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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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in the north-east of moscow, they are eliminating the consequences of an accident at a transformer substation, where a fire occurred on thursday, due to which some houses in otradnoye, biberev and medvedkovo were left without heat electricity. egor grigoriev reports from medvedkovo. the evening in southern medvedkoye on zapovednaya street is really starting to be good, because it’s warm in your houses, there was no heat all day since 6 am, the radiators were cold, there was no cold or hot water. there was no light, but now we
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see, i will ask the operator to show that in in some windows, light still appears , lamps come on, this is clearly visible, but so far this is not a 100 % power supply, work to restore the power supply is in full swing, a mobile diesel generator now provides electricity, the central heating point here for these four houses, which calculated, thanks to him it was possible to launch. our radiators are already warmer, they’re really hot, yeah, in the whole house, yes, in the whole house, the guys have already checked the plumbing that everything is heating, yes, there is water - hot, not cold yet, but with the light too, guys, our electricians are guarding everything here, if anything happens, so that everything is fine, there are no people and even i think there aren’t yet, they are calling me, i told them that the heat has appeared, who wants to come back, who is not, go for a walk. where will you go, if it's not a secret?
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to relatives, well, for now we’ll be there, because no one can say anything, somewhere they don’t answer, somewhere else something else, and no couriers come either, and why don’t couriers come, the building is twenty-five floors, someone will come on the twentieth floor, these apartment buildings houses with 150 apartments in each house, four houses in total, that's almost a thousand people, if we assume that two people live in at least an apartment, we understand how many kilowatts are needed for each such house, but... in those in places where restoration work is still going on, these are the mobile diesel generators that work. mobile diesel generators have been connected to a number of rtps, the heating system is currently being adjusted, as a result of the shutdown, airing occurred somewhere, at this stage almost all residential and non-residential premises are connected to heating, we have taken measures.
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in order to work more steadily to supply heat and provide electricity, to additionally allocate about 100 mobile diesel generators, in southern medvedkovo the problem with heat has been solved, heat has appeared in the apartments, cold and hot water has appeared, well, electricity is gradually being turned on, all services are working at to the maximum of your capabilities. egor grigoriev, konstantin morozov, artyom davidov, elena pomelnikov.
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about 30° below zero. system temperature the heating was turned up to maximum. sheremetio airport warned of possible flight delays. st. petersburg experiences the most severe cold in 70 years. the air temperature dropped below 25. technical problems due to frost on the railway. in the chelyabinsk region , five passenger trains were stuck on the stretch. as reported by russian railways, the carriages are maintained at a comfortable temperature. passengers will be awarded bonus points or. can contact by phone 8.800 100 thousand. the russian army in the kupinsky direction struck immediately at six brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in the donetsk direction , four ukrainian brigades were battered, in the krasnolimansk direction - two. zelensky’s formation lost another 650 soldiers and mercenary officers. 19 armored vehicles, as well as nine missile systems, a howitzer and self-propelled guns, including american and czech production, were destroyed. shot down. 37 combat drones.
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the british telegraph confirmed that the russian army is striking precisely at ukrainian military enterprises, including destroying the production of drones. zelensky admitted a complete failure in mobilization and said: “the ukrainians have turned their backs on the front , and this needs to be corrected. but no one wants to listen to the greatness of the kiev regime, so they decided to correct it by force . they set up roadblocks on the roads, they grab everyone on the street. the hunt goes on around the clock. the
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verkhovna rada committee began to consider the bill on tightening mobilization , hearings will last 3 days behind closed doors and it is no coincidence that... they propose to send disabled people of the third group, that is, people without a leg or an arm or without an eye, as one of the ukrainian military commissars cynically said, that’s all they will also have to live on the front line for a few days, in addition, the reservations will be removed from minor officials, draft dodgers will not be able to obtain documents, their bank accounts and cards will be blocked, and real estate transactions will be prohibited, the ukrainians call all this dictatorship serfdom. you can no longer sell movable and immovable property; you no longer have the right to do so if you do not have a military id. the funny thing is driving a vehicle, you are stopped by the police, you don't have a military id, you can't drive car, class, you will be denied loans, you will be denied government services, in kiev they say there is no alternative, and in fact they admit that they need cannon fodder for zelensky
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to stay longer as president, about the fact that all of them are not eternal, we are all not eternal, there is a war going on, defending our country you can die, or you can just walk on you and a brick will fall on you. and you too will die. zelensky’s new initiatives violate the constitution, as pointed out by the verkhovna rada of ukraine commissioner for human rights, dmitry lubenets, but the authorities it doesn't bother me. there are more and more wild initiatives in kiev. so the former minister of economy of ukraine, timofey milovanov, proposes to conduct a shooting lottery. most of my readers write that the correct approach to mobilization is through a lottery or drawing lots. the state randomly selects the day and month, those people who were born on these days are mobilized, others are not. this happens with every wave of mobilization. and this is another copy of the usa. during the vietnam war , washington did this to give the procedure the appearance of fairness. not helped. it so happened that most of the americans who were then sent to the front were from poor families. everything is like in ukraine
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now. children of officials have been abroad for a long time. those who are in power with money have the greatest chance of survival. another scandal, ukrainian golden youth are rocking an elite resort in curonian. while their dads are working hard and passing bills that violate the constitution of ukraine, their children are very worried that they have to pour expensive swill into themselves. how can you live next to them, some are left without arms or legs, others are having fun? spend time. ukrainian servants of the people don’t even hide that money can do anything, as forbes reports, reservations from mobilization will probably be received by ukrainians who are able to pay 6.00 hryvnia to the budget every month, but by the summer the tariffs will be higher.
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it is very touching to see that childhood is returning to these children, that they can be like their peers, selected wehrmacht tank units were surrounded and defeated, the german offensive in the caucasus stopped.
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in september 1943, advancing soviet troops reached the left bank of the dnieper. on on the opposite bank of the river, the germans built a powerful defense line. on september 21, under the cover of darkness, thousands of our soldiers entered the icy water, traveling in boats and makeshift rafts. the water literally boiled under the fire of enemy machine guns, and only every third soviet soldier was able to reach the opposite bank. so it began.
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there were fewer heroes, why did hitler try to maintain control over the dnieper at any cost, what kind of future did the nazis prepare for ukraine? why did the battle of the dnieper lead to the collapse of the entire german defense on the eastern front?
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in october 1943, the advanced units of the red army crossed the dnieper and secured a foothold on the right bank of the river. the soviet command hoped to immediately knock the germans out of kiev, but the capital of soviet ukraine. for the attack on
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kiev, it was planned to use two bridgeheads, one of them, lyutezh, was located north of the city, the other, the main one, in the south, near the village of velikiy bukri. it was here that soviet troops concentrated their main strike forces on the bukrinsky bridgehead. on october 12, without waiting for the arrival of reserves, three tank armies began to storm the ukrainian capital. the fighting lasted 4 days. thirty-fours were blown up by mines, and the surviving soviet vehicles were accurately shot at by german cannons from cover. there was simply nothing to answer the enemy with. we did not have time to transport our artillery to the right bank.
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the germans looked through all this, they monitored the whole situation, and then the entire army was moved there, a brigade remained on the bridgehead, which for several weeks created the appearance that a tank army was fighting here, that is , it attacked, it created massive movement, the germans were confident that the third tank army was stationed here. the soviet operation to capture kiev is still being studied in military academies and universities. in october 1940.
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under cover of darkness, this armada crossed the dnieper twice. the tanks moved in the pouring rain, which turned the roads into a muddy mess. the germans closely watched the soviets. in parts, but fortunately they could not figure out this maneuver. in addition, false reports were broadcast on the radio about the preparation of a new strike south of kiev. to finally bring down the enemy was confused, mock-ups of tanks were placed in the bukrin area, and false bridges were built across the dnieper. the red army's offensive from the northern lyutezh bridgehead began on november 3, 1943 and came as a complete surprise to the germans. when the third
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panzer army, fishing concentrated on the lu. she struck kiev, but there was no one there; our troops struck in just a few days and took kiev. this happened on november 6, 1943, on the eve of the 26th anniversary of the october revolution. thus ended the occupation of the capital of soviet ukraine, which lasted 778 days. these. the footage was filmed by soviet cameramen immediately after the liberation of the city. on the dilapidated buildings there were still signs with the inscription only for germans. during the nazi occupation , kiev suffered irreparable damage. of the 900 thousand pre-war population of the city, by november
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1943 only 180 thousand people remained. all factories, tram lines and power plants were destroyed by the germans before the retreat. the occupiers plundered all the museums, libraries and scientific centers of kiev. from only one academy of sciences of the ukrainian ussr, the nazis took 320 thousand valuable and rare books to germany. on one of the streets, soviet soldiers discovered a whole mountain of copper utensils stolen by the germans from... the people of kiev. they were going to take her to germany. the occupation of ukraine, the occupation of kiev, led to enormous human and material losses. it was accompanied by widespread plunder committed by the german occupation authorities. the germans have traditionally been very fond
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of looting cultural property. a lot of things could have been taken out of kiev; there were very rich cultural funds, museum funds. all this was completely, so to speak, purposefully, with purely german petanty, right under a receipt, a signature, it was seized and taken away. 2 days after the liberation of kiev, on november 8, 1943, the soviet leadership established the order of victory, which became the highest military award in the ussr. the first to receive this order were marshals zhukov and vasilevsky, who coordinated the fronts in the battle for the dnieper. over the entire subsequent soviet history, only 20 people were awarded the order of victory. long awaited the liberation of kiev became global news . london radio reported: the occupation of kiev by soviet troops is a victory,
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having enormous not only military, but also moral significance. now are the times. have changed. germany hears the funeral bell ringing. an avalanche is approaching her. just a few weeks after the capture of kiev, this large-scale operation called the battle of the dnepo is considered to be the end. the operation is one of the largest and bloodiest in the history of not only the great patriotic war, but the second world war. battle beyond the dnieper in its scale, it is comparable, well, exactly with such huge ones.
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industrial giants of all-union significance. kharkov tractor plant and others
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in the fall of 1939, stalin annexed vast western territories to ukraine, which had previously been part of poland and austria-hungary for centuries. on the eve of the great patriotic war, according to the rate of economic growth. the ukrainian ussr ranked second among the republics of the soviet union, second only to the russian federation. ukraine, in the forties, it was almost industrial center of the soviet union. about 48% of all cast iron was smelted there, more than 50% of iron ore, and half of all coal were mined. not to mention the fact that ukraine provided 20% of all marketable grain.
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precisely understanding its significance for the soviet union as such an industrial base, a base of rich mineral resources. in the first days of the war , the main forces of the wehrmacht invaded western ukraine. the surprise attack brought the red army to the brink of disaster. in just a month, the germans destroyed the kiev cauldron 665,000 of our soldiers are officers. the wounded , devastated ukraine found itself at the mercy of the invaders. occupied lands of the dnieper region, donbass and lower volga. the germans united the vreichs-commissariat ukraine. the new occupation regime was headed by nazi official erich koch. according to hitler, koch
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was more suitable than anyone else for this position. he was convinced that it was enough for ukrainians to be able to count to 100, and also liked to joke that if he met a ukrainian worthy of sitting at the same table with him, he would order him to be shot immediately. however koch's immediate superior, reichs minister for the eastern occupied territories, alfred rosenberg, looked at the new german colony somewhat differently. in may 1941, even before germany attacked the ussr, rosenberg compiled detailed instructions for the future reich commissioner of ukraine.
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germany will not be threatened with a naval blockade, and an influx of raw food supplies will be guaranteed for all future years. alfred rosenberg in the baltic states and he very, so to speak, studied russia carefully, so rosenberg formulated an idea that he very actively promoted, he said that without ukraine we cannot defeat russia. the russians can only be defeated if the ukrainians are set against them. that is, if russians and ukrainians become enemies and fight each other, that’s only then. germany will be able to defeat the russian people. in the same instructions to the reichskommissar of ukraine, rosenberg proposed specific measures for the re-education of ukrainians.
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he wrote: “it would be good to immediately, as quickly as possible, take control of all issues of psychological influence. it is necessary to revive the ukrainian historical self-awareness in order to overcome the consequences of the jewish bolshevik." under the psychological influence of reiks, the minister understood a whole complex of propaganda actions that were supposed to sow hatred towards everything russian and soviet. in the spring of 1942, the imperial propaganda department organized an exhibition of trophies taken from the occupied soviet territories. the exhibition was called. soviet paradise according to the idea of ​​goebbels's propagandists, its visitors had to see with their own eyes what a pitiful state
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the stalinist regime had reduced the people to. were located in berlin's lustgarden park on an area of ​​9.00 square meters. here viewers could see a copy of a russian village with dilapidated wooden shacks. buildings and objects of soviet everyday life were deliberately damaged and smeared with dirt. the wretchedness of russian life was emphasized by hanging clothes with holes and primitive clay ones. a short documentary was also shown at the exhibition. its plot was simple. in impoverished villages, german cameramen are met by ragged and hungry residents, in whose houses they are sitting emaciated children, covered from head to toe with flies. in addition to the poverty of the population, the emphasis was on the bloodthirstiness of the soviet regime.
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one of the most...
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odessa occupied by the romanians. after two these images were filmed in 1942, during the anti-god decades , a mass public prayer service takes place for the first time near the walls of the st. elias monastery. during the years of occupation, the romanians opened four monasteries in odessa.
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photon wohe.


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