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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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and testing in lugansk in the donetsk people's republic with a separate territorial department in the zaporozhye region, and there is also one question, maybe it does not directly relate to the tasks of technical regulation, but i must say that since rosstandart is in charge of the state service of time, the purity of determining the parameters rotation of the earth, then , together with colleagues from the ministry of industry and trade of russia , changes were prepared to the law on the calculation of time, they were adopted in the twenty- third year, already officially donetsk people's... lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye and kherson regions live according to moscow time. this was footage of a meeting between prime minister mikhail mishustin and the head of rosstandart anton shalaev. and now briefly about the main news for this hour. in the belgorod region, 6 uу missiles and the same number of alha missiles were destroyed in the morning. on monday, at a meeting of the operational headquarters, the issue of extending school holidays in the region will be decided. "siberian frosts
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in central russia in the yaroslavl, tver and kostroma regions -35, in the capital the winter temperature minimum has been updated, 27 below zero. new houthi attacks in the red sea, with ballistic missiles fired at several commercial vessels. the situation in the region was discussed during a telephone conversation by the british foreign minister and the us secretary of state. new year's film premieres will serf-2 beat the box office of cheburashka on the first day of release, klim shipenko's new film collected over 300 million rubles, which is 30% more than last year's hit. immediately after the advertisement, our broadcast will continue with yuri starikov’s film, world war ii, battle of moscow. start the year with profitable purchases at
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the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy sinergetic dishwasher tablets for only 799 rubles. i'll get out of this cage, musicians, already in the cinema. it will be with a credit fee. everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want, there will be peace on yours, here nights are shorter, only we have enough, everything will be as you want.
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grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes until a new job, many new vacancies every day, avito job, you will find not just a job, but your place, under the silver foil a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect, plumbeer, airy, natural, a happy mic in the heat of july is carried by a silver bull, the holidays continue with the russian lotto, we are playing in january. lady, cars, and also
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million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website stolato.ruto, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, a thousand products with cashback up to 50%. to help you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito support is available 24 hours a day. we are ready to resolve any questions regarding bookings around the clock. avito everything will go as planned. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. but with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. the number one nonsense in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. and what kind of girls make a big deal? and without the girls, nothing will work. where am i? holob 2. what? already at the cinema.
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start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. new year's discounts in the magnet rice krasnodar uvelka 119,999. magnet - the price is what you need. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn, turn, twist once. and only then confirm the payment. before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 rub. check that the product suits you, and then.
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october 3, 1941. dolph hitler addressed the germans with another pathetic speech. he stated that a new german offensive in the east would lead to the complete and final destruction of russia. the day before, german troops received orders to encircle moscow. the coming victory of the fuhrer ordered to be immortalized in kanka. a trainload of red granite and white marble was sent from germany to the moscow region. for the triumphal procession.
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the european continent has never known such grandiose battles. this was their first serious defeat of the germans since their victorious march in '39. what fate did hitler have in store for the soviet capital? how did muscovites survive during the siege? and why did the nazis never manage to cross red square?
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on october 15, 1941, all of moscow was gripped by panic; people rushed to the kazan station semi-trucks, loaded to the top with factory machines.
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in the city, crowds of people poured onto the gorkovskoye highway and other streets leading to the east, some party workers hastened to destroy their party cards, the soviet writer lev larsky recalls. ordinary
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party members ran along the sidewalks, roadsides and tram tracks, dragging suitcases, bundles, carts, everything was already mixed up in the stream of refugees, people. they are going and plus they are starting to leave moscow en masse in cars for
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middle management, that is, directors factories, well, this is the average middle management, who have cars, who also have stolen certain goods, so they are leaving, they are starting to be intercepted by work, because they are like a thief leaving, the bastard is going to moscow to hand over to the fascists, they are starting to beat up soviet. correspondent vasily grosman wrote: the directors of many enterprises put their seven on trucks and took them out of the capital. that's when it started. the population rushed to rob the store. many drunken inhabitants appeared on the streets, carrying sausage rings and rolls of fabric under mouse. things happened that were unthinkable just 2 days ago. rumors spread. that stalin and the government fled moscow.
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according to the evacuation plan, joseph stalin was actually supposed to leave moscow on october 16. lavrenti beria has already ordered the preparation of a special staff for the commander-in-chief. until a certain point, it was unclear whether moscow would be surrendered. the german offensive in september-october was generally threatening . and in kuibushev they were prepared. several dachas for stalin, offices there were prepared for stalin to be equipped how, but stalin decided to stay, his train, which stood at the belmanovskaya outpost, was ready, but stalin never came there, that is, he is not just defending moscow, but he remains in moscow, continuing to lead not the defense of moscow, continuing to lead the entire front, the entire country, this decision, it, let’s say, put an end to it, october 17, stalin. demanded to immediately restore order in the city. on the same day, the first secretary of the moscow
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city committee, alexander shcherbakov, spoke on the radio and said that moscow would not be surrendered. october 20 at a state of siege was declared in the capital and a curfew was imposed. police and nkvd troops posts appeared on the roads. they received orders to shoot all provocateurs on the spot. desserts and looters, factories reopened, the metro started working. on november 6 , 1941, on the eve of the next anniversary of the october revolution, stalin spoke in front of the moscow portaktiv at mayakovskaya station. on this day, 250 german bombers raided the city. the enemy captured most of ukraine, belarus, moldova, lithuania, latvia, estonia, and a number of other regions,
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climbed into the donbass, hung like a black cloud over leningrad, threatening our glorious capital in moscow. our task will be to exterminate all the germans, one and all, who have made their way onto our territory in quality. suffered the first major defeat since the beginning of the second world war. the wehrmacht lost
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about half a million soldiers killed and wounded. this was twice as large as all german losses in the french and polish companies combined. the myth of the invincibility of the third reich was dispelled. blitzkrieg plan in the east failed. soviet counterattacks near moscow. finally destroyed all of hitler’s plans for a quick and easy victory over the soviet union. the battle for moscow was actually the first, fundamentally very... hitler was asked that it was necessary to urgently sign a peace treaty with the soviets, because all this would ultimately end badly. hitler was the main
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author of the plan for a lightning war against the ussr. he had no doubt about the success of his... krieg, despite the objections of some german generals. the plan provided for complete the destruction of the red army and the rapid capture of the largest cities and industrial centers of the ussr, including leningrad, kiev and moscow. by the fall of 1941, these tasks were partially completed. in september, the troops of the army group center captured smolensk, advancing 500 deep into the territory of the ussr
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. hitler insisted on this: this is the destruction of the red army, that is, to encircle the red army, the personnel units of the red army in border battles, destroy them, and then develop an offensive deep into the soviet union , sweeping away some little things that stalin would have time to pull up , the offensive in the central direction was important, but again the initial task was not a breakthrough to moscow, but cauldrons along the border, which was done, it was believed that in 10-12 weeks... well, that is we believe that in 3 months the main strategic tasks had to be solved, the main important points on the territory of the soviet union should have been occupied, so that the soviet union would be defeated and would request surrender. in 1941, over 4 and a half million people lived in moscow, it was the largest
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industrial, scientific and cultural center of the country.
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the main forces towards moscow. the operation was called typhoon. its author was the commander of the army group center, general field marshal fedor von bock. god was a very highly professional military man, he was a pure prussian, a veteran of the first world war, he was also an officer of the general staff back in the first world war. so short, very dry. and his plan was as follows: to deliver three strikes, that is, he has two strikes on his flanks. tank groups, the fourth field army advances in the center, respectively, first these tank groups they create cauldrons in which the group that defends the moscow direction is destroyed, after that, surrounding these cauldrons, tank groups hand over these cauldrons to the infantry, which begins to squeeze these cauldrons
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with soviet troops, destroy them, after which the tank groups begin a breakthrough on both sides, bypassing moscow from north and... encircle, partially defeat, then close the defense of the soviet troops, partially encircle them, which is called working out in moscow. aviation and then force it to either surrender or attack, and for this they were created special tank groups, the germans in general were very fond of creating such operational-tactical groups that were simply crammed with technology. from the west, moscow was covered by three soviet fronts: the bryansk front under colonel general eremenko, the reserve
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front of marshal budyonny, and the western front under colonel general konev. the soviet command expected that the germans would advance on moscow along the smolensk highway, but this assumption was not confirmed. operation typhoon began in the early morning of 30 september. including his famous spent tactics, it was very simple, but very effective at that time, these were tank strikes, usually tank wedges, which cut through
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the defending army, went deep into the rear, then the combat aviation was processed, accordingly, and then the infantry came, by the way, this was the experience of france, for the first time they were involved there, these steel fists, they were just one of the know-how of the germans then. but the most important thing is that these tank wedges, they broke through, crushed the rear, crushed communications, and accordingly, disorganized the rear, disorganized our troops, and then it was all surrounded by infantry, which had already destroyed it. taking advantage of the resulting gap, german tanks rushed in the direction of tula; colonel mikhail katukov was ordered to block their path. his brigade had 61 tanks. including 22 newest t-34s. near mtsensk, katukov decided to set up an ambush. having let gudarian's advanced units pass
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forward, the soviet tank crews suddenly attacked the germans from the flanks and rear. with targeted fire at point-blank range, thirty-fours easily penetrated the armor of enemy tanks. according to official according to data, over several days of fighting, katukov’s brigade knocked out 133 german vehicles. gaines gudarian, considered the genius of tank blitzkriegs, was stunned by what happened. he immediately sent a report to berlin in which he demanded to change the principles of german tank building, and even summoned the famous german designer ferdinand porsche to the eagle so that he could personally study the design of the soviet thirty-four. gudarian later recalled. the 4th panzer division was stopped. russian tanks, she had to go through a difficult moment, for the first time, the significant superiority of russian t-34 tanks was revealed. the division suffered
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significant losses. the planned rapid attack on tula had to be postponed. it should be noted that the germans then, of course , did not have tanks like at the end of the war; then there were no panthers, no tigers, or even improved t-4s, but nevertheless a tank. there were many, they were very fast, due to this enhanced maneuver, they very often achieved results. on october 2, 1941 , german troops went on the offensive on the central sector of the front. they attacked soviet positions on the flanks, on both sides of the smolensk highway. german tank lines broke through our defenses and rushed towards each other.
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lost. having mingled with the crowds of civilians . many units were completely depopulated, and the surviving soldiers hastily retreated to the east. correspondent vasily grosman wrote: i thought i saw a retreat, but not only did i not see such a thing, but i could not even imagine it. exodus, bible. the cars move in eight rows, a warrior bursting out of the mud with dozens at the same time trucks, crowds of pedestrians with bags, bundles, suitcases. having defeated three soviet fronts, german troops rushed to kalinin, present-day tver.
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stalin's purges, rakosovsky was arrested on a false denunciation, spent almost 3 years in the dungeons of the nkvd, he was released in 1940, and already in october 1941, rokosovsky received an order to stop the german offensive on moscow at any cost. gathering the remnants of the surviving armies, he organized several centers of defense along the leningrad and volokalamsk highways. on his orders there were the locks of the istra reservoir were blown up. these measures delayed the german advance. having received news of the defeat of three soviet fronts, stalin urgently summoned another world war i veteran, general georgy zhukov, from leningrad. arriving at the front, zhukov was unable to find most of the army headquarters. the general went
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alone in a car to look for commanders. having traveled around the front line, zhukov reported to stalin. all roads to moscow are essentially open. the last frontier on the way to the city was the mazhaiskaya defense line 120 km from the capital. and during the construction of these fortifications, a bet has already been made on, among other things, anti-tank fortifications. that is, the civilian population was left to dig. tank ditches, some kind of fortifications that would act primarily not against infantry, well, that is, it is clear that against infantry too, but so that they could stop the tanks.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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