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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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ride whoever you want, in large cities of russia , carsharing cars every day complicate and... that's why the difficult traffic
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situation, hello, in the studio eduard petrov, the account is real, the account is real, and you didn't drink today, everything is fine, everything is fine, i was fifteen live cartridges were found, the cartridges were not yours, no, maybe someone drove that mass before, i don’t know, but how often do you go corshiring like this under other people’s accounts, for a day and a half, but this is your friend, yes, yes , this is a car, is this? my friend, do you know what the fine is, if you pass it on like this, i didn’t give it to him, he just stole it. the korsheland category of vehicles is under particularly accusatory attention from state traffic inspectors. more more, more more, well, name it, what did you smoke, what, well, a joint. with the help of, so to speak, a fake completion, you made yourself an account, right? my documents were leaked, from someone?
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for a car sharing company, a selfie with a passport, a passport on both sides and a license on both sides, they don’t send anywhere else, where could i park like that, what am i doing? i did that they sent me 300,000, the car fleet is aging, and many people note that cars are becoming really dangerous to use, what? i don’t feel sorry for juya, this is how most car sharing clients treat cars; as a result of accidents with such cars, there are almost always casualties. why personal data of car sharing users falls into the hands of criminals, why rental cars are stolen, and what made traffic police officers conduct regular raids and check such drivers. we took up this matter and carried it out. your
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investigation. car sharing, that is, car rental by the minute. there are in all major cities of russia, on the one hand, it’s convenient , you can take it, leave it wherever you want, but the service has already become surrounded by scandals, for example, such cars are often used as transport for dubious matters, and some clients even end up in criminal cases.
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another raid by the moscow state traffic safety inspectorate. this time we are working on the moscow ring road, stopping only car sharing and carefully studying we look at the driver's documents and see what condition they are in. can't check remotely. is the rental driver sober? is everything
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okay with his documents? inspectors of the second separate special battalion traffic police, traffic police of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs for moscow, operate strictly according to the regulations. besides. it’s at this time that a lot of car-sharing cars travel around the city, tell me, you like using carsharing, so it’s okay, but you didn’t drink today, we’re not, we’re law-abiding, we’re lawyers,
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lawyers, we stopped another street vendor, let's see what's going on with the driver's documents, good evening. please tell me, do you often use carsharing? when after work i can’t get home, i ’ll need cashier, show me your account, okay, the account you have, of course, during the raid on the mkada, more than twenty rented cars were stopped. let's go further, ryazansky prospekt. new point they stopped korshirin’s car again, now let’s see what the police wanted to ask, hello, with the document, everything is fine, yes, the driver roman boranchukov took the car for
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half an hour, and stayed at the traffic police post all night. vigilant inspectors suggested that the young man was not sober. i haven’t been in such situations before, i don’t know how... how the program will decide, i’ll call, probably the support service, clarify all these materials, a little later we’ll tell you how the night story with roman boranchukov ended. everything is fine, everything is great. moscow photographer rafael khalilov actively used car rental and car sharing, but then he greatly regretted it, one day he sent an e-mail to a young
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a person received a strange message, it contained a photo of rafael with a passport and driver’s license in his hands, such photos... are taken when registering with a company that provides rental cars. and another text, in short, unknown people offered khalilov to pay 30,000 rubles within 3 days so that nothing would happen to his personal data; in case of refusal, multimillion-dollar loans would be issued in his name. in this document, in short, it was described that i need to send money to these scammers, and through cryptocurrency, within 3 days otherwise , even more loans will be issued to me,
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loans have already been issued to me, despite the fact that i have never taken a loan myself in my life, plus they promised to launch a newsletter on social networks that i rapist, bad person, i need to be found urgently, they published all my documents, my document numbers, my links to social networks, and also a short story about why i was wanted, after a few days the extortionists moved from words to action, khalilov’s acquaintances received in social networks a message that their friend was allegedly involved in a high-profile crime, with all the dirty details of how and where it happened, khalilov, here is his photograph, passport details, address and telephone number. my documents have leaked, from some car sharing company, i am registered with several, so
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it’s impossible to understand exactly which car sharing company it is, but it’s definitely cartering, because this package of documents is... on the internet, then and it turned out that he was not the only victim. i'm sure it's it’s not a targeted attack, it’s a massive activity of theirs, because i found several other people with a similar situation, and even one girl who had exactly the same situation. one to one, she had the same mailings, the same messages on social networks. resident of the capital alisa goluenko, rafael khalilov’s friend in
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misfortune. in may 2021, the girl also found herself in an unpleasant situation due to car sharing. a trip in a rented car resulted in a huge fine for her. there, i went to the competition, literally minutes i stayed there for 40 years, i came back, i looked, there was a tow truck, there was a car
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, so they had already packed it, they tied it with this tape, and that means they were evacuating it, after probably two days i received a fine and a letter from car sharing, that, firstly , you were evacuated, you pay money for the evacuation, and secondly, you pay us a fine under the lease agreement, the fine is 3000. judging by the documents, the place where alisa goluenko left the car is a lawn, not a parking lot. as a result, a fine was issued to yura by the company that belongs to the car. that is why the amount turned out to be so impressive, and the carshring company, in turn, sent an invoice to alice. i have a heart. on the heels , i just thought, how can this be, where could
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i park like that, what did i do that they sent me 3000, that is, i didn’t expect it, car sharing stories by rafaele khalilova and alisa gluenko, we’ll be back . lately, complaints about the short-term car rental service have been appearing more and more often, but initially many people really liked the idea of ​​renting a car anywhere. nimble with a movement of his hand, timofey turned his smartphone into a key to someone else’s car. from time to time, they use it to rent a car. it is believed that car sharing was invented in order to reduce the number of personal
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vehicles on the road. this type of service is especially popular among residents of the megapolis, because the driver does not need to monitor the technical condition of the car, does not need to pay for parking, it is free for car sharing, and driving a rented car is often cheaper than taking a taxi. today with... the police found out what it is car sharing. car sharing was launched in moscow in 2015. at that time, there were 350 rental cars driving around the city. now in 2021 there are 25 of them. in order to. to find out how often car sharing clients break the laws, our film crew went on a raid with
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employees of the second separate special battalion of the traffic police at the traffic police in moscow. midnight, borisovskie prudy street, the first swing of the baton immediately results. police stopped a car sharing car with the driver and two passengers inside. the men were noticeably nervous and could not answer basic questions. where are they going to from? the police decided to inspect the car. we decided to call the operational group to the place where this vehicle was stopped. during the inspection of the vehicle. armenian citizen eric keshev at first pretended that
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he had nothing to do with the dangerous find, but then his memory began to return where the cartridge came from. eric keshev tried to convince the traffic police officers and our film crew that the cartridges
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ended up in his bag by accident, and he was just on his way to the police to hand them over. and friends eric, who were in the car with him, didn’t even know about the cartridges, we didn’t have any cartridges , where didn’t we have them, and what was found there then, i don’t know what they found there, it’s a canner, not our car, how do we know that there is already something in this car, we don’t fully inspect the car before we take it, that’s right, we took the car, took a girl we knew, took it and drove back.
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i don’t know, in the presence of witnesses, the police pulled out a box of cartridges from the car, eric keshsheshev and his friends were taken to the department police for further proceedings, the car was driven to a special parking lot, now it is material evidence in a criminal case, the car will be returned to the rightful owners of the car sharing company only after the investigation is completed. the raid continues, inspectors. they slow down the next car sharing car, a young man is driving, he introduces himself as kadyrbek , he barely speaks russian, shows his driver’s license, there is a photograph of another person on it, it turned out that kadyrbeg simply took his friend’s documents and phone number and went for a ride around moscow. stolen do you get a car? no, no, no, they didn’t
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steal it, they took it for a ride, that’s right, they took it for a ride. where were you going, where were you going? well, friend, here, well, where geographically , in tsaritsino, in orekhov boris, kolomenskoye in kolomenskoye, in the park or something, no, it’s just here, my friend is there, you were going to see a friend, yes, to visit, yes, yes, ah how often do you drive carsharing under other people’s accounts ? you’ve been driving this car for a day and a half, a day and a half, a day and a half, right? yes, kadyrbeg admitted to our film crew that he never studied at a driving school; used it as a training one. kadyrbeg decided to hone his driving skills in real urban conditions. traffic police officers contacted the korshiringa company, which
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owns the car, and quickly found the owner of the driver’s license. half an hour later the man. i’m still going, she’s there, i’m calling and here, uh, dupes, well , this is your friend, yes, yes, this is mash, this is my friend. of course, maybe we can go by him and ask him why he’s with you - you were driving and stole the car, and
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he, he told me, i left at the store, and i told him, let’s hurry up, what are you doing, there’s no dakmet, i told him, and he ’ll come now, i’ll come now, and then he immediately gave him a fine, yes, yes, he was detained, and you know, do you know what the fine is, if? you hand it over like this, i didn’t hand it over to him, he just stole to write a statement for his friend and lyas refused, now he himself will have to fork out money, pay a fine for transferring control of the car to a person without a driver’s license, now it’s 3,000 rubles. punishment also awaits kaderbek, who drove without a license using someone else's account; such cases are not uncommon...
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we asked the head of the capital state traffic inspectorate, alexander bykov, to help us understand the intricacies of the car sharing system. general, we met at the main office of the moscow traffic police. what violations do state traffic inspectors detect among car sharing drivers? basic offenses are
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those resulting in harm to the life and health of road users. first of all , this is the wrong choice of distance, the discrepancy between the speed and the specific driving conditions. failure to comply with the order of travel, violation of the rules of crossing, changing lanes, violation of traffic light requirements. violation of the rules for passing a pedestrian crossing, as well as driving into oncoming traffic in places where this is prohibited. employees of the state veterinary inspectorate, first of all , check documents for the right to drive a vehicle, check with the person who drives the vehicle, the driver, with the vehicle data, this is the vehicle registration certificate , and, if necessary, additionally request information about the car sharing company, which also carried out by us necessary... information interaction, for someone else's account, what threatens the driver? faces criminal prosecution under article 166 of the criminal code, unlawful taking of a vehicle in
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common parlance theft. he is removed from control, the vehicle is detained, moved to a specially guarded parking lot, and this action is documented and the person is delivered to the territorial division of the internal affairs agency for further proceedings. italy, where the main dish is countries in the colors of the national flag, green, white, red, pizza. it is very touching to see that childhood returns to these children, that they can be like their peers. selected tank units of the wehrmacht were surrounded and destroyed. the german offensive in the caucasus stopped. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient.
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citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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is influenced by this magic, that it will enter europe and it will be fabulous there that now the wonderful catholic church will come, there will be symbiosis, and the end point of the enterprise will be unity. who are you , wandering musicians ? our love, you can’t do without deception, i’m behind you,
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the tempting vaults of the palaces, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you were waiting for, donkey, what, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen musicians
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, let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull, vosnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, look, i'll see you i’ll shave brazenly to intimidate her, i wouldn’t ruin your situation, you need to try very hard, we ’ll burn her, let’s say i really went back in time. why the hell is this here, holob 2,
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wow! on the road, car sharing drivers sometimes behave inappropriately, drive into the oncoming lane, ride friends on the roof, sit down drunk drivers and even start racing with the police.


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