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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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well, then our broadcast will continue with a special report on the punishing lyra. poets aleksandrevin pelevin and anna dolgoreva decided how to support soldiers on the front line. then, after advertising in the film, 3 days from our series and there was an incident in the war, about the feat of the paratrooper, reconnaissance squad commander, alexander lugansky.
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my daughter sang the best again, these are the five actions of orals for pain and inflammation in the throat at the zoo, minus five, mom will say these are the five actions of orals for bacterial and fungal infections, so as not to miss the spring, let’s shout together these are five five actions of oralsept for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years of age.
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kazan, february 21, the legend begins.
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hello. happy new year, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, it’s not for women.
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holob 2 is already in the cinema, tanks are moving to the west, tanks are following the smell of well-fed other people's apartments, the smell of dill and mint, sugar.
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they multiply their labor, the girl is looking for her mother, the mother washed the frame, the tanks look at the girl with their guns
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and roar, special treatment is given to the warring poets and writers, they are expected, they are proud of them, they are looked upon equal, honestly, of course, they really stand out. from their poems it is very clear where they visited, it is very clear how the war left its mark on them, their poems also became more specific, more simple, but at the same time they acquired some kind of incredible transparency, they became very light, lightweight , like air, that is , you read all this very clearly, very easily put into words, absolutely amazing metaphors appeared here, that is, dima filippov precisely... that his most powerful poems came already when he served the volunteers. participation in hostilities changes a person , and therefore his poems change, says alexandrevin, and before slo he was a famous poet, yes, he was from the flesh
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of the russian literary scene, and his poems also acquired simplicity, lightness and... you know, printed clarity, that is, they are very clear, there are no innuendos, there is no insincerity, yes, they are very honest, they are very real.
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a cloud will lay a piece of the world hanging over the thoughtful simpleton. a collection of front-line poetry has been distributed on the front lines for a month now. dmitry artis on his second vacation in a year, in civilian life, endless meetings await him; the once not very public russian prose writer and poet now regularly communicates with students, but as an active duty soldier, first and foremost. today
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is another lecture at one of the moscow universities, where he will share his story of participation in a special military operation. didn't stop writing. even on the line of contact, this is what supported me and gave me the will to live, the fact is that in a war without the will to live it is very, well , it’s impossible, but you can perform heroic actions, but the ability to survive is also important, but in war, this is very eh? one of the main components for a soldier is the ability not only to sacrifice oneself, but the ability to survive , because by and large, victory is not important if no one is there, yes, we must also survive, yes,
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we must win and survive. the poems of both warrior poets, filippov and artis, were included in the new collection deadly russian speech, edited by other active ones. forgive me, let's take his poems, we'll figure it out further, he was out of touch then, she just said that he was an artist, i say, me indeed, artis approved the sowing, when he returned after the end of the contract, he found out that we took his poems into this collection, he fully approved of this idea, but i knew that he would not mind, dima filippov is fighting near avdeevka right now, he is a sapper mobilized, here and the circuit closure.
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the plan is to burn through the camouflage net of the ukrainians and see what they have under the net, so it needs to explode and there needs to be fire, take me a loaf of bread from artyomovsk home to turn the driver on a little lamb, you and i will go home through the popasnaya, yes from dangerous places , little big-eyed loaf, the cross will reach you, take me, good one, through the smoke and through the dust, from the future to the past from the war to the cozy rear, take me little loaf, and put me in the house where volunteer anechka is with a stolen cat, visit. .. where the sound is a little quieter, there is no bitterness and there is no fear, but we need
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to rest and get at least a little sleep, because we are from these places where even bald devils would be afraid to go, we have arrived, we are getting ready, i won’t take up time, we will eat, let's pray for war again. or we have collected 10 modern authors, the most different, the best, but i collected it myself and tried to choose poems for different moods. there are gloomy poems about death, and pathetic ones about victory, ironic and
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light ones, about the everyday life of soldiers, about how mothers and girls are waiting for boys at home, and so on, that is, we tried, when collecting this collection, to present the whole spectrum of moods that there may be here, i like the two hundredth brigade, a loaf with a worn letter z, i like it when there are bags of hail.
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the answer to the question, where is the place of poetry in war, is very simple, everywhere, the secret is in the form itself, a poem, printed or in the form of a song , is the most capacious and instantly understandable form of expressing one’s thoughts and feelings in a combat zone , well, this has a very strong effect on morale, because the soldiers get tired , there is always the same routine, constant combat work and here is the arrival of the artists, it can be said a little.
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in some places we are commanders and i, as a political officer, we can give a word of support, somewhere we can listen to a soldier and solve some problems, but still, these are the moments when musicians and poets come, they are also very positive influence. overall, this really supports the fighters, they see that their homeland remembers them, that their homeland sends people to them, so to speak, citizens, to support them, they really appreciate it, they respond very much, by the way, they often give good feedback, some fighters they themselves begin to write at the front, perhaps the most famous work, we will not die, by alexei volkov,
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which the author read while seriously wounded, we will not die, because we... never die, there is a righteous fire in the heart, we will fan it in flame, let's throw those enemies into it, that the heart will abandon, our soldiers cannot be broken or hit, autumn, summer, spring will show who is successful here, cut, where is our eagle, there is our cutting, where is your money, there are our exploits, victories, billions will not help to gain the status of a legend , you can’t buy history and world recognition, the yellow-blue rag, the russian red flag cannot be replaced, we believe in ourselves... everything is going well in the country and i always prefer red to the yellow-blue color, we raise our banner higher and higher, to see our victory, you don’t need to climb on the roof, we are warriors of god, we after god we die , and no matter what happens, we always win, we will not die, because we never die, if something goes wrong, if we get hurt, because
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red blood runs in our veins, our creed is unconditional, always victory, no one brother couldn’t outwit the bullet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t, because you and i are together, we are warriors of fortune, we’ve been destroying and destroying all enemies for hundreds of years, because no one has victories like ours, such legends, teachers , such traditions, to our soldier, nick vladimirus, the best country in the world, the best country on the planet, no arguments of yours will challenge this, there is no need to teach us how to live, what to do for a russian soldier. one reward, yes , handsome, i pulled you out of the gate, don’t lose consciousness and talk to me, okay, and they wrote in the comments that i’m reading your book,
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they brought it, they left us at the base , i’m reading your book, i really liked it. that is, the soldiers read my book, then found me on telegram and wrote reviews, so we began to communicate with him, war came to the city, mines were falling in the city, the water supply in the city was broken. and the water flows a long, muddy stream, and human blood flows mixing with it, but seryoga is not a warrior or a hero. seryoga is an ordinary guy, just doing his job, fixing the water supply system, under fire, under hot and stuffy steam, and water mixed with blood shoots out like a fountain, and of course, one of
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the mines becomes his last, and seryoga gets up, shaking off the blood and goes , he has a radiance... following the mark and from the fragment there is a hole in his eyebrow, and seryoga comes to heaven, where else, the shadow from the earth blackens his silhouette and he says, lord, you have bloody rain here it’s leaking from here, let’s try to fix it, anna dolgoreva is known to russian soldiers not only as a poet, but also as a volunteer. at positions she appears with humanitarian aid, almost more often than with poetry, i took anechka dolgoreva with me , i stuffed a thin book, well, suddenly there will be some kind and something will be needed, somehow internal support, i’m there alone from
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pv officers'. amazing, highly sought after printing press. there is no need to refute fakes here,
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everything is visible from the front line, here is reliable information about what is happening at home in demand always. the army is a broader reflection of the state that now exists, yes, to say that some people are needed and some are not needed would be stupid.
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from gogi gogi will transfer, will not transfer, i clarify , gifts by bank transfer, to chachii you and tea, as if a friendly country welcomes your own , ride on a forest specialist, twist the tails of the shakas, in our future victory, you have lost your share, the visit of civilians to positions for the military is always in joy,
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i remembered, this is the name of deadly russian speech, designed in the style of the red army books, i hope he will come in, i recently read a book by alexander bek, volokolamsk highway, and with it a book published directly by a participant in the events of this book, this is mamish uly, a famous officer of the great patriotic war, he has a book on the psychology of war in which he describes this these... the interactions of writers with war indicate strictly that a person can write in war only when he has been directly
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imbued with those emotions, has been in it, he does not necessarily have to be a participant, that he is precisely performing a combat mission, but he must see it with his own eyes, it is impossible to write, what you have not seen, you just heard, read somewhere from some sources, but only when you personally observe... the performance of poets, and to them they need answers to the questions they ask. with prose the situation is different, because so
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far no great prose has appeared, absolutely none, maybe for the worse, or maybe for the better, because perhaps for this you still need some - for this you still need some distance , that is, yes, the best samples of prose a... about the great patriotic war appeared 20 years after the war, perhaps this will be the case now, most likely, of course, we want our writers, our prose writers to come up with something like this, the most powerful, basic, good, quality, by reading, the soldier develops, which means he becomes more effective and inventive, commanders assure. do you have a favorite poem? i don’t have a specific favorite poem, to be honest, i actually read a lot and know a lot of poems, but somehow i don’t
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i was thinking about... my beloved, i would probably call my beloved my poem, this is from the movie brother-2, but i love everyone in the world, but this is this poem, well, if in this context of conversation, i would called him beloved, lilacs grew along the twisted roads, grass grew in green form, boy. i read poems from brother two, whether the power is true or not, then heaven will tell, he hasn’t been home for 8 years, it’s half an hour to go home, he’s not surrounded by the chic of the capitals, he’s been here for many years, among ordinary rude faces, his poetry lives on, lives, is beautiful and simple, but what can he do
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about it? an ordinary dream, to come home someday, dirty work , in full swing, terrible work going on, sewn on his sleeve, funny flip flops, a russian cat, fighting has been going on in the direction for 4 days, and what can our people do here, and what can relatives do here, simple russian words, simple. a cheerful boy, a simple poem from brother two, where about a path and a forest, then the heavens will tell you, then the answer will be found out, it takes half an hour to get home, it takes 8 years to get home, and since i am a person from poetry, yes...
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the idea is to create a front-line collection of poems was born to the poet alexander pelevin in the summer after the first trial distribution of anna dolgoreva's poetry collections from here together.
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russian poets distributed it in 4 days , military journalists they know, volunteers, have already started helping with distribution, they react , and as usual, i really like everything, because as it happens, you know, the fact is that the military doesn’t get a lot of attention, and of course, every time they remember, something is brought to them, they are pleased, so, but this is also a little book that you can put in your
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little stash, then somewhere to read when there is time, it’s... unpleasant, now there, now there she is, now through the bullets in the breach, collected for the men on the armored vehicle, while the flower is quietly sleeping, the geranium is standing on the windowsill, she dreams that she is shaky, switched from what you see there, as if you received spiritual pleasure, one might say, you switch, you still need to switch off sometimes. diversity is the homeland. important role. the last three copies were received by the military at the front-line concert of stapler marianna vasilyeva, who actively supports the svo. my pride rises


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