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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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and an honest detective. and our episode is now complete, see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. well, in a few minutes our broadcast will continue the investigation of eduard petrov’s car sharing passions, watch right after the advertisement. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented
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rich taste in one glass, try real plambier, russian cold, great, incredible taste, at avito work it’s easy to find your place, home soon, soon, i won’t stay late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes, many vacancies every day, new avito jobs will be found not just a job, but your place, and how do you like it, like in paradise, now i’ll show you a real paradise, holob 2, already in the cinema, maybe a sandwich, new year’s appetite, maybe only dad will cut it, dad maybe, dad can just last year’s appetite. spa will help with russian lotto holidays
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continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, one hundred lato. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? and what is it possible? you can connect iota for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can iota! start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount! buy filippo berrio olive oil for only rub 899. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you’re a girl! this
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not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, a golden ray of sunshine. premensky musicians are already in the cinema new year 's discounts in magnet chocolate alyonka from 59-99 than 100 times to watch it is better to turn once turn turn only after confirming payment before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and... .confirm payment!
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ride whoever wants! in large cities of russia , corsharing cars every day complicate the already difficult traffic situation. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. the account is real, the account is real. didn't you have a drink today? everything is fine, everything is great. fifteen live cartridges were found. the cartridges are not for you. no, maybe someone went before this mas, i don’t know. often do you
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go on corseiring trips under other people’s accounts? i'm one and a half s this is your friend, right? yes, this is a car, this is my friend, do you know what the fine is if you are you passing it on? i didn’t give it to him, he just stole it. the korsheling category of vehicles is under particularly accusatory attention from state inspection officials. more , more, more, more, more, more, well, name it, what you smoked, what you drank, with the help of, so to speak, fake vision, you made yourself an account, that’s right, my documents leaked, from some company car sharing, selfies passports, passports on both sides and failure. cars are getting old, and many people point out that i could park like that, what am i i did such a thing that they sent me 3000, a fleet of sides, they don’t send anywhere else, where cars become, well, really dangerous
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for use, i don’t feel sorry for someone else’s, that’s how the majority treat cars. why personal data of car sharing users falls into the hands of criminals, why rental cars are stolen, and what forced state traffic safety inspectorate officers to conduct regular raids and check such drivers. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation.
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car sharing, that is, per-minute car rental is already available in all major cities in russia, on the one hand, it’s convenient, you can take it, leave it wherever you want, but the service has already become overgrown with scandals, for example, such cars are often used as transport for dubious matters, and some clients even end up in criminal cases.
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another raid by the moscow state traffic safety inspectorate. this time we are working on the moscow ring road, we stop only with car sharing cars, we carefully study the drivers’ documents and see what condition they are in. can't check remotely. is the driver of the rental car sober? is everything okay with his documents? inspectors of the second.
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the check on the capital's roads was carried out on friday evening, which is when many car-sharing cars travel around the city. tell me, do you like using carsharing? well, nothing, it seems. didn't you have a drink today? we are not, we are law-abiding, we are lawyers and jurists. the next one. korshelenko was stopped, let's see what's going on with the driver's documents. good evening, please tell me, do you often use carsharing? when i can’t get home after work, i have you will need a car share. okay,
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is your account real? certainly. more than twenty were stopped during the raid on mkada. rented cars. let's go further, ryazansky prospekt. to clarify all these materials, a little later we will tell you how the night story with
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roman boranchukov ended. everything is fine, everything is great. moscow photographer rafael khalilov actively used car rental and car sharing, but then greatly regretted it. one day a strange message came to the young man’s email, it contained a photo of rafael with a passport and driver's license in hand. such photos are taken when registering with a company that...
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the fact that i need to send money to these scammers, through cryptocurrency, within 3 days, otherwise, even more loans will be issued to me, loans have already been issued to me, despite the fact that i have never taken a loan myself in my life, plus they they promised to launch a newsletter on social networks that i am a rapist, a bad person, they need to find me urgently, they published all my documents on... my documents, my links to social networks, and also a little story about why i'm
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wanted. a few days later, the extortionists moved from words to deeds, khalilov’s acquaintances received a message on social networks that their friend was allegedly involved in a high-profile crime, with all the dirty details of how and where this happened, the message was accompanied by a fake information, the crime is wanted . citizen khalilov, here is his photograph, passport details, address and telephone number. my documents were leaked, from some car sharing company, i am registered in several, so for sure it’s impossible to understand what kind of car sharing company it is, but it’s definitely a car sharing, because this package of documents, namely a selfie with a passport, a passport on both sides and a driver’s license on both sides...
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alice came to the velodrack in krylatskoye to cheer for her sister, who competed in circuit racing, she left her car in what she thought was a free parking lot. here i thought it was a wonderful place, because it is paved, it looks like a parking lot, and there were marshals here too. money for evacuation, and secondly you pay that you were evacuated in the first place, you pay us a fine under the lease agreement, the fine is
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3000. judging by the documents, the place where alisa goluenko left the car is a lawn, not a parking lot. as a result, the fine was issued to yura by the company that owns the car. that is why the amount turned out to be so impressive, and the carsharing company, in turn, sent an invoice to alice. my heart sank, i just thought, how can this be, where am i? could park, what did i do that they sent me 3000, that is, i didn’t expect it, we will return to the corsharing stories of rafael khalilov and alisa goluenko.
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lately, complaints about short-term car rental services have been appearing more and more often, but initially many people really liked the idea of ​​renting a car anywhere. with a deft movement of his hand, timofey turned his smartphone into a key to someone else’s car. from time to time, he uses it to rent a car. it is believed that carsharing was invented in order to reduce costs. the number of personal vehicles on the road, this type of service is especially popular among residents of the metropolis, because the driver you don’t need to monitor the technical condition of your car, you don’t need to pay for parking, it ’s free for car sharing, and driving rented cars is often cheaper than taking
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a taxi. today the capital found out what car sharing is? car sharing in moscow. launched in 2015, then there were 350 rental cars driving around the city, now in 2021 there are 25,000 of them. in order to find out how often car sharing clients break the laws, our film crew went on a raid with employees of the second separate special battalion of the traffic police traffic police in moscow. midnight, street borisov ponds. the first swing of the wand immediately results. the police stopped the carsharing car. inside there is a driver and two passengers. the men were noticeably nervous and
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could not answer basic questions about where they were coming from and where they were going. the police have decided. we decided to call a special task force to the place where this vehicle was stopped. during the inspection of the vehicle in the presence of two witnesses , fifteen live cartridges were found under the left driver's seat. driver rental car and armenian citizen eric keshev. at first he pretended that it was a dangerous find.
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with marino with marina, in marina, what did you do? sat at mcdonald's, ate, together with cartridges? yes, they found cartridges, we went to mcdonald's, i forgot to eat, i threw it in my bag , i always forgot to go give it back, well, i've probably had it lying around for about three days, i have this in my backpack, my backpack, the driver eric keshishev tried to convince our traffic police officers. the film crew that the cartridges ended up in his bag by accident, and he was just on his way to the police to hand them over, and eric’s friends, who were in the car with him didn’t even suspect about the cartridges, we didn’t have cartridges, where did they come from? no, it wasn’t, but what did they find there then? i don’t know what they found there, it’s a canner , he says, it’s not our car, how do we know
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what could be in this car, before we take it, well, we don’t fully inspect the car, that’s right, we took the car, yes they took it, they went, they knew a girl, well, they took it, well, well, they took their belongings and drove back , stopped them, didn’t explain anything, so they put handcuffs on and that’s it, now you’re they pulled out a box of cartridges from the car, eric keshsheshev and his friends were taken to the police department for further proceedings. the car was driven to a special parking lot, now it is
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material evidence in a criminal case. the car will be returned to the car sharing company's legal owners only after the investigation is completed. the raid continues, inspectors slow down the next carsharing car. a young man is driving. introduced himself as kadyrbek, barely speaks russian, shows his driver’s license, on it is a photograph of another man, it turned out that kadyrbeg simply took his friend’s documents and phone number and went for a ride around moscow. it turns out they stole a car, no, no, no, they didn’t steal it, they took it for a ride, that’s right, yes, they took it for a ride, but where were you going, where were you going, my friend already.
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i parked and came home, now i told him, now i’ll come to him now and we’ll continue driving, and he said, yes
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, i’m waiting here now, and he waited, and i’ll leave at home, and then when i got home, the car no, i call, but he doesn’t pick up the corpse, he and then call now i’ll come , i’ll come now, that’s it, she’s there, i’m calling here dupes, well, this is your friend, yes, yes, this, this is my friend, your leadership, of course, maybe we’ll go by him, ask why he left you, the car, he he told me, i left at the store, and i told him, get up quickly, what are you doing, no, i told him.
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it turns out that all this time she was listed as this, and a client, well, supposedly yes, but how often do such trips happen, that they were detained there in fake accounts, not or
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something else, the van is transferred overnight in principle. there are definitely two times, well, well , well, well, that’s purely for me, for one, but we have a lot of us, so there are two or three calls like this, we asked the head of the capital’s traffic police, alexander bykov , to help us understand the intricacies of the car sharing system, we met with the general at the main office of the moscow traffic police. what violations do state traffic inspectors identify among car sharing drivers? basic offenses are those resulting in harm to the life and health of road users. first of all this is an incorrect choice of distance, not matching the speed, specific traffic conditions, failure to comply with the order of travel, violation of the rules of intersection, changing lanes, violation of traffic light requirements , violation of the rules for passing
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a pedestrian crossing, as well as driving into... oncoming traffic in places where this is prohibited . state traffic inspectors first of all check the documents for the right to drive a vehicle; they check with the person driving the vehicle, the driver, with the vehicle data, this vehicle registration certificate and, if necessary, additionally request information about the car sharing company, which also carries out the necessary information interaction with us. for someone else's account, what threatens the driver? threatens to be held criminally liable under article 166 of the criminal code; unlawful taking of a vehicle in the common people; theft; he is removed from control; the vehicle is detained; it is moved to a specially guarded parking lot; and this action is documented and the person is delivered to the territorial division of the internal affairs bodies for further proceedings. i help with
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liver problems, i use essential forte nn, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on yandex market. this is our first family freckle on my great-great-grandmother’s nose, you can’t immediately understand its value, but everything changes when love gets involved. the freckle conquered the rebellious heart and ran away, dispersed, and became the most precious value. some try to disguise it some are worn as decoration. save it and pass it on to other generations. national project demography. under the silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, inside a beautiful, perfect plambier, airy, natural, happy sound in the heat of july is carried by a silver bullet. the holidays continue with russian lotto.
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in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, one hundred lotto. alice, turn on new year's music, i do, don't we can find your home, alice, light up the garlands, the new yandex station duomax, the new year is where alice is, in the whirlwind of life, successes, failures, hope fills you with viklanch,
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there are many tasks in the rhythm of work. your break fills piclunch, meat sauce, sytin is hot, meat and noodles fills viklunch, warm sunset over the roofs of dachas, fills life with joy, don’t waste time on bad habits, tabacquette to make it easier to quit smoking, tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes, start year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discount, buy electronics, with cashback up to 50%. i saw a sign in the heavens, in the harsh winter, after great festivals, something would appear that had never happened.


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