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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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germany explosive devices went off in the crowd at the grave of general qasem sulaymaniyah. today is a day of national mourning in the republic. where have the abramians gone? forbes published an investigation into the fate of thirty american tanks. they were handed over to ukraine 2 months ago, nothing has been heard about them since then. two ex-presidents of the united states, a former american permanent representative and more than a hundred influential people. the first part of epstein's scandalous list has been released. these are individuals who may be involved in relationships with minors. first billion in film distribution. the bremen musicians hit the symbolic mark following another new year's premiere, halop-2. and to the news of the last hour, foreign citizens who have entered into a contract to serve in the russian armed forces will be given the right to receive. russian citizenship,
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as well as members of their families. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. the innovation will affect those who signed or will sign a contract during the special military operation, as well as those who were already serving in the russian army at the time of the start of isvo. the same right, as follows from the decree, will be given to those who leave service during the svo. now advertising, immediately after, watch the release from the author's golden collection. nikita mikhalkova besagon tv programs. why in the 20th century , after the horrors of the holocaust, did we not notice the ongoing genocide of entire peoples? what is the deep difference between the western slavic worlds? how are you? a cold and a report on the nose. we can handle it together. but first, booklin. two components. strengthen each other by
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acting against cold symptoms, everything we passed together strength, double strength and booklin - double strength against cold symptoms in the format of tablets or powder for a warm drink. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts! buy a set of tools of 152 items for only 1,399 rubles. who are you, dear musicians? the bremen town musicians! let's! let's have some fun, guys, it's already in the cinema, the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable, get a supercake every month for free, withdraw cash at any atms throughout the country, not just profitable, alpha beneficial for headaches... with an enhanced
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composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen for headaches. happy new year to those who grab polka dots along the way, catch another suit, and find that same entrance. yandex maps, application for the new year's city. new year's discounts in a magnet. chocolate, alyonka from 59-9. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of work. i lead a sedentary lifestyle and exercise on a daily basis, but how can i protect my joints? thanks to special collagen in triple form artneo spirals help support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. rather than look at it 100 times, it is better to turn it once, turn it, turn it only after confirming the payment. before
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february 4, order savita with delivery starting from one ruble , check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, and how do you like it, like in paradise, now i will show you real paradise, holob 2, already in the cinema, it seems to me that my grandfather something is hidden, vanity, fireworks, the new year's light on. lights the lights, magic staff, grandfather, we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he can do magic, the snowman is a courier, it’s proven that my grandfather is santa claus. on new
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year's eve, everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for... those who are nearby, happy new year, wizards, at the zoo -5, mom will say, this is five, the effect of oralsept for pain and inflammation in the throat, five actions of oralsept from sore throat, that's five. i welcome you, dear friends, to our new regular release of the author's program besagon tv, it will be called reflection occupier, i think you will understand why we called it that, well, i must tell you that
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during our holidays we managed to miss you, and this is true, really so, and you had less opportunities to miss us, because in current...
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well, we established this government in kiev in 2014, we led them forward, we promised them peace. biden and boris johnson promised zelensky that they would give him everything, that he would have all the scientific and industrial power of the united states. and we have to go after him, but the russians have no chance, because the original
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the assumptions were wrong. they said that russia is a gas station with nuclear weapons, that the russians are weak, we lied, saying that the russians are stupid. incompetent and so on, here we sit a year and a half later, ukraine is destroyed, its population has dropped to 19 or 20 million people, at least 14 million have left the country. we think that now somewhere between 350 and 400 ukrainian soldiers have been killed. i recently saw the images above that show 123 freshly dug graves awaiting the ukrainian dead. soldier, this is a disaster, s she needs to end. ukrainian propaganda denies this, but it is impossible to silence everyone. now listen to what the ukrainian volunteer says. required bags for two hundred,
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friends, literally from all battalions from various directions, from all the fighters we can assume, everyone is asking for plenty of bags for two hundred. who can we? brothers in culture, history, blood, he voices the losses that ukraine and the zelensky regime are pushing towards, in general, the same collective macgreber. let's
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compare for a second the number of victims today day, for 18 months of a special military operation in ukraine, with the number of... victims of the united states and great britain in 6 years of the second world war, just think about it, great britain lost in the entire second world war. 375,000 people, the united states of america for the same period 405. that is, in 6 years of war, the two countries pushing the slavs to death lost less than ukraine did in 18 months. do you feel this relationship, what are our western colleagues suffering about, are they worried about what? their equipment is burning, leopards are burning, howitzers, american, three sevens
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, hymers, bradleys are burning, there is a danger of losing the prestige of the western military-industrial complex, this is worrying, they don’t talk about human casualties, not that they don’t talk, but it’s forbidden to talk so as not to shock the world. we all remember the horrors of buchi. it is estimated that more than 20,000
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civilians have died so far. and more than 100,000 ukrainian military officers. russia must pay for its terrible crimes, including the crime of aggression against a sovereign state. we don't talk about them. look at what happens in response to this catastrophe? zelensky?
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enriched uranium up to 100%. lies godlessly, why is zelensky fighting? for your homeland? but how can he say that he is fighting for his homeland, when his predecessors have been bombing this homeland with rockets and shells since 1914, mocking the civilian population, shooting people. hiding between houses, shooting, people came out, shooting,
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shooting columns, civilians, this is the ukrainian army, they are just playing, shooting at small children, we just saw it with our own eyes, why is zelensky driving his people to slaughter, maybe because they are not his people, jews, he... he himself spoke about this several times, but only his grandfather, he is also a jew, and he fought heroically during the great patriotic war, fought, defending his people, his soviet people, without dividing jews, ukrainians, russians and georgians, armenians, and so on, moreover, he witnessed how his... jewish people, ukrainian benderites mercilessly exterminated by thousands,
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as best they could cut off this genetic memory in his grandson, despite the fact that his grandson, when he was still an artistic career, said this: hello, uncle igor, aunt valya and grandfather sasha, contrary to your fears, i inform you that i live well. while i’m living, it will be even better, because it’s already been 3 weeks since i was accepted in benderovo, and how could it be otherwise, otherwise we wouldn’t have a career in ukraine.
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american mercenaries, who are here at every step, help me with this. by the way, i married vadik for the second time, for us europeans this is normal, today our president is, well, the most important one we have the most important president, barack obama, promised that we will soon join nato, for now... naturally, as an american henchman. if possible, friends, please send me hitler’s book meinkamf, otherwise they will scatter it away. sometimes in the morning i go out onto the balcony and start doing exercises, from the heart to the sun, like this. well, what i’m
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telling you, you also know. and having received power. to everyone's amazement he became just a nazi, how is this possible, look at how these people behave, how they smile, how happy they are, how glad they are to see each other each other, how they pat each other on the shoulders, hug each other, shake hands, such delight in their eyes when they see each other, this society of mutual admiration, how satisfied they are with everything that happens. why? but because they felt how close this dream was, the centuries-old dream, destruction, extermination, the possibility of wiping off the face of the earth, the slavs as such, the slavic world as such, in general. why am i talking about
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years, decades, hundreds of years, centuries, because it all began. a very long time ago, still in 1568, the polish king sigismund writes a letter to queen elizabeth of england. listen, we see that muscovite is not only a temporary enemy of our kingdom, but a hereditary enemy of all free peoples. thanks to the recently established navigation, it is abundantly supplied not only with weapons , shells, connections, which... how little of all this can still be put an end to, but we see that it is supplied precisely by artists who do not stop making weapons, shells and other similar things for it things hitherto unseen and unheard of in that barbarian side. knowing all this, we believe there should be no hope that we
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will leave such navigation free. from now on. the disgrace of russia begins, they do not disdain anything, gossip, lies, forgeries, sabotage, here is another very interesting letter, it was written 426 years after the letter that sigismund wrote to the queen of england. this is a letter to the president of the united states of america, bill clinton, from the former. president richard nixon, who shared his impressions with them after a trip to russia and ukraine. listen. the situation in ukraine is extremely explosive. if it gets out of control, bosnia will seem like a child's play. in view of the importance of ukraine, i immediately ask you to strengthen our diplomatic presence in
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kiev. you will be persuaded to split the package. assistance between all countries of the former soviet union, this would be a mistake. funds are very limited, all the countries closest to russia are very important, but ukraine is on a different level, it is irreplaceable. from this we can conclude that it was then that everything began, it was then that people began to enter ukraine huge amounts of money are invested. and billions , new textbooks began to be published, in which the entire history of the country is viewed in a completely different way, from kindergarten children begin to... develop hatred for muscovites, for you and me, and if your friend is called marichka, then don’t call march, because if masha is there, then this uniform
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is not ours, let them go there, where masha will live, already at this time the military registration and enlistment offices call those liable for military service, who must sign a paper that if something happens they are ready to fight with russia, despite the fact that people... more raised in the ussr, they don’t even know where they are being led, you showed this, remember, and since we were in the union, then we will be in the union, one way or another, regardless of whether we will be a separate state or a joint one, we will still be together with russia, well, we’ll just somehow start from our republic, and what will the relationship with russia be like at this very good level, but there can’t be anything else, in general, what do you think, what kind of these are controversial issues, no? note that nixon writes about explosive situation, but what is an explosive situation, where can it come from? let's look a little into
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history. for a long time, before becoming part of ukraine, galicia, this is today's western ukraine, was part of the habsburg monarchy, or, more simply, austria-hungary. at that time it was predominantly populated. "we, the rusyns of galicia, belong to the great russian people." and who could it suit? the task arose , the task arose, to divide this people, there were muscovphiles, supporters of great russian literature. written by populists, supporters writing the closest thing to the folk language, the populist floated the idea
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of ​​ukrainization, that is, the idea of ​​some kind of separation from the russians culturally, historically, linguistically, that is, look how subtle, not to deny their nationality. and to instill in them a feeling of some kind of national separation from russia, that is, even then the seeds of enmity were being laid within one people, they say that the words of the governor of galitsa and count golukhovsky belonged: let russin against rusin, so that they themselves exterminated, how? the austrians launched repressions against muscovophiles, and ukrainianphiles were helped in every possible way and supported. this is what the historian,
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publicist, public figure, about whom we, by the way, spoke in other besagons, osip manchelovsky in 1903, says, the strong support for ukrainophilism from the outside is proven by the annual allowance of the fgalician sejm, that is, from the poles 50,000. crowns, while russian societies do not receive a penny, even the king of ukraine was planned, they wanted to make him archduke wilhelm france habsburg, he owned a language, he wore an embroidered shirt under his uniform, and they even came up with a name for him, vasil the embroidered. by the way, there is information that he was an open homosexual. well, in general. in the modern trend, the king was, all these trends, all these sentiments gradually penetrated deep into ukraine, which at that time, as you know,
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was part of the russian empire, but these seeds sprouted most brightly in 1941, when western ukraine with flowers, smiles, bread , salt, met the troops. the reich joined the punitive troops and again began the jewish pogroms, but the german command accepted this help and support for ukraine, but only quite limited where it was needed and as much as needed, for one reason, and not the slavs, where these restrictions came from, hitler made them, that’s what he said. my mission, if i succeed, is to destroy the slavs. the slavic problem is biological, not ideological.
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genocide, nazism and europe took up the slogan of adolf schickelgruber, who fought against us? france, bulgaria, italy, romania, finland, and so on and so forth, all the civilized europe that hitler speaks of has joined hands in the fight against the slavs as such. what about today?
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i have a question, this is why, when the act of unconditional surrender of germany was signed in berlin, why nato emerged almost immediately, why the undead band of banderaites so carefully took refuge in the usa, canada, latin america, australia, why the undead ss men, the nazis , found refuge on all continents because... you can count on them, here is the recently declassified memorandum of robert kelly, former us state department employee, on the use of russian political migration, may 3, 1949. in it, keli clearly indicates that in order to undermine the soviet union, it is necessary to rely on groups of russian emigrants in other countries on anti-communist-minded cells,
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by which... and bandera is meant, this is direct evidence of the sponsorship of bandera by the american intelligence services, only based on this document cia, for 3 years from 1978 to 1981, oun militants received from washington about one and a half million dollars, mostly they went to support this underground bandera network for propaganda. propaganda of ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, the so-called, that is , separatist sentiments within russia within the soviet union, therefore, are aimed at separation from the soviet union, and a significant part of it is represented by ukraine itself. at the same time, despite the fact that ukrainian nationalism was not completely eradicated during the ussr, the goal of weakening the movement was achieved. nationalists on
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stopped activity for a long time and... only recently, with the help of the west, they not only revived, but also became hundreds of times stronger. and why, almost immediately, we talked about this, an incredible plan emerged called the unthinkable, cherchin’s plan, to arm and unite the defeated german army and launch it into the bloodless, tired country of the soviet union, which had experienced a terrible tragedy.
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