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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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let's look before everyone else, let's meet , veronika pavlovna vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a corpse, a woman, a stupa of skull trauma, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, let's shave my head bald to intimidate her, i wouldn't ruin your situation , we need to try really hard, we’ll sew it together, let’s say i really went back in time, but why the hell come here, i’ll slave. further, about the most
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significant events of this day in history in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 3, 1496, in pola near florence, leonardo da vinci conducted a flight test. machines of their own design. the genius of the renaissance, painter, architect, scientist, engineer, believed that a person could rise into the air. his papers preserved drawings of a hang glider and an ornithopter, a variant of a flywheel, but he built only this device, which is considered the prototype of a modern helicopter. it was assumed that the lifting force would be provided by a spiral-shaped linen sail with a metal edging for weighting. it wasn't a propeller, a version of the archimedean screw, this was used for... it was installed on
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a platform and rotated by several people, but the machine did not take off, its body began to rotate in the direction opposite to the rotation of the main rotor. unlike the model of mikhail lomanosov, in 1754 his prototype of a helicopter rose 20 cm above the ground. and leonardo’s idea was brought to life already in the 20th century by a graduate student at the university of maryland, osinpre. he made a drone with an archimedean propeller. exactly 100 years ago, on january 3, 1924, british egyptologist howard carter discovered a sarcophagus tutankhamun, a young pharaoh who ruled in the 14th century bc. the tomb preserved a throne, bows, bowls, statues of servants, furniture, armor, even war chariots, more than 5,000 items. carter had been looking for the tomb for 15 years, when he was almost desperate, stone steps appeared from under the ground. this happened in 1922. but the archaeologist ordered
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the tomb to be filled up again; time was needed to scientifically prepare for its opening, and he was afraid of the robbers. when work resumed, the ancient corridors and staircases were cleared, the doors sealed with royal seals, opened. later, archaeologists opened the sarcophagus, lifted a granite slab weighing more than a ton with a winch, and inside it were two more, in which the mummy of the pharaoh and a golden funeral mask lay made of pure gold. for a long time a mummy. egyptian civilization.
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on january 3, 1934, soviet scientists tested radar for the first time. the effect of reflection of radio waves , discovered by hertz and popov, could not be practically used for a long time. the waves quickly dissipated. secret work was carried out in germany, england and france; europe was preparing for war and it was impossible to lag behind. create an idea radar. in a scientific article, the young physicist and artilleryman pavel oshchepkov outlined. people's commissar of defense kliment varoshilov read it and instructed oshchepkov to create a radar installation, abbreviated rus. the first experimental radar detected an amphibious aircraft flying at an altitude of 150 m, only at a distance of 600 m. and a group was created at the leningrad electrophysical institute for further work. by the end of the thirty- fourth year, soviet radars increased the detection distance to 70 km. during the period
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of repression, oshchepkov spent years in camps and sharashkah, reliable serial radar stations were created without it. rus-1, rhubarb, more advanced rus-2, ridut. they were used during the soviet-finnish war, and then during the great patriotic war they defended our cities. on january 3, 1962, the premiere of the film amphibian man took place in moscow. this is a film adaptation of alexander belyaev's novel about the young man ichthyander, who had gills transplanted so that he could breathe under water. about his love for the girl gutierra and about the villain pedra zuritem. they wanted to film the story in hollywood, but they couldn’t figure out how to do underwater filming. director vladimir chebotarev cameraman eduard razovsky did it. the chase stunts, which take place in latin america, were filmed in baku, and to diversify the underwater landscapes of the black sea, aquariums with exotic fish were installed in the crimean bay. the main roles were played by vladimir korenev and anastasia
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vertinskaya. they became stars after this film. they filmed without dubbing, risking their lives. koreny was lowered to a depth of twenty meters, tied to an anchor and refused aqualank. vertinsko, they put a train with sinkers under her swimsuit so that she would naturally sink. the music for the film was written by andrei petrov, by the way, the first electronic music in our cinema. critics were angry that the film seduces with western life, but amphibian man triumphantly walked across the screens of the soviet union abroad. this is what this day was like. immediately 10 new operating rooms were opened at the sverdlovsk regional monco dispensary. they were built according to a national project. now doctors will be able
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to see twice as many patients, with new equipment will be able to perform the most complex operations. kirill burtnikov will tell you more about this. almost everything here is ready for work. over six months, the operating capacity of the oncology center almost doubled. previously, the dispensary had 13 operating rooms, now there are 23, with two tables for each operating department. but these are just numbers. throughput has increased manifold. if one operation is delayed, then we cancel the remaining patients and we continue, like a small airline, to catch up with the schedule several times. days or even weeks. now. we will immediately plan long operations on one table, shorter operations on another table, and of course our work will speed up many times. about 80 million rubles were spent on repairs in the new operating block. the builders worked in the evenings on weekends so as not to disturb the surgeons with noise, because
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the remaining operating rooms are located on two floors above and no one canceled the treatment plan. equipment for the operating unit was purchased within the national framework. healthcare project special attention deserves a laparoscopic stand that shows a high-resolution 3d4k image, we absolutely see better than with our eyes during an open operation, in another operating room they will work, for example , oncologist surgeons, they now also have modern equipment that allows them to perform more gentle operations. this device is called a gamma detector, which allows you to find the so-called sentinel lymph nodes, this is ours. equipment that is fully consistent with world quality. here will perform a wide range of modern and high-tech surgical interventions for tumors of any location. mammary glands, soft tissues and bones, urology, gynecology, neurosurgery, tumor pathology of the head and neck organs.
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each of the ten operating rooms is equipped with the latest in the surgeon’s arsenal and the most modern equipment, these are not only endoscopic and laparoscopic stands, but also other equipment allows... even the most complex interventions to be carried out with pinpoint precision, in the future it is possible here introduction of robotic surgery. on the site of these operating rooms there used to be a central sterilization department, now it has been moved to another building, a major overhaul was also carried out here, and modern equipment was purchased for processing medical instruments after surgery. in a clean room, we take out these baskets with instruments that have already been processed, but not yet sterile. we need to pack them in a special way and disassemble them into sets, and either put them in soft packaging or loaded sterilization into a container. this the only department of its kind in the region in terms of functionality and scale; in one shift , more than a thousand instruments are prepared here for
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successful operations at the oncology clinic. kirill bortnikov, nikolay starosten, dmitry komov, elena goleeva, vesti ekaterinburg. the fpv crew of the vostok troops group launched new attacks on the enemy in the southern donetsk direction. operator. controlled the drone using special vr glasses, which allow you to quickly identify the target while remaining undetected. assistant performed the role of a spotter, he followed the route and recorded the hit. in addition to striking military targets of the ukrainian armed forces, fpv drone crews also perform other tasks. adjustment, mortars, tanks, reconnaissance activities. as well as carrying out attacks on single
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opponents, on groups of opponents, on spotted dugouts, found ages, we work, carry out tasks, as if i still haven’t given up on my desires, i still want to be an officer, dear friends, i suggest you watch the replays of the episodes our author's besagon tv programs. i hope you remember them. enjoy it. on july 1, 1991 , in prague, the president of czechoslovakia effectively liquidated the warsaw pact. the authorities of the soviet union expected that a common home would be built in europe and, in addition , received verbal assurances that the nato bloc would not expand. about why these promises were not destined to happen. come true, watch the program the world in the palm of your hand.
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on july 1, 1991, in prague , czechoslovak president vaclav havel officially dissolved the organization of friendship and cooperation mutual assistance of the warsaw pact of 1955 and thus liquidated the warsaw pact after 36 years of military alliance with the ussr. the warsaw pact and...
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the european home from lisbon to vancouver or at least to vladivostok, it must be said that there was, let’s say, a certain plus in this process, in which it was expressed, western european countries made a reduction in their armed forces, including in weapons according to tanks and planes, the americans reduced their military presence in...
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did not give any written statements, then, what was heard in conversations, in particular between james baker, the us secretary of state, and the soviet leaders, this was not an official position, indeed in the us as a whole there were discussions in the euro-atlantic community , there were hawks who were seeking to finally bring the russians to their knees, with the help of both since the expansion of the maximum expansion of american-centric alliances, on the other hand there were pragmatists who argued... that in general the united states at that stage did not need such expansion, but of course the desire is the appetite
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politicians, including those around bush the elder, not to mention clinton, take advantage of this moment to the maximum, the moment of american hegemony of american dominance, strengthen it through the involvement of these republics in nato, it prevailed, there was some period when this in general, they discussed it seriously. and then, uh, it prevailed that - in general, why abandon nato, it turned out to be a deterrent force, yes, secondly, they began to reconsider their entire strategy, i won’t go into these details, but ultimately, they came to the conclusion that it was necessary not to divide it, it was necessary, it was necessary to make it more united and make it an instrument of their expansion, and above all military-political, and yes, and economic
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, american ideologists... american leaders were obsessed with euphoria, the opportunity arose to build a world in which washington would be the key decision-making center, and of course, the support of washington in europe and the euro-atlantic region should have been the organization nato, and although at the first stage, as we know, there were there were certain fluctuations associated with the initially rather rigid position of the soviet leadership, which softened more and more as crisis trends grew. the ussr, at the end of bush sr.’s tenure in power, and especially with the coming to power of bill clinton and his team, rather fiercely minded atlanticists, set a course for the integration of not only the former eastern european states that were part of the warsaw warsaw warsaw in nato, but also the states that were part of the soviet union, first the baltic states, and ukraine appeared in these documents already
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in the early nineties, in conversations between american representatives and official kiev, that’s why this strategy. pei's house, in general, there was such, excuse me, this is an expression, such good nonsense, it is political, or i would even say not so much political, but such an ideological dummy, one ideology moved away, and another ideology came, it turned out to be the same dummy , in addition,
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they, in particular the poles, had a fairly significant force of lobbyists in the united states, including from among ethnic poles. who actively abandoned this idea , as we remember, there sbigniezidensky is a pole, he retained quite a serious ideological influence during the administrations of the immediate position of power, not to mention the fact that his actual student madeline albright, his protégé, she herself was a representative of the czech republic, she is czech by nationality and she took the position of ambassador to the un under clinton, then secretary of state, becoming one of the most influential and active comrades of the new leader, they
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will be eligible for this, yes, therefore, here home and can be shown quite specifically , how the european union said that the european economy is the economy of the european union, and not anyone else’s, yes, they, it must develop according to our principles, our procedures, that’s all,
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due to natural reasons, mistakes that were allowed by the soviet leaders, in general, due to the costs associated with the existence of the ideologized soviet project, this organization began to crumble, especially since these states still had a slightly different, as they say, background, there is a capitalist past, an active one, a past associated with integration into european and other european states and empires that existed there, which is why this identity began to blur at a certain point, the question is not only in the organization of the warsaw pact, but in the system as a whole. socialist countries, what was called a new type of international relations, it really was a new type, but it...
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it was openly declared that there was no need to maintain the soviet presence in these republics, especially since the ussr was focused on internal problems, the soviet union itself was collapsing, so
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somehow maintaining control over the warsaw countries, but this was unrealistic and of course the united states took advantage of this. i took part in various processes, and i can rely on facts. so to speak, to show this in numbers, one of the elements of this particular economic situation is the very high debt of the socialist countries, which took loans, say, from the international monetary fund, from individual countries, from private banks, and so on, and not in were able to service these loans and gradually sank into this swamp. therefore, it is no coincidence that precisely these two processes - the collapse of the warsaw pact organization and the dissolution of the council for mutual economic
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assistance - are a consequence of, strictly speaking, the ineffective economic policy of the eighties. i was at the last meeting of the political committee of the department of internal affairs and observed, so to speak, it was a very unpleasant impression from the behavior of the allies, especially the romanians, hungarians, in fact, at that time there was an organization, the council for mutual economic assistance developed a reform program, it was quite solid, a new payment mechanism, a transition to, uh,
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convertible currency in these calculations, and so on and so forth, the leaders here were hungary and the poles, yes, in the end we agreed, but then a lot it was done simply stupidly, not because the brains were bad, but because already... the internal situation was such that, in general, we could not pull it off, well, besides, the mood of the political elite of that time was natural played an important role in the dissolution of these organizations, there were no attempts to somehow save, except for the council of mutual economic assistance on the part of the then political leadership of the soviet union. the warsaw pact organization was created primarily as a response
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to the creation of nato, in the first stage of the cold war, as we remember, after the end of world war ii, the soviet leadership was committed to the peaceful existence of the united states, this is not ours, plans were being developed for a military invasion of the country former allies. us these operations were developed, they are now being declassified, the infliction of massive nuclear strikes on the pssr. of course, under these conditions, the ussr took measures aimed at countering the expansion of the euro-atlantic community. in 2000, i had to participate in the development of a strategic document. in our previous documents, the factor of force in international relations disappeared. and so. just the yugoslav events showed that he has not disappeared anywhere, he is alive, and how? let us recall that in 1999 the nato bloc
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was finalized.
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we will take on this matter, it will be... honest detective.
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attention to all personnel, attention, let's start moving, let's start moving, your task is to deliver. there was contact, equipment, personnel, it depends that there is any cargo, here, oh, immediately the sight appeared, the guys who are the crew, this is anti-terrorist, it turns out that they completed the task here, then they go to the bam, from the bam, accordingly, rotation again it’s constantly going on, they’re walking in circles, the machine gunner, because he’s the healthiest, well, there’s suspicious
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activity. artek give guidance on use artillery weapons, upon arrival at the scene of destruction, report the result. our attack aircraft are systematically destroying the armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces, what do they say about the famous western leopards? the us national debt has broken a new anti-record and washington no longer has money for the kiev regime, what the new reality will turn out to be for the ukrainian authorities. severe frosts are approaching moscow, which is what people are preparing to live with.


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