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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

12:30 am
we were killed on the fourteenth , something terrible just flew from the sky, that is, houses began to crumble, some craters appeared nearby, a mine flew into the urals of my commander, fede patriot, he died on the spot, seven more people died at once, these are the most there were heavy battles in logvinovo in 1915, that’s why they signed minsk. for 8 years, instructors from the uk and the states trained the ukrainian military; in ukraine they created a strong army, imbued with nazi bandera ideas. before it’s too late,
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let their western ukrainians run away, they have it won’t work out, most likely this way, and not in a cauldron , escape will not be possible, the only thing is that the conscripts need to be released, i feel sorry for the guys who are laying down their young lives there, for what, for fascist ideas, for these pro-american moneybags, corrupt, that’s it it’s a pity, on the line of contact with the dpr. and the lpr built fortifications, similar to the myzheno line. it was from there that the ukrainian military was preparing to deliver a crushing blow to finally resolve the donbass issue. the donetsk and lugansk people's republic is 4 million people. it's a lot. taking into account the fact that, uh, in in 2014, such a misfortune came to the donbass, the majority of people had to retrain a little. who is the miner?
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who are the security guards, the journalist, these are the electricians , the drivers, my name is dima, call sign izya , that’s it, yes, he himself is a native makiyivka, a miner, what are miners, miners risk their lives literally every day going down underground, of course, when our homeland, our families are in danger, they... and also here they did not take into account their personal safety, safety for health, safety for life, a little higher, the most we work a little higher, there are a lot of miners fighting, until we take donetsk here, hello to my beloved wife? mother, father, all my relatives, well
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, everyone who knows me, there’s nothing more to say , we’ll stand here, comrades in arms, this is my daughter, she also served as a clerk in samali, for 5 months, now she’s going to college, she’ll finish serving again. this is about a utility worker from alchevsk who worked under fire, war came to the city, mines were falling into the city.
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the water supply system in the city has been broken, the water is flowing in a long, muddy stream, and human blood is mixing with it it’s leaking, but seryoga is neither a warrior nor a hero, seryoga is an ordinary guy, he’s just doing his job, fixing the water supply system, under fire, under hot and stuffy steam, and the water mixed with blood flows like a fountain, and of course, one of the mines becomes his last , and seryoga gets up, shaking himself off... and he walks, the radiance is in his wake, and there is a hole in his eyebrow from a fragment. and seryoga comes to heaven. where else? the shadow from the ground darkens his silhouette. and he says: “lord, you have a leak here. bark rain is flowing from here. let me try to fix it.”
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initially, why we took up arms, we had nowhere to go, there was too much. friends, comrades, a lot , a lot of civilians died, i lost many, and i ’m talking about the legendary commanders, motorola, giwa, the first head of the donetsk people’s republic alexander vladimirovich zakharchenko, i’m talking about ordinary guys who... did not end up on tv, but who sometimes accomplished no less a feat. another one of our legendary commanders is vokha, this is vladimir zhoga. volodya met
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arsen palov and motorola. here they are somehow so we became friends, and volodya came to me and said: dad, well, arsen calls me, how do you look at it, well, i explained to him.
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everything will be soon, everything will be fine, i learned about the death of my son, on march 5, somewhere at 16:15, 16:20, the commander of one of the groups called me, kalyma said, come urgently, volodya was killed. the circumstances of the death were that the ukrainian side and our side agreed on a humanitarian corridor for the residents of volnovakha, for civilians, but at some point, when a column of civilians moved into our side, the enemy had a high-rise building there,
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they started firing at the cars from there, and volodya decided to send a group to eliminate the danger to civilians, that’s all. he was picking up people somewhere from here, yeah, that’s why i say, when the opportunity arises, i’ll take it, don’t you think about it, and he tried to lead the battle, but he got into position, and well, i’m sinning as a sniper, well, according to my assumptions, it was a sniper bullet, that’s how he died, i saw volodya lying on a stretcher covered with a sheet, i didn’t open it, he was sleeping, lying like he was sleeping, the only thing is that he was very cold, i took him by the hands, so i tried to wake him up, he became the first hero of the russian
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federation with a background in the donbass militia since the year 14, so he is already recognized for us. became the first, but you know, there is a continuity of generation, we have a slightly different component, and the unit after him, after vokha died, was headed by his father, the fighters with whom i managed to communicate called him the only possible candidate, they named artyom vladimirovich zhog, that is, vokha’s father, we have now arrived from the front line, now. preparations are underway for the assault, preparations for the assault on positions in order to further liberate our land, a special military operation of russia is aimed at
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protecting the inhabitants of donbass, the formation of the kiev regime is abandoning armored vehicles en masse, russia has stopped the massacre that ukraine was preparing. the shelling of the tekstilshchik microdistrict in donetsk occurred at 6:30 am. the shell hit the upper floors of an apartment building. destruction of the military.
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agree with the transfer to russia not only crimea and sevastopol, but everything
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yeltsin asked for, and for him it was simply an unheard-of holiday when yeltsin said, well , these are the borders that exist. kravchuk, by the way, let me remind you, essentially blocked ukraine’s entry into the union of independent states; ukraine did not ratify the cis charter. each state is free to act independently, but the idea of ​​a commonwealth was needed only for one thing, for... the former party nomenklatura, they very quickly found each other, if you pay
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attention to the speeches of the current leadership in ukraine, not a word about human rights , about the rule of law, they all begin and end with words about independence, for this independence they first of all need an army, then they also needed the black sea fleet, tomorrow they will present... the corresponding claims, and already, in fact , presented for nuclear weapons , we must not waste time, we must not allow ukraine to already create such an army that it will definitely use, i don’t doubt it for a minute, i think that today we are laying a mine under not only our future, but also the future of all humanity, i can tell everyone that a new ukraine was born, and... the first president and the subsequent situation were only
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aggravated by the fact that they tried to build their statehood precisely on contradictions, precisely on inconsistencies and the difference between ukraine and everything russian. ukraine is not russia, kuchma, the second president of ukraine wrote such a book, and it was published in moscow in the early 2000s, ukraine is not russia, but has transformed.
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russia has always been our country for us, donbass has always felt russian, no matter how much my mother told me, from the age of 3-4, i always said: “i am russian, my mother is ukrainian, my father is ukrainian, and i am russian, my children were born in donetsk.”
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ukraine already massively stopped paying any money , pensions, salaries at the end of the summer of 1914, our old people were dying of hunger because they were cut off from everything, when the end would come, they had probably gone through a lot, especially those aged who had seen the great patriotic war,
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nothing to force, we have been living without rights for 8 years, my youngest child is exactly 8 years old, he you need to sing nothing, no one will be like a child of war, what rights does he have, do you understand in the world, why he can’t go to another country, what document must he use to leave, dpr, lpr, we are nothing for ukraine, we are only enemies for them, only through russia can we have all these rights and everything else, you understand, thank you.
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putin and the head of the lugansk people's republic leonid ivanovich pasechnik sign an agreement on friendship and cooperation of mutual assistance between the russian federation and the lugansk people's republic. here i have it, here i have it i just felt some kind of inner strength appear. i am grateful to russia, i am with my soul, i think in russian, i... talk, i love russia, i am russian, the most frequently asked question from people, and you will not leave, you will not abandon us, and of course they were given assurances that now we are here forever,
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since 2014, russia has been helping donbass, white kamaz trucks, when... appeared, it’s just now probably difficult to imagine how important they were, that’s the help from russia, so that donbass just en masse i didn’t die of hunger, kamaz trucks carried food food, water, medicine, this simply became an opportunity for donbass to simply survive, at a time when we had practically nothing to help people with, the wounded came to us... 20-80 people a day, our hospital exclusively received medicine at the expense of sponsors at the expense of the russian federation, we received an operating room.
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he has a brother, his brother was wounded in mariupol 5 days ago, he came out of the cellar to cook something to eat, there were children and wives in the cellar, he never took
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a machine gun to mariupol, well, by the will of fate was, he was taken to intensive care, and he has been lying there for some time, probably already, what’s wrong with him, i don’t know if he’s in intensive care, his wife, his wife came out to see him the day before yesterday and she was killed on the way, in this basement their... two children, can you imagine, one is 11 years old, the other is three years old, they have neither mom nor dad, what do you think, they, what do you think, and they want things to be put in order quickly, i apologize for these things , but these things cannot simply be experienced calmly... by a normal person, and my brother, with whom i survived in logviny, he he says, i’m ready to go on foot to manga and pick it up, because their corridor was opened,
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a corridor was opened for them in zaporozhye, if they go there, i’ll never see them again, you know what the question is, he’s his two nieces, his brother died, his wife and brother also died, well, he may survive in intensive care, god willing, although in such conditions it is unlikely. let's look at things realistically, who doesn't need two orphans, this is the situation, so of course, in mariupol, people in basements are praying for this evil spirits to be cleaned up quickly fascist, i say this with confidence, as a citizen of the donetsk people's republic, as a russian officer, having a russian passport, i say with confidence, we must beat them so that they are not here and there.
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you know, in every war there are people who cannot forgive something, rational beings. cannot kill his own kind, this is savagery, this is atrocity, any war is monstrous , it’s just that sometimes the alternative to war is even worse, now we are in a situation where the alternative to this war, it is even worse, it’s a must to be here at home. accepted, you are on first street, you are our eyes and mouth, boys , as i accepted, it will be possible to ride in an ambulance in a car, i accepted you, rum, i accepted you,
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to all posts, to all posts, you heard, ambulances under the dill, under the dill, here we have this grandmother, let's go, i want to say, ukraine is lost. a sick state, and of course, not everyone there is such a scoundrel, if these nazis are driven away, and people must help us, people must help us, they must come to their senses, then there will be peace, there will be peace, then we will begin to create, not destroy, factories will start operating, investments will come in, development will take place. economic region, we have a very hardworking donbass region, hardworking people live, who know how to work, love to work,
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work fruitfully, create, create. finally , this world will reign, all this will be rebuilt, and we will remember all this in a nightmare, and we will tell our descendants about these days, about the exploits of the guys who died, who laid down their lives for the sake of peace, for the sake of destruction. nazism, i hope this will never happen again in life, our children will never go through such torments of hell and such hardships and such grief.
12:57 am
this is italy, where a sip of coffee is like a breath of air, without it it is impossible to survive, coffee is a ritual, it is currency, it is love. we don't know how to make a movie, we just make it. the battle for moscow lasted 203 days. the fighting took place on a front stretching 800 km.
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investment rating, economy, through specific
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stories, we can...
1:00 am
the kiev regime tried to launch a massive attack on the belgorod region, air defense forces intercepted two missiles. tvsu. u and seven alha missiles. before this, they managed to intercept 17 alha missiles. and yet one person died and five were injured. about the consequences of new strikes - alexander korobov. the air raid warning sounds again over belgorod. numerous explosions are heard. heavy rocket launchers with cluster munitions were fired around the city. one of


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