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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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africa, brazil, colombia and other countries occupy only 25 billion in this market. germany is a country that does not produce or grow coffee, but earns more from coffee per year than all african countries, 6.8 billion.
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the countries of the so-called golden billion are doing everything to preserve the old unipolar world, it suits them, it is beneficial to them, they are trying to replace the system of international law with their own, so-called order, based on rules that no one has seen, the golden billion is a billion prosperous, all the rest should be reduced to that... the amount that is needed to serve this billion, that's all, but how can humanity be reduced? you can either increase the mortality rate, or reduce the birth rate, or both, it happens, look, here is a graph of how many children's transgender clinics have appeared in the united states in 15 years, in 2007 - two, in 2022 - several. legalization of drugs,
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drugs are simply sold in a vending machine, absolutely unbridled expansion of the lgbt community, corruption of children, teachers, transgender people, transgender parades, a ban on judging transgender people and the lgbt community, you can be put in prison for this, and this is the most fashionable movement today. that is, a call not to continue one’s kind, that is, an artificial , conscious deprivation of a woman’s instinct of motherhood, but it’s all against god, it ’s all against nature, but they try to do it and do it, in general, it’s all terrible, but motherhood can also be deprived by artificial means, so look, for example, what the ex-president of the pfaiza corporation says:
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they introduced this material, it will affect fertility and birth rates, and what's happening all over the world, a 10-15% drop in birth rates, everywhere you look, that's what's happening. in order to abolish the old religion, which interferes with new trends, you need to come up with a new one, as, for example, schwab’s adviser yuval harari suggests. we were talking about it. you need a completely new ideology, a new religion. they will probably originate in silicon
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valley or wangalore rather than in the middle east, they will probably be able to give people a worldview based on technology everything. and not after death, or change god himself, re-interpret him, as, for example, archbishop jonathan blake from great britain is trying to do. the bible indicates that jesus was bisexual, saying that he had a special love for john.
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everything is allowed to them, look at what satanism is blossoming in the world, and what is most amazing about slavic ukraine, what satanism, i am satan, what a cult of death, what an opportunity to mock life and death, as they mocked the unfortunate russian citizen who was torn to pieces by cola, or mockery of the lviv meat processing plant against the family. who died during the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge, someone will say, well , a natural attitude towards enemies, this is what it is, look at the young girl who is dancing on the grave of her father, who died at the front, a fresh grave, look, oh god,
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what ... why did completely different countries of the civilized west unite so unanimously against the slavic world? they were afraid of something, they were afraid of competition, why is the culture, economy, industry, well, everything, everything, amazing. everything is there, but why? it seems to me, because that world is united by something that can be touched with your hands, something that is determined by understandable things, comfort, and so on and so forth, and this world is united by something
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else, yes, they also want to eat well, well, dress well, live beautifully, have good things, everything, yes, everything is the way any person wants. but there is something that is incomprehensible and insurmountable for those for whom only what can be touched with their hands has true value, when i was filming oblomovo, in principle, it was a dispute between talented people who were wondering, one was wondering how to live, and the other why, but the fact is that oblomov understood that without knowing how to... live, one cannot know how this makes all the difference, stolz, his life is subordinated to goals, work , not a single extra action, extra step, word , he’s healthy, rich, at 60 he looks
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younger than you, and why, andrey, at 60 you need to look 60, not 35, that's right, only then even at 35 you don't need to look 50 like you, ah. andrey, well, yours will live gold miner for another 100 years, he will earn another 100 rubles, but why? everyone only thinks about how to eat, what is harmful, what is healthy, which doctor to treat, what waters to go to, everyone thinks only about how to live, and why, no one wants to think that your life is for... something in it? does anyone need it? yes, but still, of course, these arguments are more for peacetime, when blood is not shed, when blood is shed, completely different laws come into force, everything is laid bare, and it becomes clear who is what
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appreciates who needs what, who wants to get what from what is happening, suddenly becomes completely clear. it is absolutely clear that these lives that are lost on the battlefield are of very little interest to those people who are interested in how to live, and not why. not interested at all, we talked in the last issue about how white people want to prolong their life pleasure at the expense of others, here is confirmation of this, back in 2021 before the start of the svo, the verkhovna rada adopted a law regulating the issue of transplantation of human anatomical materials, according to which no longer needs to certify... the actual written consent of a living donor or his relatives for transplantation.
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there is no need to authenticate signatures. in fact, organ harvesting was allowed from children. and today organs are traded on the darknet, on the internet, heart, liver, kidneys, from 5,000 euros apiece. fine. and the state center for innovative medical technologies. at the national academy of sciences of ukraine is officially looking for surgeons to work anonymously in certain areas that will not be reported spread, but we understand what kind of sphere this is. just think about it, 65 years after the closure of the last human zoo in the civilized world, in belgium, ukraine becomes a supplier. children 's spare parts for the same civilized world, it would seem,
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much more, much further, no, cynicism and this madness, they are limitless, in the ukrainian rada , during the hostilities , a law on the legalization of pornography is being prepared for adoption, there was pornography, there probably will be , that’s not what we’re talking about, not about pornography as such.
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this is not a kunskamera, this is not entertainment, but for
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the rich, well-fed, who are in the safety of pure satanism, and what ’s most amazing is that this is accepted at the state level, this is not underground filming, but what happens to the slavs in our country, you know are you saying that in 30 years... since 1991 , 50 million abortions have been performed in russia in state medical institutions alone, the demographic situation in the country is more difficult, and the president speaks about this, on august 22 he said this at the strategic development council, still in russia fewer children are born. than a year ago, we already talked about this and formulated
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special instructions to propose additional measures in the field of demography. to date , regional programs to increase the birth rate have been launched in all subjects of the federation. i ask the federal government to provide all necessary assistance to colleagues in the successful implementation of these programs. i don’t want to say at all that nothing is being done, a lot is being done. and maternal capital, assistance to large families and stimulation of family life, and a woman who wants to get rid of it for some reason. from the child , they talk to her, psychologists talk to her, they try to convince her, and so on and so forth, yes, there is a movement, and it works, here’s an experiment: a woman calls the hospital and asks about an abortion, you can somehow come there , i just discovered that i’m now 7 weeks,
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not this week, it’s unlikely to happen, on friday. i receive about 20 million rubles a year from the state, i have a plan to order, it probably sounds scary, but i have a plan to order 20 million rubles per year year for me to have an abortion, well, i perform about 5,000 abortions a year, but i personally mean that my hospital, in order to somehow prevent abortion, i don’t get
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a penny, because they were created in russia such conditions are in our favor if people have abortions. complications are much higher, maintaining such a colossus for the sake of a small number of births was unprofitable, this is logical. on may 31, the head physician of city clinical hospital no. 25 of novosibirsk, sergei ostrakov , announced the closure of the maternity hospital in august of this year. the reason is the same, it is unprofitable to maintain
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a large number of staff for two to three women in labor per day. look, on the website of one of the largest media outlets in our country, a material is published under the title, i was terribly scared, which tells terrible stories of russian women who come to doctors before an abortion, and they tried to convince them, and this ruined their lives. and at the end of the page's domain name it is written in english. do abortion, which translated means have an abortion, you understand how it works, what to complain about, there’s nothing to it, it’s coming objective, as it were, material, at the end of which it is written in english, do obor, whoever understands, knows the language, will understand, whoever does not understand,
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can ask someone else who understands, he will explain it to him, we will do it. that is, you understand that regulating demographics in our country is one of the most important tasks of those who want to reduce the slavic population, well, that’s true, and now compare 50 million abortions since the ninety- first year with the number of migrants who came to us from other countries, with their children, relatives and so on, what is it will be... for the country after some time, whose country will it be? now look at this , these are killed soldiers, i won't say who they are, russians, ukrainians, for what i want to say, it doesn't matter, these are slavs, they have slavic names, slavic patronymics, slavic surnames, they think
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in russian, no... the age-old dream of finally dealing with those whom they do not understand, do not want to understand and we will never understand... this has already been talked about, in my opinion, this idea is confirmed by the ex-deputy of the german bundestag, valdemar gert, this is what he says: the anglo-saxon elite
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chose ukraine as a springboard for the total self-destruction of the slavic people, provoking a military conflict. and we , bewitched by the promises that were given to us both here and here... became blind, we lost our understanding of reality, we lost our understanding and the relationship between truth and untruth, we stopped distinguishing between the real and the unreal, the honest from the dishonest, i have a question, is there a way to understand who belongs and who doesn’t? which elite is honest, pure, sincere, and which is deceitful, treacherous, we a war was necessary, can we
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really forgive ourselves if what is happening does not teach us to truly understand where the truth is and where it is not, can we forgive ourselves for this if we... don’t do this, we are not at war with the ukrainians, we are at war with non-humans, with evil spirits, with the nazis, with people who have lost god , so victory, we need it, we will win, and then again we will take pity, we will be compassionate, we will again begin to believe those who cannot be trusted.
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compassion is mistaken for weakness, it is used mercilessly and to the end, we are called occupiers, i can say one thing: if everyone were occupiers like us , then there would be no wars at all, i want to remind you of one video, it is not new, but very instructive, look, hello, i am a russian occupier, this is my profession , it happened historically, i once occupied siberia, now oil, gas, aluminum and many more are extracted there. factories and
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power plants, the baltic states made high-quality radio equipment and cars, were famous for their perfume balms, i was asked to leave there, now sprats are mined there, and part of the population cleans toilets in europe, i cut off the middle one. in the bare steppes i built canals, factories, cosmodromes, hospitals and stadiums, they built space rockets and airplanes, developed industry , grew wheat and cotton for the whole country, they asked me to leave there, now they are developing american loans and growing hemp there, and part of the population has left to work at the construction site of the former occupiers, i occupied ukraine, together with the ukrainians i built aircraft engines, ships, tanks and... cars, i was asked to leave there, now they are destroying everything that remains of the occupier, while nothing new is being built there except endless maidans and
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dictatorship. yes, i am an occupier, and i am tired of apologizing for it, i am an occupier by birthright, i am an aggressor, a bloodthirsty freak, be afraid, it was i who endured the atrocities of the polish interventionists during the time of troubles, but how did their intervention end, it was i who attacked moscow so as not to give it up napoleon. western values, i have other interests, i politely warn you for the last time, don’t run into trouble, i’m building peace, i love peace, but
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i will fight... by the way, he has already entered, we are leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting, god willing. all the best. attention to all personnel, attention to the personnel , we begin to move, we begin to move, your task is to deliver combat contact , equipment, personnel, it depends that there is any cargo there, oh, immediately the sight appeared, the guys who are the crew, this is
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anti-terrorism. they completed the task here, then they go to bam, with bam, respectively, again the rotation is constant, they walk in a circle, the machine gunner, because the healthiest, well, that’s how it happened on the very first day, suspicious activity, artek give a tip to use artillery, upon arrival at the scene of destruction, report the results.
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russian emergency situations ministry. warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. air defense systems were destroyed. the russian army repulsed all attacks in su, and in the kupinsky direction attacked six kiev brigades at once.


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