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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vasentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, let's look, i'll shave your head, to intimidate her, i'd screw you over didn’t tear it, we need to try really hard, we’ll burn it, let’s say i really went back in time, but why the hell come here, holob 2 next, about the most
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significant events of this day in history, in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 4, 1642, an event occurred in london that accelerated the english revolution. king carol is the first with the detachment. of 400 soldiers stormed the house of commons to arrest five parliamentarians whom he accused of treason. the conflict had been brewing for a long time, the monarch asked parliament for money, but in response , charles himself was accused of corruption and tyranny. the deputies adopted the great remonstration, a list of abuses of royal power consisting of 204 articles. encroachments on private property, freedom of trade, exorbitant taxes and much more. how.
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he was forbidden to command the army, now the parliament did it, his supporters still remained in it, but that day the king turned everyone against himself, because according to the law he had no right to appear in the meeting room at all. as a result, charles left the capital , gathered an army, a long civil war began, in which he lost, was put on trial, executed, a republic was proclaimed in england, however, it turned out to have a short history, already in 1660 the country returned to the monarchy, however, 4 january 1914 giacondo, aka mona lisa, leonardo da vinci's masterpiece returned to louver, she was kidnapped 2 and a half years earlier. at that time there were only 150 guards for the entire museum, and the paintings were not attached to the walls. giacondo was hanging on four hooks, and the attacker simply removed it at 7 am, when there were no visitors and the guard went out to smoke. the incident was declared a national disaster.
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in florence tried to sell it to an antique dealer, who reported it to the police. at the trial , perugia insisted that he wanted to return leonard’s creation to his homeland, italy, so in the criminal spent only 7 months in prison. since then, the mona lisa has not often left the louvre. during the occupation of france, she was hidden from the nazis, and after the war she visited several countries, including the soviet union. on january 4, 1923, vladimir lenin finished dictating his letter to the congress. fragments
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were left. in fact, this letter from the already seriously ill leader of the russian revolution became his political testament. in the letter, lenin assessed his closest associates. about stalin he wrote: stalin is too rude, this deficiency is intolerable in the position of general secretary. therefore, i suggest that the comrades consider a way to move stalin from this place and appoint another person to this place, who in all other respects differs from comrade stalin only in one advantage. as the most capable, but too self-confident, and nikolai bukharin and georgy pyatakov as the most outstanding of the young forces of the party. lenin also strongly proposed increasing the number of members of the central committee to 50 or even 100 people, in his opinion this should help avoid a split in the party leadership. letter announced lenin’s wife, nadezhda krupskaya.
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rate, but at the same time another member of the central committee, lev kamenev, proposed resolving the issue by voting, the majority were in favor of leaving joseph vesarionovich as general secretary. on january 4, 1970 , members of the legendary fab four, actually working together for the last time, recorded the song: let it be. so be it.
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the group had a huge influence on pop and rock music and became a phenomenon in modern culture, they were pioneers of working in the studio, it was with them that the separation of studio and concert compositions. the group is recognized as one of the most successful musical groups of the 20th century. this is what this day in history was like. attention to all personnel, attention to all personnel, let's begin the movement, let's begin. your task is to deliver equipment and personnel to the contact line , it depends that there is any ground here, oh, immediately the sight appeared, the guys who are the crew are anti-terrorist, it turns out that they
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completed the task here, then they go to nabam, with bamo, accordingly, there is a rotation again constantly, they walk in a circle, the machine gunner, because he’s the healthiest, well, that’s the way it is. suspicious activity, artek, give a tip on the use of artillery weapons, upon arrival at the scene of destruction, report the results, the president of harvard university, claudine gay, resigned due to pressure from american legislators. she served as rector for only six months, and she was already accused of anti-semitism in... anton tadykin will tell you more about this. claudine gay, harvard's first african-american woman and second in its in the same story, the female rector hinted in her resignation letter that there was an element of racism in her dismissal. it's disappointing that my commitment
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to standing up to hate and upholding scientific rigor has been called into question. for me, these are two fundamental values; it was scary to be subjected to personal attacks and threats based on them. to nuisances based on race . gay lasted only six months as the thirtieth rector of one of the most prestigious universities in the united states. the problems started on october 7th when a group of harvard students said: israel , through its own policies, allegedly provoked an attack by hamas on its territory. this was followed by protests in support of palestine. several major harvard donors demanded publication. a list of student supporters gasses to expel them from the university, when this did not happen, the billionaires announced they were stopping financial assistance to the university. republican politicians intervened in the scandal; they summoned the gay man , along with the heads of other leading educational institutions, to special congressional hearing. is calling for
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the genocide of jews a violation of harvard's national origin policy: yes or no? it depends on the context. it doesn't depend on the context, the answer is clear: yes, so you should resign. against the backdrop of the scandal, opponents of the gay woman began to meticulously examine her scientific works and immediately found traces of plagiarism in them. those from whom the rector borrowed scientific ideas consider resignation to be too lenient a punishment. i am disappointed that the statement of her resignation, she accused us of racism, but did not apologize to any of the people whose texts she appropriated. she didn't even admit that she did anything wrong. i am outraged that she was not expelled from the university, but remained at the faculty. republican politicians do not hide the fact that plagiarism is just an excuse for dismissing the rector. it is unacceptable that harvard took a full month to demand his resignation.
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cladin gay, university of pennsylvania, for example, made the right decision immediately, but only after we they made the academic community see the light, something was rotten at the top in these universities, their leaders ... condoned anti-semitism, especially after the hamas terrorist attack on october 7. back in september, harvard colleagues loudly applauded during the inauguration of a fifty-three-year-old african-american specialist. in the field of electoral technologies, their connections with racial identity in the united states. now some white harvard professors are making bold statements, not only in relation to gays. she represents our bureaucracy's desire for diversity, equality and inclusion. this desire is destroying universities across the country. we began to divide everyone into oppressors of the oppressed. the oppressors are the successful people of the white race, everyone else is oppressed. this is what students are taught these days. gay was appointed specifically for the sake of diversity and equality, and
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now she blames everyone but herself. she talks about racism. i'm not racist, i just don't think she deserved the position. house education committee, announced despite resignation gay, congress is still waiting for a report from harvard on the fight against anti-semitism and plagiarism at the university. apparently, republicans are no worse at mastering cultural techniques than democrats. cancellations and are ready to use them to win the american domestic political struggle. anton dadykin, lead. next, the project "the world in the palm of your hand". how has the united states turned the fight against terrorism into a tool to advance its interests? and why are american intelligence agencies nurturing terrorist organizations around the world? watch this now.
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on august 21, 2017, the united nations established an international day of remembrance and remembrance for victims of terrorism. on this day , representatives of the united states speak from high stands. he began his activity
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as a major figure claiming leadership as it all happened, but the obvious fact is that in the islamic world, of course in his limited segment of these extremists in afghanistan, he then collaborated very closely with the united states. at the end of the event. on september 11, 2001, when it seemed to escape from the control of the americans, imagined himself to be such an independent great leader of the islamist wing of this arab-muslim world, well, in fact, as they say, the dog bit the owner, that is, he attacked the one who raised him, fed him, and so on. the united states really plays a dual role, on the one hand, they consider themselves the biggest victim of terrorism in... well, i mean, first of all, of course, the terrorist attack of september 11, 2001, which the arabs also call
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the skyscraper jihad, then 300 people died, americans think they have all the rights to punish those who cultivate this terror, who organize it, first of all , they see the source of this danger in... the united states took on the role of fighters against terrorism, this was a very convenient, one might say , political technology move for the internal. audience for a global audience, which made it possible to begin to implement a long
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-planned strategy, and as you know , at the first meeting of the national security council under bush, to the surprise of some of its members, the idea of ​​​​invading iraq suddenly began to be discussed, immediately after the terrorist attacks of september 11 , individual american leaders , for example, donald rumfelt, they, the secretary of defense, they ordered their analysts to explain why saddam hussein was involved in september 11, this turned out to be a great occasion, a great chance for the united states, no matter how cynically , it didn’t sound like it was a colossal tragedy, what happened on september 11, but it turned out to be... a reason to expand its presence and begin implementing a strategy to counter the so-called axis of evil, as bush jr. formulated it when he announced countries associated with terrorism and in particular with the support of al-qaeda, those states that, on the contrary, have been its opponents all their lives, in particular iraq, under saddam hussein, there iran, shia, at the same time involving
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north korea in the cause. in any case , the americans received a blank check... after that, a real hunt began under the pretext of hunting for terrorists, they started more than one war in the middle east, this is iraq, this is afghanistan, this is syria. americans behave quite well, not as straightforward as many of us try imagine they really are. participated in raids, and some of them were very successful, including the destruction of some of the leaders of the isis organization, which is banned, in fact, this strategy is still being implemented to this day, because in general, september 11 changed the american identity , it changed the sense of security among american citizens,
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the understanding that they are not protected allows these phobias, these feelings to be exploited in any way. american elites, in 2003 this terrible thing took place, you can to say, the massacre in iraq, many iraqi officers were captured, imprisoned, in counterterrorism camps, one of them cambucco just became a kind of breeding ground or even a school of terrorism, from 2003 to 2001.
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on the part of the professional military , the americans did not directly contribute to this, that is, they did not put some islamist terrorist arrested by saddam hussein and a colonel of the iraqi armed forces in the same cell in an iraqi prison, give them a conscious opportunity to communicate there about something agree, discuss something, but in fact their
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actions after the occupation of iraq, they contributed to the creation of an islamic state. syria and the levant , they must bear responsibility for this, here their contribution is with a minus sign, obviously, the americans later began, what to do, then allegedly by mistake, knowing that daesh is the main enemy and the main weapon with the regime of bashar al-assad, they began arm them, but not so loudly, otherwise suddenly the weapons will be accidentally dropped by mistake at the location of the troops, which means -
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according to the legislation of the russian federation, the americans recognize her and are ready to continue communicating with her, well, what kind of fight against terrorism is this, and now, when rapprochement between... uh, damascus and ankara is on the agenda , it is the leader of gyatahersham al-julani, he is preventing this, he is escalating hostilities , there - per day, sometimes more
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than one or two attacks take place on soldiers of the syrian regular army in the province of idlib, who can influence giuliani, only either ankara or the united states, that’s how things really stand with terrorism. we can remember how in the eighties and the united states actively supported the afghan mujahideen and supported the very fact of the transfer to the region, as volunteers, mainly of islamic fundamentalists from various countries of the middle east and north africa. at a certain stage , the darkest, most fundamentalist forces turned out to be us allies. however, washington was not embarrassed by the united idea of ​​inflicting maximum damage on the soviet union. he continued to collaborate with these organizations. even when on us territory
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in 1993, the first terrorist attack occurred on the world trade center, when several people died, cooperation did not stop. because it turned out that these forces, the fundamentalists, can be excellent allies for the united. on the territory, for example , of bosnia or the allies of great britain and the united states in counteracting muammar gaddafi, some of them were paid, in particular the de facto mi6 agent anas allibi, whom many years later the united states will try to kidnap from libya, he will die suddenly in an american prison, he was maintained by omi6 in order to destroy muammar gaddafi in the nineties, to counter shiite iran, which was their principle. opponents and to solve a variety of problems in different countries and regions of the world, most importantly, they helped these islamists master, managed
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to teach them all these modern means, internet and mobile, in order to organize these well- organized performances , then in one place, then in another, launch some kind of attacks, terrorist attacks using this sophisticated technology. it cannot always be found where the united states declares a military operation to combat international terrorism, i managed
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to meet with the ideological leader, so to speak, with the father of this hezbollah party, and he was just telling where the roots of this movement come from, and what it is not terror at all, but a response to occupation, for example. if they fought and derailed fascist trains, and we do the same, we derail israeli tanks and armored vehicles that occupy our land,
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you consider your grandfathers not terrorists, i say, no, they are heroes, so we do the same, and your colleagues, unfortunately, including from russia, often write that we are terrorists, that’s what i mean, how different this term can be... it is precisely this policy of double standards that is responsible for the absence today of a universal definition of what terrorism is; in international documents there is a definition of what terrorism with the use of aircraft is, but what is international in general ? terrorism no, therefore, we rely on the literature in political science literature , it is customary to understand terrorism politically
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and all our further actions, jointly with the americans, of course, this is necessary, if we are talking about some goal that we are pursuing, then this is to the extent possible interaction with the collective west without unconditionally abandoning its principled positions and its dominant political line in international affairs.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of episodes of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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when engaging in extreme sports , observe: the armor of a group of kostroma paratroopers struck the positions of the ukrainian armed forces on artyomov. direction, the minoporuns reported this: in airborne combat vehicles, our soldiers came close to the target and opened heavy fire, destroying part of the enemy personnel. the task is to cover our infantry, suppress our thirty-millimeter cannons with fire, crush the enemy and, first of all, move the front. it is clear that the yellow ones would no longer have such a large supply.


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