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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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with the call sign leader, the poet alexander pelevin always reads with slight excitement, for a week now there has been no stable connection with him, an officer, volunteer, russian poet, dmitry filippov, is right now storming one of the populated areas as part of a sapper unit. the danks come to bakhmut, they are finally hit with an evil vengeance from someone else, in bakhmut they are greeted with scorched milkweed, they shake their heads with it. destroyed houses, at the crossroads of the streets, where the kissing winds multiply their labor, the girl is looking for her mother, the mother washed the frame, the tanks look with their barrels at the girl and roar howling poets and writers receive special treatment, they are expected , they are proud of... honestly, of course,
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they stand out very much, from their poems, it is very clear to see where they have been, it is very clear to see how the war left its mark on them, their poems became also more specific, more simple, but at the same time they acquired some kind of incredible transparency, they became very light, lightweight, like air, that is , you read, all this is very clearly, very easily put into words: here amazing metaphors appeared completely, that is, dima filippov namely, that his most powerful poems began when he served the volunteers. participation in hostilities changes a person, which means his poems change, says alexander pelevin. the artist was a famous poet even before the svo, yes, he was part and parcel of the russian literary scene. and his poems were also found. simplicity, lightness and
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such, you know, printed clarity, that is, they are very clear, there are no omissions, there is no insincerity, yes, they are very honest, they are very real. quiet, quiet, the battle is over and they don’t whistle at the dukam the bullets, hiding their faces in their hoods, the russian guys fell asleep, the machine guns were sleeping in the otcups, after the terrible mess, they fell silent guiltily, the shackled cuckoos, it was hot. there is cheese,
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a cloud is blown by the wind, and a piece of the world hangs over the thoughtful grove. a collection of front-line poetry has been distributed on the front lines for a month now. dmitry artis is on his second vacation in a year. in civilian life, endless meetings await him; the once not very public russian prose writer and poet now regularly communicates with students, but as an active serviceman, first and foremost. today another lecture at one of the moscow universities , where he will share his story, a military
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operation, he did not stop writing even on the line of contact, this is what supported me and gave me the will to live, the fact is that in a war without the will to live it is very , well , it’s impossible, yes you can perform heroic deeds, but the ability to survive is also important, right? in war, this is one of the main components for a soldier, the ability not only to sacrifice oneself, but the ability to survive, because by and large, victory is not important if there is no one, yes, we must also survive, yes, we must win and survive, the poems of both warrior poets, filippov and artis, are included in the new collection. a deadly russian speech
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edited by other active participants of the north military district, anna dolgreva and alexander pelevin, who are engaged in humanitarian work, it turned out to be interesting with him, that is, we... here let the uh contactor cling, not here’s where you’ve already done it, like this, here it will hang so it will hang , a homemade host will fall, well, this is a prototype for now, yeah , it’s planned to burn through the camouflage
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ukrainians have a net and see what they have under the net, so it needs to explode and there needs to be fire. me a loaf of bread from artyomovsk home, spin the driver the little lamb , you and i will go home, through a dangerous place, and from dangerous places, big-eyed loaf, that cross will reach you, take me, good one, through the smoke and through the dust, from the future to the past, your own to the cozy rear, take me loaf of bread to the house where the volunteer... with the stolen cat, take me to where there is noise, quietly, at least a little, there is no bitterness and there is no fear, but i need to rest and at least a little get some sleep, because we’re from these places where even bald devils would be afraid to go, we’ve arrived,
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we’re getting ready, i won’t take up time, we’ll eat, we’ll wash up again for the war. bsvo collected 10 modern authors of the most diverse, the best, i collected it myself and... tried to choose poems for different moods, there are gloomy poems about death, and pathetic ones about victory, ironic and light, about soldier’s everyday life, about how mothers and girls are waiting for the guys at home, and so on, that is, we tried, when collecting this
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collection, to present the whole spectrum of moods, which may be here, i like the 200th brigade, a loaf with a worn letter z. i like it when packets of hail from our side fly back, i like donetsk boulevards and the black and blue scarlet russian flag, that in the midst of a worldwide fire there is a chechen and a cossack in the same formation, and i will not stop with you, not yet too old for this lay out the route from st. petersburg solidar with funny poems. this poem is one of the most famous at the front. absolutely hit in the 200th guards brigade of the northern fleet. what happened now? now personally for i tell myself that my poem has become more poster-like, more specific. there are no more
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poems about anything. i had a lot of poems about absolutely nothing, that is, just to catch up with the mystics, to make it so beautiful. now this is no longer the case, now i usually talk about something specific. words mean exactly what they mean. the answer to the question of where the place of poetry is in war is very simple: everywhere, the secret is in the form itself, a poem, printed or in the form of a song, is the most capacious and instantly understandable form of expressing one’s thoughts and feelings in a combat zone. well it's on morale has a very strong effect, because the fighters get tired, it’s always the same routine, constant combat work and then the arrival. one might say, it brightens up their everyday life a little, because people get tired anyway, that’s the difference, it helps a lot, they immerse themselves a little in a homely environment, some warm memories of home, so they unload a little, in principle, very good influences the moral and political psychological
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state of personnel, so you note for yourself what is more effective, the word, music, all together, well, that is, everything is different. they perceive, well, i am in favor of comprehensive measures, because somewhere we are commanders and i, as a political officer, we can somewhere support with a word, somewhere listen to a soldier, solve some problems, but still these are the moments when.. .musicians, poets come, they also have a very positive influence, in total this is very supportive of the fighters, they see that their homeland remembers them, that their homeland sends people to them, so to speak, citizens, to support them, they really appreciate it, they respond very much , by the way, often the opposite they provide a good connection, some soldiers themselves begin to write at the front, perhaps the most famous work is we will not die by alexei volkov, which the author read. don’t hit autumn summer spring will show who is here
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that the heart will ask our soldiers not to break and successfully cut where our eagle is where our nut is where your money is there our exploits victories billions will not help you the status of a legend will not buy you history and world recognition will not replace the yellow-blues. rag, russian red flag, we believe in ourselves, in our country, everything goes wonderful, and i always prefer the yellow-blue color, red, we raise our banner higher and higher, to see our victory, you don’t need to climb on the roof, we are a warrior for god, we simply die for god, and no matter what happens, we always win, we will not die, because we never die, if something goes wrong, if we are wounded, because red blood runs in our veins, our creed is unconditional, always victory, no one has yet been able to outwit a bullet, brother, but this doesn’t
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mean that we can’t, because you and i are together, we are warriors of fortune, we destroy and destroy everyone enemies ahead for hundreds of years, because no one has victories like ours, such legends, teachers, such traditions, our soldier , nikoladimir, is the best country in the world, the best country on the planet, no arguments of yours will challenge this, they don’t need us. how to live, what to do for a russian soldier, victory, one reward, handsome, i pulled you out, don’t lose consciousness, talk to me, okay, and they wrote in the comments that i was reading your book, so they brought it to us and left it at the base. i read your book, i really liked it, that is, the soldiers read my book, then
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they found me on telegram and wrote reviews, so we started communicating with him. war has come to the city. mines fall into the city, the water supply system in the city is broken, the water flows in a long, muddy stream, and human blood flows mixing with it, and seryoga is not a warrior or a hero, seryoga is an ordinary guy, just doing his job, fixing the water supply system, under fire, under hot and stuffy steam, and water mixed with blood flows like a fountain, and of course, one of the mines becomes his last, and seryoga gets up... shaking off the blood and walking, radiance he has a trace, and from the shrapnel there is a hole in
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his eyebrow, and seryoga comes to heaven, where else, the shadow from the earth blackens his silhouette and he says, lord, you have a leak here, bloody rain is flowing from here, let me try to fix it, anna dolgreva , is known. one of the air defense officers of the 200th brigade with the call sign timer generally pays
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special attention to literature. in the small dining room there is a whole collection of books, mostly specialized ones, biographies of commanders, books about russian history. our thinking often, even before the esvo, was always about the military like, what is this yes, wooden people who just hit bottles with their heads and can only do one thing, actually no, anyone. the printed press is in great demand, soldiers in the front lines do not have the opportunity to watch news on the internet, and when comparing information, many do not really trust electronic sources, refuting fakes is not necessary here, everything is visible from the front line, here is reliable information about what is happening at home,
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the army is always in demand - this is a broader reflection of statehood that now exists yes... in our new regions, this is why we came here, and the presence, as you say, of civilians, it complements all these military operations on its part, the sky is usually blue, there are only two genders, okroshka is made from class, and as it was said
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in the works of the elder pliny, our western partners, hypocritical, forget about anxiety, fighter. anxiety will not find you, ask the gogi for the lari, the gogi will translate it, will not hand it over, i clarify, by addar, by bank transfer, with chachii and tea, as if a friendly country is welcoming you as a relative, ride on a lumberjack, twist your tails, you lost your share in our future victory, visit of citizenship.
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it was in the verse about the two chosen ones, i also heard this and remembered it, this is the name of the deadly russian speech, designed in the style of a red army book, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, let’s read it, i hope it will come in, i recently read alexander’s book bekalanskoye highway and a book about it, published directly participant in the events of this book is mamysh uly, a famous officer of the great patriotic war, his psychology of war is such...
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from some sources, but only when you personally observe with your eyes all these, all this environment that the war creates, only after that you can write some real things, genuine, but where in this scheme was the reader, he was not there, suddenly after poetry, it suddenly became clear that poetry has a huge, large, significant readership, that people come in hundreds to poetry evenings, that... people need the word that sounds sung by poets, and they need answers to the questions they ask. with prose the situation is different, because not yet no great obsovaya prose has appeared, absolutely none, maybe for the worse, or maybe for the better, because perhaps for
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this you still need some, for this you still need some distance. that is, yes, the best examples of prose about the great patriotic war appeared 20 years after the war, perhaps this will be the case now, most likely, uh, of course, we want now, our writers, our prose writers, what they have given out, the most powerful, basic , good, high-quality, by reading, the soldier develops, which means he becomes... and i know a lot of poems , but somehow i haven’t thought about my favorite, i would probably call my poem favorite, it
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’s from the movie brother 2, but i love everyone in the world, but this poem, well, if in this context of conversation, i would call it my favorite; lilacs bloomed and grass grew along the twisted roads. beautiful and simple, but what can you do about it, an ordinary dream, to come home someday, dirty work is in full swing, terrible work
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is going on, it’s sewn on his sleeve, a cheerful slap, a russian cat, fighting is already going on in the direction 4 day, but what can our people do here, and what can our relatives do here? simple russian words, a simple cheerful boy, a simple poem from brother two, where about a path and a forest, then heaven will tell you, then the answer will be found out, it takes half an hour to get home, it takes 8 years to get home. and since i’m a person from poetry, and from literature , these are all my friends, and it’s like we’re all here with us, we’re all here and
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i won’t shame you, here you are with me, i’m the guy, the girls are for you , and you will also cheer for me there, worry about the idea of ​​​​creating a front-line collection poems was born from the poet alexander pelevin in the summer after the first trial distribution of poetic...
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we can interact, we can enter into collaboration with poets, most of the poets presented in this collection are from st. petersburg, then in general there was no doubt that we must participate here in this way and... russian poets distributed the first 10 boxes of the collection of poems deadly russian speech in 4 days. volunteers known to military journalists have already begun to help with distribution. everyone reacts very well as usual i like it, because as it happens, you know , the fact is that the military doesn’t get much attention, and of course, every time they remember, something is brought to them, they are pleased. here. but this is still a book.
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you switch, you still need to switch off sometimes, diversity is an important role. the last three copies were received by the military at a front-line concert from the krepachka marianna vasilyeva, who actively supports the north military district.
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until the end of the holidays , the remaining circulation will be sent to the northern military district zone, and there, perhaps, new publishing house, because every trip there makes you think and over and over again makes you write, on the train, she never died, she is always there, it’s just that sometimes she recedes a little further into the background, sometimes she again walks ahead with rub, here... for this he goes to the kitchen to sit and talk there under a skirt there or under a guitar strum, right in the dugout after the performance of an impromptu duet , the military received a request to write a song about their brigade, the text is almost ready, so i would didn't say like rebirth or just those some figures that we were talking about, suddenly they turned out to be empty, and to which...
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it seemed to us that here they are, this is a new path for russian poetry, but it turned out that this is not, in general, this is not our path, and this is not new at all, but just some stray ones , well, that’s all, suddenly, suddenly you understand it all, clearly, you see, lord, who i was walking next to here, but for me, for me personally, since the 22nd, oh, the result is one of the few prose works of the northern military district period, dmitry artis
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wrote his own during the battles: a volunteer’s diary, now it is ready for printing, of course, everyone is really looking forward to the new book by dmitry filippov, who got in touch and said that he is very busy for the time being, for the time of the north military district, his call sign is the leader, he takes avdievka, but no, i’ll end with a poem that is not about the war at all, maybe it will also be useful to you, bob says to gagarin, yura! now you know, there is no decay with a putrid taste, there is no decay inside a person, only ice cream on the square in the hands of dad, the smell of grass to a hot iron horseshoe, birch catkins, spruce paws, only this is what we carry within ourselves, yura, look, i scattered red stars across the sky, threw them from kaliningrad to cupid, solely for joy, yura, you always understood how simple it all is, that’s why
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yura and i are here and... dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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the power supply was disrupted and the accident at the substation in moscow was restored, the rosseti company reported. the accident occurred today at a transformer substation in the northeast of the city, after which several dozens of houses were left without electricity and heating. now my colleague egor grigoriev is joining the live broadcast again. egor, hello again, tell us how things are now in the affected areas? yuri, hello, we are located in southern medvedkov, a reserved street, located here.


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