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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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chimadan is an emigrant from algeria, but because of this in france there were no riots and mass protests in the cities, politicians did not express indignation, no one mentioned her, that is , the murder of a little girl, a white-skinned frenchwoman, did not cause any reaction and it was only necessary for a seventeen-year-old to be killed north african, who did not obey the police, resisted, which began in the country, throughout the country, “
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a store robbery, broken windows, overturned burnt cars, injured policemen, but this also begs the question, why life the little french girl means nothing and is worthless compared to the life of the young man who resisted. let's compare, speaking about cities, let's say the metro in moscow and new york, which ranks third . in this list of the best cities in the world. the real subway where the trains run is not an abandoned station, these are working new york subways, all in very terrible condition.
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look, please, at what this wonderful city looks like almost in its very center. let's still try to see around us is something we can be proud of. if they don’t want to appreciate us, maybe we’ll try to do it ourselves. let’s say moscow, well , it’s easier for me to talk about moscow, i live here, i grew up here, i was born here, but we can. to grumble about the fact that the curbs there are constantly being changed , the asphalt is being re-laid 20 times, there are no parking lots, traffic jams, and so on and so forth, and why can’t we see something completely different, despite the fact that this also exists, but why do we we don’t notice that this year they launched a year-round river electric tram, in just 10 years the longest metro ring in the world, a large ring, was built.
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over the course of 12 years, 120 temple complexes have been recreated in moscow, just imagine this general plan from above. at the st. petersburg economic forum regarding the extent to which artificial intelligence can make decisions for people, listen, people, we make decisions for people, the machine will make decisions for the machine, and this is of course a completely different ideology
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for a competitive economy and the state, if a competitive economy, artificial intelligence, ask whether pensioners need to increase their pensions, he will answer : and from the city that takes first place in this list of the best cities, from london, that’s what he says when he arrived in moscow, listen, so this is really the same moscow, which they don't want you to know about, not from the bbc, not from cnn. you
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realize very quickly that everything they tell us in the west about russia is complete bullshit, and there's probably a reason why they don't want you to get to know this... because you just you can tell i want that too, i want my streets to be clean, i don't want gangs of teenagers smoking weed or picking on people, i don't want to stand in line for things and stuff, i don't want to pay too much neither for fuel nor for food, i want to live in some functional place when you arrive...
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with the help of technology, and not after death, but it’s not for nothing that sbigniew brzezinski, adviser to the president of the united states, is credited with the phrase: “after the destruction of communism , the only enemy of america left is the russian
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orthodoxy." i understand that now they will start saying again that he said this, he didn’t say that, but don’t we see that this is true? we are in the way because we don’t fit in. we are dangerous for those who preach reductions, childbirth, lgbt, agenda and so on , surprisingly dangerous. kiev took an extremely honorable place in this list, the same kiev that today is destroying the kiev-pechersk lava, the same kiev that pays for missiles, for tanks, by giving to europe , as if preserving, the rarest, most precious shrines, icons 5, 6th, 7th centuries, and imagine... then the guide through the halls where these icons will hang may turn out to be such
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a character who works in one of the london museums. well, how can we come to terms with this? and when we don’t see a single russian city in the list of the 100 best cities in the world, we understand how deep it is. this is a substitution in concepts, how false is what they are trying to pass off to us as the truth, this substitution, this is a substitution of concepts that are spreading, have very deep roots. look what the israeli ambassador says on ukraine, mikhail brodsky, our view of such personalities, such personalities as bandera, shukhevych, melnik and so on. very different from the view of the majority of ukrainians , indeed, these people supported the ideology
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of nazism, they wanted to see ukraine as part of their struggle for independence, they wanted to see ukraine without jews, just as they wanted to see ukraine without poles, without communists and probably many more without without anyone, but ukraine today is experiencing a colossal tragedy: ukraine was attacked, subjected to aggression. and ukraine is, of course, in search of its identity, searching for its heroes , we, of course, do not like these heroes, but for the majority of ukrainians these are heroes, these are heroes who fought for independence, how can you explain to mr. brodsky that what is happening today in ukraine, this is a continuation of what was done to its genoverdians during the great patriotic war. the same banderaites cut off the hair from the corpses, took out the crowns, took away
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all the property, mountains of boots, from the unfortunate corpses, as from the skin of prisoners, killed, tortured jews were sewn into babazhurs, so can mr. brodsky imagine that with his height and clear skin, such a babazhur turned out to be from him, he can imagine at least this? for a second, would he then say what he says now to justify what is being done? in general, a substitution of a concept, it incredibly distorts the world, it incredibly distorts the idea of ​​good and evil, when one is passed off as the other, and the problem is that this substitution, it spreads absolutely unnoticed, it becomes natural, just recently... a case that happened to me, and i was surprised to see
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an interview with singer sergei penkin, who accused me that in the film that i had been filming for many years, anna from 6 to 18, i allegedly insulted his parents, oh, a very bad episode, after that we didn’t start communicating, there is a fragment from my birthday, when i was still only 28 years old, in my opinion, but my dad... was a front-line soldier, he reached berlin, fought in japan, so he and my mother stood there and were thrown into face flowers, that’s how it was in the story, how could this be possible for elderly people who went through the war - to throw flowers in the plot, this speaks of the director’s high feelings or humanity, i want you to understand that where this happened, at penkin’s parents, who were there, in that situation , not only flowers could have been thrown. look, what an amazing substitution: singer penkin was offended by the fact that his parents threw flowers,
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and he doesn’t think for a second about what they actually experienced while there at this celebration of life, how much it amazed or offended them, how a front-line soldier could react to what he saw, and what does it have to do with it... sergei penkin’s birthday is part of the tradition of the city of moscow, in approximately the same way as 70 years ago the november celebration became part of the tradition. these words then, i imagined how close he would be to the truth. now they don’t celebrate anymore. i don’t think that the singer sergei krylov, speaking of the holiday on november 7th in our country, but the birthdays of seryozha penkin, are broadcast
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on the first television channel. stage sergey penkin, dear friends, i am very grateful that you appreciate not only my art, but my parents, i am also grateful to them that they came from distant penza, where am i from? dear friends, thank you very much, today at my birthday there are foreigners from america, i am grateful to them, after all , today they are from a distant country, they are very interested, show how our cool soviet youth are having fun, i have nothing to do with it i want
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to blame sergei penkin, he is not to blame for the loss of smell, taste, understanding, sensation. where is the truth, where is the untruth, where is the concept of shame, sin, and he is a product of the nineties, a product that same elite that has lost its sovereignty, which passed one thing off as another, is precisely why the singer margenstern can appear quite calmly as a result of this with three sixes on his forehead, having already been declared an alien agent, appear on a huge screen. during the youth festival this year, this summer in st. petersburg, that’s it, then why even declare someone a foreign agent, if just like that it can easily appear in front of thousands of people, or here’s another performance by alexander gudkov, comedian , singer, showman, everything he is not is his speech at the graduation ceremony
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in front of students and doctors of the sechenov institute. together, this is a holiday of students, future doctors, these future doctors , perhaps, will soon treat the wounded, they dance and dance together with gutkov, who in istanbul, and then in latvia, performs at concerts, the proceeds from which go to help ukraine ukrainian army, the country in which has degenerated. and the only antidote and some kind
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of opportunity to fight this, it seems to me that i found it for myself during this time, is... help, if you have the opportunity to help ukrainians, in word, deed, money , whatever you like, please, but do it, you will follow this chain, and the organizer of this, mr. alexander friedman, says with amazement and fearlessness that what’s special, graduation has nothing to do with the university, people have nothing to do, what is the problem, it was a private event, an initiative. let's get together to release the birds into the wild, release the birds from the first honey so that they fly, flap their medical wings, i'm waiting i can’t wait for this day, what year have we been holding this event, each time i am charged with energy for the whole year, we put on
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the best suits and you put on the best suits, take it. all the most expensive things from home, no, i don’t have any underwear at all, to be honest, every year without underwear, no one notices, such a fetish, well , sasha, right away, and now follow this performance here, and before this performance in istanbul, funds from which they went to the armed forces of ukraine, in the same istanbul in which a few days ago the azov people, the nazis, were released... at the request of zelensky, who arrived there, the murderers who would come to the front and continue to fight against us were released from captivity. then hundreds of thousands of our tourists will go to istanbul, go to turkey and support the turkish economy, and mr. gutkov, at
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mr. friedman’s suggestion, will earn money at parties for medical school graduates in moscow. we understand that this is wrong, it shouldn’t be this way, and i want to end with one short story. and, which will begin with my father’s poems, his front-line poems, my fighter, listen, you you go into any house, you look into any house, we will share everything that we are happy and rich with, because in our time, in the days of war, in a harsh year, the door is open to everyone who fights for the people, who is their soldier blood irrigates the roots of grass in your native dnieper region, at the donetsk crossings, you
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entered ukraine, taking up the fight with your breasts, you walked like a mother follows her son, all of russia is behind you , how many mittens were knitted in the cities and villages, how many felted boots were felted, if only you were in warmer. "this land, these fields, with all my soul loving, how would we live in the world if it weren’t for you.” this poem is called “my fighter,” it was written by my father, the poet sergei mikhalkov in 1944, he was 31 years old. i reminded you of this poem because it is in this little book, it was collected by my father's wife, yulia
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subotina, these are front-line poems by sergei mikhalkov and illustrations by also a front-line soldier who went through the entire war, evgeniy rachev. so we decided that maybe it would be right. the guys at the front felt i would like the strength and faith in me to open these verses, victory, they would feel that they are not alone, and in order for them to remember this, i signed the following words on the cover of this book: “
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the first edition is 700 copies, all books are softcover, so that fighters can always carry them with them, either in the pocket of a military uniform , or in a backpack. well, that’s all i wanted to talk to you about today, especially since midshipman krivorochka came and said. we’ll leave one at a time, if anything happens, we are geologists, and with your permission we’re leaving for holidays, i really hope that during these holidays you will be able
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watch reruns of our programs, which i think would be nice to remember, all the best to you, god willing, until we meet again soon, all the best. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, great blow, now i’ll post it, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, this. megaphone, everything flies with it, switch to megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it spread faster than i thought, because
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with 5g it’s even faster with it. apartment in moscow count five. only five purchases from a thousand rubles on any credit card from ber until january 31 , an apartment in moscow can become yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to look at it once, turn it around, turn it around! twist only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, that if you look at the usual in a new way, take a thin body, bullet screen with a billion colors and anti-reflective coating, add powerful sound from yandex's flagship acoustics and voice control without a remote control with alice, who understands what i
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want, unlimited content. it's only 1,399 rubles. cherkizova presents a fresh solution. we cut it, bake it directly in the package until it reaches a delicious juicy crust from meat from our own farms. cherkizova! remember what they told you when you decided to open a business? no one will pay for this, this is bullshit. but you didn't listen. after all, you're doing everything wrong.
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continue! alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy sinergetic dishwasher tablets for only rub 799. to help you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito support is available 24x7. we are ready to resolve booking issues around the clock, avita, everything will go as booked. i think my grandfather is hiding something. fireworks, a little new year's light. lights the lights. magic staff. grandfather. there is
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something tasty at home, we can conjure something , he can do magic, the snowman is a courier, it has been proven that my grandfather is santa claus, everyone can create miracles on new year’s eve, from the bottom of their hearts. for those nearby, happy new year, wizards.
11:00 pm
the russian army launched a group strike with precision weapons and drones on military enterprises in ukraine, where they produce missiles and drones, and also repair equipment for the kiev army. in addition, they attacked storage sites for missiles, ammunition and western supplies. goal achieved, that's it objects were hit, eight attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repulsed. zelensky’s formations lost over 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, seven tanks and four other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 25 guns and self-propelled guns, mostly american-made. the heroes of the special operation told reporters the details of the meeting with vladimir putin. it took place on the first day of the new year in novoogoryovo. many fighters came straight from the front line. more details meeting.


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