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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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there are no markings, no traffic rules, a liter of diesel fuel here costs a crazy 140 rubles. per liter, enterprising bangians stir it, pour it into plastic bottles and refuel motorcycles right on the side of the road. and these guys wash sand from one of the local ubangi rivers to hand over for processing to a cement plant. we have been watching their work from the shore for a long time and it is hellish work.
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the locals’ love for french bread comes from the colonialists, they left the country in the sixties, and the french tsar finally ended their military presence in this year. at their former airbase on may 9, our instructors raised the banner of victory. the average income of a resident of the capital is $400 a year, despite the fact that the country is rich in resources, there are diamonds, oil, gold, uranium, it remains the second poorest country in the world, and there are many such paradoxes, we we flew to bangui to understand. how the capital lives today and what
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has changed here over the past few years, the stereotype that the tsar is the most dangerous place on the planet is still multiplying in the world press, how would you characterize the current situation in...
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well, dmitry, the king is the heart of africa, bangi, the heart of the king, the heart of the king, yes, what were your feelings, when did you first... find yourself here, everything was much more chaotic, of course i was in shock, when i first came here, there were a huge number of armed people, you could see a building without windows, now all the buildings here are freshly painted, then they were black with mold, there were no windows on some floors, everything looked very decadent condition.
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dmitry sytyy, head of the russian house in bangui, he came here on a business trip in 2018, started in... as a translator for the national security advisor to president tsar. the state de facto controlled part of the capital and the road from the capital to cameroon, and even then not on a permanent basis. this was all state control in this country, which is the size of france. there were no roads, there were directions, no repairs were made, the infrastructure was almost completely absent, there were some shops, there weren’t really any shops. also a real failed state, that americans call it fail state. dmitry gradually began to delve into the internal workings of tsar, understanding the very paradoxes of life in the country, for which the stereotype of one of the most
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dysfunctional in the world was firmly entrenched. that is , there was formal sovereignty when the colonies left the influence of the metropolis, but it was formal sovereignty. these countries could not make any sovereign decisions. they... these metropolises provide, but the interests of the country or the people are left out of the equation, well, when russia came here, that is, we ourselves in fact, they gave us the opportunity, we didn’t kick anyone out of here, we just gave us the opportunity to choose between different partnership schemes, but the central africans chose the partnership scheme with the russian federation. banjour section. at the same time, they themselves did not expel anyone, the french themselves began to erase control here, because, uh, the world is changing, and their management methods are still the same, as if the king is still a colony of france.
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in october 2016, france withdrew its main troops from the central african republic. president-elect faustin arcand what is adira. admits that the army does not have the necessary military-technical resources to counter the rebels from fifteen warring factions. dmitry recalls how he went to negotiate with the leaders of these gangs: in fact , the two of us came to a region where there is no state control, no control of state security forces, and everything is controlled only by bandits, who, among other things, are under foreign hostility to russia.
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the parcel sent to him from toga contained a flash drive with a built-in explosive. more on the details, reasons
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and alleged masterminds of the attempt on his life a little later. in short, the history of the tsars over the past 60-odd years will look like this: gaining independence from the french, a coup, then the notorious dictator-emperor bakasa comes to power, then another coup will happen, a civil war and, predictably, a new coup. the current president will make a decisive attempt to reverse the usual tragic course of history, miss theodera will appeal for help to the russians. you know that the crisis of 2013 was very deep and claimed many lives. in all families there were cases of death from violence, many lost their homes, they could simply be burned, and the harvest suffered. the consequences of this crisis continue
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to haunt the lives of our compatriots. we needed to finally turn this difficult page of history. the people of the central african republic do not want violence anymore, we want to work for the sake of. the russian federation has played a very important role in restoring peace and you must remember that in the midst of the crisis, that is , in 2017-18 with the un sanctions committee , our forces were able to protect the population with the help of the russian federation. this marked the beginning of security cooperation, which is very important for the people of the central african republic.
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will carry out combat missions in the interests of the central african armed forces. to what extent was this an expected delivery for them? well, for them it was completely unexpected, because in the history of the central african armed forces, in in principle, there have never been either helicopters or airplanes in sufficiently large numbers in service, and accordingly there have never been trained pilots or trained technicians on the territory of the country. vitaly perfilyev has been in tsar since the arrival of the russian contingent in 2018. and remembers well the situation in the country at that time, helping organizations included in the un, they
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were not interested in order being finally established in this country , peace, tranquility. what is the reaction of, say, the same french to the active presence of russians here for many years. the reaction, of course, is extremely negative, because with our appearance we changed the situation that was before, we changed the rules of the game. everyone perceived the central african republic as a country that is absolutely spineless and does not have its own political will, but at the moment, when we have shown by our example that we need to set the right goals and achieve them correctly, and the central african republic represented its president began to carry out this task, of course, this causes dissatisfaction among many, one of, probably, the main successes, which is still associated with our activities, is the training of the armed forces, this is the training of the armed forces, this is... training in how to handle modern types of weapons, training of units
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of the central african army, police, gendarmerie, groups, groups, sub -groups, poduns, people, of course, without education, without any prior prior training, they had to deal with them there work, we worked, we continue to work, well , we can say with confidence that now after...
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deputy chairman of parliament tsar evarist nagamanova recalls how he himself once found himself hostage by the rebels. i was in the car with my family, my wife and son. we were stopped by representatives of the seleka group. i told them that we were civilians, they threatened us with weapons, we said what they would do if we resisted. they ordered them to be taken to the hospital. we stopped. i thought that they would deal with us, they began to ask questions about where i work, where my wife works, when they received this information, they said that’s it, they can let us go, then we...
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and maria vladimirovna, my boss, invited me, made such an offer, i just knew experience that everything she entrusts , outwardly, it may seem difficult , impossible, and so on, but in fact, then you remain grateful to her, because everything she does, she really raised us all as specialists, as people
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who don't have to be afraid of any challenges, i i’m very grateful to her for this, it’s very difficult here, of course, but incredibly interesting. russia has always positioned itself as a disinterested , reliable partner; when such a situation arose in tsar, threatening the stability and security of the entire region of central africa, naturally, we could not help but respond to this. people lived for many years in conditions of war, they saw various peacekeeping missions, various mechanisms there, both national and multilateral, for example, the mission is already here.
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a national program is being implemented here reconciliation, it was signed back in the nineteenth year, it includes the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former compandants into peaceful life, and this is already happening, almost 5,000 people have gone through this program, and the program... is formally implemented by the government of the tsar together with moonstsar, that is with the un structure, which is present here, with the support of financial partners. russia, as it were , formally is not there, but in fact , not a single militant will just come out of the forest with a weapon like that and will never receive it, he must be motivated. motivation comes only when their groups are either severely weakened, are no longer capable of combat or are completely
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destroyed, and this is done by the army with... the advisory support of russian instructors, you know, we have always had a positive role in africa, even if we go back to the times of decolonization, and therefore the ussr, and now russia, is perceived as a true friend of africa, who did not participate in colonial wars and did not plunder natural resources, as the former colonialists did.
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extract positive aspects from all this, establish communication, this is what the russian house is doing, we teach the language and teach russian culture, so that central
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africans better understand how we work, as we think, russia was absent here for a long time, in fact, diplomatic relations were severed in in the seventy-ninth year, this all resumed literally 5 years ago, and in order to reduce this gap.
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i love music, i speak russian, french and a little russian. many of
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them hope to get quota places for studying at russian universities. over the past year , this quota has increased almost 10 times, not even by '. the news that he became a victim of a terrorist attack was shocking for the locals, i remember that the package exploded,
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i had a severe concussion, blood was pouring out of my chest, well, i had a pneumococcus and slight perforations, i didn’t hear anything, accordingly, first, that i thought the eyes were fine. i just saw scraps of meat on my hand, i realized that something had happened to my hand, there is no military-political or commercial, no other component, but purely humanitarian, that is, a blow to the humanitarian component of our presence, it is appropriate to assume that, so to speak, this is some kind of political action, the reaction of the authorities was, they supported the russian... side of dmitry satiy , he is personally known to everyone, many people came to support him when he was in the hospital and even more people came to the airport when he flew to
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russia for treatment. while dmitry was undergoing complex rehabilitation in russia, the first results of the investigation into the terrorist attack. and if you look at the technical execution, you can see that these are not amateur handicraftsmen, and that behind this there is some third force, most likely a state one, and most likely these are some kind of special services, that is, this is a political act performed by some secret services with the hands of, it’s unclear who. it was established that the flash drive was sent from toga, and somehow flew through three african airports on an airplane, each time passing through x-ray scanners, and there it is clear that there is an explosive device with destructive elements , such a series of accidents could not have happened when they did not notice an explosive device on control in several places at the same time, this is the first thing that
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suggests that the special services are involved in this... in documents that were recently leaked on discord from american intelligence services, it also says that there was a purposeful cia campaign to eliminate managers associated with russia in africa. rehabilitation in a russian hospital took 3 months. well, it's better than i thought, it's quite it went well, well, it’s clear that a protest would be needed, but in fact it didn’t have much effect on the way i function, my lungs... weren’t seriously damaged, it was a perforation. dmitry had no doubts about whether it was worth returning to work in tsar? it is symbolic to some extent that it turns out that russians can be intimidated, this is not only, i am here not only responsible for myself, in general for the image of russia, russian cooperation with friendly countries, and how well we can withstand the blow in general, that is i'm not like that
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could afford it. this is one, secondly, well , there is a lot of work that needs to be done, in general, all the activities that are carried out by russia here in tsar, all other african countries are watching it very closely, this is news about tsar and about russia in tsar constantly the media is on the front pages because this is perceived as a kind of pilot project for the interaction of new russia. and africa, in fact, the world is changing now, everyone is talking about it, that now there is a reformatting of international relations, russia is looking for its new position in the international community, all our traditional relations that we had with european countries, with the west as a whole, are now being torn apart, and not by our will, but this is all being imposed from the outside, and russia needs to look for a new place for itself. africa is the continent in
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which lives. i dream and hope that in 10 years my country will become a developing country where roads will be built, where electricity will cover the entire territory, where people can count on receiving dividends from our natural resources, and that tsar will become a developed and a developing country that will be good to live in.
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strengthening cooperation between russia and the summit is in fact an event for africa. we have good relations with the russian federation and we want to expand our cooperation in many areas. this is not only the security sector, but... also the economy, culture, education, there are many other areas that we need to work on. russia has a lot of knowledge, skills, and competencies. our country is a country where there are resources and potential that it can use. we need skills, we need knowledge and funding so that we can use the resources at our disposal. this is in the interests of the people of the central african republic, as well as the interests of both of our peoples.


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