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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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on charges of trafficking in minors, and on august 10, 2019, he was found dead in his cell, and for some strange circumstance, the video cameras were not working at that time, there was no security, no one saw anything, it just happened somehow it happened, it just happened, it happened exactly on the eve of when he was supposed to testify in court, and... who was on epstein's list of those who visited his island in the caribbean? very interesting list. for example, this is the president of bard college leon batstein, chief justice of the supreme court, john roberts, google co-founder sergey brin, cia director william burns, professor noam chomsky, director woody allen, billionaire and philanthropist -
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imagine the president of the united states posing... for an artist in a woman's dress with shoes in heels, well, in general, like something in this, and the same thing is happening around barack obama, look, he drowned in a pond 2.5 m deep, on the obama estate, his personal chef who worked with him throughout his presidency, despite the fact that he was a semi-professional rower and an excellent swimmer, in the same way, the director of the hawaii state department of health, retty fuddy, who certified
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the certificate that obama was born in hawaii and not in kenya, died mysteriously in the same way, because there were rumors that obama was actually born in kenya , therefore, had no right to be the president of the united states of america, but in the end it turns out that obama also has something to hide, remember the very recent scandalous interview that... the famous tucker carlson took from a certain larry sinclair. remember this information? then i gave obama $250 to buy cox, when he came back i made a track on the cd box to make it easier to snort. did all this happen in a limousine? yes, right on the move, or are you parked? no, we continued driving. so, i'm making a new track. well, so you understand, approximately where? his thigh to
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let me know what i wanted from him and to see his reaction, and i was not mistaken, he understood me, that’s when everything happened for us, so we had a fun night in the limousine with drugs and sex, so you are stroking his leg, to be honest, as a man who is not turned on by gay sex, if they started doing this to me, i would say, hey, chill out buddy, believe me, i have... cases when i misunderstood the guys, once they almost broke my arm, but then it didn’t seem too much like he was far from such entertainment, my actions didn’t shock him, if he had been in shock, he wouldn’t have gotten excited, he wouldn’t have unbuttoned pants and wouldn't let us have sex with him, so this was definitely not the first time for barack, of this i am absolutely sure, despite the fact that rumors that obama is a person of an unusual orientation... have been circulating for a long time, because he
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was still in college. oobama wrote to his girlfriend that he makes love to men every day, but in his imagination. look, i don't really care who lives with whom. i ’m talking about something else, i’m talking about the fact that in all this there is always some kind of human flaw, i’m talking about who gets power over people, over the world, over war, you ask, why did we start with gesen? yes very simple, this is a small example of a lobby existing in its circle. where hand washes hand, as a result it turns into a world problem, a world lobby, a world globalist lobby, where hand washes hand, where they don’t want to notice the truth, where any lie
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and untruth with extraordinary ease, for millions of people, for tens of millions of people, for billions ... so that he would not be able to tell what actually happened there with the most powerful of this world, so then to demand from students, even ours, look, this is initiation into students of the moscow state university of management, these are future
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became a history teacher, in 1990 he graduated from graduate school at the leningrad state pedagogical institute named after hertsin, defended his candidate's thesis, then his doctorate, in 1997 and 1998 he went to the usa to study as a fulbright scholar , where he was on an internship at the university, and the program was this. .. the largest program funded by the us state department, on august 29, 2023 , mr. garbuzov writes an article in an independent newspaper called: russia needs knowledge, not
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myths, for self-knowledge. i do not want and will not evaluate the quality of literature, this is not my business, the matter here is completely different. listen, today there is a wave of anti-western sentiment. in the atmosphere of pseudo-patriotic madness that has gripped the regularly listening to old songs about the main population of russia, which with amazing ease naively mindlessly perceives the theses of total state propaganda, new myths are created, and together with them ... a modern utopian consciousness, then he writes about the aggressive foreign policy activity that has not left russia throughout its historical development, and about the united states of america,
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he writes this way: they still retain their attractiveness, as evidenced by the inexhaustible flows of emigrants.
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but because it was canceled due to the incorrect treatment of people of color by calling them negroes. this is the culture of a country that cancels its own one of the few great writers in favor of a trend. or maybe mr. karbuzov means hollywood or the most vulgar the concept of american dream, childfree ideology, sexual revolution, racism, blm. hip-hop, feminism, lgbt or mitu movement?
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but i have a question, the historian garbuzov has never heard, and if he had heard him think, this wonderful, amazing, absolutely thought that charles dickens, a brilliant english writer, expressed 150 years ago, having visited the united states, the mission of america has become vulgar. universe, that is, already 150 years ago, an insightful, brilliant writer already predicted how it would develop, what will this lead to, that’s interesting, that’s why an institute was created in the ussr at the russian academy of sciences, an institute in the usa and canada, for what, well, probably, in order to understand, study, disassemble,
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feel all the undercurrents, trends , possible further movements, how the past is connected with the present, what to expect, what to fear, how certain this task should have been, probably stood when the institution of america arose. and canada, and not in order to leak oneself to them, and this is an accident, this is stupidity, this is naivety, through oversight, why? for 18 years , a russian historian, a candidate, has been heading this organization, 18 years, he was different, he became like that, i think, no. and this is what no one saw, no one knew, did not understand, he
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was a loner, well, well, apparently, the article in an independent newspaper was like the last straw, justice triumphed, the public was outraged, and the director of the institute, mr. garbuzov, was forced to leave his post , which he held for 18 years, but i’m interested in the question, what about those? those who worked with him there put him in this place, who, apparently, shared his point of view, they remained, because a huge number of that very non-sovereign elite who sacrificed their people, they cannot guarantee us that the next one or through one or two, at their suggestion, of this institution there will be the same person, who also thinks, who also preaches, who considers
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american culture great, being a russian historian, i want to quote the wonderful words of lev tikhomirov, in his youth he, of course, was a revolutionary, as he grew up became a monarchist, this is what he said: our advanced educated person is capable of loving only russia. a future where there is no trace of the russian left, it’s brilliant, this is brilliant, for sure, and i find the simplest confirmation of this, look.
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with us, dislike for anything turns into dislike for one’s country, for one’s homeland, for russia, up, so to speak, the evidence is a phrase from lermuntov , goodbye unwashed russia, which all enemies have learned with pleasure, but how lermontov loved russia, only in this way, loving her, he could write these strictly because he is not a dissident.
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education legislation does not change, what do i mean by liberalism? not all schools are public, there is no compulsory education in the sense that, like in germany, all children must go to school, family homeschooling is allowed, look at your school carefully, again, due to the great diversity of our russia, a lot depends on the director , if your director is an enthusiast, then your situation is bad; if your director is fundamentally anthropomorphic, what is your situation?
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amazing incident, she lives in germany and she says that this doesn’t work in germany, it’s strict there, in russia yes, it’s easy, why? precisely because this very non-sovereign elite allows this to be done, i want to read you the letter that we received.
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our country, i don’t know how to explain to these guys why the one who questions what they risk their lives for every day is entertaining them on the screen today for public money, who will explain to me what to tell them? i think, dear doctor, we today we partially tried to talk about this topic and answer these questions, and probably we can find...
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this is our duty, in principle, to you, to the audience, to raise and discuss the questions that you pose. we checked, indeed, a new season has been released on the ntv channel, the popular show “you’re super,” where the jury includes people’s artist of ukraine, singer anya lor. a year and a half ago, anya lura wrote these passionate texts on her page: my beloved brothers. sisters, there is a war going on in ukraine, a murderous war, destructive, civilians die every day , and the worst thing is children, i am ukrainian, i am a mother, my loved ones.
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actions on her social networks, she posted several posts in support of ukraine about the beginning of active combat. currently, anya lord takes an active
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part in charitable fundraising for children who suffered during the svo period, and also provides financial assistance to the state budgetary institution, the shakhtyorsky orphanage, for the disabled, the dpr, and so on. for loyalty, not lorks. pledged to replace the director administration of the president of the russian federation, press secretary of the president of the russian federation, dmitry sergeevich peskov. can i not believe the official answer on this matter from serious people from the presidential office, of course i can’t, of course i believe, this is a document, but i have a question, i asked this question, they answered it to the people who write to us: who will answer them? i, well, yes, i can answer now, i’m already answering, i’m doing it, but it’s important here that not only the presidential administration
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knows about how this or that artist behaved because they are speaking not in front of the presidential administration, but in front of people who pay money for their speech, and these people want to know what they really think. otherwise it turns out that the declaration, so to speak, is a condemnation , sincere, passionate and so on, it is public and loud, and so to speak, everything else, sorry, under the covers, it’s quiet there, forgive god, we won’t do it anymore, come on , come on, go there, go there, that’s it, and let’s go to crocus network, but that’s true, but respect, it only makes sense in...
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it’s interesting, these are the letters that we received from our viewers, from the doctor, there, from just viewers, is this a denunciation or not, in my opinion, this is a very sincere attempt by people to get answers to questions that concern them, really concern them, because that living in... uncertainty about how to relate to something is very difficult, this is a sincere desire to figure it out, but denunciation is completely different, and i will now
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give you an example of what denunciation is, there is such an actor anatoly bely, he worked in vamkhata , was popular, starred in many series, the audience knew him, loved him, he very sharply condemned the military operation, he said that he was... ashamed, he said that he despises all those who support what happened, and slamming the door, left our country, left to israel, this man , in my opinion, committed two betrayals: first, he betrayed his homeland, which gave him everything, education, profession, fame, money, the opportunity to live comfortably, i realized that i don’t want to live here,
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not bad one would think that 8 years before this moment the russian people in the east ukraine was bombed, shot, killed, tormented, tortured and so on. you didn’t see this, you were earning money, playing in the theater, and were doing just fine. the second betrayal , in my opinion, is a betrayal of its own kind, because in order, as we see, for mr. bely to achieve... great results in our country, he abandoned his real surname, the surname of his relatives, parents , grandfathers, great-grandmothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, the surname weissman, he became white, and so, just recently on a tour to israel he was supposed to go to the lenkom theater, a wonderful performance staged back in 1989 by mark zakharov, a jew, by the way, based on
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the stories of the famous jewish writer sholomaleihom tevye molochnik, a performance of a memorial prayer, pelzer also played there, sasha abdulov and leonov played there, the performance was restored , now the main role is played by a wonderful artist, with whom i really love and am happy to work, seryozha stepanchenko, this is a play about a jewish town, about pogroms, about the very difficult fate of a jewish family, so so, anatoly vaisman writes a denunciation, which sounds like this: they want to bring the linkom theater on tour to play the play funeral prayer, read speculation on the jewish theme, the stage of the gobima theater, blasphemy. dear israelis, with experience, can you explain to me what this is? the producers decided for themselves that money does not smell like blood
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. and most importantly, how to make sure that this shame does not take place, i am waiting for constructive answers and appropriate actions, after that all sorts of threats were sent to the artists, and the tour had to be canceled, as you do you think why, why did anatoly vaisman do this, why did he do everything to create a wonderful performance?
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a man who betrayed both his homeland and his family, instead of helping his today’s compatriots watch high art, mr. weissman does everything to prevent this from happening, because the greatest sin, envy and fear lives in him.


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