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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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on the road, car sharing drivers sometimes behave inappropriately, driving into the oncoming lane, giving rides to friends on the roof, driving drunk and even racing with the police.
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july 2021, kutuzovsky prospekt, a carsharing car flies into the oncoming lane at high speed, a terrible accident. three cars, four cars, here’s my car, here’s a mercedes, a kiya, here’s a kiya k5, we were all driving from the center, everyone was driving in their own line, i was driving the furthest one, a total of six cars were damaged in the accident. the man who was driving
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the rented car died. and here is another accident in the capital, kashiring’s car drives to a public transport stop. luckily there were no people at that moment. according to eyewitnesses, before the collision, the driver of the rented car was allegedly driving diagonally and, apparently, significantly exceeding the speed; he first crashed into a stop, this is what was left of it, and then flew further. after the impact
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, the car began to smoke, passers-by helped the driver get out of the car, they called an ambulance, according to eyewitnesses, the man behind the wheel was dead drunk, the driver was guy, he had an open fracture in his leg, he was unconscious, that’s all.
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that's why he committed these accidents. what are the statistics on accidents involving car sharing drivers? during the current period , it was registered in the city of moscow. more than 250 road accidents from this category of vehicles, in which 15 people died, 315 people were injured, when compared with the previous period, the number of road accidents slightly decreased and the number of injured increased, but at the same time the number almost doubled people who died in them. for our part, we pay special attention to this category of vehicles; suffice it to say that during the current period... employees of
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the state traffic inspectorate of the city of moscow identified more than 50,500 offenses of this category involving these vehicles, of which 832 were drivers. 55 drivers were in a state of intoxication and did not have a driving license. if we talk about criminal charges, then during the specified period we detained 258 persons while driving vehicles of the carsharing category based on the following criteria: crimes for which liability is provided, including unlawful seizure of a vehicle, repeated driving of a vehicle in a state of association by persons. subjected to administrative penalties, and we identified such cases in absolute numbers - 100 cases. our film crew, together with traffic police officers
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, is setting off on another raid around moscow. they stopped artyom ostashov, who was driving without a driver's license. i forgot it at home, went to visit a friend, forgot my documents at home. drive the most important document, well , i didn’t think about it, i got here by train to nakhabino, now i decided to take a long time to get back, i decided to go by car, but there are more serious violations, inspectors stopped this young man on boychuk street, the police had suspicions, that he is in a state of drug intoxication, more more, more, more, more , more.
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another strange driver was caught in the area of ​​kashirskoye highway, the man turned out to be extremely talkative, at first he said that works on television. then he called himself a descendant of the famous soviet writer nikolai nosov, and then unexpectedly confessed that he had recently used illegal substances, i am a person, well, with israeli citizenship, i
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generally go to israel quite often, and as you know, in israel there are a lot of people who smoke, a lot there, well, it’s already legalized there , that’s why i’m kind of worried that within... the dish, roughly speaking, well, i’m kidding, of course, of course not, it’ll be cut out, but in general, well, naturally, it’s like, where it’s legalized, there you can, here we have it for now it is prohibited until it is legalized, so you were there in this circle, and you
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were smoking something in a circle, something that is prohibited here, yes, well, yes, but that was when, but i still worry, that something could remain, of course, because we have laws. so what was it anyway? well, you know, well, the public will understand him , well, you’re not ivan, well, name it, what is it, what did you smoke, what’s a joint, a joint, a joint, you know , what a joint is, they don’t understand, oh well, whoever doesn’t understand will understand, go to the doctors nosov refused, now he is awaiting trial, he will probably have to say goodbye to his rights for at least a year and a half.
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well, during such inspections people appear who... drugs, including those prohibited for civilian circulation and things, these are not only drugs, these weapons are identified, including more than 40 facts identified , the use of forged documents is responsible, for which we have article 327 of the criminal code. according to the moscow department of transport, more than 130,000 trips. the average portrait of a carsharing user who violates traffic rules is 31 years old, most often a man
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with more than 3 years of driving experience, which is important to note that the only thing that car sharing cars probably don’t have is fines for unpaid parking, simply because it paid by default, but in general these are the same offenses, slight speeding from 20 to 40 km/h and driving into the lane of public transport, probably the most popular, for each violation drivers. receives two fines: one from the traffic police, the second from the rental company. each company has its own requirements for users and often the amounts for violating the contract are quite serious. for example, if the driver was drunk and an inspector stopped him, the car sharing company will issue an invoice for 50,000 rubles. if the user causes an accident, the company will write off 30,000 from his card. penalties are provided due to my serious correctness: damage to documents on the car - 10,000
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rubles. garbage in the cabin - 3.00, smoking while driving - 5,000, but the drivers themselves have complaints about a lot of service. complaints came first - regarding the technical condition of car -roaching cars, the car fleet is aging and many note that the cars are becoming, well, real. dangerous for operation, if some damage can be tolerated, but this applies, for example, to the interior or exterior, then there have been several cases recently when the brakes of a car simply failed and a person got into an accident, someone in a minor accident , someone in a big way, drivers who get into an accident due to a faulty brake system in car sharing - unfortunately, as a rule , they can’t prove anything, because the car doesn’t belong to them, after an accident, an employee of the car sharing company comes to the scene, picks up this
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car, and then conducts an examination, an independent examination, which would show that the car has the brakes have failed, and this cause of the accident becomes extremely difficult. the heroes of our program, whom we talked about at the beginning, managed to resolve their problems. let us remind you that moscow photographer rafael khalilov became a victim of scammers after how to register for a car sharing application. i told this story on instagram, in general, some kind of wave started, and people began to write and help. just to support with advice, in general, that’s all , and then i filmed, in general, how i go to
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the banks, i go to the police, i deal with all this, people became interested, they followed, as a result, loans that cunning businessmen issued on rafael, were cancelled, the distribution of false reports about the crime stopped, those who extorted money from the photographer are now looking for police. “whoever is in court today, i will appeal the fine, the story ended happily with alisa gluenko, who received a fine of 3,000 rubles for allegedly parking a car sharing car on the lawn. the principled girl refused to pay. alisa found out that the section of the road where she left the rented one.” the car has no status at all, in the end the case went to court
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and the fine was canceled, so i have a proposal to somehow reformat the carsharing agreement in favor of users, yes, to reduce their fines yes, the traffic police, let’s say 300,000 fines, yes, i understand for one car, but this is too much, that is, not every driver will go to such lengths to seek a power of attorney from sub- subtenants, but not every driver will do so. after this scandalous story , alisa guluenko lost the desire to use car sharing, and she switched to a taxi. now car sharing cars are available to everyone who wants, we will show how easy and simple it is, i need a car, i go to the application, click book, here is our car, first i will visually inspect it before you start looking in the app, well
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, there’s something catty here. we already know about the damage, they show me photographs, the front left door, here are some small scratches, here is a mirror, here is a crack, a piece of the mirror is missing from the body, rear bumper. well, the documents are here, we have unlocked the car, and you can start it and drive off. it’s really not difficult to use car sharing services, but it’s important to understand why anyone should get behind the wheel
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of a rented car, because this service is only for law-abiding and... but in lately, carsharing cars have been increasingly included in incident reports, and this greatly worries the state traffic inspectorate. dear drivers,
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first of all, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the korsharing category of vehicles is under particularly vigilant attention from... from the state traffic inspectorate, in any case you will be checked, your documents will be checked for authenticity, so under no circumstances use fake accounts, do not purchase them on the internet, but have an honest dialogue with the rental company and with your on the other hand, the state traffic inspectorate employees will not have any complaints or unnecessary questions against you, which could subsequently significantly complicate, or ruin for someone else, your life and destiny, and especially if you have been drinking, do not drive. definitely, in this case, if you have consumed alcoholic beverages, under no circumstances should you get behind the wheel, just use either the metro, public transport, or taxi services, it is more reliable and safer. in the meantime, traffic police crews have to patrol the streets of big cities every day, their network continues drivers like this happen.
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moscow - ryazansky prospekt roman boranchukov rented a car for half an hour, but was stuck all night. we talked about him at the beginning of our program, the young man was noticeably nervous, constantly calling someone, but in the end he decided to take an alcohol test, which is called blowing into a tube, that’s how it happened. the state of alcoholic intoxication has not
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been established, did you drink, no, did you drink? no, did you use any drugs? no, no, no, i’m absolutely sure, now i’ll have to give tests, i’ve already explained to everyone, i’ve already i’m ready to go, well, i don’t know why i ’m asked the same questions 300 times, four crews of the special battalion of the city of moscow continue to work on mkaz, but this is like... also a hunt, you need to stop a huge number of cars to find the offender. the traffic police officers immediately drew attention to this rented car, as it turned out, not in vain, a driver’s license, so
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an application for you, an application for you, so a driver’s license, and mahmed for navrus makhmudulo, so please tell me, a driver’s license, where did you get it? traffic police officers carefully studied the documents of a citizen of tajikistan and found out that he had a fake driver’s license in his hands, with the help of a fake driver’s license, so to speak, you created an account for yourself, i understand you correctly, yes, but they will find out that you have a fake one, i i also didn’t know that for what purpose, ignorance does not free you from such a purpose, for what purpose you did the guidance, but your business that i don’t know what happened. for this driver, the night trip was over, he was taken to the department police, and the car was handed over to a car sharing company. our film
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crew worked for a whole month with the second separate special battalion traffic police, traffic police, the main department of the russian ministry of internal affairs in moscow. of course, we thank the inspectors for their assistance to our editorial staff. we wrote and sent many requests; surprisingly, none of the representatives of large car sharing companies agreed to participate in our program; apparently, they have nothing to say.
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this is how we saw domestic car sharing, this was our investigation from moscow, conclusions do only you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. why are you looking at her all the time? what, didn’t you hear? the ministry of emergency situations, they say, should not leave the garland unattended.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch it. reruns of episodes of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the west was destroyed by ukrainian armed forces mortars. the strikes were carried out using fpv drones. at the flint air defense force , the center troops group shot down six ukrainian drones. in addition, our the units attacked the concentration of manpower of two enemy brigades in the krasno-liman direction. the crews of t-80 tanks destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold.


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