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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, bremen town musicians, this is my group, this is the same boy who enchanted everyone with his songs. let's return to the news review. as a result of the terrorist attack in the uran city of kerman, 74 people were killed and at least 170 more were injured. let me remind you that the explosion occurred next to the cemetery where general qasem sulaymaniyah is buried. today is the anniversary of his death and thousands of iranians have gathered to pay tribute to his memory. according to preliminary information, unknown persons triggered the two improvised explosive devices. there are also versions of a suicide bomber committing suicide.
5:01 pm
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5:05 pm
hello, the project is on air, there was an incident during the war, a person grows up quickly in war, our hero is only 24 years old, but has no experience life has already been accumulated during this time for 50 years. he is happy because he loves his homeland, loves the army and loves life. and god helps such people. the call sign of our hero in the army is coal, we should have given him the call sign lucky, because this man got into stories from which it was unlikely that he could get out alive, but he did it, about
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the senior lieutenant of the russian army daniil uglyansky and his exploits in our film. from the first days of the special operation, daniil was on the front line, attack on the raisins, tough enemy resistance, close rifle battle, everything that surrounds a fighter in war.
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when he was first wounded, daniil did not agree to be evacuated to the rear. there was a chance to return to russia to the hospital, but i thought that... it would be, first of all , not like a commander, not like an officer, i understood that my company was now in such a difficult moral state that i, if i now i’m leaving, i don’t know what would have happened, so i made a decision, they patched me up on the spot. we will tell you in detail about one episode from his rich combat biography, he deserves it, sniper april 29, twenty
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in the second year, daniil uglyansky and his roto received orders to occupy one. industrial zones and withdraw the armed forces of ukraine detachments from there, when you stand , you die, so you need to move all the time, you need all the time, especially since you are a commander , you must give orders to your subordinates, they are waiting for this, they are waiting for orders to carry them out. daniil uglyansky is one of those officers who knows firsthand about the soldier’s lot. after 7 years of studying in the preobrazhensky cadet corps, he unexpectedly postponed enrollment for many. higher military school to to become a simple soldier, the thought closed to me that, in principle, you first need to be the one whom you will command in the course of your life, well , to be in this skin, so to speak , the military registration and enlistment office went, entered military service,
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conscription service, in such places there are always fierce fighting, both sides. show me, they just wanted to take the body away so that they could bring something to the family, i don’t even think so, coal, and they’ll shoot me like that. cover up! in uglyansky’s company it was a rule to take the bodies of their dead from the battlefield, without leaving them
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to the enemy. daniil, while trying to pull out the body his dead soldier, received a severe concussion. ok, me and the commander friend morota, the senior captain, shkolin, decided to lead. the group that covered the withdrawal of the main forces, it was worth understanding that the enemy
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had already deployed into a battle formation and was simply squeezing us out, and if we all just started to retreat, we would simply be shot from behind, i gave the command to occupy a perimeter defense of this small pit of the plant, people were distributed, sectors of fire were assigned, who was watching where. for 6 hours they were in a perimeter defense and repelled enemy attacks. the group's position was constantly attacked, the fire was dense , the nazis hit the spot where our fighters were hiding using everything they could, mortars, tours, machine guns, it was a tough close-quarters battle at grenade throwing distance, the sniper held the windows from which they were firing at gunpoint . our fighters, the superior forces of usu militants
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, managed to block the remnants of uglyansky’s company. dagger fire from a distance of 50-20, or even 10 m, leaves little chance of survival in these urban battles. from a sniper's shot, danila's friend, lieutenant pavel shkolin was mortally wounded. lieutenant uglyansky sent a group of remaining fighters to the rear, when the bull's ammunition was almost exhausted, danilo called fire on himself.
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myself with a 152 mm barrel, i knew that they would finish me off, and they gave me artillery fire, they told me, go ahead, good luck. surrender was not even a thought, why?
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because i thought it was a shame, just an outright shame, that a russian officer would surrender. they say there are no atheists in okupas. this formula has a lot of evidence, in the state when i was screaming and reading
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the prayer that i know, our father, well, i just knew, i lay there screaming, because i no longer knew what to do, because i understood the hopelessness of the whole situation and trusted only in god, they prayed, yes, then i understand that... these were probably the worst prayers in my life. afghanistan, 1984. until completion.
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and can talk about war both as a warrior and as a monk? war either moves god further away or brings god closer, because in war you can behave differently, become like the devil, satan in your hatred, or you can strengthen yourself in love, when you are really ready to give your life for your friends, well, for those who are nearby, for those who love whom? we are russians, merciful and trusting. “we think that the same slavs are fighting with us, only besotted with nazi propaganda, we want to believe that sooner or later they will come to their senses, remember their roots, our common world, our great past, but our warriors, in battle, watched in the eyes of the enemy, has no illusions, this is no longer rust, we are fascists, we
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have a battalion commander. he never called them ukrainians, he says, the german is rushing, that is, this is not a question for modern germany, on the contrary, we are moving away from the great war, because we believed that the fascists, this is so, they kill defenseless prisoners, persecute the orthodox faith, desecrate the holy books of muslims, wish... death for our children, i will allow myself to quote the words adolf eichmann , who said that in order to impoverish the nation , you must first impoverish the children, but the russian soldier, no matter what pain he endures, will never allow himself to become the same as them, they told you that the russians are bad , yes, and you see, we televised,
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they didn’t try to finish you off, you understand? but let’s return to the raisins on april 29, twenty-two, the evening of that long day has come, daniil has already been wounded four times, the remnants of the company are next to him, there is such a thing, death
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grips, i... the nerves on my left hand were broken, when i was holding pistol, was wounded at that moment, i had the pistol in my hands, i couldn’t, i couldn’t just pull it out, leave me, this is an order, we won’t abandon you, comrade lieutenant, or so i decided. the way to the first forest area, a kilometer along a plowing field, that is, the enemy will look in the thermal imager of the instrument vision, he immediately sees a group of infantry that is barely just walking, someone is crawling, and accordingly, we are too easy prey for them, he had almost no chance to survive,
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but he survived and had to return to their own. it was definitely 6 am for the attack , that is, we didn’t drink anything tomorrow, well , i didn’t even think about it at all, but when i took a sip of water, i felt such unrealistic feelings, pleasure, that everything was dry, that there was an unreal drought in the body, still rejection, bad bad, and just this it was such a sip of water, i don’t know. and there will already be some advanced positions of our troops, but to my regret there was no one there, i was already wounded, i had two holes in my head, a
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shrapnel flew into both hands in my left side. periodically i lost consciousness, came to my senses after some time, then walked on all fours, at one time i was without the strength to stand up, once upon... when i found out how many people were praying for me, i think exactly what, when i was crawling, when this is all, because
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everyone asks me, well, this is unreal, i i think that i don’t have slang, i think so, because there is no other explanation, it simply does not lend itself. an orthodox warrior, if he truly fulfills his task in the best possible way, fearlessly, without fear of death, that is. a warrior is always for one simple reason: he is not afraid to die, because he knows that if he dies for his friends, then he will be with
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god in paradise, in a paradise of happiness, no sorrows, no difficulties, but only joy.
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wait, wait!
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i understand that i got out earlier than they did, i went out on my own, that is, they hid all night somewhere, they came out on the right flank of our positions, and i went straight to the point, it turned out that even earlier. he had the privilege of living, serving and fighting in our difficult times. if he had been in enoi, he could have driven napoleon’s army in 12, fought the british and french in the crimean, attacked the dead in the first world war, fought in stalingrad and taken berlin. to fight in the afghan gorges, he is a russian infantryman, the salt, sweat is the blood of our army, and in all these
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warriors he would dream of only one thing: to win, at the moment i am only thinking about in this direction, i believe that no life changes, worldly joys can not only be considered at the moment, now everyone should be obliged to be aimed only at victory and desire it, beg for it, do everything.
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give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve it what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?
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