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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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hello, the legal program is being broadcast by the duty department. in the studio maxim mavchan. saved a family, risking my own lives. rostov patrol officers, seeing the burning house, did not hesitate, rushed inside and did not let its four residents die. first, having heard crying, the police made their way into the nursery, carried out the child in their arms, who this. was already unconscious, so it was decided to give him first aid, since the child’s teeth were clenched tightly, there was a spoon nearby, i decided to squeeze out the teeth and the child began to breathe a little, there was water nearby, i took some water and washed it airways and wiped his face, then they arrived. ambulance and
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we handed over this child to the ambulance. in a matter of seconds, they found another baby in the bathroom, also unconscious, took him out of the house, and soon, together with the firefighters, they helped three adults get out of the fire. doctors managed to save everyone except one woman. she died from severe poisoning from combustion products. as for the police, they will now be rewarded for risking their lives to save citizens. the fireworks of the incident and the loud booms of fireworks echoed in succession in some places. employees of the ministry of emergency situations extinguished the fire on the balconies , knocked out the flames from parked cars, others called for fire rescuers, while some warmed those who were left without heat in captivity of the snowy roads. material by andrey romanov. not everywhere, festive fireworks delighted and gave positive emotions. in chelyabinsk, several charges from fireworks batteries flew into an apartment window and caused a fire and the death of the owner of the home. it is reported that the man died from carbon monoxide poisoning. but the fiery emergency
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did not stop the pyrotechnics lovers, the apartment burned to the sound of fireworks exploding in the yard, the entire room burned out. in the city of murino near st. petersburg on new year's eve, people came under fire from uncontrolled fireworks; the fireworks were set up on a children's playground and secured. as a result, the charges did not fly upward, but to the sides. people had to hide behind cars in snowdrifts. fortunately, there were no casualties. the residents of the high-rise building in ivanovo were also lucky. on new year's eve, a hooligan. they fired at their house with batteries and fireworks, and only miraculously there were no casualties in the fire. the following video clearly demonstrates what happens from a direct hit from a fiery charge. in surgut, a rocket launcher hit a car. the car was badly damaged, the windows were broken, the door was dented. in kamchatka on new year's eve , two fires occurred in apartments due to dangerous fireworks. a large family from bashkiria, in this case a house, was also left without housing in the new year. the village
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of angasyak caught fire in the middle of the night due to a faulty garland, fortunately the fire detectors in the premises went off and all eight residents managed to escape. rescuers have enough work on the roads. with the beginning of january , severe frost came to many regions. employees of the ministry of emergency situations together with police officers are now serving on federal highways. they suggest what to do if the car stalls on the road, how not to freeze or, conversely, not to burn in a fire due to your own carelessness. such information is now more than ever , by the way, on the eve of a trip from the novosibirsk region to omsk almost ended in tragedy for a family of five; due to severe cold, the car stalled on the highway, fortunately, at that time a crew of traffic police officers was passing by. the police took the people into their patrol car and drove them to the nearest village. by the way, on many routes now there are also mobile heating points; white tents with the symbols of the ministry of emergency situations can be seen from afar. they will provide assistance there and have everything
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you need to warm up or charge your mobile phone, but still, unless absolutely necessary on these frosty days, rescuers advise against going on a long journey. check the weather forecast for everything. path of exploration, if the forecast is unpleasant , if possible, postpone the trip, take a supply of food, drink, and warm clothes, inform your loved ones about your trip and the approximate time of arrival at your destination, take bring with you communications equipment, a charger, spare batteries for them, for those who decide to take a risk and go on holiday abroad in the first days of the new year, there is a heating point at the highest mountain border checkpoint near the village of verkhniy lars in north ossetia, hot tea, please here ... thank you, in order to comprehensively provide drivers and passengers, a heating point has been deployed, a medical disaster center and a traffic police patrol are operating on the road. another
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important warning from the ministry of emergency situations employees, do not it is worth using electrical equipment to warm the car in frosty weather. why now the owner of this car from the irkutsk region knows for sure that the car caught fire after it was blown with hot air from a heat gun for half an hour in thirty-five degree frost, they grilled the car with a gun, so, well , after starting it knocked, they ran around extinguishing it, summing up the results of the new year holidays very early, say employees of the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers are appealing to all residents of our country with a request during the celebrations not to forget about safety, their own and surrounding people, a huge number of victims and tragedy can be avoided if everyone ... remember this in the new year, andrey romanov, lead the duty unit. a military veteran was attacked; chelyabinsk investigators are carefully studying footage of a drunken brawl. five rowdies, one of them with a baton, attacked combatant alexander tyazhelnikov. at that moment he was simply passing by with his friends. the brawl,
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as usual, began with swearing. first, the aggressors insulted the military man, spat in his face several times, and then sprayed tear gas began to beat the blinded man with a stick. as a result of complex work in collaboration with colleagues from the investigative committee, the identities of the attackers and their locations were established. the police detained young people with russian citizenship and living in chelyabinsk. a petition was sent to the court to select a preventive measure in the form of detention. the criminal case was transferred to the third department for investigation of particularly important cases. the life of alexander tyazhelnikov is not in danger. veteran of the department. committee of russia alexandra bostrykina. a terrible story from japan: there , two planes collided at takii airport, and a passenger plane with people hit the coast
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guard board when landing. the pilots stopped the already burning car, and almost 400 people were urgently evacuated from it. the second plane also caught fire, killing five crew members. with the latest...
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there were no injuries among passengers or crew members; people were evacuated quite quickly in civil aviation, this is called the 90-second rule. a military transport aircraft, by the way, too burned down, it simply did not fall into the field of vision of the surveillance cameras, and victims there could not be avoided. the coast guard confirmed that five people were killed, the sixth crew commander is in serious condition, the fire extinguishing lasted about an hour, the runway is currently closed, all flights from haneda that were planned for today have been cancelled. premio kikisida stated that he took the situation under personal control. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asian vesti bureau, specially for the vesti program, duty department. a magnet scam, the capital's police caught a couple of swindlers, whose victims were unemployed pensioners. here, special forces soldiers enter the apartment of one of the suspects.
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the lady placed an advertisement in newspapers for work at home. according to investigators, the owner is an accomplice of the alleged fraudster. why was she detained? i don’t know, you have been charged with fraud, article 159, this lady placed an employment advertisement in the newspapers. referring to damaged workpieces, they stopped providing orders, and did not return the money, i was still waiting for this order, it will be delivered to me tomorrow the day after tomorrow in a week. that this is a kind of deception. during the search, police found one and a half hundred contracts. now it will be
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easy for them to find all those deceived by fake magnet dealers. what did you do? counterfeit in the details. the security forces destroyed the so-called garage empire for the illegal production of spare parts for russian cars. but left-wing products continue to enter our markets. how to avoid getting hooked by counterfeit parts dealers? watch on wednesday on the russia 24 tv channel . investigation of eduard petrov. pirates of the automotive industry 2. for many years , inconspicuous underground workshops huddled around the largest automobile plant in tagliati, their workers copied spare parts for cars. hello, are you already closing? the first signs are a missing hologram. the dealers were raking in money with a shovel; don’t worry at all about the fact that their counterfeits cause fatal accidents. well, how does a brake pad go without markings?
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new year's eve in los angeles, america the party ended in a mass shooting, two people were killed and eight others were injured. these images show how a crowd rushes along a busy road to the sound of gunfire, people in panic looking for shelter. minutes later, the wounded , unconscious on the asphalt, are given first aid. all this, as foreign media write, is the result of an unauthorized new year's party. it took place in the basement. in the midst of it. they sat down, a fight broke out between the guests, but the words quickly ended and the rowdies opened indiscriminate fire.
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the police are now looking for the criminals. love up the last penny in search of ladies of their hearts, naive gentlemen every now and then fall under the spell of seductresses who only need money. this is not just a mindset, a large-scale criminal scheme. our correspondent daniil quickly managed to be a victim and a hunter in order to reveal the details of such scams. stop! stop! this chase is the culmination of an experiment we conducted to get to know the so-called consummators and their bosses. this caste of scammers operates on dating sites, luring naive guys into fake dates cafes and hookah bars, where poor people are then forced to pay greatly inflated bills. therefore, we also went hunting on social networks, and almost immediately our agent came across a suspiciously assertive girl. well, how about we meet today, let's take a walk there? are we sitting somewhere? of course, the girl herself suggested the meeting place, and later took our agent to the basement hookah bar. according to the standard
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scheme, the siren ordered a hookah and tea, at a clearly inflated price. why is it expensive, what is expensive for you? but we didn’t let her go, the appearance of the camera changed the face of the staff, and the bearded the administrator rushed to the leak. why don't you tell us what kind of establishment you have? take your hands off, man, this is a federal tv channel, the police are coming here now, i wouldn’t advise you. why did they run? where did you run? right there on the street we met our breeder, would you say she’s been involved in consummation for a long time? what kind of consummation are you talking about? well, you’re a consumer, i understand correctly? how do you work? well, what is your scheme? tell me? i met a young man to sit him down for tea. none of the staff waited when the police arrived, in such conditions they prepared a romantic dinner for the guests, what an elite cheese plate! this is the knife that apparently was used to cut everything in
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this kitchen. dirt, dust, unsanitary conditions. on one of the tables there is a check for almost 30,000 rubles. apparently, some poor guy had to fork out a lot of money. this establishment tried their best to create a romantic atmosphere: dim lights, soft sofas, crumpled roses , or board games. the owners seemed to love this den the most. mafia, the other side of the scam looks even more cynical, in fact, the girls don’t even waste time on correspondence, specially hired people do it for them, we found such a vacancy, we were offered to lure men under the guise of a girl named alena, and also... the ambassador sent instructions on how exactly to do this , an interesting detail, the swindlers call their victims mammoths, this is such a primitive hunt, do not invite a mammoth for coffee or tea if you don’t want a small payment, our establishment can be imagined as a hookah bar, bar, restaurant, as a journalistic experiment this time i myself will be a mammoth, we send the scammers a questionnaire with my data and the trick is successful, in the evening a girl is waiting for me at the metro, who
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in fact has not corresponded with anyone, now she is the same alena, hello, the conversation is already fake alena persistently calls her favorite hookah bar, orders one glass of champagne after another and simultaneously sets his teeth, i ’m actually such a very ambitious person, i want to realize myself somewhere, because i’m a very social person and i need to always be, i need communication with people, for consumers, time is money, alena is in a hurry to eat and drink a solid check in about 10 minutes, when the waiter appears again, we open the cards and call the police, hello russia 24 tv channel, can you tell us about your scheme? so what? the hall of the pseudo-cafe is filled with hired beauties and their victims. young people, if you understand everything correctly, these are consummators who deliberately scammed you. siren and their formidable patrons immediately rush into the scattered. girl, tell me what you do? don't touch me with your hands, what? they're going to beat me or something, girl, tell me, don't film me, girl, i
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'm not a girl here, who are you, you're not a guy, stop filming me, you'll be famous, our visa. also decided to leave , alena, well, alena, alena, or are you not alena, alena, yes, they wanted such a life, yes, wonderful, yes, yes, what is your real name, girl, gentleman and meanwhile comes away from shock, i ordered a screwdriver, i see she’s like, well, i think so, well, wine, take wine, i think maybe she ’ll take wine too, and she starts ordering everything there to myself, well, that’s it, basically i’m looking at this camera, that’s all, it immediately panics. i was going to leave here and hide, tell us how your wonderful establishment works, it’s my first day brother, i don’t know anything, but as you don’t know anything, i don’t know anything, today i just need to tell me, a friend asked me to go out and maybe you can tell us how to work for him first money today shift today first shift kolyanchik us nothing you all have first counting alena’s appetites, all this splendor,
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a small plate of fruit, a couple of glasses champagne, tea and a pretty bad hookah. cost 13,926 rubles. those who did not manage to sneak through the roundabout route were taken to the police department. currently, this fact is being investigated in accordance with articles 144 and 145 of the criminal procedure code of the russian federation. a similar statement was received by the zhulebinsky police department, where an investigation was also carried out. employees of the ministry of internal affairs have already closed such fake cafes several times in moscow and in other large cities of the country, but in place of the detained girls and higher scores more and more are coming. easy money is too tempting, and the result of the play is time after time, for some a broken heart and an empty wallet, for others a criminal case. daniil sukhorochko, artyom grigoryan, anton fedotov, dmitry manyshev, lead. duty department. the head of the ministry of russia , alexander kurenkov, as part of the wish tree project, fulfilled the dreams of three children from different regions of the country. the doors of the capital's fire and rescue department opened for seven-year-old pasha rakcheev. the boy went
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on an excursion and tried on the role of a rescuer. dedicating everything to firefighting. loves very much firefighters, he has a lot of toys related to this topic, we were lucky, our balloon was pulled out, our wish came true, pasha went on an excursion to the fire department, sat in the car, yes, he pressed buttons, put out a real fire, yes, thank you, also alexander kurenkov fulfilled the dream of twelve-year-old kiril cheredov from the city of marinsk, kemerovo region, the young kuzbasovets received as a gift from the head of the rescue department. twelve-year-old misha ignatov from kaluga received another surprise from the minister. the boy also went on an excursion to the fire department unit and tried on the role of a firefighter rescuer. no serious violations of law and order were recorded. the police of our country reported on ensuring security on new year's eve. in total , more than 2 million
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citizens took part in the festive events, and 44,000 employees monitored compliance with the law. 27 military personnel helped them. my colleague fyodor eliseev will tell the security forces on the holiday which of the vacationers celebrated the new year at the police station; from december 31 to january 1, he was on duty together with the police officers of the russian guard. voiced the chiming clock, of course, is the same for everyone, but everyone waited for it in their own way, some were in a hurry to finish the olivier, others were walking along the sparkling streets, and others, so that they could all feel calm, carried it. i order you to take over the protection of public order in the city of heroes of moscow, and observe cultural and polite communication when communicating with citizens. while the light frost stings your cheeks , police officers from the northeast of the capital take over on patrol. igor burmotov has served in the police for more than 2 years, he joined the army immediately, his older brother became an example, then he caught up and the youngest, since he put on his uniform, has been celebrating the main holiday of winter like this: for
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the second year in a row, i’ve been starting, in principle, as a regular shift, as on any holidays, especially on new year’s eve, i don’t want to somehow spoil people’s mood, that is, we always meet halfway , muscovites on the streets even sympathize with the police a little, security is everything, if there is no security, you think that... the holiday was a failure, they should protect us, now it’s a serious challenge, my roommate hit me, took the phone and left from the apartment, as received, received, this address to the police to more familiar, here lives a loving couple of those who love to quarrel too much, you and i have met, met more than once, and more than once, alexander, where is he now, he’s drinking here now, you have it there, i don’t have it here, but where is he, he’s not here, but where is he? the injured juliet complains about her romeo as usual, in the morning, as a rule, she takes the application, but nothing can be done, she needs to work off, here is
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her fatal lover in the nearest liqueur , then there are five stages of acceptance by express, first, bargaining, guys, let me explain, then denial, hit my wife, took away my phone, no, it’s not true, depression, such an everyday situation, what can i do, humility, do you want to give me a lantern as a snack for anger. no, real humility is clearly yet to come. to celebrate the new year, there will be a rowdy person at the police station. without people like him, the streets are much calmer and more fun. here in the very heart of the capital, meanwhile, there are mass celebrations. the uncovered red square, the absence of fireworks, and even the cold weather that came to moscow did not interfere. muscovites and guests of the capital should come here to the very center of moscow and celebrate the new year. russians, it took us 30 hours to get here, we are very happy, it was great, but we didn’t really get to red square, we didn’t, we took away the holiday from you, no, oh well, it doesn’t matter,
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we flew to our homeland, after all the most awesome, we haven’t been here for 21 years, but we came from yekaterinburg specifically to celebrate the new year, right here on red square, and the funny thing is that we arrived and they said it was closed, but we weren’t upset, you can feel it. safe in the center of the capital, yes, yes, of course, very cool, let’s get to know everyone in a row, before walking along red square you really had to wait, the entrance to it was opened again only at 8:00 in the morning, and while everyone was congratulating friends and strangers on the new year, someone continued to serve, such as the employees of the national guard, on the eve of those , who protected the peace of citizens on the holiday, was separately congratulated by the deputy director of the department, alexey vorobyov, and even, as if slightly apologizing to the soldiers,
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for violating public safety and sometimes infiltrating objects into the territory of protected apartments. and here everyone the challenge is like no other. often, and fortunately, these are false. someone simply forgot to close the door and the alarm went off; another touched the alarm button in his pocket. but it also happens that without a button or a bell, urgent intervention from the security forces is required. at the entrance to the nightclub , participants in a stupid brawl are breathing heavily. to stop the fighters in time, the security guard of the establishment. jumped out onto the road and attracted the attention of the national guard; after an educational conversation, the rivals decide that they no longer have any complaints against each other. well, like duelists in this
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new year's eve was chosen not only by fists; in one of the moscow courtyards, several desperate harry potter fans armed themselves with pyrotechnics. maybe they argued which is better, books or films? new year's eve for firefighters, police officers and national guardsmen. the night is just a warm-up, according to statistics it is still a calm time, the beginning of january is already a real test, these days you have to carefully look after those who dived headlong into the holidays and will not come back up, but the real new year's mood is priceless, which is why it is sometimes you have to be so careful protect. fyodor eliseev, vladislav dubtsov, dmitry matrosov, lead the duty unit. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained honestly by the duty department. detective, subscribe, also our investigation, daily releases on the platform watch, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our episode is now complete, maxim
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movchan was in the studio. see you on the tv channel. russia 244.
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“investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts, in there is a clear and clear signal to russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, are you ready?
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russia?" "change in any structure is evolution.
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the auditor is on the run, the khantamansiskys detained a former official of the ministry of finance, yuri chekin, he
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was hiding from justice.


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