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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the russian army launched a group strike with high-precision weapons and... hawkers on military enterprises in ukraine, where they produce missiles and drones, and also repair equipment for the kiev army. all objects are hit. eight attacks in the ssu were repulsed, zelensky’s formation lost over 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, seven tanks and four other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 25 howitzers and self-propelled guns, mostly american- made. the heroes of the special operation told reporters the details of the meeting with.
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serves almost from the very beginning of the northern military district, came volunteers, holder of the order of courage, hero of the dpr, received awards for numerous successful tank battles, but his vehicles were also knocked out several times, he was shell-shocked seven times, he was surrounded, he invited fire on himself, this year he took marinka, and the supreme commander was impressed by his military path commander-in-chief, so in a conversation with the minister of defense at the end of december, he said that in relation to the then senior lieutenant troshin, he decided to change the decree on the assignment of ranks. i know that... the regulations on military
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service are not supposed to skip over step, but this provision was approved by presidential decree, so the president has the right to correct this provision, this decree. i ask you to make a proposal to award him the rank of major. thank you. he deserved it. for me, this is very important, and i am grateful that the actions were so highly appreciated. before the meeting in novoogoryovo on january 1, the president visited the vishnevsky central hospital, where he visited the wounded soldiers, they talked about rehabilitation, housing and subsequent employment. most want to continue serving, and those who cannot to return to the front line in terms of health, they offer to get a new specialty, most often at the military registration and enlistment office, they talked, of course, about the situation in general in the zone.
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we have no desire to fight endlessly, but we are not going to publish our positions, so you fought, you were wounded there and so on, so why are we asking everything? well, there are cameras working here, i would now show a certain gesture, you all know it, that here, that’s why this doesn’t happen, the fact that all units on the front line had a fighting spirit was confirmed by the meeting in novogorev, at which there were representatives of almost all branches and types of troops, tank crews. airborne forces, that's right, special forces, marines , that's right, pilots. the participant in the conversation is the senior assistant to the crew commander of the novorossiysk submarine, captain of the third rank vadim khaustov, his varshavyanka project submarine is also participating in the svo. the president was interested in the combat use of the varshavyanka, the tactical and technical characteristics, probably more of the weapons, those that are specifically used within the framework. special military operation, we
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came to the conclusion that the weapons standing on the armament of these submarines is unique in its own way. we were interested in talking, naturally, with our leader, the president of russia. this was the main purpose of the conversation without cameras. the supreme commander-in-chief communicated directly with the military operating on the front line. vladimir vladimirovich asked about how
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we are being served, our opinion, asked what we think, maybe something needs to be changed, asked about personal problems, whether there is one or not, that’s how he accepted us like a father. so to speak, everyone received high state awards, but not only, you will be awarded a service personal weapon, and i thought and thought what else could i come up with that would not be a state award, at the same time, so that you could always carry it with you all the time, and on any type of clothing, so i it seems that he came up with a good idea for such a small presidential standard, a badge, it is made of the right metal, very beautiful, made by our craftsmen. putin presented this new distinctive sign in the form of a presidential standard immediately after the end of the meeting. lyudmila pimenova also received the award, head of the medical center of a tank battalion. cable weapons were awarded to everyone and a standard, well, yes, a standard, yes, well, that is, the president said this from me personally
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to everyone, as if to congratulate you on the new year, as if, well, so that there would be a memory. at the end, the president took memorable photographs with the meeting participants. all the best. in the new year, please convey my best wishes to all your comrades in your places of service, happy new year. the president promised that a solemn presentation ceremony would take place later. state awards alexander khristenko, dmitry petrov, maria radimova, news. the annual charity event “wish tree” takes place throughout russia, and military personnel and airborne forces commander mikhail teplinsky also participate in it. fulfilled the wish of nine-year-old kiril from the moscow region. the boy's father, a hero of russia, died in the special operation zone. dear grandfather frost, my name is kirill krichev. i am 9 years old, i study well, and i also love football. i train at
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the vikels football club. i am the team captain, forward. i have a lot of awards. i want to be a military man like my dad. i miss him very much and am proud that my dad is a hero of russia, dad promised me for the new year to give me a laptop, but he died in the war, dear kiril, your wish will be fulfilled, on behalf of santa claus, a gift will be sent to you, with happy new year, good luck to you, good luck, patience in this new year. listen to your mother and be worthy of your father, happy holiday, and deputy minister of defense, yuri sadovenko fulfilled the dream of four-year-old kolya from the ryazan region, he was given a construction set, and his older brother radio controlled tank. both boys dream of
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becoming soldiers and are proud of their father, he just arrived on vacation from a special operation zone. we also organized a trip for the children and parents to the ryazan airborne forces school. it was very nice, here, everything we wished for was given to us, even more, they take an example from me, especially the eldest, that is, he already dreams of becoming a military man, so, well, accordingly , the youngest repeats after the eldest, i take part i have been in a special military operation for more than a year, i am currently in on vacation, to be honest, i didn’t expect it to turn out this way, but i thought that i would spend time with the children. and how to say, in our hometown, but by coincidence we were invited, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in the elections, today my dad and i
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found ourselves in new place, he wanted to vote, choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair... elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights is on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, he will record a moment of this incident, observation: beginning of 1943, the whole world, with bated breath, is following the news from russia, at stalingrad, the red army captured tens of thousands of german soldiers, but germany was still very... enraged hitler demands the destruction of soviet troops in the kursk area.
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preparations for the offensive last for 3 months. almost the entire military power of nazi germany was concentrated near kursk. on july 5, german tank columns moved forward. so the largest battle of world war ii began. the battle of kursk was to be the decisive battle for the war. in the sense that it was determined whether germany would retain the strategic initiative or lose it. the battle of kursk lasted 49 days, more than 2 million soldiers and about 6,000 tanks took part in it on both sides. this has never happened in the history of wars. these are terrible pictures, smoke, roar, hell, from exploding iron, armor, armor melted, like the red army. it was possible to defeat the elite german divisions, why near kursk, hitler finally lost
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the war, why didn’t even the latest tanks and planes help him?
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in early 1942, at the battle of moscow, nazi german troops suffered their first serious defeat in world war ii. the germans came close to the soviet capital, but were unable to take it. thanks to reserves that arrived in time, the red army launched a powerful counterattack. and drove the wehrmacht back from moscow, the blitzkrieg plan failed. at this time, german engineers were hastily developing a new formidable weapon, a heavy tank, which, according to hitler's plan, it was supposed to change the course of the entire war. a project for such a tank was presented to the fuhrer in the spring of 1942. the new car was named tiger. the tank had ten-centimeter frontal armor and
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an eighty-eight-millimeter cannon. according to calculations, the new tank was almost invulnerable. the production of each tiger cost 800,000 reichsmarks. it was significantly more expensive than any tank of that time. the first tigers were sent to leningrad. already in august 1942, in many ways the germans envied us our t-34 tank, when they for the first time in the battle of moscow, in the battle of moscow, they met en masse with our t-34 , they were in shock, they said that our tanks attacked the battery, crushed it, if the massive use of these tanks begins t-34, we can suffer, as they said, a local defeat, but in fact it was then a strategic defeat.
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the soviet medium tank t-34 was inferior to german new products in firepower and armor thickness. but it was the most maneuverable tank in its class. in one trip, the t-34 could overcome more than 400 km make up to 100 shots. due to the sloping armor of the tank, enemy shells often simply bounced off without causing any harm. in 1942, mass production of t-34 tanks was launched at machine-building plants in the urals and siberia. in 1942, it must
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be said that we supplied troops with 24,500 tanks, that is, we were able to mobilize. we liberated the northern caucasus, kuban, surrendered and we began a wide offensive, stavropolia, reached the east of ukraine, approached donbass, liberated kurdsk, liberated belgorod, liberated kharkov. in in march 1943, the red army's offensive in ukraine was stopped. the germans transferred reserves here from france and launched an unexpected counterattack. they reoccupied kharkov, belgorod and the adjacent territories. at the end of march, when the spring thaw began,
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parts of the wehrmacht received orders to go on the defensive. the front froze in anticipation of summer. both sides were preparing for a new battle. the main role in which tank troops were to play. at that moment , this kursk ledge was formed. it has a front length of more than 300 km. and to the german the defense extended 150 km. that is, it seemed to suggest itself.
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proposed to cut off the kursk bulge with two strikes of tank armies in converging directions. the northern front of the arc was to be attacked by the shock forces of army group center, commanded by model. southern front, troops of army group south, under the command of manstein. both generals opposed the operation. they insisted that in the kursk area they did not have enough forces to...
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on march 18, 1943, a secret encryption was received in moscow from geneva. in it, soviet intelligence officers from the dora group warned stalin that the germans were gathering large
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forces on the kursk bulge. this information was confirmed by messages. intelligence on the soviet side was waiting for the offensive and information leaked through intelligence and primarily through the cambridge five , when german radiograms were read, and this data turned out to be quite sufficient to build a german plan, that is, what it looks like in general terms, again without specifics until kilometers, they didn’t know the direction of the attacks, and they also made a mistake in the ratio... the british said that the largest number divisions precisely on the northern front of the kursk bulge, and the germans, the main blow on the southern front, well, we can say that the british were mistaken, yes. and i would not like to think that they did this on purpose, but the fact remains: three fronts were entrusted with holding the defense near kursk: in the north, the central front of
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rakosovsky, in the south - the voronezh front of vatutin. at the base of the kursk ledge stood konev's steppe front. the generals were arguing about what to do, defend or attack? vatutin suggested not to wait until the germans accumulated strength near kursk and move on.
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useless against the new german tanks, and the new heavy guns had just entered production by the start of the battle and were clearly not in time. then it was decided to use new defense tactics. if earlier anti-tank guns were lined up in one line along the front, now they were united into anti-tank strongholds, ptops. each point... included up to twenty guns, the guns could fire in all directions, the distance between the strong points was about
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half a kilometer. if enemy tanks tried to break through between the strong points, the guns fired at their more vulnerable side armor. they built bunkers, bunkers. there were so many trenches dug, three, four, five. six lanes , yes, if you put them together, this is from moscow to kamchatka, this is several thousand kilometers, that is, everyone worked, and even the railway was laid specifically in order to deliver troops and ammunition directly to the site of hostilities, people worked, ordinary people are local residents who were mobilized, but this is a huge job, but nevertheless, they built such a defense , which was then also filled with mines in front of our positions, this was a very important matter, because before that it was like this... to break through the soviet fortifications, the germans assembled 50 of the best guards divisions with a total number of about
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900 thousand people. it was assumed that these forces would be able to suppress the resistance of the red army and capture kursk. hitler's main hope was new german tanks. besides the tigers, here. all forces, capabilities and the number of german troops on the soviet-german front increased even slightly higher than the level of june 22 , 1941, that is, the germans raised everyone
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they could under arms, the emphasis was placed on the latest weapons, if the tiger tank had already managed to visit the soviet-german front, then the latest vehicles, panther tanks and self-propelled guns ferdinand were 100% new, besides this, naturally ... every day. will the red army be able to hold back the blow of selected german forces? when exactly the enemy will begin to attack. was
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our intelligence mistaken? during these days , the german sapper bruno formel was captured by the soviets. on during the interrogation, he said that german troops were put on full combat readiness and on the night of july 5 they would go on the offensive on kursk. that's when the message came that the germans would begin the crime at 3:00 a.m., on july 5 , 1943, a decision was made to conduct counter-artillery preparations. on our fronts, in order to hit the german strike forces, it was carried out at 2:00 a.m., of course, yes, they hit the squares, it was not reconnoitered where the attack on the german groups was concentrated, but nevertheless delayed the german offensive for several hours , and the germans realized what awaited them already; on the morning of july 5, 1943, german troops of the army center group under the command of model began
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an offensive from the area. eagle to the central front of rokosovsky. the entire military power of the reich, which had been gathering near kursk for several months, began to move. the nazi tank columns moved like a steel wedge towards our trenches. it was reminiscent of what the germans, tiftons, or rather, yes, used back in the 13th century, here is a pig, a wedge, that is, in front of the wedge - heavy tanks, in the back there are more medium ones, then... light tanks, then infantry, came those very tigers and panthers, who also pursued the goal of psychologically inflicting a serious blow on the red army, because no one had ever seen such tanks, they were very powerful, so fierce and very well armed in this sense. tiger t6, what is it? this is 100 mm, frontal armor, which our gun did not penetrate, even at
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close range with boat armor, we could. our t-34 and 76 mm, our gun, only either on the side or with the body of this tank, and he, 88 mm guns, our tank was destroyed by the t-34 kv at a distance of 2 km, this was a significant advantage. on july 10, the command of the red army sent out a special order to all fronts to fight german tanks. with a gun either into the viewing slot or from the rear, yes, or the side armor, because it is difficult to penetrate the frontal armor, like throwing grenades there, and what about in a minefield, if
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it was blown up, like his... from the first minutes of the offensive, german tanks began to be blown up en masse by soviet mines. the germans tried to clear minefields radio-controlled wedges, but this did not help. soviet sappers made their way straight into the line of fire and installed them. mines in the path of enemy equipment, anti-tank mines tore the tracks and turned combat vehicles into a motionless pile of scrap metal. the main enemy of heavy tiger tanks was mines. the space of the kut salient was intensively mined, the number of mines was tens of thousands, and as a result of this, what happened to tibers and panthers
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was mine explosions.


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