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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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look, please, what this wonderful city looks like almost in its very center, let’s still try to see around us what we can be proud of, if they don’t want to appreciate us, then maybe we’ll try to do it ourselves, well, let’s say, moscow, well, it’s easier for me to talk about moscow, i live here, i grew up here, i was born here, but we can grumble about the fact that...
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the curbs are changed all the time, the asphalt is re-laid 20 times, there are no parking lots, traffic jams and so on and so forth, why can’t we it’s completely different to see, despite the fact that this also exists, why don’t we notice that this year they launched a year-round river electric tram, in just 10 years the longest metro ring in the world was built, a large ring road, opened this... in general , speaking about the metro, i want to remind you that 48 stations are objects of cultural heritage, roads are being built, with the most complex interchanges, hundreds of modern trains, trams, environmentally friendly electric buses, first place in the number of parks per capita, housing is being built, almost 2 million people moved into new homes in the interests of import substitution. already more than 100
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factories are being built, vdnkh is being restored, the largest and most up-to-date library collection, 585 cultural centers, 450 museums and exhibition halls, 300 theater venues, this is in the city alone. you remember, in one of the recent programs we talked about what is happening in ukraine with orthodox churches, where they are simply selling just a temple in connection with leaving abroad. 120 temple complexes have been recreated in moscow for 12 years, just imagine this general plan from above our capital, this is really very important, on the one hand, high technology, other speeds, opportunities, on the other hand , we see how spiritual life, the history of the country, the history of the city, its spiritual component are not forgotten. .. in this sense, i found
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the conversation between our mayor sergei sobyanin and sberbank chairman german gref very interesting. it was a discussion in st. petersburg.
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because you can just say, i want it too, i want my streets to have clean, i don't want gangs of teenagers smoking weed or picking on people, i don't want to stand in line for things and stuff, i don't want to pay too much
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for gas or food, i want to live in some kind of functional place, when you come here you come across... we, we, it’s like, well, exactly what we have, we don’t keep, lost crying, we don’t see this, if we ourselves don’t value ourselves and what ’s happening with us, we we will never get out of this feeling of inferiority and the constant conviction that it is better somewhere out there, for the same reason
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the proverb, it’s good where we are not, compare, this is the preservation, restoration of a religious image. the capital with what is happening with the most famous temples , in dedicated europe, where they set up bars, dance, where on a pole the gymnastro tells the story of the torment of christ, and where in general it came to that, we also talked about this, how open the gay, globalist, yuval harari is offers. you need a whole new ideology, a new religion, they'll probably come from silicon valley or wangalore, not the middle east, they'll probably be able to give people
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a worldview based on technology everything that the old religions promised, happiness, justice and even eternal life, but here on earth with the help of technology.
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the rarest, most precious relics, icons of the 5th , 6th, 7th centuries, and imagine that the guide... through the halls where these icons will hang, may turn out to be such a character who works in one of the london museums, how can we come to terms with this, when in the list of the 100 best cities in the world we do not see a single russian city, we understand how deep this substitution is. v concepts of how false it is that they are trying to pass off to us as the truth, this substitution,
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this substitution of concepts that are spreading has very deep roots. look what the israeli ambassador to ukraine, mikhail brodsky, says, our view of such personalities, such personalities as bandera, shukhevych, melnik and so on is very different from... is, of course, in search of its identity, in search of its heroes, uh, we,
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of course, don’t like these heroes, but for the majority of ukrainians these are heroes, these are heroes who fought for independence as best they could explain to mr. bronsky that what is happening today in ukraine is a continuation of what the same banderaites did to its genoverdians during the great patriotic war. would he then say what he says now to justify what is being done?
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in general, a substitution of concepts, it incredibly distorts the world, it incredibly distorts the idea of ​​good and evil, when one is passed off as the other, and the problem is that this substitution, it spreads absolutely unnoticed, it becomes natural, here is a recent case, which happened to... behind me, and i was surprised to see an interview with singer sergei penkin, who accused me that in the film that i had been filming for many years, anna from six to 18, i allegedly insulted his parents, oh, a very bad episode , after that we didn’t start communicating, there is a fragment from my birthday, when i was still only 28 years old, in my opinion, but my dad was a front-line soldier, he reached berlin. fought in japan and here he and his mother stood, threw flowers in the face, that’s how the plot
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was, how could this happen to elderly people, the past war, throwing flowers in the plot , this speaks about the director’s high feelings or about humanity, i want you to understand that where this happened, at penkin’s parents, who were there, in that situation they could have thrown not only flowers, look, what an... amazing substitution: singer penkin was offended by the fact that flowers were thrown at his parents, and he doesn’t think for a second about what they actually experienced while there at this celebration of life, how much it amazed or offended them, how could a front-line soldier react to what he saw, what do flowers have to do with it, seryozha?
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stage sergey penkin, dear friends, i am very grateful that you appreciate not only my art, but my parents, i am also grateful to them that they came from distant penza, where am i from? dear friends
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, thank you very much, today at my birthday there are foreigners from america, i am grateful to them, after all, today they are from a distant country, they are very interested, show how our cool soviet youth are having fun, i have nothing to do with it i want to blame sergei penkin, he is not to blame for the loss of smell, taste , understanding, sensation, where is truth, untruth , where is the concept of shame, sin, but he is a product of the nineties, a product of that very elite that has lost its sovereignty, who passed one thing off as another, which is why he can quite calmly, as a result of this , the singer margenstern will appear with three sixes on his forehead, having already been declared an alien agent
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, appear on a huge screen during the youth... this is a holiday of students, future doctors, these future doctors, perhaps, will soon treat the wounded, they dance and dance together with gutkov, who is in istanbul and then in latvia, performs at concerts, the proceeds of which go to help the ukrainian
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army in ukraine. the bark, the side in which degenerated and grew, causes a high obtuse.
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no one cares, listen, dialogue , let's get together to release the birds into the wild, release the birds from the first honey so that they fly, flap their medical wings, i can't wait for this day, what a year have we been holding this event, everyone once i recharge myself with energy for the whole year, we put on the best suits, and you put on the best suits, take all the best... no, i don’t have any underwear at all, to be honest, every year without underwear, no one notices, it’s such a fetish, but sasha right away, and now follow, this performance is here, and before that the performance in istanbul, the funds from which went to the armed forces of ukraine, in the same istanbul in which
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azov soldiers and nazis were released a few days ago, at the request of those who came there... universities in moscow, we understand that this is wrong, it should not be this way, but i want to finish one short story that will begin with my father’s poems, his front-line poems: my fighter, listen:
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you go into any hut, look into any house , we will share everything that we are happy and rich with with you, because in our time, in the days of war, in a harsh year, the door is open to everyone who fights for the people, then with your soldier’s blood you irrigate the roots of the grasses near your native dnieper region, at the donetsk crossings, you entered ukraine, taking the battle with your breasts, you walked like a mother following her son, all of russia is behind you, how many mittens were knitted in the cities and villages, how many felt boots fell down, if only you were warm,
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sergei mikhalkov and illustrations too a front-line soldier who went through creation, because here it is, here in this little book, my wife , evgenia racheva, collected it throughout the war. so we decided that maybe it would be right to give my father, yulia subotina, these front-line poems. these poems to our soldiers, i would like that, having opened these poems, the guys at the front
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would feel strength and faith in victory, would feel that they are not alone, and in order for them to remember this, i signed on the cover of this books such words: dear friend, remember: nikita mikhalkov held a creative meeting with the military contract soldiers in moscow. the director donated collections of his father’s front-line poems. 700 copies, practically from printing houses, will go to the combat zone. read more, maria valieva. a collection of war poems by his father sergei mikhalkov, the famous film director, actor and tv presenter nikita mikhalkov personally presents to the fighter who wins. will go to a special military operation zone for a few days. the first edition is 700 copies. all books are softcover
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so that soldiers can always carry them with them, either in a military uniform pocket or in a backpack. well, that’s all i wanted to talk to you about today, especially since the midshipman came and said wryly: “we’re leaving.” one, if anything, we are geologists, and with your permission we are going on vacation, i really hope that during these vacations you will be able to watch reruns of our programs, which i think would be nice to remember, all the best to you, god willing, until our new one see you soon, all the best. this is italy, where a sip of coffee is like a breath
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of air, without it it is impossible to survive, coffee is a ritual, it is currency, it is love. we are not we know how to make a movie, we just make it. the battle of moscow lasted 203 days, fighting took place on a front stretching 800 km. attention to all personnel, attention to all personnel , we begin to move, we begin to move, your task is to deliver equipment, personnel to the contact line, it depends that there is any ground there, here, oh, the sight immediately appeared, the guys who are the crew, this anti-terrorist, it turns out that they completed the task here, then they go to bam, with bam, accordingly, again the rotation is constant, they walk in circles. machine gunner because he’s the healthiest, well, coincidentally, suspicious activity, give a tip on
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the use of artillery. upon arrival at the scene of destruction, report the results, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story.
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the russian army launched a group strike with precision weapons and drones on military enterprises in ukraine, where they produce missiles and drones, and also repair equipment for kyiv army. all objects are hit. eight attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were repulsed, zelensky’s formation lost over 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, seven tanks and four other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 25 howitzers and self-propelled guns, mostly american- made. the heroes of the special operation told
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reporters. details of the meeting with:


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