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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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night skirmishes between israel and lebanon continue, the israeli defense forces return fire by striking hezbollah's military infrastructure from the air...
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at least 20 civilians killed in khan yunis and four more in rafah, about this palestinian news agency wafa reports. members of the hamas movement continue to resist amid heavy fighting. since the beginning of the israeli operation in the enclave , more than 22,000 people have died, 2/3 of whom are women and children. the first batch of chicken eggs from turkey was delivered to russia. they were brought in on wednesday through a checkpoint in dagestan. earlier price increases. for this type of product became the reason for the introduction of zero push taxes on imports, how the market is becoming saturated, konstantin churikov will talk about this. imported through the yera kazmalyar checkpoint from azerbaijan the first batch of edible eggs from turkey. more than 19 tons were delivered to russia, if in pieces, then more than 300,000. previously , rosselkhoznadzor issued permits for import to 21 turkish enterprises, and before that, eggs produced began arriving in our country in december. in azerbaijan. imported
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products actively went to russia after the zero duties introduced by the government. they will be valid for six months until june 30. as noted in the resolution of the cabinet of ministers, the decision is aimed at stabilizing prices by increasing supply in the domestic market. it was precisely because of the rising prices that imports had to be stimulated. over the past year they have grown one and a half times. the topic has become socially significant, and its discussion has reached the federal level. rosstat data indicated a decline. internal production volume of chicken eggs. in november, the year-on-year decline is small, but compared to october - 6%. against the backdrop of a general lack of supply on the market, this was enough to further increase prices. the federal antimonopoly service and the prosecutor general's office joined the inspection. news about the start of egg supplies it couldn’t have come from turkey, by the way. the new year holidays continue in russia, and the chicken egg is an indispensable ingredient in new year's salads and above all. olivier,
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the market is becoming saturated, which means prices are gradually stabilizing. konstantin churikov, kirillo ostakhov, lead. in the rostov region , a new weight and dimensional control point began operating in test mode. the smart device automatically weighs and determines the size of heavy loads, and for this you do not need to stop or slow down. the scales were installed as part of a major overhaul section of the novorusiya highway. angelina bulan. with details. on both sides of the road there are a number of special scales, four in each lane. accuracy of measurements is achieved by independent operation. in addition to the mass , the dimensions of the sensor inside the protective barrier are also determined here. it works like a barcode scanner in a store. size sensors, they just measure size. in fact, these are laser sensors. the laser, well, in a sweep, scans the vehicle, its dimensions in longitudinal and cross sections. that is, length and width,
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while the first automated weight control point on the federal highway p-280 navorosiya is working in test mode, setting up the equipment and calculating errors, after 3 months this board... will display the name of the vehicle, registration number and a warning about a fine for those who illegally exceed permitted dimensions of cargo for transportation, the money will be used for compensation and restoration of damaged areas. scales are being installed as part of a major overhaul of the section from 108 to 19 km of the p-280 highway, where specialists completed the expansion of the first two of the 10 km section this year. now there are four, and in some places six lanes for traffic, and the section from the fifth to the thirty-sixth kilometer is blue. parts of the roads where work is underway are highlighted, and in orange are those places where workers will soon begin repairs. to avoid narrowing in this section, the bridge over the wet lantern will also be widened to four lanes. they are currently constructing a bypass road and a temporary bridge. when the road workers switch traffic to them, they can begin work on the main bridge. the task of the road workers
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is to bring part of the highway on voros to four lanes and divide the roadway with an axial barrier to eliminate the risk of the most dangerous head-on collisions. since over the past 2 years in... melitopol and beyond there is already a direction to crimea, that is, this route is part of the land route to crimea. the repairs are planned to be completely completed by 2025, then road workers will make traffic comfortable for the increased traffic on more than half of the novorossiya highway. angelina bulanova marad ternovoy, vesti don, niglinovsky district. abnormal frosts hit sakhalin. in the north of the island in the akha region it is 7° below normal, about -26 below zero, the cold will last until january 8, while in yuzhno-sakhalinsk today it is -10-12 snowy. in the capital region, this night the temperature dropped to -30, in
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the moscow region, it is now colder than in chukotka or yamal. frosts in moscow will not subside until the end of the new year holidays. this afternoon it will be around 22 and warmer. will begin only by january 6, due to the cold snap, utilities have increased the supply of heat to houses to the maximum. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. to help you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito support is available 24x7. we are ready to solve any questions regarding bookings around the clock, avita everything will go as planned, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy men's clothing, shoes and accessories with discounts of up to 70%. new year's discounts in
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alyonka chocolate magnet from 59-99, rather than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, rotate! twist only after confirming payment. until february 4, order sovita with delivery from 1 rub. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free sberbank card, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself. loan discount. to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pensions to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. start the year with great deals on megamarket, there will be a discount, buy
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toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. let's take it, metas, that's the main thing! all the oblivion of the year! will you make such a profit? in mvidio and eldorado. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy electronics with cashback up to 50%. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards.
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students of tomsk polytechnic university, what unique science projects they are working on, technologies they are creating and improving here, evgeniy nipot will tell you about this. monument mendeleev and florinsky, the founders of tomsk state university. the history of which began 144 years ago. its appearance gave a powerful impetus to the development of all of siberia. and to this day the university remains the most important center of science, education and innovation. today tomsk is
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a city where every eighth resident is associated with universities; about 15 thousand people study at tsu alone, for whom a unique educational scientific environment has been created. if you want to develop throughout your life, if you are about... to become a leader in life and , so to speak, to determine this life, then come to us, and we will give you this entire enriched environment so that you can make the best choice. institutes whose technical base is available to student employees, the unique installations developed at the university allow you to literally burn in the name of science. denis kasymov’s group works, as they say, with a twinkle. researchers are studying factors in the spread of forest fires and developing new methods for detecting hidden fires. using gas analyzing equipment, using special sensors to... study the aerosol there, we can, in fact, smell a fire, that is, using marker gases, we can catch it like that. the captured data
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will help operational services quickly make decisions on problem areas. the focus of researchers is not only on monitoring, but also on forecasting natural fires. the dragon helps the scientist with this. this setup makes it possible to simulate the transfer of burning particles, bark and leaves, which can scatter dozens of miles due to convection kilometers, and provoke the so-called spotted parasites. the project to study them was supported by the russian science foundation. we can analyze, we can obtain information about their ignition potential, about how many particles are needed there to ignite a particular structural material or ground cover, and thereby make corrections, make adjustments to existing mathematical models, to existing methods for predicting fire danger. when fighting fires, special attention is paid to working with the materials from which buildings are built. buildings in populated areas or. industrial facilities and their resistance to extremely high temperatures are also studied on laboratory benches. now denis, as he himself
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says, starts fires for the sake of science, but there were different episodes in his biography. there was a case in my childhood, i was still young, a junior student at school, and i was preparing french fries, unfortunately, i forgot about them, being there in the next room, watching football. and i understand that something happened wrong, i put out the burning saucepan with a glass of water, as a result of which something like this happens a mini-explosion, let’s just say a fire occurs. several dozen laboratories are engaged in truly passionate research at the university; using high temperatures , for example, materials with desired properties are obtained. high- energy synthesis takes place in this reactor. this process makes it possible to obtain unique additives that improve
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the properties of, for example, metal alloys. still hot, this is called speck. this is also what we call raw, unprepared material. the speck is processed, broken, classify and then study the composition of the particles. we can say that this is a seasoning so that its properties increase and improve. we can make, say, a metal alloy. stronger or more fluid, and we can, with the help of such additives, increase, for example, the burning rate or heat of combustion of solid fuels. we call this materials with specified properties. these powders are subjected to high temperature processes several times. the hot pressing installation makes it possible to obtain ceramic or composite products that are in demand in a variety of fields. this is the aircraft industry, this is the shipbuilding industry, there. various parts that, well, various
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components of mechanisms in these industries. the head of the laboratory, ilya zhukov, says that the team works with leading industrial enterprises in russia. our developments in the field of special ceramic coating materials include so-called slippery ceramics, aluminum magnesium and boron compounds and the use of such materials as coatings for special components technology. provide an increase in its, therefore, wear resistance, and, accordingly, service life. the properties of the melts obtained using additives are studied by laboratory staff, 80% of them are young...
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a tool for scientists who admit that technology, although the most important, still plays a big role for them is the team. i love going to my job. "we always understand and support each other, we work very hard, we are very demanding of ourselves, very demanding of others, and never trouble, we will not abandon each other in anything.
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students and employees who work on competitive technologies, the university... " actively supports it is important that we consider giving every student the opportunity to touch the innovative and entrepreneurial direction, this is what our country needs today in training people who are able to transform knowledge into products and technologies. the research and educational center of tsu is engaged in additive technologies that allow layer-by-layer building up of materials. these are nanostructured powders on based on zirconium dioxide, it is the nanostructure of the original powders themselves that allows us to obtain very high quality. products without defects, with a high level of properties. more than twenty people, university graduates and students, work here, pressing raw materials, subjecting them to thermal and mechanical processing, polishing the products, and then sintering them at high temperatures. the production technology is unique, new, not only for russia. if, for example, you make some kind of sample, you study it there, you put it,
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for example, in a furnace to sinter it, and you have it once and it didn’t work out, then you can’t just go on the internet to see why, or even in... the same book, find out why, you have to think for yourself. vladislav has rings on his fingers, which are made from material produced here; this is wear-resistant ceramics, which is used in various fields. in the future, we began to develop structural elements of a ball valve for the oil and gas industry; this is a completely ceramic valve that is resistant to acids and abrasive materials and is widely used in the oil, gas and chemical industries. industry. part of the finished product. produces these half-kilogram pancakes, which are especially in demand in dentistry. one such tablet is enough for 30 crowns. the dental laboratory says that russian material is suitable for various orthopedic structures. now, if you certify it, you can
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start working, and we won’t see any difference from foreign analogues. that's why. all that's left to do is to get certified and launch. the power of the university makes it possible to solve various problems, which is discussed in this case, not about culinary training. the chef of one of the tomsk restaurants is preparing a vegan burger. cutlets made from vegetable raw materials, the manufacturer of which, before entering the local market, decided to find out how residents feel about such a meat replacement; the university conducted research, which was devoted to studying the fears associated with new products. it turned out that vegan cutlets in the public consciousness are shrouded in a real shroud of fears. well, the most important thing is chemistry, it’s not natural, it’s harmful, you
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can’t eat it, then it’s gmo, and well, that’s quite an old myth in nutrition, but well. this is probably what is scary for people - this is conspiracy theory, conspiracies, this is all being done specifically in order to reduce the population. based on the results of one of these studies, analysts compiled portraits of convinced vegans and ordinary supporters of a healthy lifestyle. hoosophists, adherents of proper nutrition, and quite interesting facts have been revealed, for example, vegans, one of their main values ​​is self-development, but just for adherents of the right... nutrition is family and children, these are opposite values. the university carries out such and a number of other socially significant studies thanks to the center for applied analysis of big data, whose employees work with a supercomputer. in the top 30 most powerful supercomputers in russia, these are not only university supercomputers, but these are supercomputers, for example cristofari from sberbank or new supercomputers of shades, that is, in this regard we are very
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competitive. public opinion research, digital portraits, computational capacity allows for a wide range of research on open data. data science , according to garvar magazine, is the sexiest profession of the 20th century. this is partly true, because firstly, these are very interesting tasks, that is, there is something to talk about. girl, this is a competitive salary, constant search for new solutions, so on the basis of the center they created a science, a national association of university e-sports, games are much more than just games - they are science, and we do science, we are trying to understand how elements of e-sports... include in the educational process so that students replace a standard lecture with 40 minutes of gaming and get the same educational result. the tsu esports class is located in the scientific library, which
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, by the way, is open 24 hours a day. from the founding fathers, the university inherited not only a rich collection of books, but also paleontological collections, which became the basis for the museum. this is venus's slipper for the herbarium prepared in 1886 by professor krylov. he began collecting herbari a year after completion of construction of the main building of the university. these cabinets were ordered to store the collection; they are over 130 years old. now they contain about half a million specimens, decades of work, more than 2.0 botanists. the works of modern botanists are presented in the university's greenhouse, the largest. one of the areas that the university is actively developing
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is the study of the preservation of the region’s ecosystems, special attention is paid to the global problem of the spread of microplastics, this is dealt with by the center, headed by yulia frank. and microplastic pollution everywhere now, but the state of knowledge of press waters in russia is currently underway. only in the very, very rudimentary state and therefore it is of course very interesting from a scientific point of view to understand how widespread microplastics are in rivers, fresh lakes, how much of it accumulates, how it is transported, particles of synthetic fabrics, cosmetics and plastic items end up in rivers, lakes, and then accumulate in fish, their gastrointestinal tracts are examined in this laboratory, dissolved in alkali, and microplastic remains. microscope we can observe a paper filter, the diameters of one cell are 0.45 microns, visually we identified several fibers that
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were most likely obtained using the decay product of fishing nets, as well as decay products of the textile industry, which can enter the water and river ecosystems using wastewater for example, the center works in close cooperation with other laboratories of tsu, which significantly expands the research base. according to yulia frank, today young scientists in russia have many opportunities for work. in general, young scientists have fantastic prospects, in my opinion, these are projects for young researchers, and special scholarships, which are specifically for young people, for graduate students, for undergraduates. many different conferences are organized within the university and inter-university, that is, there are a lot of prospects here. today, an initiative is being implemented in tomsk.
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delve into the details and gain new knowledge, on the other hand, while maintaining integrity, which is characteristic of the east; in fact, in our opinion, it is the joints that need new knowledge to manifest themselves, breakthroughs that will allow
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our country to advance forward. for technological studies. tomsk state university is among the largest classical universities in the country. tsu today is one of the leaders in higher education, not only in the field of applied but also fundamental research.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we
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often say one.
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ride whoever wants, don’t feel sorry for someone else’s. accidents with such cars almost always result in injuries and casualties. the car fleet is aging, there are several cases where it is simply the brakes failed. we pay special attention to the fact that the number of deaths in road accidents has more than doubled in this category of car sharing. why do personal data of car sharing users fall into the hands of criminals? my documents were leaked from some car sharing company, another raid by the moscow state traffic safety inspectorate. this time we are working on the moscow ring road. didn’t you drink the account you have today? of course, you often end up hijacking other people’s accounts when you corshir. i have never been in such situations before. we took this on case and conducted their investigation.
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let's start with a terrible accident in yuzhnosalinsk: a car rammed a bus stop with people. two more people died, including a child in the hospital. according to the regional ministry of health, the patients are in serious condition and are receiving comprehensive care. according to the traffic police, the driver was drunk . the accident is being investigated. the prosecutor's office took control of its progress and results. the authorities expressed condolences to the families of the victims.


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