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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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as a result of complex negotiations with the territory controlled by the kiev regime , 248 russian military personnel were returned to russia, some have already been delivered to moscow. all those released are provided with the necessary medical and psychological assistance. they were met at the airport by zenaida kurbatova. the il-76 board landed, which brought the first batch of our fighters, 75 people. all of them...
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but an additional 75 military personnel were able to be returned, thanks to the persistent work of the russian competent authorities. most of the fighters will soon go home, some to ivanovo, some to the far east, some to the banks of the volga. everyone will be provided with the necessary psychological assistance and rehabilitation in hospitals of the ministry of defense. zinada kurbatova pavel. the russian army repulsed all attacks, among other things, the 115th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was not allowed to break through in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost over 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers , a tank and nine other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as eight air defense systems and self-propelled guns, including american polish ones , in addition, a strike was made on a hangar with aircraft ammunition, as well as deployment point on...
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the main task is to hold this stronghold until the main forces arrive. meanwhile, units of the ukrainian armed forces are not giving up attempts to regain lost positions. there are mercenaries from different countries, there are american, english, from the french region, polish mercenaries, most of them are fairly good weapons of nato models and... in
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the soviets anything can happen, for fire support of assault groups they immediately advance to the line of combat contact in the kremensky forest motorized rifle divisions. moving through the forest, the bmp-2 tries to move at full speed, because the leaves have fallen; all movements on the ground are clearly visible to ukrainian drones and reconnaissance officers. these are bmp-2 from the central military district. are equipped with a universal berezhok combat module, but the enemy’s armored vehicles are attacked by the carnet anti-tank missile system included in its composition, the equipment is weak, the leopard is the same, they are also undermined, do not hold shells, they will also be blocked, everything is the same, just more electronics if the bmp drives by past at speed, they do not have time, equipped with a carnet anti-tank missile system . infantry vehicles today continue
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their successful confrontation with enemy armored vehicles, which the ukrainian armed forces at the tor ledge are transferring to the front line in preparation for possible breakthrough attempts. alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, kremensky forest. against this background, throughout ukraine there are raids on those who can be send to the front. on the roads, checkpoints do not allow ukrainians to leave the country without a special certificate from the military registration and enlistment office. zelensky almost directly stated that everyone would row. whoever they reach, but the kiev regime will allow them to pay off, as forbes reported, reservations from mobilization will be available to ukrainians who are able to pay 6,000 hryvnia to the budget every month, which is about 160 dollars, that is, for a year they will have to pay 2,000 dollars, however, tariffs by the summer they can
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raise it sharply, but don’t even think about forced mobilization, egor grigoriev come on, idiots, look. they don’t serve themselves, they look for people. in one hand there is a phone with the camera turned on, in the other there is pepper spray, the ukrainian is threatening to use it against military commissars. here are the heroes who do not serve; the military asks ordinary people to serve. this time , the ukrainian managed to fight off the employees of the acquisition center, he knows the materiel. but the information about the military’s requests is incorrect. according to the upcoming law, they are going to mobilize even those with the third category of disability, without legs, without arms, with one eye, the plan is 500,000 people. new a round of conflict between the president of ukraine and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. the british financial times writes: neither side wants to take responsibility for an unpopular decision. given the risk of public backlash, the task of training men for the armed forces has become something of a hot
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potato in kiev, traded between ukraine's political leaders and its top military brass. the reaction of ordinary ukrainians in the latest reports from the border service: 12 draft dodgers tried to escape to hungary, fire was opened on them, they were detained and the organizer of the action, he took 12 thousand hryvnia from each fugitive , it is becoming increasingly difficult for ukrainian men to escape, mobile inspection posts have appeared at the territorial recruitment centers, a typical conversation at one of these in the kiev region, i need the documents, you show me the documents, i won’t do anything to you show, i won’t show you anything, on what basis i will show you, i will show you and prove on what basis, come on, let’s wince.
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iran in connection with the terrorist attack in kermania, the president emphasized the killing of civilians, those who visited the cemetery are shocked by cruelty and cynicism. moscow strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and has reaffirmed its commitment to combating this evil. as a result of the terrorist attack in iran, more than 100 people were killed and at least 200 were injured, and the country declared a national one. maria skorodilka has details. ambulance sirens deafen the city of kirman in southeastern iran ; doctors make their way through the crowd. the news broadcast of world tv channels is interrupted by urgent messages. breaking news comes from iran.
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iran has officially stated that two explosions near a cemetery in kermani killed more than a hundred people. bombs were planted along the road leading to the cemetery where general qasem sulaymaniyah is buried. he enjoyed enormous support from the people of the country. after his death, he became a national hero in the disgusting death, thousands of people came to his grave from here.
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this is a very important point, that these attacks were aimed at children and civilians, women, children, at least six children were killed, this is blasphemous, this is the most powerful terrorist attack aimed at iran recently. iranian authorities harshly condemned the incident and threatened a new surge of resistance. explosion. were heard on the fourth anniversary of the death of general suleimani, who led the alquz division, conducted operations outside iran and provided military assistance to hamas and hezbollah. the general was killed in an american drone strike. and in the same scenario , the deputy head of hamas was killed in beirut this week. lebanese authorities believe israel and its allies are behind the attack. journalists of the german bilt it is believed that this chain of attacks will take the conflict in the middle east to a new level. one of the leaders of lebanese hezbollah directly stated: “this is not... hezbollah is ready for any development of events, we are ready to respond,
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they have many scenarios for the development of events, at any moment the leadership of the parties can take any path. british experts believe that participation in the attacks in iran and lebanon were organized by the americans. hezbollah is one of the main militant groups threatening israel. hezbollah can violently attack tel aviv. to be honest, i don’t think that my name is behind the attacks on beirut. israel. his allies may be behind the attacks. the targets of the attack were not ordinary people. the target is the enemies of the united states. retaliation against western forces may begin throughout the middle east, experts believe. various groups have already announced that they are ready to increase attacks, and the hamas group is also planning. after the killing of representatives of the movement, negotiations on a temporary ceasefire with israel were suspended. january 4 has been declared a day of national mourning in iran. maryadilko and anna tarasenko. news. for. for the united states, the new conflict in the middle east has become part of a geopolitical game, including
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the aggravation of the situation in the red sea, as indicated by russia's protest at a meeting of the un security council. about the situation in the region ekaterina radaeva. another strike in the red sea. this time, the houthis attacked a container ship that was sailing under the flag of malta. the yemeni armed forces confirm that they will continue to block passage. to the pohusites in yemen. london can send a royal frigate to mms lancaster for
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support for the destroyer diamond already there. at the same time, the press notes that the united states is extremely afraid of escalation in the red sea. we are not looking for conflicts with the houthis. this is simply a reaction to the fact that they are not stopping their attacks on ships in the red sea. we are confident that the reforms that the palestinian authority must implement will solve the problem. such statements from washington do not inspire confidence among the houthis. the situation reached the point where the americans began military operations in the red sea. their reckless actions are affecting international shipping. they serve the interests of our enemy in israel. the us is imposing wars, creating problems and chaos around the world, and this is disrupting land and sea security. possible escalation was discussed at the un security council. the problem of ensuring freedom of navigation in the red sea and the gulf of adon is developing in such an alarming way.
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the united states is again facing a shutdown, a partial cessation of funding for budget structures, as white house spokesman karine jeanpierre admitted. after 16 days, parts of the us government will no longer be able to continue operating. united states threatens a shutdown until the partial cessation of government funding is about 2 weeks away, but instead of doing their job.
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the rating was published by fox news. harvard rector cladine gay left her post due to accusations of plagiarism and anti-semitism, although until recently she was considered an ideal representative of the democrats. anton dadykin found out how this happened. claudine gay, the first african-american in harvard's history and the second female rector in its history, hinted in her resignation letter that her dismissal included element of racism. it's disappointing that my commitment to standing up to hate and upholding scientific rigor has been called into question. for me these are two fundamental values. it was scary to be subjected to personal attacks and threats based on race. gay lasted only six months as the thirtieth rector of one of the most prestigious universities in the united states. the trouble
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began on october 7, when a group of harvard students declared: israel's own. politics allegedly provoked the hamas attack to their territory, this was followed by actions in support of palestine. several major harvard donors demanded that a list of pro-gas students be published and expelled from the university. when this did not happen, the billionaires announced they would stop financial support to the university. republican politicians got involved in the scandal. they called gay along with the heads of other leading educational institutions.
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especially after the hamas terrorist attack on october 7th. back in september, harvard colleagues applauded wildly during the inauguration
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african-american weaver, specialist in the field of electoral technologies and their connections with race. despite the resignation of gays, congress is still waiting for a report from harvard on the fight against anti-semitism and plagiarism at the university.
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apparently, republicans are no worse than democrats at mastering the techniques of cancel culture and are ready to use them to win the american domestic political struggle. anton dadykin, lead. in chuvashia, an intercity bus had an accident, two people were killed, and about ten were injured. the bus was traveling from nizhny novgorod in talya. according to preliminary data , the driver lost control and drove off the road. more than 100 new standards in the field of artificial intelligence have been approved in russia, and state regulations are being prepared in the field of online commerce and machine tool construction. the head of rosstandart, anton shalaev, told mikhail mishustin about this. konstantin churikov followed the progress of the meeting. gost is the key to growth. development of advanced trends in industry and services. impossible without a domestic system of standards, this was discussed at the meeting of the chairman government of mikhail mishustin with the head of rosstandart anton shalaev. our own
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standards are necessary for our country to achieve technological sovereignty in all areas and in all industries; our president has spoken about the importance of this more than once, especially in the development of advanced areas, so that enterprises can, under the current sanctions. build technological chains and work with subcontractors. most of the meeting was devoted to the implementation of standards in innovative areas. head of rosstandart spoke about the first gosts for cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells, about uniform requirements for solar power plants, rosstandart is actively working on gosts in the field of smart production, the internet of things and digital twins in those areas whose names may not yet be quite familiar to the ear, but ... is becoming a part of our lives, in terms of digitalization, a very important issue is the development of artificial intelligence technologies; in 2022, rosstandart
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approved more than 100 new state standards promoting the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, transport, and in a number of other areas. moreover, we want to make these guest statements public, and we have opened these guests to all interested parties, any enterprise can familiarize themselves with them. we started this year. to finance the development of standards in the machine tool industry, this is an important area without which it is impossible to imagine a technically independent country. according to anton shalaev, when developing such state standards, the department analyzed more than one and a half thousand, even 1,700 standards that were in force in russia, and before that in the soviet union. this work is being closely watched abroad. over the past 2 years, 10 summary standards have received international status, and they relate to such high-tech areas as aircraft manufacturing and space, recently a huge number of standards have been developed, it is important that they do not exist on their own, but are in demand, because
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practice is precisely sets the standard, all changes to this, feedback are very important, and this applies to everything, well, probably the most significant things are the weight in products, the packaging should contain exactly as much as according to the state standard, people care about this, this is exactly what worries people and requires a standard, at the initiative of business.
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from the whole country, as it was emphasized at the meeting, the introduction of domestic standards is the key to the future development of russia, the result that the country will receive tomorrow depends on what standard is set today, the word bonsai from japanese is simply translated as a plant in a pot, here it is generally accepted that that everything beautiful is simple, he is here for many years now, among the usual rude faces, his poetry. lives in september 1943 , advancing soviet troops reached the left bank of the dnieper. since january 1, the minimum
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size has increased. wages and the cost of living, what they have become and how indexation will affect benefits payments, we will talk about this in this issue of the instructions: now an employee who works full time cannot receive less than 19,242 rubles per month, this is 3.00 more than in twenty-three. federal minimum wage - this is the lower limit that the entire country must comply with. it is worth noting that this amount. before taking into account the tax, so the employee will still receive a little less, regions can set their own mrod, which should be greater than the federal one, and in many regions, territories and republics the mrod is noticeably higher, this happens in two cases: in the north of the country they are charged regional coefficients and percentage bonuses, and for example, in chukotka the salary must be twice the federal minimum, and if a person works there long enough
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has... per month before taxes. in moscow, it is tied to the regional subsistence minimum for able-bodied people, which is almost 26,000 rubles. the cost of living is tied to the median salary of russians. the median salary is the amount in the middle. half of russians receive more, and half - less. the federal per capita minimum is 48% or slightly less than half of the median salary, and minimums for
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different groups of citizens are already calculated from the per capita minimum. which she adopted last year, yes, this is indexation of the minimum size wages, above the inflation rate, this is how we gradually, without much strain on the economy, because in any case, an increase in taxes is a change in the economic parameters of the functioning of a business, and naturally a business should gradually get used to this, so if we are there in the next we will switch to
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this parameter in 2-3 years. yes, due to higher rates of indexation of the minimum wage - than the inflation rate, we will reach the target of 60%. the cost of living is prescribed in the budget for the coming years, and regional authorities can set their own standards, but with restrictions, the minimum wage in the region cannot be less than the federal average, sick leave and maternity benefits depend on the minimum wage, and the amount according to conscience is tied to the minimum subsistence level. and other social benefits. if your family has children, and the family income per person does not exceed the regional subsistence minimum, and the property meets the criteria of need, then you can receive a single benefit, it will be 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence minimum for children. if your income is less than the subsistence level, then you can conclude a social contract with the state, it allows you to receive.
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funds for the development of your business, personal subsidiary plot or for training in a new profession. you can find out how to submit documents for a social contract from another issue of instructions. let me remind you that you can get up to 350 thousand rubles to open your own business, and up to 200,000 to develop a subsidiary farm. let me remind you that we have maximum amounts, they are fixed, again in relation to the same subsistence level. imrut, yes, therefore, since these indicators are indexed, accordingly, so to speak, the marginal indicators are indexed, this was the case in 2023 and in 2024. so, let’s repeat the main thing: from january 1 , the minimum wage increased by another 3,000 rubles. sick leave and maternity benefits depend on the indicator. the cost of living has also increased.


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