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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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from the occupier, while nothing new can be built there except endless maidans and dictatorship, yes, i am an occupier, and i am tired of apologizing for it, i am an occupier by birthright, i am an aggressor, a bloodthirsty freak, be afraid, it was i who suffered the atrocities of the polish interventionists during troubles, but how did their intervention end, it was i who destroyed moscow so as not to give it to napoleon, but how napoleon ended, it was i who sat in the trench near volokolansk, realizing... that it would not be possible to hold back the nazis, where are the nazis now, where is their damn hitler? to my home everyone and everyone came. turks, british, poles, germans, french, there was enough land for everyone, 2 s.m. for each. understand, i don’t need your hypocritical freedom, i don’t need your rotten democracy, everything that you call western values ​​is alien to me, i have other interests, politely. i convince you for the last time:
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don’t run into trouble, i’m building peace, i love peace, but i know how to fight better than anyone, with respect, russian occupier, well, that’s all for today, and as our crooked swordsman says, by the way, he’s already entered, let’s leave one by one, if anything, we geologists look forward to seeing you at our god willing. next meeting, all the best, foreigners who have entered into a contract for military service, as well as members of their families, will be given the right to obtain russian citizenship, a corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. the decree applies to those who signed the contract during the period.
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another document that the president signed today: according to the decree, foreigners, stateless persons who... lived in crimea and sevastopol before march 18, 2014, can apply for russian citizenship. among having such a right, including citizens of ukraine without citizenship of any other country, who were born and lived in crimea and sevastopol, but left these territories before march 18, 2014. the document also applies to those who previously had russian citizenship and have formalized an exit from it, and also, according to the decree, those deported from the territory of crimea during soviet times can apply for russian citizenship. and their descendants.
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children's new year's dreams are helped to come true by the traditional all-russian charity event, the wish tree. its participants are children, those in difficult situations, orphans, children with disabilities, as well as gifted children. new year trees decorated with balls with children's dreams are installed throughout the country. among those who joined the wish tree were the deputy prime minister and the minister of the federal government. the dream of nine-year-old elizabeth. that you should become at least a master of sports, and maybe a master of sports of international class, so that the whole country, the whole world knows you, mom and dad love you, respect you and are proud, i generally want you wish that... everything
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worked out for you, that your parents are happy, and i’m glad that you liked the rhythmic gymnastics center, the wish of eight-year-old vladimir was fulfilled by the head of the ministry of digital maksud shadayev , the boy wished for a construction set, but besides this gift for him, his sister, the participants former wish trees, kira from novosibirsk and robert from st. petersburg, the ministry organized a tour of the aeroflot training complex, the guys tried themselves as pilots on...
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it happened, it happened, it happened, and well, your wish it’s coming true, young man, your globe , study geography well, i was given such a magical globe, cool, we didn’t even expect that it could happen that the real santa claus would come straight home and dance with us here and have fun, give us such long-awaited gifts , which egorka and elechka dreamed of. long-range aviation pilots fulfilled the dream of their young brothers, alexander and evgeniy wrote a letter to santa claus, where they said that they wanted to become pilots, the boys
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and their mother were invited on an excursion to the long-range aviation museum, and after the young guests a surprise awaited them, they were allowed to fly independently on the strategic training complex... our broadcast will continue with a special report by anna afanasyeva, she visited several african countries to understand why this is the territory of the future and what russian projects are most awaited on the continent. poverty, epidemics, wars - these are stereotypes when talking about africa. we traveled to six countries to talk about life here from a completely different perspective. we
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will talk about africa as the territory of the future, in which russia has had since the soviet times there are a lot of allies, like the continent of opportunities with which we have. there is much more in common than it might seem at first glance; africa's resource potential, which in total volume accounts for 30% of the world's total resource potential, is absolutely unique. western europe, because they are still perceived as colonialists, this is our big advantage, we need to constantly
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use it. households, most of them will be used in the fields, they perceived this as something that russia absolutely does not want these amenities are intended to cause 4000 famine in africa; on the contrary, she solves african problems, and solves them absolutely selflessly. today , russian investors need to spend money somewhere in russia; there are specifics now. i don’t yet see any options other than the african continent to deposit money there, if two or three years ago they still twisted their finger at my temple and literally said that i’d rather give the money, i’ll send it to the moon on a rocket, than give it to you, because that you have all the theft, bribes and so on in africa now
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has changed dramatically. in 1919, our institute also took an active part in the preparations for the russia-africa summit, there was tremendous enthusiasm on the part of our african friends, because they said that finally, finally, russia demonstrated that... it wants to return to africa. 10,000 delegates, 44 out of 54 leaders took part in the summit, there were big grandiose plans, it was said that contracts worth 15 billion dollars were signed, as you understand, at the beginning of
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the covid pandemic, and a breakdown in communications, a drop in trade by more than a third, and then a special military operation, which introduced very great specificity into international relations and... in the conditions of the most severe sanctions, russia has to look for some workarounds or new ways to interact with african partners. however, the african market is now becoming increasingly relevant. talking about africa as the continent of the future can be based on several important factors. the first is the so-called demographic dividend. 60% of africa's population is under 25 years of age. relationship between between non-working and working people is gradually developing in favor of the working population. what does it mean? there has been a giant leap in economic growth since about the forties. africa is making the same economic leap as china did. in the nineties, china's gdp was 770 billion
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dollars, and ukraine's gdp was 400 billion. where is china now, where is ukraine now. similar processes are taking place in africa. another factor in favor of africa’s economic prospects is the continent’s resource potential, which accounts for 30% of the world’s total. they have not been fully explored, and finally, these resources have not yet been fully distributed, that is
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, international players have the opportunity to somehow join these resources and receive them on terms favorable to them. the first soviet specialists worked in mines in guinea back in the sixties; the country is extremely rich in natural resources. resources, mining contributes about 20% of gdp and is the fastest growing sector. approximately 20% of the world's bauxite reserves are located in guinea. the cost of production is extremely low, because which is a very high level of occurrence. and our company, the largest rusal, accounts for about 25-30% of all raw materials that are used for aluminum production.
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in the morning, geotechnical engineer momo bandaa is ready to go to work, he works at the lefa gold mine. i never had any problems here, thanks to my work i was able to build a house, educate my children, and develop myself professionally. the russian company north gold has been operating in guinea since 2008. in december they plan to launch underground gold mining, this will allow mining. at about two times more precious metal from one ton of ore. the lefa gold mine is considered
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one of the largest in guinea. the gold reserves here will last for another 11 years of mining, possibly more, since geological exploration work is carried out constantly. this equipment allows you to monitor how rocks move and warn of a possible collapse. all information is transferred to the computer. we go to the office for accurate data. you see, the yellow zone is a potentially dangerous area, gold mining at the mine takes place in an open way, there are several quarries, the ore is blasted, and then loaded onto special vehicles, only the height of their wheels is about 3 m. each such vehicle holds about 100 tons, one ton contains approximately one and a half grams of gold. to ensure the influx of specialists, a hole was built. far from the mine, a vocational school, an analogue of our vocational school, is now waiting for permission from local authorities to begin
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studying. anyone over 18 years of age can study here in professions such as welder, electrician, and mechanic. the courses are designed for 3 years, there will be both theoretical and practical lessons. local specialists will provide training. welcome, feel at home. this is where we gather as a family. we have dinner and watch tv. the company's momo house has electricity, sewerage, cold and hot water, which is a luxury for most local residents. next year he will celebrate 30 years of marriage, seven children, five adults have left all over the world, we help them, well, in addition to the fact that we hire a fairly large number of people directly, that is, they are ours full-time employees, so we hire contractors, we hire service companies that are also registered in guinea and we
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help in the social sphere. we sponsor schools, hospitals, we have built quite a large number of infrastructure and social facilities. one of these objects is a new village with an area of ​​50 hectares. about 2.0 people are planning to be transferred here; they settled nearby without permission and are huddled in outbuildings that can hardly be called houses. there are no botanical conditions there, water is received only during rains, and there is no electricity. the only income is from farming, the new village was named carrefour. my neighbors, guys i knew as children, are working here with me. we ’ve never even seen houses like the ones we’re building for ourselves; of course, they can’t compare with where i live now. the mine provides over a thousand jobs by purchasing goods and services from local residents. in addition,
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the company intends to employ an additional 300 people once underground mining is launched. when you leave completely deep, you have to remove a very large volume from the roof and thus incur very high costs if you continue to mine gold in the open pit, while the underground mining method allows you to minimize these costs and go directly through the ore body lived, this is the first underground mine in guinea, and this is truly a unique project for the country, which... we are developing, so that we bring new expertise, new experience, employees will learn new skills, the rapid development of the continent is high the potential for prospects is increasing competition between major foreign players in africa. what countries are fighting for africa today? who do
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our interests collide with on the continent? in december 2022, the us summit was held.
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this conference brought together representatives of the russian it industry, who, in the current economic reality, are looking for new foreign markets to scale their business. i don’t know why companies don’t want to go to africa, it seems to me that you don’t have much options now. mikhail lyapin - founder of fintech a company that works in the field of online lending,
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he started building his business from scratch in kenya 6 years ago and today has a rare, but in demand. alternative energy is a super boom now attracting investments in this market, electric bikes, electric mobility kenya is now one of the market leaders according to our usual rules, business in african countries cannot be built... all processes on the continent have their own local characteristics, which vary from country to country are different. then africa is a geographical concept, it is not social, not some kind of non-cultural, not
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business, a tectonic plate, in fact there are even two of them, and a common colonial past, but it is different for everyone, for example in the french colonies it is very different from the british colonies, and the needs are very they are also different, for example, senegalese and kenyans, wow, heaven and earth, there are galaxies between them, generally trillions of years. in order to successfully enter the continent with your startup, it is important to stop thinking about africa in stereotypes that are not related to reality and stereotypes in my head, there’s chukovsky and so on, i’m putting a crocodile in jail, an investor also told me this, everything is tied to the children , you’ll pay, i’ve never paid, at the beginning, many convinced mikhail that the short-term lending scheme at a high interest rate was not working for africa, the company will go bankrupt, but who will repay the loan if the average income of a resident of the capital? 150 dollars, but he analyzed all the risks, existing offers in the niche and decided to try, these are slums, well, judging by
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the asphalt road, this is already becoming a civilized area, in 10 years it will be possible for expats to live here, maybe even, who knows. well, as i understand it, mainly in such areas live those people who apply for services, for microloans from your company? i think that 90% of kineans live in such conditions. it was no coincidence that mikhail chose kenya for his startup; several important factors coincided. kenya is closer to russia; kenya has only 50 million inhabitants. but kenya is growing at a good pace, the level of security is quite clear, i saw that there are competitors in this country, but there are few of them, we can beat them, and i chose
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kenya. over 6 years, the mobile application developed by his company was downloaded 650 thousand times, and the total amount of loans amounted to $1.4 million, 40% of borrowers are small entrepreneurs who work. buy a pack of sausages, eggs, tomatoes , somehow cook them on the street , sell them straight away, return the money the next day or after 2-3 days, then borrow again, buy something again, and return it 2-3 days after that , as soon as some minimum turnover appears. in african countries it is important so that you have the same master, the first few times they will make mistakes, do ugly hairstyles, but then they
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get used to it and begin to do something more or less decent. the groomer michael took out a small amount on credit to buy a shaving machine to replace the one that had broken down. and there are a lot of clients, i didn’t want to lose them, so i decided to take out a loan, took 5. i’ve probably heard more than once such critical remarks as a smart russian has come to make money off poor africans.
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moreover, most often replacements from russians are sharply negative remarks, even negative wishes, i hope that you get shot here, i hope that you end up here, because africa is a tough country, and you should end up badly, because you do...
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yes, dear friend, i i will add your name to the black list, and you will never receive a loan again, believe me, i wish you a good evening tomorrow until 12:00 so that the money is returned. michal likes to compare doing business in africa with the russian realities of the nineties. there are many opportunities, but also many risks. so one day his office was robbed, the attackers took away
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equipment worth $1000 , who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubodour, this is my group, hello my fans, where have you been before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, i haven’t forgotten, there’s no way around it, i’m behind you, their palaces, tempting vaults, will never be replaced by freedom. she disappeared, call the strongman, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you were waiting for. donkey, me? dog, cat,
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cockerel, they called themselves temporary musician, i actually sing too, bremen town musicians. let's look before everyone else, let's meet veronika pavlovna vasentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with blunt trauma to the skull, vosnetsova, always one step ahead.
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we sign up and look to intimidate her, i wouldn’t ruin your situation, you need to try very hard, we’ll burn it, let’s say i really went back in time, why the hell come here, cold 2, everything about the elections in russia. we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, what a newsletter is, we my sister spent the whole day drawing the ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, put it in very cleverly, many degrees of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks , let’s go vote with it , choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey,
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you have the ballot beautiful, only... your ballot will not be digitally counted, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, powerful protection is very carefully built into them, your trick will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, he’s been here for many years now among ordinary rude people. his poetry lives on. the impulse of donbass to gain independence, and perhaps even become part of russia, was supported by millions in russia itself. you survived where death reigned. wars are ending. for peace to be lasting, we need people with strong character, who are ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also...


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