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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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for the finaugris, and the russians are migrants here , people came and so on, absolutely wrong, the russians appeared in korelia since the 12th-13th centuries, they were then part of the novgorod republic, by the way, the novgorodians baptized the karelians, the webs, who became orthodox and preserved orthodoxy to this day, therefore all these peoples, one might say, were indigenous peoples, was liquidated by hitler in march 1938. berlin and helsinki 1939
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there is such a word as geography, we are not afraid of you, you will not attack, but your territory, how germany can use a bridgehead, and what is 32 km, this is one throw, and leningrad would be captured.
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lopland hosts finland's german troops. the german command sent them to prepare for an attack on murmansk. finnish
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ports, railways and airfields were provided to the germans to deliver ammunition and equipment to the soviet border. on march 1 , 1941, the head of the ss main directorate, gottleb bergen, officially invited the finnish authorities to begin forming national ss military units. this idea is hot supported by manerheim and the entire leadership of soomi, including the president and... so finland became the only state in the world that not only voluntarily admitted german troops, but of its own free will began to form ss military units. the word bonsai from japanese is simply translated as a plant in a pot, here it is generally accepted that everything is beautiful, he has been here for many years now, among the usual rude faces, his poetry. lives in
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september 1943, advancing soviet troops reached the left bank of the dnieper. russia - the ssnor battalion was formed in may 1941. during the war, the germans used it as a striking force on the eastern front. in 1942, after the fighting in ukraine, finnish
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ss men were sent to storm the caucasus. but they failed to take possession of the mika and grozny deposits. the battalion was taken to germany and disbanded. most of the surviving ss men continued to fight as part of the ss nordland division. after the defeat of germany, they unexpectedly found influential patrons in western intelligence agencies. these war criminals first fled to sweden, and from sweden they fled all over the world, as a rule, this is south america, the usa, and so on. it is very important to understand that the finnish special forces have accumulated very rich experience in combat operations in arctic conditions. long-range sabotage and reconnaissance groups , reporting directly to monerheim’s headquarters , entered the soviet rear 200-300 km on skis, and many of these finnish saboteurs,
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who were also war criminals, immediately went to serve in the us army in order to share their valuable experience, like this... for his distinction in battles against the red army, he was awarded the iron cross, second class. after the war, he fled to the united states, where, under the name larry thorne, he joined the american special forces. he died in
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1965 in vietnam while participating in another reconnaissance operation. the only member of the waf to have the honor of lying next to american presidents, military astronauts at arlington national cemetery. in the state of colorado, his name was given to the headquarters of the 10th special forces group appointments. in 2004, according to the results of voting by finnish television viewers. former ss man lauri törni was ranked 52nd on the list of the 100 greatest finns. according to barbaros's plan, finland was supposed to pin down as
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many russian forces as possible on both sides of lake ladazh. he performed this task very conscientiously. in 1942, the german command decided to destroy the road to life with a surprise attack from finnish territory. the operation was
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codenamed "brazil". her main goal was our dry island, which was the key to all southern part of lake ladazh. if successful, leningrad was doomed to the second. the italians, like the finns, were supposed to cover the germans during the landing on the island. the enemy flotilla attacked sukha island at dawn on october 22, 1944, and some of the german paratroopers managed to land ashore.
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the island's garrison, numbering about 90 people, offered them fierce resistance. when the battle turned into hand-to-hand combat, our pilots and sailors of the ladazh flotilla came to the aid of the island’s defenders. of the thirty enemy ships, 16 were destroyed. i managed to defend the path of life. the main success of the finnish army on the eastern front was the capture of petrozavodsk. this city was founded by peter i on the shores of lake onega in 1703. by order of the king , treasury weapons were built here. a plant where, during the northern war, cannons for the russian fleet were cast,
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anchors and cannonballs were made. one of the defense lines of petrozavodsk passed in the area of ​​height 168.5. in september 1941, more than 1,500 city defenders from the 313th infantry division died here. majority. the soldiers were from the urals, they continued to fight in surrounded, even when the advanced finnish units had already broken through to the outskirts of petrozavodsk. if the ural men had not fought to the death in this place for 3 weeks, then there would have been a second ring of leningrad, the finns would have united with the germans in the volkhov area and we would not have had the road to life. karelian search engines have been working here since 2011. during this time , the remains of 250 red army soldiers were discovered and reburied. the names of several
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dozen heroes were established thanks to the medallions found. the personal belongings of the fighters are left at the place of their death, next to which a red star is installed. we discovered during the search work that the finnish army had equipment from almost all of europe, starting from the first world war, ending with weapons. the myth that the finnish army did not seek to seize the original russian lands. in
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reality, everything was completely different. petrozavodsk was occupied by finnish troops on october 2, 1941. immediately after this, the invaders renamed the city yani slinno, a fortress on onega. two weeks later the finns began to create a huge camp zone for the russian population of karelia. according to the order of the authorities, russians were classified as second-class people, and should not have mixed with the privileged karelians and other finno-ugric peoples. in total, the finnish occupiers created seven concentration camps in petrozavodsk, in which they were placed. today in petrozavodsk live
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the last witnesses of the monstrous crimes of the finnish army on russian soil. klavdia alexandrovna, together with her mother and five sisters, ended up in concentration camp number six. before the finns evicted them from their native village in zaonezhye. her father died at the front. mom, stepanida ivanovna soboleva, unable to withstand the bullying of the finnish guards, became seriously ill and died. they buried her in this... grave on the outskirts of petrozavodsk. for everyone, the worst thing was hunger, so there was dystrophy, dropsy, legs and faces were swollen , people were swollen, they could not walk, and of course, there was also a system of punishments for the slightest violations, for trying to sneak under the wire, in search of food, when children violated the established
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regime, they could shoot, she personally shot at me i have a guard on my hip. this is to imagine that a mother has six children and nothing to give, sorry, this cannot be imagined, in this photo, taken immediately after the liberation of petrozavodsk, klavdiya
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aleksandrovna is standing by the barbed wire in the lower right corner. in 2007, on behalf of the union of former child prisoners of finnish concentration camps, she filed a formal claim with the european court of human rights. previously , they had already approached the presidents of finland, martti ahtisaari and tari halanen, about compensation, but were refused. european court, our attempt to appeal too. was not successful, since we had to go through all the stages of the courts, starting with the helsinki county court, which made a request to the headquarters of the finnish army regarding my claim for compensation of 7,500 euros, as paid to german prisoners of german concentration camps, to which it was answered that finland did not commit war
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crimes, that everything was according to the laws of war. in january 1944 , manerheim ordered to burn all documents relating to the ethnic cleansing of the russian population in karelia, but to completely destroy the finnish occupiers failed to trace their crimes. after germany's victory over the soviet union, the finnish authorities planned to completely get rid of the entire russian population in the territories. corelia arrived on a visit to germany. the main purpose of his trip was to discuss with various departments of the third empire the issues of deportation of russian residents of karelia to the zone
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of german occupation. in addition, the representative of finland had to study the experienced one. german authorities for the development of occupied soviet territories, in particular finnish officials were interested in hitler's methods of eliminating unwanted civilians . one of the main victims of finnish racial policy were soviet prisoners of war. they were kept in unbearable conditions. they were used in the most difficult labor, starved and beaten for the slightest offense. of the 64,000 red army soldiers who found themselves in finnish captivity, one in three died from hunger and abuse. i have
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a unique thing in my hands, this is a box that was made by a soviet prisoner of war in finnish captivity. our prisoners did things like this boxes, cigars, boxes , in order to exchange them for bread, in particular , on the back of this box, on the bottom it is already written in ballpoint pen, that is, after the war, exchanged from a russian prisoner in the spring of forty-four for four sandwiches with sausage, petrozavodsk svir, that is, this is the territory of the occupied finnish army, there were quite a number of camps for prisoners, and there was such an exchange trade between our prisoners and guards. after the defeat of the germans at stalingrad, manerheim. ordered just in case rename concentration camps for russians into resettlement or internment camps. the prisoners'
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food standards were even increased. a number of discriminatory restrictions for the non-finnish population of karelia were abolished. in 1944, when soviet troops drove the germans back from leningrad, the finnish leadership hastened to begin secret negotiations. the advance of the red army left him no chance. in the summer of 1944
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, one of the most fierce battles on the soviet-finnish front took place in this forest. here in the area villages of kuterselki on june 14, our troops managed to break through the main line of enemy defense on the karelian isthmus. the finns built it for 3 years and considered it impregnable. the first line consisted of granite and reinforced concrete bumps in several rows, behind which were anti-tank ditches; the entire space between the bumps was mined. next were wire fences, behind which there were full-profile trenches with
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armored caps for machine-gun nests, bunkers and pillboxes. the remains of one of the concrete shelters that the finns built here using american technology. first, a sphere of durable rubber was installed in a deep pit, which was entangled with wire and filled with concrete. this structure was covered with stones and gravel from above. in the event of artillery shelling or bombing, about ten people could take refuge in it. the battle-hardened, well-armed red army only needed 10 days to break through all three
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lines of finnish defense and take a sample. this defeat forced the finns to return to the negotiating table. in september 1944. the city of rovaniami will destroy all populated areas in its path. on april 6, 1948 , a soviet-finnish
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treaty on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance was signed in moscow. stalin wanted to start relations between the two countries with a clean slate, so manner heim was given the opportunity to calmly end his days in europe without fear of criminal prosecution. as for stalin’s attitude towards monerheim, at the end of the great patriotic war, i would say that stalin simply used manerheim. it was necessary in order to convict all the culprits participation in the finnish war, a trial took place in helsinki, where the very people, comrades-in-arms, whom he ruled finland, were convicted, it was necessary in order not to create any social ones.
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the exact number of victims of the finnish occupation has not yet been established.
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investment rating, economics.
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in russia as a result of difficult negotiations with those controlled by the kiev regime.


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