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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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as a result of complex negotiations with the territory controlled by the kiev regime , 240 were returned to russia. eight russian military personnel, some have already been delivered to moscow, all those released are receiving the necessary medical psychological assistance, they were met at the airport by zinaet kurbatova, such a good pre-christmas event, we are now on one from the military airfields of the moscow region, the first plane landed here - this is an il-76, which delivered 75 of our soldiers who were captured in territory controlled by kiev, in total this will be 240.
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the russian army repulsed all attacks, among other things , the 115th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was not allowed to break through in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost over 600 more soldiers, mercenary officers, tanks and nine other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as eight guns, air defense systems and self-propelled guns , including american and polish. in addition, the attack was carried out on the hangar by the ammunition itself, as well as by the location of foreign mercenaries from the national formation of the kharkov region. the forward line of the defense line of the ukrainian military in one of the areas of serebryansky forestry, the assault groups of the central military district manage to approach noon. sasha, the first rpg crew is in
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position together with the machine gunner. the main task is to hold this strong point until the main forces arrive. meanwhile, units of the ukrainian armed forces are not giving up attempts to regain lost positions. there are mercenaries from different countries, including american, english, and the french legion. polish mercenaries, most of them are armed with fairly good nato models, and there are all sorts of soviet ones. for fire support. assault groups immediately move motorized rifle units to the line of combat contact in the kremensky forest. moving through the forest, the bmp-2 tries to move at full speed, because the leaves have fallen, all movements on the ground are clearly visible to ukrainian reconnaissance drones. these central military district bmp-2s are equipped with the berezhok universal combat module.
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the enemy’s armored vehicles are being attacked by the carnet anti-tank missile system that is part of it. the technique is weak, the leopard, the same one, is also undermined and does not hold up.
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as a result of the terrorist attack in irani, more than 100 people were killed and at least 200 were injured. the explosion occurred near the place where general qassem soleimani was buried. he died 4 years ago as a result of an american drone strike. and when thousands of iranians came to pay tribute to the memory, explosive devices went off. they were activated remotely. in iran , thursday has been declared a day of mourning. argentina called on britain to return the falkland islands. new. president javier miley said that buenos aires intends to achieve. the countries have a two-century dispute over the sovereignty of the islands. in 1982, the war lasted several weeks and ended with the defeat of argentina. but london said it had no plans to return anything. for the development
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of national culture and art, many years of fruitful creative activity, vladimir putin awarded the people's artist of russia by his decree. nikolai tsyskaridze order for services to the fatherland, fourth degree. on december 31 , tsyskaridze turned 50 years old. ballet dancer has performed on the stages of the world's leading theaters; since the thirteenth year he has headed the vaganova academy of russian ballet in st. petersburg. the screws are being tightened on the illegals, the ship of
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the auto industry pirates has been wrecked, but counterfeits continue to enter the market. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. this is the so-called southern port, here you can buy spare parts for literally any car, but how much it costs, for example, such a nameplate, i don’t know there, niva, well, 150-100 rubles. but traders are starting to run away from us, if previously they sold counterfeits on the market openly, then now they do it all under the counter, we’re all working on what we do here with our hands, i don’t need a fake one, then i’ll be showered with these myself. everyone has documents for everything, well, there are documents that need to be obtained now , looked at, the first signs are missing, there is no hologram, there is no barcode, during the operational search activities a person involved in the commission of this crime was identified, buys 3 rubles generated 3.5 rubles . car
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parts are counterfeit, they cause damage not only to copyright holders and the interests of our citizens. here are spare parts for cars with signs of counterfeit products that have been identified. employees of the samara customs and how long it will work, whether it will meet expectations, that is, whether it will be reliable, durable, this is a big question, even if it is a little more expensive, but you will protect yourself, do not take risks, take care of yourself. for many years in a row , inconspicuous underground workshops huddled around the largest automobile plant in talyati; their workers copied popular spare parts for cars. mainly steering and suspension parts and exhaust system, the so-called consumables, discs and brake pads were especially loved by illegal immigrants. dealers raked in money with a shovel, do not worry at all about the fact that their counterfeits often
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cause fatal accidents. the police methodically carried out raids, seized low-quality products, and in the end... destroyed the underground garage empire in talyat, but the flow of counterfeits for domestic cars did not stop, how not to get hooked. counterfeit spare parts, where resellers of low-quality details, and what the current pirates of the auto industry are. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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to repair any car , spare parts are required; they are sold in specialized markets. until recently , there were several of these in moscow. the most legendary is located in the southeast. capital, this is the so-called southern port, the largest market for the sale of automobile spare parts, here you can buy spare parts for literally any car, and today the police, the moscow police are holding a special event here, they are looking for counterfeit spare parts for lada cars, let's go see how this happens. employees of the capital's department of economic security and anti
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-corruption today work in civilian clothes, but many market traders immediately realized that a raid was being carried out and began to close their shops. hello, you’re already closing, it’s just the beginning of the day, and it’s lunchtime, but why? for lunch, for lunch, for lunch, full stop. are you closing in place? you're not having lunch? no, why did they get together so spontaneously quickly? oh, i really want to eat, eat i want to? yes, what cars do you sell parts for? ours, are you going to leave in different directions? mother, no, no, but your sign looked like a muscovite, why did you close so quickly? something is wrong, why? why did you decide to leave? why should he
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stay? well, it’s the height of the working day, lunch, there are a lot of clients, visitors, you are about to leave, well, you wanted to, they left , it seems that the sellers were more afraid of our filming crew than the police, meanwhile, the employees. and the pka drew attention to this pavilion called one thousand little things for you, its owner sasun grigoryan, without hesitation, put on the counter goods with a clear sign of a fake, and you have been working here for many years, not recently, recently, but can you just come here for a second, so that they just want to see, maybe this not yours, not all of this is ours, this is all of yours, just wait, they filmed it, yes, of course they filmed it, look, here... here we have a priora, it seems so beautiful, color bolism, right? but how much does
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such a nameplate cost, for example, i don’t know, niva? well, 150-100 rubles. seller sosun grigoryan pretends that he does not understand what the actual claims of law enforcement agencies are. but everything is simple: every nameplate with a car brand logo is a registered trademark, which means it can be manufactured. only the copyright holder can sell such products. it would seem like a small thing, but it is not so. a few days before the raid, employees of the oep ipk, specialists from the lada image company , a subsidiary of avtovas that sells original spare parts, visited this market and also came across counterfeits. so, here you go.
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several years ago, next to the largest enterprise for the production of passenger cars in togliati. neighbors were illegal immigrants who churned out counterfeits day and night, the organizers of the criminal business received huge profits and did not care at all that counterfeits often caused fatal road accidents.
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let us remind you that the events of 2019, then our correspondents saw how serious the problem of counterfeit goods was for the auto giant in talyati. what looks like ordinary garages from the outside is actually a huge underground production. now we have gone down to the basement, there are also a large number of machines located here, with a minimum of daylight. these ordinary pipes are used to make spare parts for
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domestically produced cars. our program managed to get into one of the underground workshops in the samara region, where rear axle gearboxes for avtovaz cars are being prepared for sale, this is how they arrive here, they are dismantled in this room, and in the next garage old used spare parts are turned into this . they are even supplied with warranty cards, license plates, written on spare parts for a vaz car, indicate that the product has been adjusted and tested for noise on the stand. the scale of production of underground auto parts in the samara region is amazing,
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for example, in this workshop with an area of ​​approximately 100-150 km. any marking can be applied, mainly in the samara region, naturally they use avtovaz markings, then the production of counterfeits was not the only problem for avtovaz, the plant actively fought against theft, about what changed. over the past
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years, we have asked representatives auto companies, over the past 5-10 years we have put things in order at the plant and therefore there are no major thefts at the plant, we have created a program to improve production safety and logistics, and the first, as they say, point of it is to bring the parts that are especially taken into account in the first place, e standards consumption and when we brought the consumption standards into order, we removed the economic basis for creating a surplus from which additional spare parts could be produced that could be stolen. if previously counterfeits were traded openly on the market, then
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now they do it all under the counter. we really noted that after... the program aired, there were a lot of positive reviews, and indeed there was an adjustment in the behavior of all market participants in a positive direction, and of course the buyer’s preferences changed, but this was also accompanied by the macroeconomic situation , but i would also like to note that all channels and... delivery points have changed, and we, together with the security service, are now noting that, unfortunately , the percentage of counterfeits has increased. if the security forces completely destroyed the garage empire, then
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where did the fakes come from? we decided to go to talati to see what the pirates of the domestic automobile industry are doing now, together with the police. the russian national guard and the avtovaz security service are going on a preventive raid on hot spots. the stavr market is located on the outskirts of talyaty, its popular name is iron. we've been here before. according to representatives of avtovaz,
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this is one of the largest points of sale of counterfeit auto parts in the country. employees of the economic security department and anti-corruption, main directorate of the russian ministry of internal affairs for... today, samara police officers know exactly where they are going. at this point, next to
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the administration of the iron market, according to informants, a large batch of counterfeit spare parts is being prepared for sale. employees of the oep ipk enter the trade pavilion. wrap up, what to do here, i work, who, a loader, a loader, yes, who should i offer a retail outlet to, my father, the surname is merchitsa, osmanov, mordan, the eldest osmanov’s name is mordan, everyone knows him at the market, mordan has the largest assortment parts for lada cars, all models and modifications.
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they have never thought about this before, because they have more expensive, well, and probably more expensive, such
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retail outlets on iron for avtovaz employees are like a bone in the city, from here trucks full of trucks travel to different parts of the vast country every day. many buyers, such as maxim from tatarstan, are sure that they bought the best ones, that they can’t get enough of real native parts, where you came from from kazan, spare parts, but for fake ones, but no, for good ones, i don’t need fake ones, i can then throws with these spare parts. most of the parts sold on the iron market, both large assemblies and consumables, are packaged in
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-house. vaz cardboard boxes, and the holographic number, and the lada trademark, and the part number on the packaging should help the average buyer distinguish real spare parts from counterfeit or so-called alternative ones, however, many wholesalers are more concerned about price rather than originality. evgeniy collects a large order from the market and naturally wants to earn more. already loaded, already wanted to leave, on the contrary, we we just collect all the applications , that is, you know, well, we didn’t know that this was illegal, i’ve only been working here for two months, i’m inexperienced, the buyer of spare parts
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sometimes calms down as soon as... he sees a barcode or hologram with an individual on the packaging number of the product and gives his hard-earned money for an outright fake, while not even thinking that he might be playing hide and seek with death. sergei kuptsov, a former police officer, used to catch murderous robbers, and is now hunting for manufacturers of counterfeit auto parts. exactly with him our program studied counterfeits in 2019.
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when a cheap part is offered, seemingly like the original, but cheaper than from official distributors or some sub-dealer network, you already need to think about what you are going to take cheaper, why did it suddenly become cheaper, how can this be in this trade point, the price of spare parts is not two or even... three times lower than the original, parts for the fret are almost free, it all depends on the packaging, the more the box looks like the real one, the higher the price, so here is the box with bearings for the hub for the largus car, not only
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are there trademarks, eh... avtovaz, which means the hologram is different from the original one, well , there aren’t even any markings, you see, there are no markings at all, that is, pads, that’s how it is here, a brake pad is completely unmarked, that is, the part itself, that is , as a rule, all parts come with markings, so we understand that this is all counterfeit in order to remove all detected counterfeits from the store. osmanov, the operatives needed a truck, but as it turned out, it just a small part of the ottoman counterfeit empire.
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everyone knows this house with an eagle in the suburbs of talyati. local residents, his owner is car baron mordan osmanov. according to operational information , in this extension to the house he hides spare parts, naturally for the boat. the log is probably delivered from a neighboring state. allegedly, at night, osmanov’s people transport counterfeit goods in small quantities to the iron market. auto lord osmanov clearly did not expect a visit from fighters against economic crimes. law enforcement officers asked to show what was inside this hangar. it turned out that the room was filled to the ceiling with boxes of counterfeit goods. do you know anything about the quality of this product? what is the quality of this product? well, it works there, i don’t know, yes, that is, for how long, how long it travels, how much it, how...


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