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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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in the then still operating underground workshops, the first signs are no hologram, no barcode, original, no original parts at all, that is , none at all in this particular warehouse , no original parts at all, well, moreover, as i understand it, according to the price list their price is much lower than that of the original, that is , one and a half to two times lower, that is, well, people will not buy more expensive, sell cheaper, accordingly, this is also one of the signs of counterfeit. then a cheap part is offered, sort of like the original, but cheaper, than from an official distributor, or some sub-dealer network, here you already need to think about what you are going to get cheaper, why did it suddenly become cheaper, how can this be, at this outlet the price for spare parts is not double or even not... times
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lower than the original, parts for the fret are almost free, it all depends on the packaging, the more the box looks like the real one, the higher the price, so here is a box with bearings for the hub for the largus car, not only that there are trademarks, avtovaz, which means the hologram differs from the original one, well, there are not even markings, you see , there are no markings at all, that is, pads, well , just like that, the brake pad is absolutely unmarked, that is, the part itself, that is, as a rule, all parts come with markings , accordingly, we understand that this is all counterfeit in order to remove all detected counterfeits from the store. the operatives
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needed a truck, but as it turned out, it was just a small part of the ottoman counterfeit empire. this house with an eagle in the suburbs of talati, they know all. residents, its owner is a car baron, mardan osmanov. according to operational information, he hides spare parts in this extension to the house, a treasure trove of course. the log is probably delivered from a neighboring state. allegedly, at night, osmanov’s people transport counterfeit goods in small quantities to the iron market. auto baron osmanov clearly did not expect a visit from fighters against economic crimes. law enforcement officers asked to show what
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was inside this hangar. it turned out that the room was filled to the ceiling with boxes of counterfeit goods. and about the quality of this product, you do you know anything? whom? what is the quality of this product? well, it seems like it works there , that is , i don’t know, yes, that is, how long, how long it runs, how high quality it is, well , i don’t know, but it doesn’t seem to complain there, well , you don’t have any certificates for this, you don’t have any. it was clear that mordan osmanov was very dissatisfied with the visit of the police, no, he was not at all afraid of the inspection, it was just that the employees of the oeb and pkk showed up at the wrong time and clearly interfered with his work. osmanov communicates without hesitation on the phone with suppliers and buyers, here he lets the operatives listen to a voice message from his partner. hello sir, i'm sugar. contacted, they said, in
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3 days, 4 days, you will already receive the shipment, they said, the police are moving from the hangar to the house of mardan osmanov, their surprise knew no bounds, basement rooms, covered passages, summer veranda, everything is crammed with shelves, spare parts, of dubious quality .
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i don't know there. let us remember that in moscow, as in tolyat, everyone also ran away like cockroaches from a television camera. but the merchants are starting to run away from us, well
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, let’s go into the tent and see what’s here for sale. hello, is anyone alive? we just wanted to ask everything about counterfeit goods. well, i can’t answer you, i’m not authorized. maybe someone is here? no, and there is no one here, of course there is no cash register here, well, nothing really. for
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headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass, try it, real ice cream, russian cold, great, incredible taste, i’ll get out of this cage, already at the cinema, how good it is here, fat people.
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and sore throat, at the zoo minus five , mom will say, this is five, the action of oral sept for bacterial and fungal infections, so as not to miss spring, let’s shout together, this is five, five actions of oral sept for a sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old , oralsept is five, in life’s whirlwind of successes, failures, hope fills you with vikvanch, in the rhythm of the worker there are many tasks, your break is filled with viklan, meat sauce, sytin hot, meat with noodles. co-owner of a large company, now i’ll show you everything, this is the reception , on the right is the department of promising developments and the growth chart, the product portfolio is developing, a large
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family is like a large organization, and its development needs support, a national project on demography by decision of the president, all measures to support families with children, many remedies for heartburn try to extinguish it. omes has a different approach: ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach and helps fight heartburn. ames is the definitive answer to heartburn! hello! i myself, myself!
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i help with liver problems, i forten essentials are tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market.
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but let's return to the house of mordan osmanov, operatives and specialists of the lada image company continue to inspect the counterfeit empire of the underground car dealership. the hologram here is a more or less decent hologram, but at the same time now. let's look, here's one of the signs, look, you see the numbers, as a rule, if a number is made on a security label, it is done individually, that is , it is not repeated, yes, that is, it is like this to say, through, through, through number, yes, the numbers are the same, that is, one of the signs of counterfeit, wheel bearings and other units and mechanisms, a very expensive consumable, but not from counterfeit dealers.
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or the mechanism unit will jam and can lead to an accident. bearings are a very important component of any car, special attention is always paid to them, often destruction or jamming of a bearing while the car is moving leads to an accident.
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on today's raid, the police took with them a highly specialized specialist from the plant who officially supplies bearings to avtovaz. we often come across the fact that under our brand they sell bearings that are not of our production, this happens quite often, so it’s essentially a pig in a poke. the special event of the samara police turned out to be successful. operatives seized a huge amount of counterfeit goods and carried out investigative actions in the house of the underground auto defense osmanovo. the closest attention to details for ladas that come from abroad is at the samara customs office. not without reason, because the work of such a giant as avtovaz is a matter of national importance,
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automobile spare parts are counterfeit, they cause damage to their introduction into civil circulation not only to the copyright holders of trademarks and the state of paying taxes, but also counterfeit spare parts that are put into circulation on the territory of the russian federation , they also cause damage to our interests... it turns out that the warehouse of the underground auto defense mordan osmanov for the samara region is a drop in the ocean of counterfeit goods, judging by the figures, there are many such osmanovs in the region. samara customs carries out activities in places close to the state border of the russian federation, the republic of kazakhstan, as well as directly at checkpoints. mobile groups of samara customs identified more in 2022. we are moving to a customs
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warehouse, where counterfeit spare parts for the lada are stored, which is what we don’t have here, here are spare parts for cars with signs of counterfeit products, which were identified by samara customs officers, that’s what we have here, well... filter oil with trade designation okay sign, then we have bearings. yes, they try to do it efficiently, whose is it from what? and it’s difficult to say whose, because the product has signs of counterfeit
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products, but according to the labeling indicated, this is a factory-made motor plant. checks take place daily and not only at customs posts. flying groups of samara customs set up mobile posts anywhere along the route, working together with the crew of the regional traffic police, whose employees stop suspicious cars. today we are witnessing such work. on highway leading from the kazakh city of uralsk to samara, documents, comrade driver, i warn you about the recording of a personal video recorder, documents for the goods will be good, everything is fine here,
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the driver shows the necessary papers, says that he is bringing from almaty. shoes to moscow, customs officers wish you a good road and begin to inspect the next car, look, you have some bombs, modish, yes, comrade driver, please, the goods are coming from kazakhstan, what does he have there, the city of st. petersburg , dryers, washing machines, 11 stone. so, all day long, the work is monotonous, but very important and responsible.
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we turned to the most respected specialists in the country. institutions engaged in the study of machine parts, the institute of independent automotive expertise, madi. engineers is an institution known throughout the country. they conduct forensic examinations and work on behalf of investigators of the investigative committee and police interrogators. we showed the institute's scientists counterfeit spare parts from mordan's shop. osmanova. one question. how much? it’s dangerous to use such wrong spare parts when repairing a car, we examined some parts, but that means yes, information from customs that entire trains were counterfeit products and what quality they were, what they were, even sometimes they brought seemingly good parts, but they were unaccompanied , without certificates, without anything, unfortunately, all the products went for
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disposal, because no one could guarantee that they would be robotic.
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this again means paying several thousand rubles for work. the miser pays twice, in this case perhaps also health or even life. to change it, and if it’s serviced, then even if it’s a little more expensive, you ’ll protect yourself from many further troubles, and don’t forget, if the engine knocks due to bad oil, you simply won’t go any further, and if you have, let’s say, will break the ball joint at a speed that turns out to be made of plasticine or out. crack, then this is a real risk to life, don’t take risks, take care of yourself.
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employees of the department of economic security and anti-corruption in the south-eastern district of moscow , an inspection of the auto parts market on trofimova street was carried out. in one of the trade pavilions , investigators found about 500 badges with the logo of one of the leading car manufacturers in the russian federation. they showed signs of being fake. in addition, the seller was unable to provide a license agreement with the copyright holder. an administrative case has been initiated regarding this fact. the badges were confiscated
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and sent for examination. measures to decriminalize the auto parts market continue. low price of counterfeit spare parts attracts car enthusiasts. but this price is reduced due to unsuitable production technologies, low quality materials and lack of quality control. the only goal of this business is maximum profit with minimal investment, so the final losses for the car after installing counterfeits are many times greater than the savings. the use of regional spare parts is, first of all, safety. both the driver himself and his family, well, it’s clear that we are trying to be as close as possible to
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to the end consumer, which is why we have a lot of special incentives, we are currently launching a huge number of marketing programs to provide additional discounts, if, for example , the client does not currently have money, then you can get an installment plan. there are a large number of partner banks, so now we have the most loyal approach to interaction with the end consumer. if you want to be sure that everything will be fine with you, if you have problems with the parts, come to us, as they say, to the store, buy the original - a spare part in an official store , in an official store, yes, i repeat once again , yes, as they say, it’s more expensive, but the risks are much, much less, but... whoever decides to save on pennies risks not only his own life, but also his life his friends,
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comrades, whom he translates. in this film we tried to tell what has changed. since the security forces liquidated the underground criminal business of production, restoration and sale of counterfeit spare parts for the domestic automobile industry in talyaty. now the country's markets the market is mostly filled with imported illegal products, they are no less dangerous, which means that the war against pirates of the auto industry continues.
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this is how we saw the fight against the market of counterfeit domestic auto parts, this was our investigation from moscow and the samara region, the conclusions of the case are only for you, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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we don’t know what tool will make new year’s morning simple, but we know what bank will make the whole year profitable, bank ural siib. promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart. bremen town musicians, this is mine group, this is the same boy.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
8:00 pm
as a result of complex negotiations with the territory controlled by the kiev regime , 248 russian military personnel were returned to russia, as the ministry of defense reported, this became possible through the mediation of the united arab emirates. the necessary medical psychological assistance is being provided. soon the military will be taken to a medical facility for treatment and rehabilitation. according to sources, they are referred to by the media, including chief director arte margarita simonyan, in her telegram channel, the exchange was made 173 for 173. but in addition , another 75 russian military personnel also returned to their homeland. it has become.


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