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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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let's get to know each other before everyone else, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead. for four , let's sign up, look, i'll shave your head to intimidate her, i wouldn't tear your horse apart, you have to try really hard, we 'll burn it, let's say i really went back in time, but why the hell come here, holob 2, all about the elections .
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si, we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone, early on sunday in the morning, during the absolute parade, the kids cried out , people, get up, let's all vote , the sleepy mom said, let's choose remotely, dad supported the pharynx, we'll choose electronically , grandma said to grandpa, i'm a father, i'll go with you, but our generation loves paper ballots. well, the young change of electron is modern, i am progress, not an opponent, hold my granddaughter ’s alarm clock, this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we’ll go with you , choose the mother the old fashioned way, using our usual methods, to the polling stations, as usual, to choose in the country free, important, honestly comfortable. start the year
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from profitable purchases at the megamarket, have time to buy a hairdryer for 1% of the cost, apply sbert thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. pairs scandinavian burger scandinavian burger with chicken at a bargain price, only delicious period, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, great blow, now i’ll post it, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there ’s no way to cancel it. this is a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it took off faster than i thought because that with 5g it’s even faster, with the russian lotto the holidays continue, in january we’re raffling off houses, cars, and also prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, just a holiday. some
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buy tickets in branded stores on the website than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it only after confirming the payment. before february 4, order savita with delivery starting from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. alice, turn on new year's music. i turn it on. we can't find your house, alice, light it up garlands, new yandex station duomax, new year where alice is.
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well, how are you with a cold, i have a report on the nose, we can handle it together, but first, bouklin, the two components strengthen each other, acting against the symptoms of a cold. that's it, i passed it together, we are strength, double strength ibuklin - double strength against cold symptoms in the format of tablets or powder for a warm drink. to help you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito protects your payment for housing. payment is transferred to the lessor.
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turn on the maximum for 399 rubles and get superboxes as a gift, can we bring it to you, and do you see one? benefit from a washing machine for only 24,999 than to look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, twist it, only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 rub., check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. in the studio maxim movchan. in the kursk region, police stopped the activities of a gang of possible cashers of criminal proceeds. the arrest took place immediately at several addresses. the alleged members of the criminal group , according to the security forces, received funds from their accomplices,
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which they obtained fraudulently, after which they were involved in the legalization of this money through the bank accounts of fake people. the police managed to identify the criminal scheme together with employees of security centers. large russian banks that identified a suspicious movement and issued a passport, did you know that these funds were obtained illegally on the territory of the russian federation? yes. previously it was it was established that the leader of the group organized the withdrawal of stolen funds to controlled bank accounts and coordinated the activities of his accomplices. the rest of the defendants selected people who issued bank cards. in your name and transferred money using the specified details. in addition to computer equipment and bank cards, police discovered suspicious substances of plant origin as suspected criminals. the crushed plants were sent for examination, and their probable owners were placed under house arrest.
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the search for a corporate party is not a hindrance. the fugitive, former head of the city of zhigulevsk, alexander kurylin , delivered new year’s greetings to his colleagues, albeit remotely. there were good reasons for such caution. russian researchers are looking forward to his visit. according to security officials, the once mayor, who went into business, is closely connected with former judge alexander efanov, who now has a lot of questions. word to olga zhirenkova. the ex-head of zhigulevsk, a major businessman alexander kurylin, who is on the international wanted list, in absentia arrested on charges of bribery, held a pre-new year corporate party in taglyat remotely. a number of telegram channels reported this the day before. abroad , according to unconfirmed sources, he may be in turkey, he is accused in absentia of giving a bribe on an especially large scale, according to investigators , kurylin provided property services
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at that time to the chairman of the sixth cassation court, alexander efanov, and provided a discount on car rental in excess of a million rubles , we are talking about this toyota sequoia. judging by data from open sources, alexander kurylin started his business in the nineties by trading products. in the 2000s, together with a partner, he founded the company tonavto, this is how he told reporters about it. i decided then that i needed to get involved in some foreign cars. we were partners there 50/50, and then we just didn’t agree philosophically. in 2008, he took the chair of the first deputy mayor of talati, but after a while he got into a scandal. city prosecutor's office. was the reason for his appointment to this post. it turned out that mr. kurylin did not have a higher education diploma. right after this is why he was enrolled in the first year of the talyatin academy of management. in the fall of 2008 , he became the mayor of zhigulevsk, but this post was not without scandals. almost immediately after taking office, he launched a campaign and
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the massive creation of hoas to transfer the city's housing stock to the balance sheet of private management companies, the founder of one of which was his wife svetlana kurilina, and... there is such an ancient saying: he who deceived once will deceive twice, after resigning in 2013, he returned to the automotive business, in in november last year, investigators had questions for him. was already mentioned in connection with an unpleasant story that was associated with the activities of his company, as well as the activities of the former head of the sixth constitutional court, alexander ivanov. in particular, it was mentioned that ifanov, in a very strange way, received a toyota car from the company; as previously reported by the media, the company that transferred the car to mr. evanov acted as the executor of government contracts with the sixth court of cassation and participated in legal disputes. telegram channels previously reported that kurylin's firms successfully win
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proceedings in the courts of the samara region, 10 out of thirteen in 4 years. the love of luxury cost alexander efanov dearly. in may , the higher qualification board of judges deprived him of his duties ahead of schedule. powers, and on new year's eve the court granted the claim of the prosecutor general's office to seize a plot on the relict island under the toad. it all started with another one from samara. a company called era received 40 hectares of land on podzhabnaya island through a dubious privatization scheme. a decision will be made in favor of businessmen who the moment was led by alexander efanov. after 8 years, efanov personally bought a plot of land on podzhabnaya island from the era company. the prosecutor general's office has already established the fact that the chairman of the sixth cassation court, alexander efarov, is affiliated with the era company. due to such chopping off of common land, urban land, which is not easy. not only could it potentially be used for recreation, but it has been used for many years for recreation. the city of a million, which
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is located opposite, across the volga, lost such an opportunity, the people who vacationed there decades, such an opportunity was lost. this is how mr. evanov’s site looked from the air last january, and already in the spring construction work was underway on the territory. the plot is located on the banks of the volga, next to a pier, a stadium and a tennis court, it turned out that mr. kurylin’s plot is located next door. ifanov and the era company, in which this land was registered, changed the coastal zone, lowered it, narrowed the federal water area, created an additional shore, washed up the beer, now, based on my requests , inspections are underway, which i think will also end by initiating criminal cases in connection with environmental damage, we will demand from evanov compensation for the damage caused here and... the former chairman of the sixth constitutional court, alexander efanov, has already been interrogated by investigators,
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it is known that he took advantage of article 51 of the constitution, do not incriminate himself and refused to testify. his friend kurylin is now on the run, but it is unlikely that the businessman will be able to hide from russian justice for long. according to local media reports, several of the group's dealerships tonafto companies were searched. olga zhurenkova, andrey romanov, dmitry manyshev, lead: duty unit. now there is operational news that our editorial team receives directly from the news agency. so, as tas reports, in japan, an unknown person with a knife in his hands attacked passers-by at one of the subway stations in tokyo. there is a victim, the suspect is detained. it was at this station in 2008 that another knife-wielding criminal reportedly killed seven people and wounded ten more. how these crimes may be connected is now being investigated. real blockbuster with the participation of a dangerous repeat offender and chuvash police officers. turned around on one of the republican highways, the militant’s pursuit of a car stuffed with weapons and explosives
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began from the moment when the criminal did not pay for gasoline and rushed out of the gas station, then passions only intensified. attention, slow down, the armed fugitive rammed the cars one after another, when he couldn’t get away, he also began throwing spikes under the wheels of the police, it all ended in a serious accident, the reckless driver crashed the car to smithereens and tried to escape, but... it worked out. during the inspection of the car , weapons and other items were discovered, the legality of their possession and storage is being established as part of the investigation. in the criminal case , a set of investigative and procedural actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident continues. it turned out that the front and back of the car had different numbers. there is a bomb in the cabin, in the trunks, a huge arsenal, a machine gun, a pistol, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, bladed weapons and even a night vision device. now the four-time convicted repeat offender is preparing receive a fifth sentence, investigators
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are finding out where he was going, armed to the teeth. she believed some scammers so as not to become victims of others, a resident of the capital deprived all her savings, and most importantly her apartment, when she decided to help the fake investigators. the scheme is classic; in order to save property, it supposedly had to be hidden well. but the police know well how the swindlers themselves hide. material by sultan zeganov. the only one. for a loan, you need to go to the bank yourself,
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formalize it, well, how to interrupt them so that the attackers did not get this money. the fake investigator strictly forbade the woman to tell her relatives about the call. elena leontyevna unquestioningly followed his instructions, visited several branches of various banks and collected loans for 6,000 rubles. time after time, she transferred money to unknown accounts, just as the fake ones told her. police, but this was not enough. there was a question about the apartment, that is, they said that the apartment was for sale, and in order to save it, i had to sell it myself, but... it’s official, and and then the attackers will not be able, so to speak, to implement it. the trusting old lady carried out this instruction, through realtors , which, by the way, were also found for her by telephone scammers, she sold the apartment for almost 15 million and transferred the received cash to the courier, and only then elena kraidenko began to be tormented by vague doubts, and to hide from
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her relatives the fact of the loss of her only housing was no longer possible. and when i come here, we sit down with her in the kitchen. i take her hand and say, mom, tell me honestly, are you in the investigative committee went to the central bank , did you see these people, she says no, she starts crying, during a conversation with relatives , elena leontyevna’s phone rang again, then after a couple of direct questions, the swindler with a clear ukrainian accent revealed all his cards, well, what next, what next , but what next, no house, no money, it is likely that this, and all similar calls come from... one of these cases, special forces soldiers storm an office space on leningradsky prospekt in moscow, and judging by the messengers on the monitors and calculations of profits on the boards, it was the very height of the working day: the large men, who so
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humbly lay down on the floor, a few minutes ago were talking with their victims, having received money from them... and transferred them to ukrainian accomplices, who was detained, you understand, no, i guess, in the st. petersburg apartment of this man caught by the collar, the police found powerful routers, phones and a box of sim cards. this equipment provides anonymity for telephone scammers. even financial transactions are carried out using secure channels, but russian fighters against cybercrime do not stand still. and from year to year it becomes more and more difficult for foreign swindlers to conduct their business.
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did not introduce themselves, and in order to avoid troubles, always keep in the know, do not trust telephone impostors, no matter who they are relatives and friends. sultan ziganov, oleg ivanov, victoria khairulina, conductor, duty department. the wish tree continues to make the dreams of children all over the country come true. employees of the main directorate of the russian national guard took part in the all-russian charity event. moscow. the fighters fulfilled the dream of eight-year-old stanislav zolotov. he went on excursions to several units. soob's employees showed the boy samples of modern weapons and took him for a ride in an armored car; amon's fighters became acquainted with the intricacies of a dog handler's work. and here’s another sweet gift that santa
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claus gave you, hold it, make a wish, and these are tickets to the christmas tree. fight the elements while others are devouring salads, firefighters are always on duty, especially on new year's holidays, fireworks, noisy feasts and bonfires, a busy time, but like any other shift, less than a minute to urgently prepare for a call, report by vladimir bazov, good afternoon, hello, rescuers.
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their compressed air breathing apparatus , here we test them, we have special stands, each firefighter is responsible for his own breathing apparatus, upon returning from a call, the first thing a firefighter must do is refill his cylinder, because a new departure can happen literally in a minute, this apparatus, it can supply two people with air, if necessary, this device allows a firefighter to work for 40 minutes where there is no air in general, or the air is contaminated , he can work independently, in the same way he can carry out... the shift is not much different from everyday life, rescuers say, although even such stern men continue to believe in the new year's miracle, a little in their own way, of course, there where we work there’s not much fun actually at the gas station, where we work
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, unfortunately, there are holidays, well, there’s not enough fun, there’s not enough smiles either, well, we’re trying to somehow create a mood for ourselves, once we dressed up as santa claus here, i remember there was a moment when we congratulated our colleagues, guys, well so with candy, well, instead... they told me the duties of a firefighter, the responsibilities of a fire extinguisher there. suddenly the dispatcher’s voice is heard: a car caught fire in one of the courtyards of troitsk, the owner forgot to change the faulty battery. first move to leave, alarm. according to the standards, you need to change into combat gear in 45 seconds, but in reality the fighters did it faster. rescuers responded to the call at 11:17, and at 11:30 the dispatcher was informed that the fire had been extinguished. now , according to our program, we see that.
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test, how much testing of the mind, logic and concentration, to develop all these qualities,
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for example, chess helps. a fire , for some, is just a number in statistics, but for rescuers it is always someone’s personal grief, because they themselves see the tears of fire victims, so every time they go on guard, they hope that there will be few calls that day. it is not customary for us to stay for 24 hours. the programmer, nikita kislitsin, whom american investigators tried to get hold of, successfully returned to his homeland under escort. his extradition was officially confirmed prosecutor general's office of kazakhstan. it turns out that
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kislitsin celebrated the new year in russia. the transfer itself took place at the end of december, but it became known about it only now. interpol was looking for kislitsin on suspicion of hacking one of the popular social networks. he was detained in kazakhstan, but russian investigators also had questions for the programmer, and astana decided to hand the hacker over to moscow. i will add that kislitsin is famous. digital security specialist. at the end of the 2000s, he was editor of hacker magazine, and then worked one of the leading specialists of a company that creates programs to combat cybercrime. details of the fight on board the plane, which was heading from moscow to mineral waters, have emerged. the official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs, irina volk , published a video of the jerking culprit of the incident on her telegram channel. it was already filmed at the airport, but the man is still so drunk that he doesn’t even understand what kind of trouble awaits him. come here, let's write, write, brother, write, who are you going to break something for, this violent
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passenger attacked the crew of the plane, seriously the flight attendant was injured; in addition, because of the incident, the next flight of the aircraft had to be rescheduled; now the airborne debater faces a criminal case and a large bill from the airline for the losses incurred. or the so -called garage empire for the illegal production of spare parts for russian cars, but illegal products continue to enter our markets. how to avoid getting hooked by dealers in counterfeit spare parts, watch on wednesday on the russia-24 tv channel the investigation of eduard petrov, pirates of the auto industry 2. for many years around the biggest car plant in talyaty huddled inconspicuous workshops. their workers copied spare parts of cars. hello, are you closing already? the first signs are missing hologram, the dealers were shoveling money, don’t worry at all about the fact that their counterfeits cause deaths. well
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, how come there’s a brake pad without markings, the police destroyed the underground garage empire in talyaty, but the flow of counterfeit goods for domestic cars has not stopped, before they traded counterfeit goods openly on the market, now everyone does it from under the counter, a pressure plate in this format , but they are trying to do it efficiently, so the traders are starting to run away from us, what are the current pirates of the auto industry, we took from... theft from stores worth a billion, a dubious record was set by american criminals, for for a year they have brought in goods from supermarkets worth a ten-figure amount, they grab everything that is not available, and then sell them on marketplaces; communities of professional cooks have even appeared on the internet, sharing tips and boasting about their successes, why many stores in the usa now sell only
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photographs of goods, and the criminals are left without money... there is such a worldwide tradition of summing up the results of the year and here everyone is in a big mood, some are bragging about how much they earned, others are counting their losses, so american businessmen, having barely survived the new year's hysteria, were poking their noses into the cash registers and gasped, it turned out that the damage from shoplifting this year alone exceeded $70 billion, no locks can save you, shoplifting is turning into a multi-billion dollar criminal business, and crime is becoming organized, steel boilers. gleefully, now they get together in a group, like here, a criminal duo, the so-called shoplifters, two dark-skinned young ladies, raked up five bags, and now they are trying to knock out the seller, but the seller is not a timid one, he knocked one of the kidnappers to the ground paul , soon a squad came for her, let me go , crazy, however, this is rather an exception, usually robbers still manage to escape and sell the loot on the internet, in these
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shots the thief is right behind the cash register, leisurely... everything that is lying badly, pay attention directly on in the eyes of the employees, they don’t even move, but as soon as you make a remark to the swindler, he goes into battle on bananas? thieves take advantage of the fact that sellers are immobilized by the law itself, they do not have the right to detain or use force against criminals, perhaps this is for the better, since there is a much greater chance of staying alive. jeff reiser, the son of a supermarket worker, says that one day a robber burst into his father’s store, reiser sr. tried to stop him and paid with his life. the thief hit the man in the face with such force that he fell, smashing my head. my father lived in his store and did everything for the customers, which is why he tried to stop the thief, but i never thought that working as a salesman could be deadly. a twenty-six-year-old criminal was accused of theft and murder, he is already serving a sentence in prison, but his colleagues - small-time workers, if no one was hurt, often go completely unpunished. shoplifters often take them on their forays.
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personal calculators, but it’s all about the laws of some states, for example, in california, if the amount stolen does not exceed $950, then the police will not even catch anyone, they say this is not a crime, but a misdemeanor, the new law was designed to relieve the congestion in american prisons and did, only now all the petty thieves are free running around the shops, as soon as supermarket owners tried to cope with the suddenly decriminalized tsunami, it got to the point that the cheapest canned goods were placed in locked boxes, but where? instead of regular washing powder , only photographs were hung on the shelf, but the result was the same, ordinary visitors were indignant; now, in order to avoid losses, the retailer, paradoxically, spends hundreds of thousands only on new anti-theft systems. for example, this drill has a chip built into it, it won’t work until it is activated at the checkout, and this special shelf opens only if you enter your phone number and receive a password for it, you need to enter it here. dozens
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of large retail outlets. due to daily raids they simply closed, such a number of crashes have never been seen in the usa, the rest factor into the price of goods in advance the expectation that some of the products will be stolen, and as a result, honest buyers have to pay, so to speak, for themselves, for that guy, nothing personal, just business. alena skaskova, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and honestly the detective, subscribe, also our investigation, watch daily releases on the platform, go to the tab. turn on an honest detective story, in a few minutes watch the investigation of eduard petrov, a pirate of the auto industry 2. and our episode is over. in studio was maxim ovchan. see you on the russia-24 tv channel at 21:30. well, we continue our news review now with messages from the ministry of defense, which are coming to the news agency’s feed at this moment. on january 3, as a result of a complex negotiation process , 248 -


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