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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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we continue the news review in moscow, they are eliminating the consequences of an accident at a transformer substation in the north-east of the city, there was a fire there this morning, which is why houses in several areas at once, otradnye , biberevo, northern and southern medvedkovo, were left without heat electricity. now they are connected to a backup circuit. my colleague egor grigoriev is joining the live broadcast again. hello, what is the situation at this time? yuri, hello, we are located on a reserved street. that, despite the fact that
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there is street lighting here, a number of houses are up to there is still no light, and some are still without heat , but there is also a car behind me, this is a mobile diesel generator, it just allows us to provide electricity, power supply to the central heating substation, which is already in one of the houses here, after as soon as the commissioning work is completed there, it will already be warm, cold and hot water will be supplied to four apartment buildings, and this is 150 apartments in each, that is, if we assume that at least two people live in each apartment , this about a thousand people, it turns out, there are about 100 such cars, such mobile diesel generators reserved in moscow, they spoke about this today at the mayor's office, let's listen, for a number of rtps...
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mobile diesel generators have been turned off, adjustment is currently underway, the heating system, as a result shutdowns, airing occurred somewhere, at this stage almost all residential and non-residential premises are connected to heating, we have taken measures to more steadily work on supplying heat, providing electricity, additionally allocate about 100 mobile diesel generators. the work is really difficult for moscow communal workers, because in every central heating point, like here, much of the equipment is now out of order, and they have to quickly change it only then put the launcher into operation. the people who live in these apartment buildings remain today.
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without water, without electricity, without heating, and the shops in the area are not open, so in order to even buy water, they have to go to other areas, let's give them word, well, we packed our things there for a day or two , definitely to a hotel somewhere, because it is unknown when everything will be restored, they write that soon, expect to be there soon, but how long is unknown, i of course understand that most likely everything will get better quickly, because we still live in moscow, but we don’t want to take risks, so we’ll start today. we just arrived from the dacha, we got news on the way that we have no light, heat, water, so basically, they said, it’s better not to come back from the dacha, but we already arrived with the dacha, we were already on the way, so now we don’t we know where to go, but somehow there’s no heat in the house yet, but now we’ll sort out the water issue somehow, then we’ll go, i don’t know, to grandma’s or somewhere else, here on the reserved street, as the energy workers told us, it’s warm in three houses. and cold
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hot water supply has already appeared, in four so-called candles, work is now continuing. yuri, yes, egor, thank you, well, together with you we will monitor what is happening, i will remind you that my colleague egor grigoriev was in direct contact with the studio. in the chelyabinsk region , six people were stuck on a section of the south ural railway passenger trains. one of the trains stands without moving for about 9 hours, the rest from 2 to 6. as reported by arzhd, the carriages are supported. comfortable temperature conditions, but at the same time some passengers complained on social networks about the cold and lack of light, now, as people write, trains are gradually starting to move, the lights have been turned on, railway workers are reportedly taking all measures to resolve technical problems as quickly as possible. in a few minutes, watch the documentary film world war ii, the battle of the dnieper, about how one of the largest battles in history. start the year
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with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy a set of tools of 152 items for only 1,399 rubles. i saw a sign in the heavens, in the harsh winter, after the great festivals, something that has never happened before will appear, the stars. will converge, it will happen where east and west meet. the line between the real world and the world of dreams will melt , a great competition will begin, big and small, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands will come together, but whoever takes the heavenly trophies will rule in
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both worlds, real and digital, unknown to anyone. look, games of the future. kazan, february 21. the legend begins. and how is it for you, like in paradise, now i will show you a real paradise, holob 2, already in the cinema, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, hurry up for tickets, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool shot, i'll post it now. damn, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator speed coverage, cool video, it
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took off faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster than watching it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, forgive, turn it only after confirming payment, before february 4, order sovito with delivery from one ruble , check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. get a supercake every month for free. cash at any atms throughout the country, not just profitable, alpha is profitable, new year's discounts in the magnet, chernogolovka 109,999, primensky musicians,
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already in the cinema, i'm yulia musikhina, co-owner of a large company, now i'll show you everything, this is the recipe. on the right is the department of promising developments and a growth chart, the product portfolio is developing, a large family is like a large organization, and its development needs support, a national demography project by decision of the president, all measures to support families with children, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy women's clothing, shoes and accessories from discounts up to 70%.
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in september 1943, advancing soviet troops reached the left bank of the dnieper. for the dnieper the main task was a rapid offensive and access to our western border. the battle of the dnieper became one of the largest battles in history. over 4 million people took part in it. this is more than in any other
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battle of the second world war. for the battle of the dnieper, 2,438 people received the title of hero of the soviet union. there were only heroes in the entire previous history. why did hitler try to maintain control over the dnieper at any cost? what future the nazis were preparing for ukraine, why the battle for the dnieper led to the collapse of the entire german defense. on the eastern front.
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the soviet command hoped to knock the germans out of kiev right away, but the nazis were preparing to defend the capital of soviet ukraine to the last. they built powerful defensive lines around the city. it was planned to use two bridgeheads for the attack on kiev. of these, the lyutezhsky one was located north of the city, the other, the main one, was in the south,
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near the village of velikiy bukrin. it was here that soviet troops were drawn to the bukrinsky bridgehead main striking forces. on october 12, without waiting for the arrival of reserves, three tank armies began an assault on the ukrainian capital. the fighting lasted 4 days. thirty fours.
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under cover of darkness, this armada crossed the dnieper twice. the tanks
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moved in the pouring rain, which turned the roads into a muddy mess. the germans carefully watched the soviet units, but fortunately they could not figure out this maneuver. in addition, false reports were broadcast on the radio about the preparation of a new strike south of kiev. to finally bring down the enemy was confused, mock-ups of tanks were placed in the bukrin area, and false bridges were built across the dnieper. the red army's offensive from the northern lyutezh bridgehead began on november 3, 1943 and came as a complete surprise to the germans. when the third panzer army rybalka concentrated on the lyuchivsky planarmy, it struck. a strike on kiev, but there was no one there, our troops struck in just a few days
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and took kiev. this happened on november 6 , 1943, on the eve of the twenty-sixth anniversary of the october revolution. this is how it ended occupation of the capital of soviet ukraine, which lasted 778 days. this footage was taken by the soviets. immediately after the liberation of the city. on the dilapidated buildings there were still signs with the inscription only for germans. during. all factories, tram lines and power plants were destroyed by the germans before the retreat.
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the occupier plundered all the museums, libraries and scientific centers of kiev. only the academy of sciences of the ukrainian ussr, the nazis took 320 thousand valuable and rare books to germany. on one of the streets, soviet soldiers found a whole mountain of copper utensils stolen by the germans from the apartments of kiev residents. they were going to take her to germany. the occupation of ukraine, the occupation of kiev, led to enormous human and material losses. was accompanied by widespread plunder committed by the german occupation authorities. the germans have traditionally been very fond of looting cultural property. a lot of things could have been brought out of kiev; there were very rich cultural funds and museum funds. all this is completely, so to speak, purposefully, with a purely german petanty, right under the receipt, signature,
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captured and taken away. 2 days after the liberation of kiev, november 8, 1900. vasilevsky, who coordinated the fronts in the battle for the dnieper. over the entire period that followed , marshals zhukov were the first to receive this order and only 20 people were awarded the order of victory in soviet history. the long-awaited liberation of kiev became global news .
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on a large-scale operation called the battle of dnip. the operation is one of the largest and bloodiest in history, not only of the great patriotic war and the second world war. the battle of the dnieper in its scale, it is comparable, well, precisely with such huge battles, such as the battle of the caucasus, it resolved the issue of liberating approximately half of ukraine, on the one hand, on the other hand, it resolved the issue in principle of continuing the war, because this... the so-called eastern rampart, it was supposed to stop our troops altogether for the next 2 years, that is, it is a question of how the war will go further, for the battle for the dnieper in our troops 2438 people received the title of hero of the soviet union, and this is with that at that moment, in all previous history there were fewer heroes, and not a single subsequent battle,
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battle, such a large-scale operation, anywhere there were such massive awards for heroes of the soviet union. the first official borders of soviet ukraine were established by lenin. in 1919, the bolsheviks gave the young republic the russian donbass. in the twenties , industrially developed areas of kursk, bryansk and voronezh provinces with a population of over 900 thousand people were given away free of charge. during the years of stalin's industrialization in ukraine they were built.
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this republic was pumped up all the time with resources, territories, and other potential, precisely understanding its importance for the soviet union, as such
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an industrial base, a base of rich minerals. in the first days of the war , the main forces of the wehrmacht invaded western ukraine. the surprise attack brought the red army to the brink of disaster. in just a month in the kiev cauldron. the germans destroyed 665,000 of our officer soldiers. the wounded , devastated ukraine found itself at the mercy of the invaders. occupied lands the dnieper region, donbass and lower volga, the germans united the vreichs-commissariat of ukraine. the new occupation regime was headed by nazi official erich koch. according to hitler, koch, like no one else, was suitable for... the position. he was convinced that it was enough for ukrainians to be able to count to 100, and also liked to joke that if he met a ukrainian
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worthy of sitting at the same table with him, he would order him to be shot immediately. however, koch's immediate superior, the reichs minister for the eastern occupied territories, alfred rosenberg, looked at the new german colony in a slightly different way. in may. in 1941, even before germany attacked the ussr, rosenberg compiled detailed instructions for the future reif commissioner of ukraine. in it he wrote: the tasks of the reif commissioner for ukraine can have world-historical significance. if we succeed by all means, political , psychological and cultural, in creating a ukrainian state from lemberg to saratov, the centuries-old nightmare of the german people associated with the russian empire will be destroyed. germany will not be threatened with a naval blockade; for all future years there will be
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guaranteed flow of food raw materials. alfred rosenberg, he is a native of the baltic states and he studied russia very, let’s say, carefully. so rosenberg formulated an idea that he very actively promoted. he said that without... ukraine we will not be able to defeat russia. the russians can only be defeated if the ukrainians are set against them. that is, if the russians and ukrainians become enemies and fight with each other, only then will germany be able to defeat the russian people. in the same instructions to the rake commissioner of ukraine, rosenberg suggested specific measures for the re-education of ukrainians. he wrote: “it would be nice not to delay.”
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in the spring of 1942, the imperial propaganda department organized an exhibition of trophies taken from the occupied soviet territories, the exhibition was called the soviet paradise. according to the idea of ​​goebbels's propagandists, its visitors had to see with their own eyes what a pitiful state the stalinist regime had reduced the people to. the exhibition halls were located in berlin's lustgarten park, covering an area of ​​9.00 km. here viewers could see a copy of a russian
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village with dilapidated wooden shacks. buildings and objects of soviet everyday life were deliberately damaged and smeared with dirt. the wretchedness of russian life was emphasized by hanging clothes with holes and primitive pottery. a short documentary was also shown at the exhibition. its plot was simple. in impoverished villages , german cameramen are met by ragged and hungry residents, in whose houses there are emaciated children, covered from head to toe with flies. in addition to the poverty of the population, the emphasis was on the bloodthirstiness of the soviet regime. one of the most spectacular exhibits of the exhibition - became the nkvd execution chamber, in which 5,000 people allegedly died. these films were quite widespread, and a propaganda
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campaign was organized. russia into small regions, it is necessary to make sure that all, conditionally, regions of russia become unconnected with others, that is, so that not russians live everywhere, but vyatichi, smolensk residents live, so that smolensk residents do not like valagzhans, and it was even said how wrote rosenberg, it would even be good if each region had its own religion, well, its own sect, there is an orthodox one, but sects, these shots were filmed in 1942 in okka.
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however, the services were conducted by romanian priests. the study of the romanian language was introduced compulsorily in schools and universities. this is how the true plan of the invaders was carried out. romanize the people of new russia in order to forever annex these lands to greater romania. the germans willingly filmed films on religious themes and showed them in the occupied territories throughout the war.
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here is a unique, very rare trophy film that was shot in berlin in early 1945. in these frames the head of the committee for the liberation of the peoples of russia and the commander of the so -called russian liberation army, former soviet general andrei vlasov, prays during the service. in the soviet union, this man was a member of the all-union communist party of belarus and was considered a convinced man.
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occupation, but liberation, not enslavement, but liberation from the soviet regime, you see, it is also very important to understand the point that when i want to see something, then if they show it to me, i willingly agree with it, that’s exactly what we should with you to state that a significant part of the population, before of the entire western ukraine, it was collaborationist, it was anti-soviet, which is why they so easily went to... the service of the germans. during the second world war, the german film studio ufa was involved in the production of propaganda films for the reichskommissariats ukraine and osland. part of the news film magazines ufa ton vohi. since 1941 it has been published in ukrainian and russian . a whole staff of professionals, screenwriters, directors and
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cameramen worked on the film. all films were created under the strict supervision of officials from the ministry goebbels. the studio especially often produced propaganda films for ukrainian workers, who were called ostarbeiters in germany. number of workers from the east in various german enterprises. the pictures from the placement and pictures of how ukrainian workers are cared for at one of the shoe factories located in one of the western regions are constantly increasing. there was a large-scale campaign to attract ostarbites, propaganda films were made, and quite massively, where it was said that there was two main directions: first - how to live well, work, how to treat them well.
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