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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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shiva raneh is a media agency that oversees the work of foreign journalists in iran. on the walls in their office are photographs of all media representatives accredited to work in the country in recent years.
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there were people handing out candy to show how happy they were for his dastardly murder, it was painful to watch. countries such as the usa and great britain consider us terrorists; moreover, they believe that general suleymaniy was the leader of terrorists.
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but we know that this is not true, these thoughts are wrong. most of the journalists who came to iran. they wanted to show that people supposedly did not like general soleimani and would soon forget about him, but it is obvious to us that this is not true.
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it was the heart of iran. i sell products that are handmade by craftsmen from the province of kirman, where the martyr suleymaniy was born. after his death, there is pain in my heart. we will have to take revenge. a few days before the first anniversary of suleymanim's death, we went to his home province. kirman, portraits of the people's general are everywhere here. to the first on the anniversary of the death of general sulaymaniyah, they released badges, posters, calendars , notebooks, scarves with his
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image, seven versions of his biography, books for adults, here for children, puzzles like this, and... books with descriptions his exploits for the little ones. mr. savet, we noticed your car on the streets of the city, it looks impressive, two large portraits of general sulaymaniyah, what is your meaning?
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some fighters are still listed as missing, we continue to search for them, every year we return the remains of several soldiers to their homeland. we had a powerful division called. allah, it was led by kasen suleymaniy, the heroism of the soldiers from kirman during that war is largely his merit. now, due to the coronavirus, we are limited in movement, but every single resident of kerman would have come to this farewell ceremony.
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in elementary school, he would break his pencil in half and give half to a poorer student; when he and his older brother drank milk from the same jug, he would ask that part of it was separated and half was given to needy neighbors. already during the war, he began to eat last, after all his soldiers had eaten. he was so merciful that he directly told his subordinates that even terrorists. four decades, and while the islamic revolution is raging in iran, one of
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the key events of the 20th century, which will change the balance of power in the middle east. the monarchy has been overthrown in iran, and shah mohamed rizavi is forced to flee the country amid mass protests. a few months after the islamic revolution, during which there was shah mohammed riza pihlivi is overthrown, a group of religious students shouting death to the americans seizes the us embassy in tehran. for a year and a half they will hold 52 diplomatic mission employees hostage. during this time , thousands of documents that diplomats simply did not have time to destroy will be declassified. this is the americans. iran, since then relations between the two countries
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have not improved. these graffiti appeared here on the fortieth anniversary of the islamic revolution. local artists have depicted, for example, statue of liberty with a skull instead of a face. next is the poisonous apple of cnn, and of course, donald trump, obviously reporting on the next ones. after 42 years, the confrontation with america continues, our people continue to defend their independence. now american sanctions are the price our people pay for defending the borders of their independence. as a result of the revolution of '79 . a candidate from god, ayatallah khameini, comes to power in iran. now we are in
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the house where ayatallah khameini, the leader of the islamic revolution, lived for many years, and it was with him that the islamic revolutionary guard corps was created, a new constitution was developed, which granted supreme power to him as the spiritual leader. he made many of his speeches from here. iranians know them by heart and still quote them to this day. the reason why his lordship mam chose this place was because the house was very...
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we participated in three operations together against saddam's regime, he was my commander. then i was wounded and captured by the enemy, where i spent 8 years, 3 months and 20 days. all these years he came to my house, visited his father and mother, asked about their health and reassured them. during the bela-5 operation,
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sulaymaniyah. a year before the opening of this museum, general soleimani visited the victory museum in moscow and the war museum in syria. after that, he returned here, but built not a war museum, but a museum of sacred defense. we didn't start the war. iraq to saddam hussein, attacked us.
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many countries supported saddam in the war against iran, but we only defended ourselves. if you study the history of iran, you will understand that the iranian people never wanted war at all, but he knew how to defend his territory well.
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he would have given him a tour, it was obvious that he was deeply worried when he came here, all these portraits that you see are officers of the sarah division, that is , subordinates of general suleimani, he bitterly mourned the dead, i remember how they buried one of the dead soldier, general suleiman kissed his feet, mr. hadjati, at the entrance to your museum, i saw on the floor... why america? because we believe the united states
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supports all terrorist leaders. we have no regard for the american people claims against the government, yes. quds force, an elite military-political formation that is responsible for carrying out special operations outside of iran. the creation of a global intelligence network based on shiite communities will make it possible.
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the united states in afghanistan killed a high-ranking us cia officer, michael dandrea, who allegedly oversaw the special operation to eliminate the iranian general. in the summer , mahmoud mousavi machd, who worked for the cia and masad, was executed in tehran. in early january, a baghdad court as part of the investigation into the murder of soleimani issued an arrest warrant for donald trump. according to iraqi law, if trump is found guilty of premeditated murder, he faces
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the death penalty. the news became highly symbolic in the final days of his presidency. i advise trump to talk to biden to rent some room in the white house in order to remain out of reach of the justice of the islamic republic of iran. in parliament. for this, for the destruction of only the cars of general süleymanim, they took revenge by launching thirteen ballistic intercontinental missiles at the american strategic military ain al-asad base in iraq. make no mistake,
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at least 110 us military personnel died as a result of this attack. the americans hid this information and said that they only had a concussion. so. took revenge for the destruction of general suleimani's car. revenge for his murder is that very cruel retribution, which, as i told you, will consist of several stages. hassein amir abdalahyan, knew general sulaymaniyah for more than 20 years. in the raransky foreign ministry, he headed the department that dealt with the affairs of western asia and north africa. with the commander of the special forces.
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during iraq's fight against isis, a coalition of popular mobilization forces, an iran-backed shia military formation, fought alongside... i have witnessed how the islamic republic of iran, and commander qassem soleimani personally, have been assisting us since the first day of the fall of masool. general soleimani's troops played a key role in the destruction of the islamic state in syria. therefore, i would like to say separately for the russian audience that syria can be considered an example of successful cooperation moscow.
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suleymaniy was the only general who was not afraid of anything at all and always appeared where the battle began. he never used a bulletproof vest or other protection, he believed in the intercession of god and therefore was fearless. the enemies did not have the courage to engage in a fair fight with general suleymaniye. they were afraid of the alliance between the general and
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president putin and they knew. that if they are supported by the countries of the region, of course, the united states and their accomplices will have to leave the middle east, from syria, lebanon, iraq. therefore, the vile murder of general sulaymaniyah, committed under the orders of the president of the united states, this is a sign of the weakness and infirmity of this country. ali shirazi, iranian supreme leader ayatala ali khaminya's representative in the corps.
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in islam, the death of a righteous man is considered the highest reward for the sacred struggle in the name of faith and his people, but mr. sharazi could not come to terms with the loss of his closest friend even a year later. we have heard more than once from both the spiritual leaders and the political leaders of the country that iran will definitely take revenge for the death of general sulaymaniyah. how do you interpret?
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general soleimani has repeated more than once: my paradise is a battlefield. all this year, the iranians broadcast to the whole world that they will continue to wage the battle that sulaymaniyah started. one of the symbols of this struggle was the image of general soleimani’s hand with his personal ring, the same one by which he was identified on the day of his assassination at the baghdad airport.
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we continue our review of news in moscow about the country. the consequence of an accident at a transformer substation in the north-east of the city, a fire occurred there this morning, due to which houses in several areas at once, gratifying, biberevo, northern and southern medvedkovo were left without electricity and heat; now they are connected using a backup circuit. my colleague egor grigoriev is joining the live broadcast again. egor, hello again, what is the situation at this time? yuri, hello, we are located in yuzhnaya medvedkova, a reserved street.


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