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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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one application without a tax return. the social spending limit also increased to rub 150,000. that is, it will be possible to return up to 19,500 rubles per year. separately, they count the costs of educating children or wards up to 110,000, which means a refund of 14,300 rubles for two parents or guardians. the exception is expensive medical care, for which there is no annual limit. still have questions or want to know more about taxes? customs duties, excise taxes, etc., and how to communicate with the tax service faster and more conveniently, write us in telegram, we will ask experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our instructions, what kind of wandering musicians are you, we don’t have a bright one. a legendary musical quartet and
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an irresistible troubodour. this is my group. where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. you can't do without deception here. i'm after you. for them, palaces and tempting vaults will never replace freedom. she's missing! accepted, grab them, the tale you've been waiting for, asel, i'm a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves vremya musicians, i actually sing too, bremen musicians.
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let's look before everyone else.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 5, 1962 , the reign of peter ii began. it lasted only six months, but is still assessed controversially. peter ii. he is also karl peter ulrich, the son of the daughter of peter i, anna petrovna and the duke of holsteinthorp. until the age of 13 , he was brought up in germany, when in 1741 elizaveta petrovna became empress as a result of a conspiracy, her nephew was brought to russia so that he, the grandson of peter the great, would be near. and after her natural death, peter legally began to rule the country. he was energetic and assertive, at the same time kind and trusting, he abolished the secret chancellery and issued a manifesto of freedom for the nobility. and according to it, for the first time in russia, nobles were exempted from mandatory citizenship.
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began to abdicate in favor of his wife ekaterina alekseevna, who became empress catherine ii, after which he was killed. on january 5 , 1886 , scottish writer robert louis stevenson's book, the strange case of dr. jaeckel, was published in london. and mr. hyde. in the story, under the influence of a miraculous potion, the good doctor jekel turned into an ominous haida double. gothic story in the style of science fiction. for the first time raised the topic of
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the hero’s split personality, duality. stevenson himself said that he dreamed of the plot, perhaps it was a nightmare caused by the cocaine he used to write... the story, calling it a quote. a pile of paper full of nonsense. the strange story of jekel hyde is still incredibly popular, it has been filmed many times, plays have been written based on it, musicals and computer games. on january 5 , 1918, a decree of the council of people's commissars was published on
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the introduction of a new spelling. the reform was being prepared even before the revolution; the bolsheviks brought it to the end, successfully introducing a simplified spelling of the russian language to the new system. and economy in writing and typography, the letters “yat, fita” and “ihysterical” were excluded from the alphabet. instead, they were ordered to use “e, f, ordinary and.” the hard sign was removed from the ends of words and was retained only as a dividing sign, as, for example, in the word rise. the letter izhitsya, and before it was rarely used, and after the reform it simply disappeared. the authorities strictly monitored the implementation of the decree; extra letters were sometimes confiscated from the printing house. due to the lack of a hard character in the typesetting, an apostrophe had to be printed. in general , the texts became shorter, the letters that duplicated each other disappeared, but in the territories controlled by the whites, everything was published fundamentally in the old way. as in russian publishing houses abroad, they switched to a new spelling decades later. on january 5, 1976
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, a film about kira was released on ussr screens. kurasawa dersu uzala. the project is unique. the film was shot by a japanese person. director based on the novel by a russian traveler, it was about the nanai people, it was filmed at mosfilm and released in russian. kurosawa then broke his contract with hollywood; the ussr supported the world-famous director. kurasawa has long been fascinated by vladimir arsenyev's novel about a hunter-guide named dersu uzala, who knew how to survive in the taiga and live in harmony with nature. he wrote the script together with yuri nagibin. a sixty-five-year-old tuvan was chosen for the main role. actor.
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shadow, they wrote down the candidates, they didn’t forget mom and dad, they very cleverly applied many degrees of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks, let’s go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey,
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your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting , your ballot will not pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection, is your hit? will not play, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, it is important to choose freely in the country, honestly convenient. on august 21, 2017, the united nations established an international day of remembrance and remembrance for victims of terrorism. on this day, representatives of the united states and
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nato, the main fighters against international terrorism, who appointed themselves to this role after the terrorist attacks of september 11, 2001, speak from the high stands, but the role that... they play in the united states is far from so clear, well, let's start with benu . claiming leadership in the islamic world, of course in his limited segment of these extremists in afghanistan and he then cooperated most closely with the united states. at the end of the event
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of september 11, 2001, when he got out of the control of the americans, he imagined himself to be such an independent great leader of the islamist wing of the arab-muslim world, well, in fact, as they say, the dog bit the owner, that is he attacked the one who raised him, fed him, and so on. united states indeed. cultivates who organizes it, first of all they see the source - this danger in
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the middle east, at the same time they themselves act itself, september 11 , a lot of literature and interviews have already appeared on this topic, and i myself met, for example, with cia agent susan lundaur, who wrote an entire book exposing this terrorist attack, saying that it was actually concocted by the american intelligence services. the united states took on the role of fighters against terrorism, this was a very convenient, one might say, political technology move for the domestic audience, for the global audience, which made it possible to begin to implement the long-planned strategy, and as is known even at the first meeting of the council national security under bush the younger , to the surprise of some of its members , the idea of ​​invading iraq suddenly began to be discussed , immediately after the september 11 terrorist attacks , certain american... leaders, for example donald rumsfelt, they, the secretary of defense, they ordered their analysts
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to explain why saddam hussein was involved in september 11, it turned out to be a great occasion, a great chance for the united states, no matter how cynical it may sound, it’s a colossal tragedy, what happened on september 11, but it turned out to be a reason to expand its presence, begin implementing a strategy to counter the so-called axis of evil, as it was formulated.
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the americans are not quite as straightforward as many of us try to imagine, they actually participated in raids, and some of them were very successful, including they destroyed some of the leaders of the isis organization, who... in fact, this strategy is embodied in life to this day, because in general, september 11 changed american identity, it changed the sense of security among americans citizens, the understanding that they are not protected allows the american elites to exploit these phobias and these feelings in any way they want. in 2003, this terrible, one might say, massacre took place in iraq, many iraqs. officers were taken prisoner,
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imprisoned, in concentration camps, one of them, cambucco , just became a kind of breeding ground or even a school of terrorism, from 2003 to 2011, 25,000 people passed through these camps, and not only i can to say that the same abubakr... the head of clans of this state, daish, who underwent all this training there, is believed to have been recruited by the americans, who tried to... use this organization to achieve their goals in this region, and they actually succeeded in something, because by feeding these organizations, i repeat , that out of the 25 leaders of this islamist , one might say, i’m not afraid, of this fascist state, of its twenty-five
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known leaders, 17 served more than one year in this camp, that is, this preparation took place there.
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suddenly, supposedly, weapons are accidentally dropped by mistake at the location of the troops, which means that it turns out that somewhere outside of syria they are training the most experienced fighters and instructors who come there, that is , the americans with the flag did not go on the attack with them, but also helping them with money to promote weapons, of course they helped, including through certain channels through turkey, then after all.
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the legal successor of this organization, get tahrirashham, we also consider it prohibited under the legislation of the russian federation, the americans recognize it with it are ready to continue communication, well, what kind of fight against terrorism is this, and now, when rapprochement between damascus and ankara is on the agenda, it is the leader gtahirashcham al-julani, who is preventing this, he is escalating the fighting.
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the very fact of the transfer to the region, in the role of volunteers, of mainly islamic fundamentalists from various countries of the middle east and north africa. at a certain stage, the us allies turned out to be the darkest, most fundamentalist- minded forces, but the united ideas of causing maximum damage to the soviet washington was not embarrassed by this and will continue to cooperate with these organizations. even when the first terrorist attack on the world trade center took place on us soil in 1993, when several people were killed, cooperation did not stop because it turned out that these forces were fundamentalists, they could be excellent allies for the united states in territories such as bosnia or allies
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of great britain , the united states in opposition to muammar gaddafi, some of them were paid, in particular a de facto agent. islamists, managed to teach them all these modern means, internet and mobile, in order to organize these well-organized performances. now in one place, now in another, to organize some kind of attacks, terrorist attacks, with the help of this sophisticated technology, which was not even so well used, including by official
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damascus, in this sense, this is also, now there is a war, as you you see, it is very multifaceted, this is what is called a hybrid war, one of its most important components is the impact on minds, today international terrorism has become such a universal bogeyman. although, of course, there really is a problem, it is much more complex, complex, and its roots cannot always be found where the united states declares a military operation to combat international terrorism. i managed to meet with the ideological leader, so to speak, with the father of this hezbollah party, and he was just telling me where the roots of this come from.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, god, by your power destroy our enemies through ukraine’s readiness to fight to the last, come to church, hear moscow speech there, that’s it, you can set fire, do it calmly.
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ukraine is influenced by this magic, that he will enter europe and it will be fabulous there that he will come now. wonderful catholic church, there will be symbiosis, yes, the end point of the enterprise will be uni, attention to all personnel, attention to all personnel, we begin the movement, we begin the movement, your task is to deliver to the contact line, equipment, personnel, it depends on what any group is there, here, oh, immediately aim. the guys who are the crew have appeared, this is an anti-terrorist crew, it turns out that they are here to complete the task, then they go to bam, bam, so again the rotation is
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constant, they walk in a circle. machine gunner, because he’s the healthiest, well, the sampala of the very first day, suspicious activity, artek give a tip for the use of artillery, upon arrival at the scene of destruction, report the results.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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consequences of an accident at a transformer substation where a fire occurred on thursday, which left some houses in otradny biberev and medvedkovo without heat electricity. egor grigoriev reports from medvedkovo. the evening in southern medvedkoye on zapovednaya street is really starting to be good, because heat has appeared in their houses, the whole day since 6:00 in the morning there was no heat, the radiators were cold, there was no cold hot water.


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