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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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in moscow, heat supply to houses was restored after an accident at a substation. an emergency occurred the day before in the northeast of the capital. the transformer substation was on fire. within hours it was extinguished, but dozens of apartment buildings were temporarily left without power and heating. to resolve the issue, an operational headquarters was created, the building was powered according to a temporary scheme with help.
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diesel generators, the system will remain in place until the completion of the work, utility workers are conducting door-to-door visits, and the mayor’s office has promised to help residents of houses affected by the accident. subway trains collided in downtown new york, injuring 24 people. a work train derailed while changing tracks and a passenger train crashed into it. 24 people were injured and were taken to hospital. this was announced by the head of the city fire service. there are cars on site. ambulance, police squads, access to the metro station is closed, traffic is temporarily stopped. tsehal completed a forty-hour operation on the west bank of the jordan river. during the operation, the israeli military destroyed hundreds of explosive devices dozens of suspects were detained. but the main target of the israeli defense forces' attacks remains the hamas network of underground tunnels. most of them are located in the southern part of the gas sector. there as part of a ground operation.
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hamas fighters are trying to repel attacks by the israeli military on the west bank of the jordan river. local leaders report that the tdf is using tear gas. the enclave’s ministry of health notes that over the past 24 hours , 125 people were killed in the region and 318 were injured. meanwhile, tsahal revealed its post-war plan to develop the gas sector. according to this strategy, after the end of the fighting, the enclave will be controlled by local palestinian authorities.
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the israeli army will retain full military control, the minister of defense made this statement, and was quoted by times in israel. the plan envisages that egypt will ensure the transition of citizens to the gas sector, and the united states and arab countries will take responsibility for the reconstruction of the region. soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces are surrendering en masse to the russian military. during interrogations, they say that ukrainian military commissars are driving people into the trenches by force, they grab people who are not...prepared civilians are immediately thrown to the front line, the mobilized are openly treated as consumables. i understood correctly that we simply decided that night to leave or forget or bury some secrets with us, perhaps. i don’t think that i will return home, let’s say if we are exchanged, i won’t remain silent about it, i want to ask.
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where they were, they gather fools like me and these others, he sits in the bushes and sends people, in ukraine they are tightening mobilization, on the streets they are seizing everyone they are after they manage to keep up, the verkhovna rada is discussing how to get disabled people sent to the front, and they don’t even hide the fact that anyone is suitable for cannon fodder. maria is a scarf maker with all the details. what are you doing? there are no more fools. zelensky admitted a complete failure in mobilization and said: “ukrainians have turned their backs on the front, and this must be corrected.” but no one wants to listen to the greatness of the kiev regime, so they decided to correct it by force. there are roadblocks set up on the roads and people are being grabbed on the street . the hunt goes on around the clock. in committee the verkhovna rada began to consider a bill to tighten the mobilization of hearings to be extended. days behind closed
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doors, and this is no coincidence, they are proposing to send disabled people of the third group to the front, that is , people without a leg or an arm or without an eye, how cynically, one of the ukrainian military commissars said, they are still on the front line... for several days, besides , reservations will be removed from minor officials, draft dodgers will not be able to obtain documents, their bank accounts and cards will be blocked, and real estate transactions will be prohibited, ukrainians call all this a dictatorship of serfs right. you can no longer sell movable and immovable property; you no longer have the right to do so if you do not have a military id. the funniest thing is driving a vehicle. the police stop you, you don’t have a military id, you can’t drive a car, class, you will be denied...
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more and more wild initiatives are not being taken in kiev. so the former minister of economy of ukraine timofey milovanov proposes to introduce a shooting lottery. most of my readers write that the correct approach to mobilization is through a lottery or drawing lots. the state randomly selects a day and a month, those people who were born on these days are mobilized, others are not, and this happens with each wave of mobilization. and this is another copy of the usa. during the vietnam war , washington practiced this to give procedure. the appearance of justice did not help, it so happened that most of the americans who were then thrown to the front were from poor families, everything is like in ukraine, now, the children of officials have long been abroad, the greatest chances of survival are those in power with money. another scandal, ukrainian
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golden youth rocks the luxury resort in courchevel. social media is burning with anger. while their dads are working hard and passing bills that violate the constitution of ukraine, their children are very worried about what is coming. pour expensive swill into yourself, how can you then live next to them, some are left without arms or legs, others have fun, ukrainian servants of the people don’t even hide that for money you can do anything, as forbes reports, capable ukrainians will probably get a reservation from mobilization pay 6,000 hryvnia per month to the budget, but by summer tariffs may grow up sharply. the ukrainian armed forces have had a catastrophe with people for a long time, only stricks go into battle, western reporters write. according to military experts, the total losses of ukraine are hundreds of thousands.
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to moscow’s conditions, shvarskop emphasized. marya skorodilka, news. now at vdnkh, where as part of the russian exhibition, today is the day of the donetsk people's republic. we prepared, in particular, a flash mob, the launch of an interactive event, paintings of donbass, and the distribution of new year's gifts and fresh flowers. ekaterina shindina will talk about the development of the region. home restoration, road repairs and construction of new social facilities. with its entry into russia , the donetsk people's republic is developing, even in the face of constant shelling. in
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donbass they carefully preserve the memory and value the exploits of their ancestors who gave their lives during the great patriotic war for a peaceful sky. for a military region, it is important that the children living here know what they fought for. descendants, and therefore a significant place for the residents of the republic, destroyed after fierce battles , the saur-mogila memorial was restored in record time. in recent years, the region's industry has been increasing its performance. the makeevka metallurgical plant, at partial capacity , rolled more than 100,000 tons of tallow in just one month. this is the first such big figure for us, being in the yumc circuit. two camps. this year , a free economic zone was created in the republic, which gave a number of enterprises an impetus to scale up production and enter new markets. to ensure that our delicious donetsk products are tasted by residents throughout russia. first of all it is southern
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federal district, central black earth region. throughout the region , almost 1,200 km of highway sections have been restored this year, most of which have not seen repairs for years. our regional chefs provided great assistance to our specialists in this regard. in mariupol, which was under the occupation of militants for 8 years. large-scale restoration, in a year since the liberation more has been done than in decades, the production activities of eight enterprises have been resumed, with a total of 39 operating in the republic. donbass at heart russia was considered, and i am sure, will be considered again, it simply cannot be otherwise, volleys are thundering, and the economy is already being built, factories are working, enterprises are operating, the healthcare sector is developing, hospitals are being renovated. on behalf of the president , a prosthetic and orthopedic center is being restored and a perinatal center is being built. the fact that ukraine is destroying and
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russia is rebuilding is shown by the construction of a water pipeline from the don river, rostov region to the seversky donetsk-donbass canal. now the donetsk people's republic is a region with a developed rural economy, coal and metallurgical industries. a subject of russia with high performance in the fields of sports, culture, science education, nine working mines, millions of tons of raised black gold, strong-willed people, metallurgists, doctors, teachers, military men who fight the enemy on the battlefield and bring victory closer in the rear. ekaterina shindina, andrey rudenko, alexander uleschenko and oleg bondarenko, lead donetsk. more than 2.0 schoolchildren came to artek for the new year's shift this year. the guys celebrate both new year and christmas here, in the program includes hikes, concerts and kayaking
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, how they spend their time, yana shcherbaty will tell you about this: 200 boys and girls from all over russia, celebrating the twenty-fourth year on the black sea coast in artek , the new year's shift has opened. 21 days on the territory of childhood, the dream of many of them to raise, and where else will you be able to master maritime affairs in... winter in the artek , you can surf the sea on sailboats, schooners and kayaks, all year round, the impressions are off the charts, because after all, it’s winter here in such warm weather you can ride on such wonderful kayaks , i really enjoyed it, it’s an unforgettable experience of going out to sea, especially in january, in fact the technique itself is difficult, but still worth it: some study maritime art, others master culinary arts, we each every shift we conduct
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master classes, children learn about the cuisines of the peoples of the world, including russia. dozens of main courses and sweet desserts, of varying complexity , are prepared by artek residents. we will make a dessert called custard. and now i'm beating eggs with sugar. hiking in the mountains, dance and music concerts. in artek , every child will find something to do.
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the circle of good charitable foundation is turning 3 years old; it was created by presidential decree to help children with severe chronic and rare diseases. for more information about the activities of the foundation, a special report by daria gonieva, watch today after 10 am moscow time and further throughout the day. some details are now in our review. almost 23,500 children of their parents have already received help thanks to the presidential foundation circle of good. today's charity organization 3 years. the decree on its creation was signed by vladimir putin on january 5, 2021. since then, the foundation has been organizing treatment and rehabilitation for children. with severe and rare diseases. over the 3 years of work, the circle of goodness has allocated
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210 billion rubles for the purchase of expensive medicines. you can submit an application for the supply of the required drug through government services. the list of diseases for which the foundation’s specialists provide assistance is constantly expanding. now the list includes almost 90 and more than 100 medications that qualitatively change the lives of children. including the world's most expensive drugs for the treatment of spinal and muscular atrophy. the cost of one dose sometimes exceeds a hundred million rubles, an unaffordable sum for parents. the circle of kindness will help. the fund's budget is formed by an increased tax for those whose annual income exceeds 5. pizza 5 centuries of culinary history, how much dough to ferment, what the diameter should be, how to cut pizza, how to eat and what to wash it down with, when it comes to pizza, everything for italians sacred, about the history of the italian dish itself, see asya’s report emelyanova, this is italy, where the main dish of the country is in the colors of the national flag, green,
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white, red, bonjörno pizza. if you think you know about pizza, this is all a deep misconception, this is not some kind of triangle of dough with tomato and mozzarella - this is history, and the deeper it is, the fiercer the debate is about how to eat pizza, what diameter it should be, how much ferment the dough when it comes to pizza, for an italian everything is sacred, even the crusts, which i bet you don’t finish, pizza is an amazing dish, which cooks in 90 seconds and can be enjoyed in any company. a flatbread with filling was first called pizza in naples in the 15th century, each baker put whatever he wanted on top, a dish of poor fishermen, in 1522 tomatoes were brought to europe, and apparently this is the beginning of the history of italian pizza in
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nineapolis. this is a documentary about pizza, 1967. my colleague, journalist and writer. it comes with an egg, but it’s not called a margarita. its recipe has not changed for a century and a half, since pizza maker rafaeli ispositu, having decided to please the italian queen margherita of savoy, i didn’t think of scattering white, red and green colors on the dough , mozzarella, basil, tomato, we are in the neapolitan pizzeria rosso-pomadoro, meet davida civitiello, the world champion in pizza, he commands in this kitchen, do
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as i, fingers crossed, connect with others, let's start from the center. a mistake you shouldn't make, you shouldn't pull like this, you should lift your fingers, you shouldn't do this, but stretch to the sides, ok, yes, yes, show me, yes, repeat the step after me step by step, 1, 2, 3, then we turn it over again 1 2 3, the dough is the main thing, fresh yeast rises for 24 hours, rolling is already an art, now i will teach you one more trick,
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almost done, tomato, spoon and a little more, we begin to draw from the center to the sides, pizza for a neapolitan is a work of art, then on top is mozzarella de buffala made from buffalo milk, the main thing here is not to be greedy, but not to overdo it, this is pizza with mozzarella, not mozzarella with pizza, then the basil, a little before putting it into the oven to bake temperature, essential oils for aroma came out, then after for color, where are you going, don’t go, come here, well, it’s already clear, in this kitchen you are the director, come here, here, give me a shovel, take it with both hands, great, let’s go to the oven, neapolitan the pizza sits in the oven for exactly 90 seconds, the pizza oven does not give it rest, constantly turns it over so that all sides are browned
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equally, now it is ready in phases and most importantly in profile, how many centimeters? then nothing will fall just like a wallet , we bite the first bite the most delicious because in this part. the main derby of the country
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neapolitan pizza versus roman pizza, these are two worlds, two planets, two cultures, i bet that when ordering pizza, you didn’t even know what you ate, to feel the difference, let’s go to the number one pizzeria in rome according to gastrocritics’ prices, here it is 180 g and
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plays with the ingredients, that 's where it all started for him, pizza, chicken and peppers, with a question mark because there's chicken in there, but the bell peppers aren't what they seem, they're dried out watermelon, dots of sauce and yellow tomatoes, actually melon gazpatchu, mint tim, this pizza has a fresh, summery... taste for this dish is years of work, you are mistaken if you think that you can just as easily throw everything that is in the refrigerator on pizza, pizza does not like experiments, pizza is a ritual, laws, and it’s not just about the filling, how to eat, what wash down, so, blitz, 10 questions to the world champion in pizza from naples and the most famous pizza place from rome , everything you didn’t know about pizza, were embarrassed to ask, an italian eats pizza every day, as everyone thinks, you can eat pizza every day, this a complete meal of the mediterranean diet. i eat pizza every day. pizza for lunch or dinner. if you ate pizza for lunch, don't eat it for
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dinner. i like it for dinner. devices. did you bring them, or do they eat pizza with their hands? the tools are only needed to cut the pizza. but we eat with our hands. always with your hands. crusts, edges. are we eating or not? we eat the entire crust.
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started cooking, washing dishes, and pizza is quick and cheap, 40 euros for four, sunday, also because sunday is football, pizza and football are inseparable, an evening of pizza in the company of friends is also a familiar ritual for an italian, pizza in lunch happens, but this is completely different, altaglio pizza is sliced, it is cooked in an electric oven by the meter, then cut, this is the fastest lunch, it is bought on the run during the lunch break or for children to eat at school during a long break.
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live and the pizza is ready in 3 minutes, the wait is brightened up by light neapolitan music, it’s ready, here it is on a cardboard tray, it looks like everything is there, but i would add basil, i wouldn’t try it, but this is not the worst crime against pizza , what they do with it all over the world, they wash it down with cappuccino, smear it on melted...
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my first question is why? i thought that whoever came up with this probably thought like this: margarita is delicious, ice cream is delicious, well, it’s not difficult to add 2 + 2, here is the result: i don’t know what to say, just look at the faces of these two , but from the look of the pizza everything is clear. the italians can afford it, criticize it, they invented pizza, they are world champions, winners of the guinness book of records, pizza 2 km long, the record was broken 2 years ago, in the homeland of pizza in naples, rolled out by hand, baked in wood-burning ovens, naples was not ready for less, 1 km, 853 and 88 cm, an absolute record, and it was delicious, this is not everything you need
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to know about pizza, but it is already enough to make the right order. pizza is tradition, love and quality. those who call it fast food simply have not tried real italian pizza. russia is a country of which we are proud. we. proud to bring light and warmth around the world, we look forward with pride, forging new paths in the oceans and defying gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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let's start with the consequences of the night attack on the ssu in belgorod; according to the mayor's office, it was damaged. today belgorod was again attacked by militants of the kiev regime in various areas of the city , it was very loud. according to the ministry of defense, the enemy launched 10 alha missiles with cluster munitions. all missiles were destroyed by means.


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