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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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scheme in one of the districts, my colleague egor grigoriev is on duty, he is again in direct contact with the studio, egor, greetings again, as reported, heat is being supplied to the houses, but what about the electricity? yuri, hello, with electricity, as you can see, behind me, it’s not very good yet, south medvedkovo, a reserved street, there are four multi-storey buildings with 150 apartments each, there is no light in the windows, there is no heat yet, at the moment... also behind me we can see a car, it’s a mobile one and a diesel generator, it supplies power now in the central heating point, this is the central heating point , which should already provide heat , provide cold and hot water supply to these four apartment buildings, work is now in full swing there, they are trying to change the equipment that was faulty, which burned down due to the morning fire in at... the substation, in the next
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, literally next hour, they promise people that heat will still appear in their apartments, in the meantime we talked to people, this is what they tell us, what are your plans next, visit the cat and think about what to do next, where to go, because of course it will be impossible to live here, it will most likely be impossible to sleep here, we’ll probably take the cat now and see what to do, chats in the telegram of the city administration, in principle, keep you informed of what they promise, in the near future switch to the backup unit. first i called 112 in the morning that there was a fire at the substation, well, that’s it, then they seemed to be running around, doing something here, doing something, doing something, doing something, but no one specifically says anything, i generally send all the people to guest somewhere, but why no heating, no water, no light, there is no light, there is no life, what complicates the situation for people is that there are no shops around. they don’t work because of electricity,
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or rather because of its absence, and they have to go to other areas or to relatives to get food, water, people can’t heat up their lunch or drink water now, because naturally no one has it at home in the required quantities saved up, meanwhile in moscow, according to the mayor’s office , about 100 of these mobile diesel generators are reserved and operating, which are now trying to provide.
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that all passengers will be fully compensated for the cost of travel. and technical problems occurred on trains in the chelyabinsk region due to frost. six passenger trains are stuck on the stretch of the south ural railway. now the latest information on the progress of the special operation. the russian military destroyed the ammunition depot of the 113th ukrainian armed forces' defense brigade in the kharkov region. also, according to naboron data, russian air defense shot down 37 ukrainian drones in one day. in the donetsk direction
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, the enemy lost up to 190 military personnel per day, and also an artillery system and a self-propelled gun made in the usa. in the south-donetsk direction, kiev has lost this department. 170 soldiers. belgium will send two of its b-16 fighters to denmark in march to train ukrainian pilots. this was reported by the rtbf tv channel. about 50 military personnel from belgium will also arrive at the ada air base. they will instruct not only pilots, but also technical staff. previously, denmark and the netherlands promised to transfer part of their f16s to kiev. however, western media increasingly doubt that these planes or other western weapons will be saved by ukraine. but from defeat, with details by anton dadykin. the kiev regime is losing the conflict with moscow, admits the american publication responsible statecraft. the sanctions have failed, the russian economy is growing. the west is unable to provide the same level of military assistance.
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even if kiev's allies were able to significantly increase their weapons production, they have no new soldiers. there is only one way out, to start negotiations as soon as possible. otherwise, conditions are proposed. much worse for ukraine, more humiliating for the west, notes the author of the article. but instead of peaceful initiatives, the joe biden administration is trying, so far unsuccessfully, to extort an additional $60 billion from congress for shells and missiles for kiev. the ammunition that we promised to supply as part of the twenty-seventh military aid package has not yet been fully delivered to ukraine, this will happen in the coming days or weeks, but after that, if there is no additional funding, we will not find it. no magic pot of money to support ukraine. delivered to this country american abrams disappeared without a trace, forbes magazine laments. according to him, more than thirty combat vehicles arrived in ukraine 2 months ago, but they are too vulnerable to drone strikes, so the ukrainians are hiding the abrams in the rear. moreover,
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before our eyes is the sad experience of using more advanced tanks, 21 german leopard 2 a6. russia has already destroyed part of it, almost all of it. the remaining ones failed due to technical wear and tear, the depress publication reports. their repairs in lithuania have been delayed and there are not enough spare parts. attempts by ukrainians fixing the damage yourself only led to new breakdowns. german television channels do not hesitate to refute kiev’s message that its air defense allegedly shoots down all russian missiles, including the latest x-32. due to the invulnerability and high speed of these cruise missiles, not a single one of them so far... has been shot down by the ukrainian air defense system, which includes modern patriot anti-aircraft missile systems. this means that the russian army has the latest cruise missiles capable of penetrating modern anti-aircraft defenses. western-made systems. in addition, western anti-missile defenses seem to
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be running out. the kiev regime requested an emergency meeting of the ukraine-nato council. according to the alliance's press service, the meeting will take place on january 10 in brussels at the ambassadorial level. we don't have a plan b, we're confident in plan a. no matter how much we have to pay today, the price for what will happen if ukraine doesn't get help today will be much, much higher. but the biden administration no longer believes in victory in ukraine preserving all its territories, admits the american publication conservative. washington is committed to freezing the conflict at any cost, otherwise it will have to choose either its own defeat.
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it applies to those who signed a contract during a special military operation or serve during the northern military district in the russian armed forces or military formations. the same right, as follows from the decree, is given to those who were dismissed from military service during the military service due to health reasons, upon reaching the age limit , or upon expiration of the contract. and another decree that the president signed today: foreigners and stateless persons who were born and lived in crimea and sevastopol before march 18 can apply for russian citizenship. 2014, among those who have this right, including citizens of ukraine without citizenship of another
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country, who were born and lived in crimea and sevastopol, but left these territories before march 18, 2014. the document also applies to those who previously had russian citizenship and formalized their exit from it, and also, according to the decree, those deported from the territory of crimea to soviet times their descendants. center for legal science of russia. subjects into a single legal space of russia and enable residents of these
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regions to feel the benefits of the russian legal order. we have already reviewed 10 draft laws, three of them relate to new regions. for our part , we have prepared a concept for the development of science legislation; it has already been sent to the ministry of science and higher education. the very range of what the institute offers and... the opportunity for training, qualifications, retraining, graduate school, doctoral studies, this is all very good, but it is important that young people can become qualified specialists, both in the field of jurisprudence and in the field of jurisprudence. sergei lavrov granted the wishes of three children as part of the wish tree charity event. ksenia from the amur region really wanted to get a vinyl record player for the new year. and so it was solemnly presented to her. the minister also fulfilled the wish of eleven-year-old arseny from the moscow region, the boy is fond of chess and sergei lavrov arranged a meeting for him
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with the famous grandmaster sergei koryakin. i am very glad that i was able to meet you through drinking, sergei sanichno agreed. arseny, by the way, took second place at domodedovo in august. yes, i know, i was at that, i was at that tournament, we, in my opinion. that this time i awarded, the third ball was with the wishes of anastasia from the lugansk people's republic, who asked sergei lavov for a personal meeting, this meeting took place, where i took the position, in the foreign ministry they showed that i liked everything very much, they told me you you are so actively interested in politics, yes, the honest truth, but we have always worried about that part of our russian world, where you were born, where your roots are. and russian finance minister anton siluanov, as part of this action
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, fulfilled the wish of taista from nizhny novgorod, who dreamed of a mixer. the girl was invited to the ministry of finance for a tea party. taise also received the gift of the opportunity to visit the russian exhibition at vdnkh. she talked about how she visited the pavilion of different regions of our country, saw the stand of the ministry of finance and said, that such a meeting will be remembered for a lifetime. i know that you wrote a letter to dean moroz, right? long-range aviation pilots fulfilled the dream of two brothers, alexander and evgeniya wrote a letter to santa claus, where they told that they wanted to become pilots, the boys and their mother were invited on an excursion to the long-range aviation museum, and after the guests were in for a surprise, we were allowed to fly independently on the strategic training complex missile carrier tu-160.
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it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. free for pensioners sber card, favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself. discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. if your stomach is bothering you, take amiprozole rinival. we want renival , we trust renival, we choose renival, new year's discounts in a magnet, mineral water carbonated dog, 44.99, magnet, price, what we need, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, prizes of
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a million and a jackpot of 800 million, soon for tickets, legendary credit card. the alfabank card is free forever and has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy household appliances with cashback up to 50%. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive
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gifts? and what is it possible? you can, iota connect. 1.0 rub. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. langitaza against prostatitis. new year's discounts in a magnet. red caviar, 2499. i will get out of this cage.
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the bremen town musicians. already at the cinema. win. a long-term savings program has been launched in russia; citizens can make voluntary contributions to non-state pension funds to create a financial safety net for the future. dmitry morok has all the details. since this
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year, a long-term savings program has been launched in russia, it allows citizens. drink in a simple, convenient form to receive additional income in the future or take advantage of this financial airbag in special life situations. the long-term savings program is an element of ensuring the long-term well-being of russians. nowhere in the world does the population live at the expense of government social programs. a normal level of well-being is formed through private joint programs in which citizens themselves participate and... russian pensioners have a normal life when they reach retirement age. to to join the program, you need to conclude a special agreement with a non-state pension fund, then you have to make voluntary contributions. in addition,
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pension savings can be transferred to the program. the fund will invest these funds based on principles. profitability and break-even, a tax deduction is provided, a maximum of 52,000 rubles per year with contributions up to 400,000, but most importantly - co-financing from the state for those who join the program up to the twenty-sixth year inclusive. in addition to their with accumulation they will be able to receive up to 36,000 per year from the budget. such support will be valid for 3 years, but can be extended by government decision. there are several options for this co-financing, either one to one, that is. a person invested 1 ruble, the state added another ruble, but a person’s income should not exceed 80,000 rubles per month, a one-to-two option, when for a ruble an investment from a person is up to... 50 kopecks from the state on top, this is the formula for participants, whose income is from 80 to 150,000 rub. one to four, when for every ruble invested by a citizen, the state
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adds 25 kopecks. this applies to those with incomes above 150 thousand per month. you can use the savings, receiving periodic payments, 15 years after concluding a contract or reaching a certain age: 55 years for women and 60 for men. urgent funds can be withdrawn at any time, but with loss of income, however, if the reason is a special life situation, it will be saved, for example, when money is needed to pay expensive treatment or in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, a single list of emergency circumstances is formed, according to which a person will be allowed the opportunity to, well, take these funds for his current needs, one of such needs. from which the opportunity to withdraw money will flow, this is the death of close relatives, this is an illness, that is , payment for healthcare services, so far, as
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of today, there is a final list of circumstances for withdrawing money, well, there is none, it is being specified, quite possibly it will be expanded an important point is that the funds invested in the program are insured by the state, the maximum amount of coverage is 2,800,000 rubles. that is, twice as much as for banks. contribution, and if pension savings or incentive support from the state were involved, the amount of guarantees is additionally increased by the corresponding amount. payments under the long-term savings program are allowed not only for yourself, but for the benefit of other persons. in addition, savings can be inherited. was held in rome today annual press conference of prime minister george meloni. communication with the press was postponed several times due to the politician’s illness. but today i talked for about 3 hours. the ukraine-russian agenda, if mentioned, was mentioned only briefly. the prime minister, in particular , repeated that she was in favor of continuing the supply of weapons to kiev, but then immediately moved on
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to discussing the palestinian-israeli conflict. most of the time was devoted to internal political issues, such as bureaucracy, taxes, and budget formation issues. and the journalists recalled that on milonia went into the elections promising to end illegal migration. she was asked how she assessed her own success in this direction. meloni admitted that so far... the results of our migration policy do not seem to me to be successful, especially compared to the amount of work that has been done on this topic. at the same time, i am pleased with the news that in the last half of last year , migrant flows have decreased. i know that many expected more, but we are facing an epoch-making challenge, and this problem must be solved structurally, and this requires involvement a huge number of countries. and this is exactly what i have been working on, my goal is to stop the influx of illegal migrants from africa while at the same time working to make legal migration possible. hooray. the new
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argentine authorities called on great britain to return the malvinas islands, not the falkland islands. in a statement by the latin american foreign ministry, these territories are called illegally occupied. what is the essence of buenos aires' claims to london? boris avanin will remind you. heather moorland, dissected by a scattering of small mountain ranges. where you feel close breathing antarctica, rocky ledges, king penguin abodes and small houses along the atlantic coast, all this is the falklen islands, a tiny archipelago at the very end of the earth, but an important transit point on the way from the atlantic to the pacific ocean , for almost 200 years, these are the british overseas territories, on which argentina claims, calling the islands molvinas, its neighbors in latin america share the same opinion. the bolvarian republic of venezuela declares its strong support for the law. demands of the argentine people regarding molvina islands, illegally occupied by the former british empire for 191 years. just as esequiba is
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venezuelan territory, so the malvinas islands are argentinean. rights to our territories do not have a statute of limitations. today it is extremely important to respect international law to seek a peaceful solution to the situation. historically , the archipelago was fought over by the spaniards, who discovered it by the british. but when the europeans left the islands, power was established there. argentina, but soon london regained its lands, buenos aires did not reconcile. next an aggravation in the early eighties of the last century led to the falklands war. true, after england sent a fleet to the islands and landed troops there, argentina was forced to capitulate, although it never accepted defeat and continues to fight, now diplomatically. the action of the british government constitutes an act of force in peacetime, contrary to international law and which has never received the consent of any party.
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england, for example, concluded an agreement with china on hong kong, this took time, but in the end england returned hong kong. and we need to do the same, taking into account the will of the people who live on the islands. it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table with the british, since the islands passed to them after the war, which they won, and draw up a long-term agreement, according to which the islands will pass to argentina without force.
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during the falklands war in the eighties, especially since yes, as we see, a lot of weapons, a supply of missiles, the same ones, yes, the british spent on the ukrainian front, true, the residents of the archipelago themselves still want to remain british, 10 years ago they also held a referendum, only three out of one and a half thousand voters spoke out against the english crown, however, the honor took place without international observers, and politicians of the european union and even united
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nations organizations are already calling it
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“teka” in official documents accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town town musicians. let's get to know each other before everyone else, veronica.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.


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