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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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shiva raneh is a media agency that oversees the work of foreign journalists in iran. on the walls in their office are photographs of all media representatives accredited to work in the country over the past 10 years. after the assassination of general soleimani, the agency's journalists and producers worked without a break for three days.
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it was one of the largest mass funerals in iranian history. so many people came out onto the street, all mourning for general suleymaniyah. there were even dead people there at the farewell ceremony in davka. yes. yes. yes, 10 or 12 people died in the stampede in kirman. they wanted to touch the coffin of general suleimani, thus expressing their respect for him.
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look, the border between iran and iraq is calm now. this is thanks to qassem sulaymaniyah. children can sleep peacefully in the arms of their mothers. for 5 years now we haven’t even thought about food. our security made the hand of our
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shadow general, but in reality he was never in the shadows, always on the front line. i’m not sure that ordinary americans understood soleimani’s influence in iran. second person in a state that ordered the killing of thousands of americans, will the president's decision to kill soleimani give america greater security or not? the main goal was to prevent future attacks on americans. you worked, among other things, with european american journalists.
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countries such as the usa and great britain consider us terrorists, moreover, they believe that general suleymaniy was the leader of terrorists, but we know that this is not true, these thoughts are erroneous. most of the journalists who arrived
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to iran, they wanted to show that people supposedly did not like general soleimani and would soon forget about him. we love general suleymaniye very much, he did a lot for us, he was the defender of our country.
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for the first anniversary of the death of general sulaymaniyah, they released badges, posters, calendars, notebooks, scarves with his image, seven versions of his biography, books for adults, here for
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children, puzzles like this, books describing his exploits for the little ones. around the world, we like to put it image on our cars, probably we , the residents of kirman, most often saw him this way, with his arms crossed on his chest, this is how he was, for example, when he took part in mourning ceremonies, our arrival in kirman
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coincided with the burial ceremony of the remains of soldiers. ..
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for the murder of our commander, general sulaymaniyah is still with the iranian people.
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only if the americans kill us all can they destroy his memory. a simple village boy, qassem soleimani, at the age of 13 , goes to work to help father to pay off his debts. at first he will be a laborer at a construction site, then an assistant engineer. and then an islamic revolution occurs in the country, in the ideas of which he will passionately and sincerely believe. i am defender qassem suleimani, a member of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, kerman province. qassem soleimani supported the islamic revolution because his family was originally deeply religious and traditional. every imam who came.
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when he and his older brother drank milk from the same jug, he asked for some of it separated, half was given to needy neighbors, already in the war he began to eat last, after all his soldiers had eaten, he was so merciful that he directly told his subordinates that even terrorists and giles should be captured if possible, they would kill, kill soleimani will only lead. four decades later, and still the islamic revolution is raging in iran, one of
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the key events of the 20th century, which will change the balance of power in the middle east. the monarchy has been overthrown in iran; shah mohamed rizavi is forced to flee amid mass protests from the country. a few months after the islamic revolution was in progress. which shah mohammed rizavi was overthrown, a group of religious students shouting death to the americans seizes the us embassy in tehran. for a year and a half they will hold 52 diplomatic mission employees hostage. during this time , thousands of documents that diplomats simply did not have time to destroy will be declassified. at this time, the americans are introducing severe sanctions against iran. since then, relations between the two countries have not improved. this graffiti appeared here
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the fortieth anniversary of the islamic revolution, local artists depicted, for example, the statue of liberty with a skull instead of a face, then the poisonous apple of cnn, and of course donald trump, apparently reporting on yet another anti-iranian sanctions via twitter. interestingly, you can see a lot of boot marks on the wall. 42 years later , the confrontation with america continues, our people continue to defend their independence. now american sanctions are the price our people pay for defending the borders of their independence. in as a result of the 1979 revolution , a candidate from god, ayatallah khameini, comes to power in iran. we are now in the house where ayatallah khameini, the leader, lived for many years. islamic revolution, it was under him that the islamic revolutionary guard corps was created , a new constitution was developed, which
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granted supreme power to him as a spiritual leader, he made many of his speeches from here, iranians know them by heart and still quote them. the reason why his lordship mam chose this place was that the house was very modest and located in an ordinary village of jamaran. there's a courtyard, a twelve-meter room, it's been set up, there's cleaning. پاسدارهای ما که یه زندگی عادی هم کمتر دارند از جنگ نمی ترسند.
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then i was wounded and captured by the enemy, where i spent 8 years, 3 months and 20 days. all these years he went to my home, visited my father and mother, asked about their health and reassured them. during operation-5, sulaymaniyah, he was on the front line with his
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troops for 20 days and died only during prayer.
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the tears that our people shed do not speak of weakness, their cause was never weakness, these tears speak of deep love for general suleymaniyah and a firm intention to take revenge. trump gave the order to kill general sulaymaniyah. the reason for this should be sought in the fact that over the past few years, america has suffered defeat in the region. and this is all thanks to the command and power of general süleymaniya. he was brave and courageously resisted his enemies and defeated them.
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in early january, the baghdad court, as part of investigation into the soleimani assassination case issued an arrest warrant for donald trump under iraqi law in the case.
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islamic republic of iran. the iranian parliament says the retaliation operation will continue. during developments in iraq after the american invasion.
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suleymaniy was the only general who was not afraid of anything at all and always appeared where the battle began. he never used body armor or other protection. he believed in the intercession of god and therefore was fearless. the enemies didn't have enough courage to engage in a fair fight with general suleymaniye. they were afraid of the alliance between the general and president putin and knew that if they were supported by the countries of the region, of course, the united states and their accomplices would have to leave the middle east, from syria, lebanon, and iraq. that's why.
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the vile murder of general soleimani, carried out under the orders of the president of the united states, is a sign of the weakness and infirmity of this country. ali shirazi, iranian supreme leader ayatala ali khaminiya's representative in the islamic revolutionary guard corps. he was a close friend of the general soleimani since the iran-iraq war. commanding.
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will come to kill your loved one in your family, will you remain indifferent to this issue, or will you react, commander soleimani was dear to us, our enemy came and killed this dear person, we express our anger, because if we remain silent in response to actions of the enemy, he will continue this way.
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they will continue to fight the battle they started in sulaymaniyah . one of the symbols of this struggle was the image of the hand of general soleimani with his personal ring, the very one by which he identified on the day of the murder at baghdad airport.
12:00 pm
in the capital region this night the temperature dropped to -30. it is now colder in moscow and the region than in chukotka or yamali. due to frost in the northeast of the capital , a fire occurred at a transformer substation. by this time the fire had been extinguished. several dozen residential buildings are now being reconnected to a backup power supply circuit. according to the forecast, extreme cold will last in the city until the end of the new year holidays.


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