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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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now about the weather in three federal districts at once; today there is an orange penultimate level of weather danger due to frost. forecasters warn that the cold will continue to get worse.
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we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, greetings, will it really be even colder in moscow? yes, it’s even somehow cold to pronounce these numbers -26-28 in forecasts for the coming night. in moscow now it’s like in antarctica, at the russian vostok station -29, but the truth is it’s the height of summer there. so, such frosts on january 3 in moscow was not 74 years old. today by 9:00 am. in the capital, the thermometer dropped to -25.3. the last time it was so cold was in january 1950, then it was -29°, today the air has cooled to such values ​​in the north of the moscow region, in the wedge, against the backdrop of frost in the capital region, a rare atmospheric phenomenon has been recorded, ice needles or diamond dust with visibility deteriorating to 2-3 km, usually such phenomena against the background of cold are observed in yakutia. residents of the regions of the north and northwest posted photographs of frost-covered hair and eyelashes on social networks, where it was even colder in... in the leningrad
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region, the thermometers dropped below -36, in the vologda region they even got closer to -40°. this weather during the new year holidays revived the popular frosty flash mob - fireworks made from boiling water or the dubak challenge. similar videos were shared by residents of the vologda and arkhangelsk regions, where in some places the temperature dropped to -40°, in the tver region, where the minimum temperature was -32.5. however, extreme frosts did not change the weather everywhere... in the onsk region, as well as in the orenburg region, roads were blocked traffic on highways was restricted due to snowstorms; in the video , a car got stuck in the lanes on the road to teriberka. well, this is the new year tree that took place at night in tuabs, where 42 mm of precipitation fell in 12 hours. showers occurred over most of the territory of kuban, and overflows formed on the jobga and sochi highways. the state traffic inspectorate warned drivers to be careful. well , let's open the synoptic map. so.
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the northern half of the european territory of russia, the cis-urals and northern urals and northwestern siberia influenced stable anticyclone, frosts prevail here, and the closer to the core of the anticyclone, the more severe the cold. from petrozavodsk to khantimansiysk -30-35 and 40°. we will plot several minimum temperatures for today on the map. so, in yaksha republic koma -42.4. in the yaroslavl region in rybensk, a record 30.6.3, in moscow 25.3, over the next 24 hours the anticyclone will continue to push the cold to the south. in voronezh this morning the temperature was -16.6, but now it has dropped to 19° below zero, and next night due to the temperature -20 will cross the voronezh region, the border of 25° frost will pass south of moscow, a strip of 35-degree cold will again capture the region from the vologda to the tyumen region. in moscow today, yes. at the height of the day
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, the thermometers will not rise above -21, partly cloudy with no precipitation, frosts will reach their peak at night, the air in the capital will cool to 26°, in the north of the region to -30, tomorrow in the afternoon it will be as cold as today, and then as the atlantic cyclone approaches, the frosts will gradually soften. on january 5 the maximum temperature was -16, on the sixth -12. well, according to preliminary forecasts, it will be frosty for christmas. will intensify. as we age , changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. tuufon is now in new packaging, specifically for course use. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. will.
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hearts for those around you. happy new year, wizards. hello! the bremen town musicians are already in the cinema. hello, the project is on air, there was an incident during the war. a man grows up quickly in war. to our hero. i am only 24 years old, but i have already accumulated 50 years of life experience during this time. he is happy because he loves his homeland, loves the army and loves life, and god helps such people. our hero's call sign in the army
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is coal, we should have given him the call sign lucky, because this man got into stories from which it is hardly possible was to get out alive, but he succeeded, about the senior lieutenant of the russian army, daniil uglyansky and his exploits in our film infantryman.
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from the first days of the special operation, daniil was on the front line, the attack on the raisins, the fierce resistance of the enemy, close-in shooting combat, everything that surrounds the fighter. when he was first wounded, daniil did not agree to be evacuated to the rear. there was a chance to return to the hospital in russia, but i considered that this would , first of all, not be like a commander, not like an officer, i understood that i had a company now i’m in such a difficult moral state that if i left now, i don’t know what would have happened, so i made a decision, they patched me up on the spot.
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we will tell you in detail about one episode from his rich combat biography, he deserves it, a sniper on april 29 , 2020. luglyansky and his company received orders to occupy one of the industrial zones and withdraw ukrainian armed forces units from there. when you stand, you die, so you need to move all the time, you need all the time, especially since you are a commander who must give orders to his subordinates, they are waiting for this, they wait for orders to carry them out. daniil uglyansky is one of those officers who knows firsthand about the soldier’s lot. after 7 years of training at the preobrazhensky cadet school. corps, unexpectedly for many , he postponed entering a higher military school in order to become a simple
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soldier, the thought closed to me that, in principle , you first need to be the one whom you will command in the course of your life, well, to be in this skin, so to speak, he headed to the military registration and enlistment office, entered military service, conscription service, in such places they always go fierce battles, both sides are losing fighters, show me, they wanted to take the body simply to bring something to the family, i don’t even think. so shoot, cover!
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vrote uglyansky had a rule to take the bodies of his dead from the battlefield, without leaving them to the enemy. daniil, while trying to pull out the body of his dead soldier, received a severe concussion.
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shkolin decided to lead a group that covered the withdrawal of the main forces, it was worth understanding that the enemy had already deployed into battle formation and was simply squeezing us out, and if we all just started retreating to...
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there is little chance of survival in these urban battles; danila’s friend, lieutenant pavel shkolin, was mortally wounded by a sniper’s shot. “take away their coal, let’s leave, lieutenant uglyansky sent a group
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of remaining fighters to the rear, when the bull, the ammunition was almost exhausted, danilo called. when i asked for artillery fire for the first time, he sternly told me no, i... once again artillery fire on myself with a barrel 152 mm, i knew that they would finish me off, and they gave me artillery fire, they told me, podolsk, good luck.
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surrender, there wasn’t even a thought, why? because i thought it was a shame, just an outright shame, that a russian officer should surrender.
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there are no atheists in trenches, this formula has a lot of evidence, in the state i was in, i was screaming and reading the prayers that i know, our father, well, just what did i know, i was lying there screaming, because i no longer knew what to do , because i understood the hopelessness of the situation and trusted only in god, they prayed, yes. afghanistan, 1984, there are still almost 5 years until the end of the war in these afghan mountains, in the province of kandahar, soviet air controller, captain valery
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burkov, being among the infantry combat formations, provides them with fire support. love, when you are ready to really give to satan in your unkindness, but you can strengthen yourself in life for your friends, well, for those who are nearby, for those who you love, we are russian, merciful and trusting, we think that such people are fighting with us the slavs, only besotted by nazi propaganda, want to believe that
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sooner or later they will come to their senses, remember their roots, our common world, our... great past, but our warriors, in battle, those who looked into the eyes of the enemy have no illusions, these are no longer russians, fascists, we, our battalion commander, never called them ukrainians, he says, the germans are rushing, that is, this is not a question for modern germany, on the contrary, we are moving away towards the great. they believe that with the fascists, this is so, they kill defenseless prisoners, persecute the orthodox faith.
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they didn’t finish you off, you know, we told you, give up, shout, buddy, please, we didn’t shoot you, you’re damn fine, your hand is normal, how does the patriotism of the bandyrs differ from, say, ours patriotism? everything is very simple, they have some false ideas, molyaku, nagilyak, they have patriotism on...
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the evening of that long day has come, daniil has already been wounded four times, the remnants of the company are next to him. there is such a thing as a death grip , the nerves in my left hand were broken, when i was holding a pistol, i was wounded at that moment i had the pistol in my hands, i couldn’t, i couldn’t just pull it out, leave me, this is an order, you’re not let's give it up, comrade lieutenant, or so i decided.
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lived and had to return to his people ; the offensive was due at 6 am, that is, we didn’t drink tomorrow, we didn’t drink anything , well, i didn’t even think about it at all, but when the water ran smooth, i felt such unreal feelings of pleasure, that everything was dry, that there was an unreal drought in the body, i still felt sick from the wounds, and it’s just this... the flow of water was, i don’t know, halfway, it was going
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, i thought we had to cover a kilometer and a half, and there would already be some advanced positions of our troops, but to my regret there was no one there, i was already wounded, i had two holes in my head, both hands in the left a piece of shrapnel landed on my side. periodically i lost consciousness, came to my senses after some time,
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then walked on all fours, once i was without the strength to stand up, once i crawled, when i found out how many people were praying for me, i believe that it was when i crawled , when that’s all that everyone asks me, well, it’s unrealistic, i think that i have... with lengela, i think it’s so, because it’s simply not amenable to any other explanation. an orthodox warrior, if he is truly orthodox, fulfills his mission in the best possible way.
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task. fearlessly, not afraid of death , this is the best warrior always, for one simple reason, he is not afraid to die, because he knows that if he dies for his friends, then he will be with god in paradise, in paradise of happiness, no sorrows, no difficulties, but one joy.
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wait, wait!
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i understand that i got out earlier than they did, came out on my own, that is, they hid somewhere all night, generally came out on the right flank of our positions, and i went straight to the point. it turned out that he got out even earlier than them, it fell to him to live, serve and fight in ours, in difficult times, if he had been born in a different time, he could have driven napoleon’s army in 12, fought with the british and french in the crimean, went on the attack of the dead in the first world war. fight
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in stalingrad and take berlin, fight in the afghan gorges, he is a russian infantryman, salt, sweat is the blood of our army, and in all these warriors he would dream of only one thing: to win, at the moment i am only thinking in this direction, i think that that no life changes, worldly joys, at the moment... not only cannot be considered, now everyone must to be aimed only at victory and to want it, to beg, to do, everything , unexploded shells were found in belgorod , the territory has been detached, explosives experts are working on the spot, in total this morning the air defense system in the region destroyed six missiles and the
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same number of rockets. alha systems. siberian frosts in central russia in the yaroslavl, tver and kostroma regions are -35. in the capital, the temperature minimum for this winter has been updated, 27 below zero. lebanon files a complaint against israel with the un security council. the reason was the attacks on southern beirut, which resulted in one of the hamas commanders was eliminated. the lebanese prime minister accused tel aviv of violating lebanese sovereignty. new husi attacks. in the red sea, ballistic missiles were fired at several commercial ships; the situation in the region was discussed during a telephone conversation with the heads of britain by the us secretary of state. now there is advertising, and then watch the episode from the golden collection of the author's program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. why on the side of the peaceful liberal community.


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