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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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the long-awaited warming begins on the russian plain, or more precisely, the redistribution of frosts, where will the main focus of the cold from the european part of the country go, how much will the temperature rise by the end of the week, should we expect thaws in the central regions? time for meteorological news on channel russia 24, i’m alina katilevskaya, leading specialist at the phobos center. hello, the long-awaited warming is beginning in the european part of the country. greetings from the cold policy of the moscow region, the klinsky district has warmed up to -28. let's celebrate dubak with a challenge. the footage was filmed on thursday. so far this winter it has never been so cold in the moscow region. in klin the air cooled to -32, only 1. not enough to reach the record in kolomna. in moscow itself, from -25 in the center to -27.7 in tushino. and against the backdrop of such temperatures
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, a major utility accident occurred. due to a fire at an electrical substation , several dozen houses were left without heat, water and power supplies. the consequences of the emergency were eliminated during the day, but for some time residents of three districts of the metropolis had to freeze. in the apartment temperature is 15, that is, very chilly cold. there were no records in moscow. but in st. petersburg , meteorological statistics were rewritten. thermometers showed -25.3. this is a new daily low. and judging. according to a video from the northern capital , double-glazed windows in houses froze, but on the streets those who loved to shoot themselves felt great. there are also a lot of such shots on the internet. vologada was also a real paradise for margins on thursday. here, too, the temperature turned out to be a record -39.4, and in some places the thermometer readings in the region dropped below marks -40°. it is worth noting that frosts did not reign everywhere on the russian plain. the south of the country was outside the arctic invasion zone. in rostov nadon, for example, during the day.
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the air warmed up to +7°, however, in winter such weather is no better than cold weather, it is also dangerous in its own way, the city was covered in dense fog, visibility at the weather station of the local airport decreased to 300 m. the day before, the cold on the russian plain reached its peak, but it is already beginning to weaken, warming will break through from the west and compared to thursday, today the border twenty-degree frosts will shift 300 km to the east, above this mark the temperature will rise, for example, in the central regions. true, at the same time the cold will begin to take over the volga region and the urals. all this is a consequence of the influence of cyclones, one of which will direct the flow of atlantic heat from europe to european russia, and the other, going to siberia on the contrary, will shift the main direction of the arctic invasion to the east of the region. as a result, by the beginning of next week , temperatures in the western half of the russian plain will approach normal climatic indicators, in the north-west they will even exceed them; frosts will move to the volga region, the urals and the urals.
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the temperature regime will be more than 10° colder than normal in orenburg, for example, today -7, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow it will snow -1-4, but from monday a stream of arctic air will flow here and even during the day it will not be higher than -18- 19°. gradually the cold will reach the lake region, in rostov the thaw will last until the end of the week , fogs are not ruled out again, but from monday an intense cold snap will begin, the temperature will go to minus, well, from tuesday frosts will hit -7°, this is the lowest level since the beginning of winter. in moscow, on the contrary, it will become warmer; today it is -18 in the capital, and tomorrow it will be -15 below zero. on sunday the temperature will swing slightly towards the cold, but with the arrival of the new week the warming will gain momentum. on monday in the capital the forecast is -16, and on tuesday the maximum temperature could be -7, which is only a few degrees below the long-term average. that's all for me, goodbye.
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the program began to operate in russia long-term savings, it helps to accumulate a significant increase in pension. how exactly everything works, what kind of money we are talking about and how to join the program. we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. the essence of the long-term savings program is that a citizen contributes money to a non-state pension fund, and the state adds its own to it. npf invests all this and ensures the safety of savings and income. what is the
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long-term savings program or lsp as we call it? and this is a new savings product aimed at the long term. its essence is that with stimulating. with state support , citizens will be able to generate additional financial resources, which they subsequently direct to the implementation of long-term goals. everyone’s goals may, of course, be different, but we prioritize for ourselves, probably, buying a home, paying for children’s education, and, of course, additional retirement income. and here, what is also important to note, the formed long-term savings are insured by the state in the amount of 2.8 million rubles, which taking into account the long term. such savings are twice the maximum amount of insurance for bank deposits. and how much can you get from the state? the maximum amount of co-financing per year is 36,000 rubles. the state will support program participants only for the first 3 years. this means that a total of
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108,000 can be added to your investment. let's look at co-financing formulas. there are three of them in total. the first is one to one. this is when for every ruble invested in... savings, another ruble is received from the state, while a person’s income is not must exceed 80,000 rubles per month. the maximum additional payment of 36,000 per year can be obtained if you invest the same amount, that is, 3,000 rubles each. per month. second formula: one to two. for a ruble investment you will get 50 kopecks on top. it will be applied to people with incomes from 80 to 150 thousand rubles. to get the maximum from the state, they will have to invest at least six. from the state for every ruble from a participant in the program, it will co-finance the savings of citizens who receive more than 150 thousand per month, to receive 36 thousand from the state,
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they will need 1200 rubles per month, in addition to incentive support from the state in the annual amount of 36 thousand rubles, each. a tax deduction in the amount of 52,000 rubles per year will also be available for receipt , for this it is necessary to contribute at least 400,000 rubles per year to the long-term savings program, so it turns out that by sending 400,000 rubles per year in the form of contributions to the program, each citizen will be able to receive deductible another 52,000. when can you start using it with your long-term savings, receive monthly?
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the list of types of such treatment has already been approved by the government, also a special life situation includes the loss of a program participant who...
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in the same npf, just submit an application for the transfer of funds from a pension account through your personal account on the fund’s website, to its branch or at government services. the money will be transferred to the program the following year after submitting the application. if the savings are in another npf or in the sfr, first transfer them to the fund with which you entered into a long-term savings agreement. an application to change the fund can be submitted through government services, a website or a social fund branch. please note that after translation into...
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ask, and we will talk with experts and will definitely tell you about this in one of the next editions of the instructions.
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there was no control, the plane did not obey, i made a decision to eject, the only thing the assault had time to say was, but we are ejecting. dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the author’s program besagon tv. we are in one of the most soviet countries on the african continent, we are in the republic of congo. siberian federal university is 22 specialized institutes, six research and educational centers, three branches and about a hundred laboratories; it is the largest research and educational center in the region, a real city. in the city, which is based in the very heart of the krasnoyarsk territory. siberian federal university is the first of ten
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federal universities created in the country. almost 19.00 people study here only full-time. we are a multidisciplinary university, there are about 500 educational programs in our university is being implemented. siberian federal university organizes truly unique expeditions together with researchers of siberian cuisine; students went to the north of the krasnoyarsk territory, recorded recipes of indigenous peoples, and learned authentic technologies for preparing local dishes. collected recipes from... today, the institute of gastronomy is
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the only higher education for chefs in russia, it is an opportunity to receive two diplomas, an international diploma and a diploma from the siberian federal university. acting chefs teach here, under their led by a group of students, for example, learning how to work on french desserts. the most difficult thing is to comply with the grammar. if the recipe card says 123 g, you need to put it in. otherwise the proportions of the main ingredients will change, the texture will not be the same, the taste will not be the one the author intended, so it is better to keep everything perfect. the technical base meets all the requirements.
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and fine-tuning the temperature, automated watering, all this allows us at various stages of crop growth select optimal ranges of light, temperatures, and fertilizer concentrations. using the farm’s capabilities, students collect data for their scientific work, which will make it possible in the future to grow vegetables with better taste directly in the region, without resorting to purchasing from abroad. all the starts that we researched were imported, i think that in general we will work on growing our own tomatoes on our farm. at the gastropark site, students can implement their business projects. it could be development of recipes and functional nutrition, this could be it projects for industry and hospitality, it could be
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biotechnology in food culture, well , that is, these... studies, they are the basis for youth entrepreneurship, for those startups that can launch now at the university, at the project site. implement ideas using the university’s powerful infrastructure, for example, opening fast food outlets and coffee shops on campus. we actually have one of the largest campuses in the country, it is in it is included in the top five, and if we talk about... the housing complex, then we generally occupy first place in the country, we have 35,000 km of hostels in total. the university provides ample opportunities for students who want to engage in science. konstantin kistersky joined the research group in his third year. now the young scientist's colleagues call him the bone who prints bones. he
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is developing implants that can speed up the recovery process. we use material that is replaced by bone tissue. tissue grows at the fracture site, such the implant acts as a frame; its technology reduces not only the rehabilitation period, but also the operation time; the products are made on the basis of computed tomography images, which means the surgeon needs less time to fit the sample. completely russian, starting from the polymer that is produced in a local laboratory, ending with a 3d printer created in krasnoyarsk, which the university purchased specifically for konstantin’s project when he was still a student. it is very important when a university gives such an opportunity, even to a student who is still does not have any scientific awards, yes, but simply trying your hypothesis is quite possible to discover something new. the institute of oil and gas
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of the far eastern federal university trains specialists primarily for one of the largest russian oil companies. we are developing comprehensively, both including research and educational programs. in total, we have 12 departments at the institute, each department is aimed at ensuring that the program and those graduates who graduate from our walls are in demand. in demand scientific developments of the institute, and the direction. on it we produce biofuel from rapeseed oil, a raw material tank, from which the rapeseed oil is pumped into a preheater mixer with gases, then there is a reactor block, a high-temperature reactor, a cooling and separation unit for products, that is, the separation of gaseous and
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liquid, and directly the output of the liquid the product of our biofuel task. a separate group of researchers, including ben ahmet hedi, is working on improving the quality of biofuels. russian citizenship for a young scientist received a few years after moving to siberia from tunisia. i like living in krasnoyassk because it is a calm and quiet place, when we can work and do something slowly, take our time. he works at the institute on new nanocatalysts. its development, for example, will help significantly reduce the cost of the process. modern equipment that allows you to conduct a wide range of studies. for a scientist this is very important , first of all, the team here is also good, the teachers, they always meet halfway,
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among the teachers there are scientists and specialists who have worked in the fields for years, share their experience and knowledge with students, in which they are helped by modern simulators, this is an exact copy of a driller’s cabin, you pull the joystick yourself, carefully take your time, yeah. the pipe will jump, this candle will jump, on the drilling rig it also jumps like that. the institute has not only a serious scientific, but also a training base, thanks to significant financial support from the partner company. we solve problems of industries that are developing in the territory, we have built with them long-term programs of interaction on issues of providing personnel to their enterprises. on various scientific questions that they pose to us today.
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resource center of the polytechnic institute, here are presented those samples of equipment that most have. not only equipment that is actively working in russian production facilities, but also promising samples that will appear at enterprises in the near future. this is a special industrial robot, it is
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designed for welding work. students specializing in mechatronics and robotics study all the capabilities of this manipulator. this robot is one of the most modern models, experience with it will allow me to be a sought-after specialist in the future, with a good salary. of course, definitely. this is a very good opportunity, i was honestly very pleased when a similar robot appeared at our polytechnic; students, according to the head of the institute, are actively invited by future employers for practical training. the student has an incentive work at enterprises where he would like to go, and it makes sense for the enterprise to take our students, because they are already prepared in advance for the work that is performed directly at the enterprises. krasnoyarsk. the most powerful industrial region of russia, industrial development is closely related to issues of environmental conservation. experts from the first climate research and educational center yenisei siberia, created on the basis of siberian federal university, are working in this area.
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that's all there is to measuring flows carbon and its storage, these are issues related to economic models of carbon transactions, and of course what allows for reduction of impact. the technical equipment of the university allows
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scientists not only to predict the distribution of harmful emissions in the atmosphere, but also to simulate wind flows. in this wind tunnel, researchers can simulate a real storm with gusts of up to 30 m/s. there are no more such stands in the krasnoyarsk territory, in addition, despite the fact that there are enough of them. large-scale already aerodynamic pipe, it is also quite well equipped with measuring equipment, that is, for visualizing flows, for studying velocity fields, and much more. at the stand they conduct experiments that, for example, will help in the construction of residential buildings; these transparent cubes imitate buildings. models of houses positioned on a conventional map, that is , this is a photo from space, placing this model directly in the aerodynamic. pipe , we can get data that will show us in which zones we are forming high wind loads, in which places do we have stagnant zones?
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data... will make it possible to locate parking lots in ventilated areas to prevent the accumulation of exhaust gases, or to position the building so as to avoid snow drifts in the courtyards, the formation of urban space begins with such research, the scientific activities of the siberian federal university extend to the entire macroregion , today siberian federal university is among the most powerful drivers of development in siberia, which attracts students from all over russia, we want to in the thirtieth year we had 4,000 students, we want the annual volume of neo-research to be 2 billion, now it is around 700 million rubles, we want the volume of extra-budgetary income to also double, now it is about two billion, we want there to be four or even more, in a word, by almost 1930 we want to double or triple our indicators in all areas.
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activities. siberian federal university is one of the fastest growing universities in the country, its graduates... are in maximum demand industrial enterprises, this is exactly the case when students are offered jobs even before they complete their studies.
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the dprk army fired about 200 artillery shells towards two border islands of south korea, the ryonhap agency reports. at
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the request of the military, a heavy strategic bomber b-1 lancer crashed in the united states; according to american media, the plane crashed while landing in the vicinity of ellsworth air force base in south dakota. all four crew members managed to eject and did not received serious injuries. a still image from a surveillance camera is published on social networks, which allegedly recorded the moment of the crash. b1 is a supersonic bomber. the first such aircraft.


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