempting, and the result of the play is time after time, one with a broken heart and an empty wallet, others a criminal case. daniel sukharuchko, artyom grigoryan, anton fedotov, dmitry manyshev, lead, duty unit, head of part of russia alexander kurenkov within the framework. the wish tree project fulfilled the dreams of three children from different regions of the country at once; the doors of the capital’s fire and rescue department opened for seven-year-old pasha rakcheev, the boy went on an excursion and tried on the role of a rescuer. dedicating everything to everyone, he loves firefighters very much, he has a lot of toys related to this topic, we were lucky, our ball was pulled out, our wish came true, pasha went on an excursion to the fire department, sat in the car. yes, pressed buttons, put out a real fire? yes, alexander kurenkov also fulfilled the dream of twelve-year-old kirill cheredov from the city of
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marinsk, kemerovo region. the young kuzbasovets received boxing equipment as a gift from the head of the rescue department. twelve-year-old misha ignatov from kaluga received another surprise from the minister. the boy also went on an excursion to the fire department and tried on the role of a firefighter rescuer. serious violations. law and order has not been recorded, the police of our country reported on ensuring security in new year's eve, in total more than 2 million citizens took part in the festive events, and 44,000 employees monitored compliance with the law, 27,000 russian guard servicemen helped them, as well as chop employees, social activists and representatives of people's squads. my colleague fyodor eliseev will tell you about how the security forces worked on the holiday and which of the vacationers celebrated the new year at the police station, from december 31 to january 1. was on duty together with police officers of the national guard. the ringing chime of the chimes, of course, is the same for everyone, but everyone waited for it in their own way, some were in a hurry to finish the olivier salad, others were walking
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along the sparkling streets, and others, so that they could all feel calm, were on duty. i order you to take over the protection of public order in the city of heroes of moscow, and when communicating with citizens, observe cultural and polite communication. while a light frost stings your cheeks, police from the northeast of the capital, igor bormatov, take over the patrol. served in the police for more than 2 years, went straight after the army, the older brother became an example, then the younger brother also caught up, since he put on his uniform, he has been celebrating the main holiday of winter like this: i already for the second year in a row, i perform, in principle, as a regular shift, as on any holidays, especially on new year’s eve, i don’t want to somehow spoil people’s mood, that is, we always meet them halfway. muscovites on the streets even sympathize with the police a little. security is everything; if there is no security, you think that the holiday was a failure.
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the injured juliet complains about her romeo as usual, in the morning, as a rule, she withdraws the application, but nothing can be done, she needs to work on it, and here is her fatal lover in the nearest left lane, five furlongs further acceptance by express, first bargaining, guys , let me explain, then denial , hit my wife, took away the phone, no, it’s not true, depression, such an everyday situation, what can i do, humility,
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we haven’t been here for 21 years, and we brought it from yekaterinburg on purpose, to celebrate the new year right here on red square, which turned out to be closed, and the funny thing is that we arrived and were told it was closed, but we were not upset, feel safe. before walking along red square you really had to wait, entering it again they opened only at 8:00 in the morning, but in the meantime everyone
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was congratulating. happy new year to friends and strangers, some continued to serve, such as employees of the national guard; on the eve of those who guarded the peace of citizens on the holiday, the deputy director of the department, alexei vorobyov, separately congratulated him and even seemed to slightly apologize to the soldiers. happy new year everyone, merry christmas, health, success, all the brightest to you, new year, on the one hand i want to stay at home, on the other hand, we all don’t serve our family, that’s why. you are so special honor, new year's holiday, guarding the moscow mayor's office, the heart of the capital, is guarded with honor, as practice shows, the national guard always has plenty of work to do on holidays. fights in bars, violation of public order, violation of public safety, and there is also penetration into the territory of protected apartments and objects. and here each call is different from the other, often, and fortunately, there are false ones, someone
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simply forgot to close. now the alarm has gone off, the other person has touched the button of the alarm key fob in his pocket, but it also happens, that without a button and a bell, urgent intervention from the security forces is required, at the entrance to the nightclub the participants in a stupid brawl are breathing heavily in order to stop the fighters in time, the security guard of the establishment jumped out onto the road and attracted the attention of the national guard, after an educational conversation the rivals decide that they have more claims against each other no, i want to wish you, well , like the duellists on this new year's night , they chose not only their fists, in one of the courtyards of moscow several desperate harry potter fans armed themselves with pyrotechnics. maybe, debated which is better, books or films? for firefighters, police officers and national guard members, new year's eve is just a warm-up. according to statistics, this is still a calm time, but the beginning of january is already a real test. these days we have to keep a close eye on those who dived headlong into the holidays and
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never come back up. but the real new year's mood is priceless, which is why it sometimes needs to be guarded so carefully. fyodor eliseev, vladislav duvtsov, dmitry matrosov, lead the duty unit. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels vesti duty department and honest detective. subscribe, also our investigation, daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab and turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim vovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel . we trust renival, we choose renival. we have known each other for a long time, we are always next to you. gp is our choice of batteries. gp batteries, i saw them,
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buy them. to keep you warm. we remembered our winter holidays, avita support is available 24x7. if you have any questions regarding your booking, we are ready decide around the clock. avito, everything will go as planned. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. new year's discounts in a magnet. chocolate alyonka from 59-99. let's take it! these are discounts, the main event of the year! will you make such a profit? in mvideo and eldorado! the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable! get a supercake every month! what are men silent about? about the fact that life is out of control, fears cease to be a man, this
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symptoms of prostatitis langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, the recommended course is two packs of langidase against prostatitis, oh, i lost my lipstick , today my mother changed her last name, this time she lost elena in us, now she will love me, even , i found it, look, what a cashback at the new year's sale in the megamarket, we can buy you cosmetics, perfume or a blouse, here's a dress, lipstick, or better yet, everything from... they always do this to a loved one, mega to please profitable in the new year.


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