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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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before february 4, order savita with delivery starting from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. in the north-east of moscow , the heat supply to residential buildings has been restored, this was reported by the municipal services complex. in the morning, due to a fire at a transformer substation , several dozen houses in otradny biberev and medvedki were left without light and heat. currently , repair work, heat and power supply are underway at the damaged substation.
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supported by generators; mobile diesel generators are connected to a number of rtps; now the heating system is being adjusted , as a result of a shutdown, airing occurred somewhere, at this stage almost all residential and non-residential premises are connected to heating, we have taken measures to... more steadily - to work on supplying heat, ensuring electricity, and additionally allocate about 100 mobile diesel generators. even in the moscow region, residents of twenty settlements are complaining about interruptions in heat supply. the work of emergency teams has been intensified. the main reason for power outages is consumers exceeding installed capacity. this was reported by
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the press service of the ministry of energy of the moscow region. but in the capital region it’s about 30°. last night was the coldest of the entire winter. the temperature in the heating system was raised to maximum. st. petersburg experiences the most severe cold in 70 years. the air temperature dropped below 25. technical problems due to frost on the railway. in the chelyabinsk region , five passenger trains were stuck on the stretch. as reported. russian railways maintains a comfortable temperature in the carriages, passengers will be charged bonus points, or they can contact by phone, 8.800, 100, thousand. and in sweden there are about 3.00 houses without electricity and mobile communications and due to severe frosts. in the north of the country -38°. on...
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the russian army in the kupinsky direction attacked six brigades of the ukrainian armed forces at once. in the donetsk direction, four ukrainian brigades were battered, and in krasnolimansk, two. zelensky lost another 650 soldiers. mercenaries destroyed 19 armored vehicles, as well as nine missile systems, howitzers and self-propelled guns, including american and czech production, 37 combat drones were shot down. the british telegraph confirmed that the russian army is striking precisely at ukrainian military enterprises, including destroying the production of drones and missiles. for example, almost nothing remains of the factory and warehouses of tactical equipment for the ukrainian armed forces.
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expensive equipment and materials recently supplied by the west were destroyed. but in ukraine, the authorities will organize games of survival. the verkhovna rada is studying zelensky’s new bill on mobilization, which they intend to change, maria skorodilka learned. fools no more. zelensky admitted a complete failure in mobilization and said: “the ukrainians have turned away from the front, and this is necessary.” no one wants to hear about the greatness of the kiev regime, so they decided to correct it by force. roadblocks have been set up on the roads, everyone is being grabbed on the street, the hunt is going on around the clock. the verkhovna rada committee began to consider a bill to tighten mobilization. the hearings will last 3 days behind closed doors, and it is no coincidence that they propose to send disabled people of the third group to the front, that is, people without a leg or arm or without. dodgers will not be able to obtain documents;
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their bank accounts and cards will be blocked. and real estate transactions will also be prohibited; ukrainians call all this dictatorship serfdom. you can no longer sell movable and immovable property; you no longer have the right to do so if you do not have a military id. the funniest thing is driving a vehicle. you get pulled over by the police, you don't have a military id, you can't drive, class, you 'll be denied loans, you'll be denied government services. in kyiv they insist that there is no alternative, and in fact they admit that they need cannon fodder in order to... serve longer as president. we are all not eternal, there is a war going on. defending our country , you can die, or you can just walk, a brick will fall on you, and you will die too. zelensky’s new initiatives violate the constitution, this was pointed out by the commissioner of the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine for human rights, dmitry lubenets, but the authorities do not care about this in kiev, more and more wild initiatives. so the former minister of economy of ukraine, timofey milovanov, proposes to introduce firing squad. majority my readers write that the correct approach to mobilization is through a lottery or drawing lots. the state randomly selects a day and a month, those people who were born on these days are mobilized, others are not, and this happens with each wave of mobilization. and this is another copy of the usa. during the vietnam war , washington did this to give the procedure the appearance of fairness. did not help. it so happened that most of the americans who were then sent to the front were from poor families. everything is like in ukraine. now the children of officials have been abroad for a long time, those in power with money have the greatest chance of survival. another scandal: ukrainian golden youth are having a blast at an elite resort in courchevel. social media is burning with anger. while their dads are working hard and passing bills that violate the constitution
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of ukraine, their children are very worried that they have to pour expensive swill into themselves. how can you then live next to them? some are left without arms or legs, others are having fun. ukrainian servants of the people don’t even hide it. for money you can do anything, as forbes reports, they will probably get a reservation from mobilization ukrainians, who are able to pay 6,000 hryvnia to the budget every month, are approximately $160,000, but by the summer tariffs could rise sharply. the ukrainian armed forces have had a catastrophe with people for a long time, only stricks go into battle, western reporters write. according to military experts, the total losses of ukraine are hundreds of thousands killed. back in september, a former adviser to the head of the pentagon, citing intelligence data , spoke of 400 thousand...
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jeffrey epstein's documents are much more than just hundreds of pages of testimony from victims' witnesses about the billionaire's actions pedophile and his accomplice, socialite ghislaine maxwell, a real anatomy of the western
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elite, its morals, its secret passions. we are just beginning to look at the more than 900 pages of court documents related to epstein and his associates. many of his past acquaintances have spoken at length about the matter, but this is the first time transcripts of depositions and other confidential material previously kept secret have come to light. there was no list of names as such in the documents; journalists had to fish them out among numerous records. however, the most prominent defendants in the case of the billionaire who supplied underage girls to the influential and rich have long been known, for example, bill clinton, who is listed as the key in the released documents. person in the life of epstein and maxwell , jonna sjoberg, one of epstein’s girls, mentioned clinton. here's a snippet. has jeffrey ever talked to you about bill clinton? he once said that clinton liked young people, meaning girls. by the way, during
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a search in epstein’s manhattan mansion they found this portrait of clinton in red women's shoes and a blue dress, like monica lewinsky. and after the billionaire mysteriously left at the right time... president trump communicated with him many years ago. president trump, by the way, kicked him out, according to him, after epstein was accused of having sex with a young girl, the daughter of maralaga’s clients. it was the same sewberg who told how she and epstein once ended up in atlantic city when their plane was not allowed to land in new york. the billionaire then offered to call trump and go to his casino, but no intimacy with the current republican candidate , the girl did not have it, like another victim in virginia. have you ever seen donald trump at jeffrey's house? no, as far as i can remember, on his island? no, as far as i
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remember. in new mexico? no, as far as i remember. in nyc? i do not remember. at the same time , giufra admitted that while underage, at epstein’s request, she slept with britain’s prince andrew at least three times, including during an orgy on the billionaire’s private island , little st james. here is a photo of them together. i don't remember doing this photograph. the name of the duke of york is mentioned 69 times in epstein's lists. prince andrew himself has already paid compensation, and there are many hollywood stars on the list. kevin spacey and leonardo dicaprio, cate blanchett and naomi campbell, cameron tiyas and bruce willis. nobody wants to be associated with a list. just because you're on the list of names doesn't mean you did anything wrong, but... think about the personal, reputational and professional damage? i think we'll eventually find out
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that jeffrey epstein was used by either ours, or another government to get dirt on important people and people who have fetishes, they're all pissed, clinton's circle is pissed, the deep state is pissed, and it's going to be very interesting. however, in such an analysis there is always a weak point, the true goals of the deep state task. about which they speak with such confidence, is usually known only to himself, it looks like it may be oncoming, when on the way the walls of fire deliberately ignite a fire, forcibly getting rid of with explosive material like clinton, liberals are depriving conservatives of popular arguments among them about a secret sex conspiracy in american politics. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and vlada tsurkan, news from new york. terrorists banned in russia , isis, claimed responsibility for explosions
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in iran during the mourning procession in connection with the anniversary of the death of general qassem soleimani. two bags with explosives were located near the entrance to the cemetery. about 100 people were killed and another 211 were injured. aside national mourning, the russian president expressed condolences to the people of iran. certificates have begun to be received for the upcoming presidential elections. the ceremony was attended by the co-chairman of putin’s election headquarters, artistic director of the oleg tabakov theater, vladimir mashkov. the cec has already registered a list of 346 proxies. the headquarters notes that their total number could almost double. you all know very well that elections are, first of all, communication.
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country on behalf of our candidate, i am confident that together with you we will establish an effective a direct connection between our candidate and the citizens of our great country. vladimir putin is running in the elections as a self-nominated candidate; a signature in his support must be submitted by january 31. among those who support putin are our compatriots who have been for a long time.
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calm, calm, relaxation, and that is, really, as if i were at home, just, this was it, i could not have allowed the russians and belarusians.
11:16 pm
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the country, my new invention for a clean toilet, asbre there is a way for... bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref is number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. in life's whirlwind of successes and failures. hope fills you. we work in rhythm with many tasks, your break is filled with viklunch. the sauce is meaty, rich, hot, filling with meat. joy and life. than to look 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, rotate it, twist it only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, we have known each other for a long time, we are always there for
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hold on, if only it were like this all the time, half of it is beaten up, burned down, there are almost no people, like some kind of city of dead souls. less silence, scary, of course, who isn’t afraid to sit on the outside, difficult work is difficult, not everyone he can, now. it’s a shame when guys like this are like that, guys, i’ve at least seen something in my life, but he’s 18 years old, what has he seen in his life, especially 18 years, three of them
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, damn it, wars, well, i think all this will end soon we’ll live normally, i’m already eager to go home, i’m already eager to babysit the children, to work, god, am i really going to live much longer? my heart doesn’t grieve, it’s still happy. a person offended me, i , god, god bless them, i’m standing there somewhere at a height, i look there, i have an enemy there, i turn back, i have my mother there, well, what questions are here, i can’t find them yet i found it, the phone is not answering, i hope they are still alive.
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the signing ceremony begins. president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin signs the decree of the president of the russian federation on recognition of the donetsk people's republic. the more a person is in power, the more he pulls this strap, the greater the burden falls on him.
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the ukrainian column was completely defeated here, on the one hand, it seems wrong to rejoice, but after all
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, this is a military operation, well, to be honest, we gathered, i have there was a feeling that we had a new year, because we were waiting for this, we were really looking forward to it, from earth to heaven, let the rainy day be replaced. the white light is pierced by an eye, the lead is pierced by the danet, russia, russia is still not there, and the city's mountains, bullets, wires, are torn, a shell of death, they do not
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know how to go back to the cities, dozens of people were cut alive in the house of trade unions, just for that, that they defended the right to be russian and to be anti-fascists. well, odessa, the colorados are over. finally, the ukrainian flag is russian burned.
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the kyiv regime is already from severo-donetsk.
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worked on nationalist positions in the avdeevka area, i’m fine, mom, dad, everything is fine , everything, i’m eating, good, warm, hello to my mother, wife, daughter, well, to everyone who knows me, well, oh, great, i say , hello, hello, dear friend, what do you serve and what don’t, serve and don’t want to quit, show me your helmet, what kind of helmet is it, how is it unmarked, show me, is it
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a trophy one?
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not really.


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