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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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there were 10 percent of stubborn scumbags, yes, of course, of course, fashion was also 10%. if we only show how everyone got up and everything was fine, then people watching it will understand, damn it, but i don’t feel like i’m ready to get up and go, but i feel some doubts, yes, i have more a wide range of feelings, they will immediately be, if they doubt themselves, they will immediately classify themselves as those who disagree, with those who are not ready, do not want, and so on, so we try in tv series... films to provide a reliable emotional scale, yes, to people understood, everyone doubts, everyone thinks , ponders, yes, they make a decision for a reason, that i’m ready, this is a story about a man who wanted to leave, but in the end stayed when he had the opportunity, because he came, passed a series of circumstances, i realized something for myself, and almost all of our students were taken away from the faculty, a summons came, everyone was obliged, yes, yes, it’s him, it’s him,
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who will let them in here? and in general, i heard that they are going to a training exercise, and then they will stand at a checkpoint somewhere. our students won’t let us in, they the suits will lie down, but they won’t let me in, like my late husband, in the fourteenth throat. sorry, i didn't know. go, nadezhda palovna, go.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the institution where i studied is the donetsk college of restaurant service and trade, where i studied for 2 years as a pastry chef, at the moment this educational institution does not work due to the fact that it is located in one of the most shelled areas of donetsk, in an apartment , which i filmed not far from here, and there were already flights nearby, they took off for me windows and i realized that sitting at home was absolutely not
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an option, i had to join hands and go to the front. at some point , the understanding came to me that absolutely no one would do this for me. if i think about my homeland instead of me. the neighbor will go to protect her, the neighbor will think that i, who will protect her, everything is fine, i have the role of pasha, an ordinary student who studies in donetsk, who received a summons when this all started, got ready, told his mother, went like a real man, sister, says, let's for now... in a closed show, we won't go anywhere advertise, we’ll gather them there, i wonder what they will say, whether it’s similar to what happened to them or not, they looked, began to tell their stories, how who got to the front, what their path was, and i was so impressed by it all ,
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i say to my sister, well listen, well, let ’s film about this, in the summer i started meeting with demobilized students and just recording their stories on a tape recorder, in particular with pasha. we wrote down, well, by the way, pasha, based on his story in general, how the framework of the entire series holds up, i became a stormtrooper in motorized rifle battalion in the infantry, and went through more than dozens of assaults, and received three wounds, i discard this, i pulled this out, i pull this out, my character, this is one of the squad that... will storm mariupol, here in the group, i am 300, in the time of filming , many moments that - i saw there, i
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realized that something was familiar, at some point i realized that it was taken directly from my experience, for example, the injury of the main character. then, when after a concussion he became blind for some time, a lot of other things will be filmed, but specifically about the deners, yes, about the daner guys, uh, who, well , life just forced them, no one will film about them, and knowing how hard it was for them, i consider it my duty to film about them, to leave them in history, so, again, to pay tribute respect to those who died, and i myself have many friends who died there, in particular , to say thank you in this way to their parents for having such sons. hello brother,
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i finally got to you. first my dad was wounded in march, then my uncle died in april, then my dad lost his leg there june twenty-two, well, of course , all this hits the brain, that is, probably the main one is so convinced that i need to go out and write this myself after my uncle’s death, before that i thought i would not conduct any public activities, a special operation began immediately we, as war correspondents, began filming. everything that was possible, they were in mariupol, at the airport they were in volnovy, they went out and collected material, i collected material, and it all eventually took shape as a documentary film, full-length, donbass recognized called, that is, i thought about what i want to film, i want to film about my father,
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he deserves it, he is a patriot, a warrior, a man, a hero, from the year fourteen, on may 2, they began to kill people, burn them. when the militia left slavyansk, they also withdrew from konstantinovka, and my mother and i went to donetsk, well, for security reasons there for 3 days, but in the end we didn’t return home, we couldn’t talk on skype, so we decided to record a video for you, i say that we miss you very much, we really want to go home,
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celebrate navy day, cool, celebrate the day navy, vova ’s birthday is coming up, we keep calming grandma down, grandma keeps crying and crying, dreaming about my house, so i... i don’t know what’s wrong with this house anymore, well, i have dreams that one day we’ll come back, then we’ll take artyomovsko , it seemed to me that my home was very close, well, i guess i’m looking forward to the fact that when konstantinovka is liberated, after all, this moment of return, it will be something very deep, very great for me, as if for my heart, it was a difficult period, when the militia came out, the father was wounded, the godfather... he was captured, there was no water, the blockade was complete, we also had no money
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, they brought some food to the military unit, we went there, they took it, we got water from the headquarters, hunger kills any morality, people snatched food items from our hands, we could not hold back this wave, they stood in line two or three times, pushed away the weak, and the most vivid, most terrible memory is a child who saw me with...
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he goes to schools, universities, colleges, technical schools, they show, like this, i looked at the pictures, it’s real.
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damn, damn, think, damn, we have very little
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actors, and those whom i probably know even less, i was just lucky, we only had two of them in the theater, i wrote to them, they said, yes, with joy, they come without any rehearsals, i told them i say, well, this is how it should be, they start playing and i like it, that’s all, that is, this is luck, also with our reservists, we’ll leave, are you? you start working, i’ll find something for myself in time, i’ve had enough blood, let’s leave, i love you so much, i don’t want to lose you, almost every second person has uh someone's at the front, so we're worried, we're praying, uh. but life goes on, and if we give up everything now, we
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, we also support the guys with films, we show the country that everything is not as simple as it may seem, there tv deceives everything else, no, guys, look , i’m empty, we had to clear the village, and after clearing it, and... when we went to check the houses, in one of the houses, uh, i just found the entire civilian population of this village, shot and thrown into a heap like obscene garbage. just no way they did this to peaceful people because they supported, maybe, i don’t know , they shot people and threw them in a pile, you think maybe just for fun, you can’t look into the head of another person to understand what prompted him to do this, it’s just atrocity,
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when we entered the liberated territories, and even the people who supported ukraine, we never touched anyone. that is, why are we better than them, if we treat the civilian population this way, we must protect these people, as it was, they shot a prisoner, all these videos were posted somewhere near mariopol. there’s a video, san, show me, show me, san , come on then, what am i, i’ll still go, i’ll still go, even without legs, even without arms, i’ll still
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go, as long as i can breathe, which leg will go first? so, so, now, so, so, and now your feet are side by side shoulder-width apart, yeah, even look at me, this is the most sincere thing that happened in my life, yes, in general, here is the dpr, the creation of the dpr, the fourteenth year, because in in the modern world, yes, you don’t have to do all this, well, that is, there is no point in fighting. go, yes, you can leave and live well, why is this , it so happened that my dad and uncle did this, this is for me an example of the fact that even when there, yes, as they say, god died, we have such a soulless life, now we can do this , whatever you think is necessary, follow your ideas. donbass is completely unbending, so, of course, despite the shelling, despite the situation, despite
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the rather difficult atmosphere, cinemas continue to operate. silence, sound 61. well, did you manage? well, something like this, this one of yours, he says, came from the hospital, fedya, well then take it god bless him, come on, guys, i’m playing the role of a commander who, a bastard and a scoundrel, promising leave to the soldiers after mariupol, sends them out in danger if they now remove the blockade. other than rejection, this will not cause anything else, you need to be as open and honest as possible with your citizens, not to say everything, you can’t say everything, that’s clear , there’s no need to lie, let’s go, haven’t you heard, well , get out of here, defenders, everything is clear , the scene
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was filmed. thank you, this is actually why you all came here to your homes, that’s it, everything’s a prop we’ll give you everything, the weapons are yours, and you can hug, guys, no, no, no, i can hug lera, i don’t know, even sergei is ready to hug, but their guys, no, handsome guys, thank you, thank you, no, really, thank you for you all agree. people from donetsk know very well that when we travel to other cities and hear fireworks, the first physical mental actions are to shrink, get scared, feel this lump of fear inside, we already have such qualities, well, unfortunately, that
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are easy, well exactly play on the court if let's say they are needed, we don't need it. study and somehow additionally develop, motherfucker, karina, it does n’t matter, there is no meaning in written words, there is no fixed data, the world once sailed on three kiptas. i want our donetsk actors, they are worthy, they are very cool, i want them to become stars, albeit in regional cinema for now, and then all-russian, for me. my homeland , first of all, is donetsk, this city, i don’t know, i’m saying now, i’m getting goosebumps, i want to shoot in donetsk, so that it can be seen that this is donetsk,
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there’s no way i’m going to go to moscow to shoot about some kind of bageme, there are some abstract stories with some kind of fictitious problems, there are so many stories here that can still be filmed, and i want to do it here, we’re not there until the summer of ’25 we have planned for ourselves what kind of movie we will make, there are also tv series... they are not directly about the war, i will write a script for my film, and in the future i will play the main role in it, these are my plans for the next year, you probably know , when you ask the russians involved in our agenda, give me the image of a donetsk resident, that’s all they say: a tough guy, 50 plus with a machine gun, a former miner, this is true, but because of this truth, young people from here... flow out like blood from a cut body, so we want to make a film about those who remained , about those who in the fourteenth year they were 16 years
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old, they were finishing school, we have plans, i have my team, to film an entertaining series about the youth of donbass, about the youth of donbass during the period of these north military districts, in these events, which are practically unrelated to the war, youth against the backdrop of war, the main plan is survive, of course. will convey the truth to people using the methods that we have , home, even if the charge looks like a wolf, even if there is fire, i did the same in my life and this is my home, why should i leave, this is how it is, if we all let's leave, let's leave, that there will be nothing here, just empty land, and then what is there to live for? after a shell shock, i have short-term
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memory loss, i have a problem with my memory, that’s why it’s hard for me to memorize something, that ’s why i can do this, this is the first poem that i wrote on a military theme in general to the end for every bastard and to the grave for every mother and... our house is from the highway, but the people of donetsk will not suffer, i decided that with my chest at the peak, that with my soul i am going to be shot, i don’t want to hear their screams to see the torn bodies, i want to see donetsk like this, where my little daughter will fearlessly walk the streets, walk, and the petals will only be the petals of our city of a million roses. first of all , i would like this beautiful building to open its doors and our beloved dear donetsk audience to come to our performances.
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everything is fine, we are from donetsk. what is happening now, i’m already used to it, but how it will be different, in a peaceful way, i, i don’t know, it’s hard for me to imagine, have you forgotten how to live? well , to be honest, yes, when peace comes, i will be waiting for you in our theater at the play, say, lefty, where i will play in the form of a blah and i will jump like never before. would you like to star in another film? yes, in what kind, military, of course, what is military, just, and what would i not like to play the role of some princess in a beautiful fluffy dress. yes because that's how it is it will get faster and all wars will end faster, if you make war films, the war will pass faster,
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don’t know how to make a movie, we just make it, like that. friends, i invite you to our next episode of the author’s tv program. according to barbaros's plan, finland was supposed to pin down as many russian forces as possible on both sides of lake ladazh. russia is a country of which we are proud. we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout. world, we proudly look forward, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program.
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i hope you remember them and enjoy them. in the belgorod region there was no power after the shelling. in the village, repair work on the damaged power line has not yet begun; the power engineers are waiting for approval from the defense department. the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, announced this in his telegram channel. those injured as a result of attacks today on his no data available. in the morning, let me remind you, a siren went off in the region, and air defense crews destroyed six missiles. u and six more missiles of the alha rocket system. in addition, two unexploded shells were found in the private sector. in just one day, the ukrainian armed forces fired more than fifty rounds of ammunition across belgorod and its surroundings.
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belgorod and its suburbs.


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