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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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knows that when this performance comes to israel and will enjoy a gigantic resounding success, the level of weissmann himself will be below the plinth, because what he abandoned, what he rejected from himself, will come to israel and prove that this is the great russian culture of the highest class. who is unworthy, a man who betrayed both his homeland and his family, instead of helping his today’s compatriots watch high art, mr. weissman does everything to prevent this from happening, because the greatest sin lives in him, envy and fear. that they will see who you
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really are, having lost everything in russia, mr. vaisman does not want the israeli viewer to see what he really lost, isn’t vaisman’s betrayal of his people similar to the betrayal of another person of his people, who holds the post of president of ukraine , who in the same way... betrayed his grandfather, who fought against nazism, who had no hesitation, betrayed his benefactor and also a jew, who made him, made him both an artist and a president, calmly, just like that with a click, handed him over arrest, to please another owner, although quite recently i congratulated him on his birthday in this way, dear igor valerievich, with great pleasure, to be honest, we congratulate you.
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because this is actually the essence of the ukrainian people, that is, the jew kolomoisky is being punished for the goodness of the ukrainian people, is that normal? and i want to ask a question, in connection with all this, with the lenkom theater, with the cancellation of tours, with corruption, with the arrest of kolomoisky, with vaisman’s denunciation, the jewish people experienced one of the most tragic stories of peoples. oppressed, persecuted, the quintessence of what happened to the jewish people, this is the ghetto , this is fascism, these are the nazis, this is bullying, executions, burning in ovens, pulling out gold teeth, living as bastards from the cats of jews, here you are, who survived all this, who after that found the strength to become a country, who found the strength to find... to continue
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to look for those who are to blame for your torment, for what they did to you, no matter how they changed passports, continents, histories, biographies, how if... they didn’t have plastic surgery, you could find adolf eichmann and herbert cukurs punished. do you continue to look for those who are to blame for the torment of your people? how can you today dance hawa nagila together with the azov people, covered in tattoos with hitler slogans and swastikas? how can you communicate with... people whose slogan is the words of tiknebok from their party declaration, remember? the damned jewish community does not pay attention to this, it is the zionist community that strives for the ukrainians to disappear
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forever. ukraine has hostages, jews. if the globalization community leads its troops, then a real holocaust will begin in ukraine. for jews. how can you kiss the chevron of a soldier of the azov regiment, as one of the hasidim did in uman, despite the fact that this azov soldier at that very time is decorated with a nazi symbol, a wolf hook, which served as the emblem of the nsdap. and how can you, according to the cowardly, dependent denunciation of a certain white weisman, deny yourself the pleasure. enjoy a wonderful performance based on a wonderful work yours, the wonderful writer shalom aleichom, don’t you see how two things are combined, when some are ashamed of being russian, while
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others are afraid of being jews, how both are combined in one word? betrayal , and you look how one thing is replaced by another, look how unexpectedly the best quality of the people is called corruption, and a vile vulgar denunciation turns into a sincere, very hard-won feeling of justice and the desire for this justice to prevail, you look how... the naughtiness of what is happening , how is it turns over, listen to what my weakness says, this is the white-skinned witch ursulla fonderlein. listen to an excerpt from her speech. you invited us to your
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homeland, to the city of jeroshima, the place where your roots come from, the place that, in many ways, determined your entire life and career.
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there is no other word, just this little word again makes it possible for millions of semi-literate people who do not know history and are not interested in people to understand that the first time, too, this bomb was dropped by russia, the soviet union, and not a word about the united states, and not a word about... the pilot paul tibets, who on august 6, 1945 unfastened the atomic bomb, the baby from the belly of his plane, not a word, this is what our president today calls
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an empire of lies, global lies, and this lie works, from the most naive to the most ... people who very carefully watch how fashion develops, they see those suits and those clothes that no one will ever see either in the subway, or in a trolleybus, or even in a taxi, they evaluate it, they talk, everyone has their own opinion, it is scientific in nature, they don’t even they understand that being in this state , of self-awareness, of actual significance, they can be just like that...
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there, in all fashion, there is a security guard who realized that this was a mess, just jumped out onto this podium, tied up this poor guy, and if this only concerned fashion, but this applies to all aspects of our lives, just life, this concerns war, peace, natural disasters, famine, revolution and so on and so forth, our sworn friend, a brilliant man, once said: “the difference between the state activist from politician is that politics
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the next election is oriented, and the statesman is the next generation. and this trouble, it fools people once or twice. zelensky is declared the man of the year , the most influential politician in the world, his photographs are printed on the covers of the most famous and best-selling magazines, and he is convinced that... that this is so, although in fact he could find himself at any second, he cannot even imagine where. they did the same with gorbachev, when he became a man of peace, when he received the nobel prize, he broke the berlin wall, betraying, simply throwing to tear to pieces the entire eastern camp in which we were, for the sake of our own sense of meaning. and in the same way, the first person in the world with one click turns out to be an advertiser
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for pitsikhan, look, it’s gorbachev. gorbachev, it’s because of him that we have it. the economy is a mess, but thanks to him we have new opportunities, it is because of him that we have political instability, and thanks to him we have freedom, complete chaos, prospects, political instability, and thanks to him, we have a pisad, for gorbachev, for gorbachev, for gorbachev, for gorbachev.
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today we talked a lot about the fake , but i want to show you the real one, this guy, this is a russian guy, alexey, look, he was evacuating the wounded, a grenade was thrown from a drone, he was the only one with a bulletproof vest, he covered the guys with himself, the grenade exploded . well, he survived, but his legs were badly injured, there was only one tourniquet , which he was able to bandage, he lost consciousness, a guy from a neighboring unit found him, he dragged him almost 5 km to the hospital , he asked him only one thing, that he said, so that he does not fall asleep, so that he does not lose consciousness, alexey said, he read his poems, our soldiers cannot be broken or hit, autumn, summer, spring, the successful one will say here, decide where our eagle is, there is our nut, where are yours money, our exploits, victories
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, billions will not help us gain the status of a legend, you cannot buy history and world recognition, the yellow-blue rag, the russian red flag will not replace, we believe in ourselves, everything is going great in our country, and the yellow-blue color, i always prefer red, we raise our the banner is higher and higher, to see our victory, you don’t need to rise on the roof, but... over god, we simply rise above god, and no matter what happens, we always win, we will not die, because we never die, if that it will go wrong if it hurts us, because it runs in our wines. blood is red, our credo is unconditional, always victory, no one has yet been able to outwit a bullet, brother, but this does not mean that we cannot, because you and i are together, we are warriors of fortune, we destroy, we destroy all enemies, hundreds of years ahead, because no one has victories like ours, he read his poems to stay alive, and he survived thanks
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to the truth, the truth of how his comrade acted, the poems he wrote. i understand that for some this is as indifferent as 8 years of bombing of donbass, but the truth will force itself to pay attention. and, until mishman krivorochka comes, i want to remember one wonderful episode from the wonderful film of boris barnet, the feat of a scout, where he played a scout. amazing pavel kadochnik, let's remember this episode, for the victory,
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for our victory. and while the military operation is going on, until midshipman krivorochka arrives, i want to repeat the words of pavel petrovich kadochnikov, and invite you to drink to the victory for our victory.
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now economic news: maria, the world economy is trying to return gdp growth to the level of 3%, the un announced this. what dynamics are you expecting this year? daria + 2.4%. i will continue this topic a little later, but for now i’ll start with russian indicators. they admitted that the russian economy is growing, but the assessment differs from moscow’s calculations, the organization united. nations says the country's gdp increased by 2.7% last year. vladimir putin previously spoke of growth of 3.5%. as for world gdp, according to un estimates, last year it turned out to be higher than forecast, but will decline at the current rate. global economic growth for 2023 is about
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2.7%, this is higher than the 2.3 that was assumed in... in general, the world is trying to return to the average of 3% per year. the russian government has expanded the five-year road construction plan, it provides for the implementation of 380 measures, the total amount of funding projects will exceed 14 trillion rubles. of this , less than half comes from the federal budget, the rest from extra-budgetary sources and regional road funds. sales of new passenger cars in russia grew last year by more than one and a half times and exceeded a million units. such data was published by menpromtork. if we talk about all segments, including buses, it turns out to be over 1,300,000. as for specific models, the lada granta is the leader among passenger cars. in light commercial vehicles gozel next, in the truck segment chinese
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sitraction 7h, but the first place among buses is occupied by bass vector. the market volume of new electric vehicles is almost 15,000 units, over the year it has grown fourfold, while every fifth car was assembled within the country, as a result, the share of domestic electric cars has approximately doubled. turkey is ready to supply chicken eggs to russia in the required volume, this was reported by the turkish union of egg producers. the first batch of more than 300,000 pieces was delivered to our market on wednesday. i cannot tell you the exact volumes of our deliveries. name, because it depends on the needs. deliveries were agreed upon for 6 months in the volume desired by the receiving party. we are ready to meet your needs in the desired volume. foreign products actively entered russia after the government introduced zero duties; they will be in effect for six months until june 30, but the volume is limited - one billion 200 million eggs. this
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will increase supply on the domestic market and stabilize prices. it was precisely because of rising prices that imports had to be stimulated. over the past year they have grown one and a half times. 20 enterprises have already become participants in the free economic zone in the donetsk people's republic. the planned volume and investments are more than 8 billion rubles. another 165 companies are still considering this possibility, the head of the region, denis pushilin, announced. the russian subsidiary belarus neft plans to build its own gas processing complex this year. this was announced by the general director of the company , alexander lyakhov. also, one of the main tasks is to increase hydrocarbon production in russia. in the future she should to equal or even exceed production volumes in belarus. taking into account the capabilities of not only yangpur, taking into account the fact that the russian federation as a whole has extensive hydrocarbon reserves, we plan
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to participate in competitions and auctions for licensed areas, and thus grow year by year with oil and gas production in yamal, at least least. the most important project of the twenty-fourth year at the yangpur company will be the construction of its own. gas processing complex, which in the future will allow loading additional gaseous raw materials from the belarusian gas processing plant, which is part of the belarusneft company. china vs. brandy from europe the ministry of commerce announced the launch of an investigation into a complaint from the chinese wine association. suppliers of european alcohol are suspected of dumping, that is, aggressively reducing prices in order to force competitors out of the market. we are talking about a brand that is imported into the republic in containers of less than 200 liters. the evidence provided by the association was sufficient to begin an inspection; it will take from a year to
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one and a half years, at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate today is the dollar 89 rubles 68 kopecks. euro 99.19 that's all i have for now. i think my grandfather is hiding something, vanity! fireworks, turn on the new year's light, lights the lights, a magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he knows how to do magic. snowman courier. it has been proven that my grandfather is father
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frost. on new year's eve , everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts, for those around them. happy new year, wizards. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try. real ice cream, russian cold. great, incredible taste. if they ask me to go to the store, i change from my beloved dasha and turn into daria bigailova. well, unlike my dad. he loves this business. megamarket, new year's sale. oh, peas for olivier, i ordered it. winter freshness or double strength? squirrel or crocodile? and dad also comes often. thank you, paying benefits are up to 95%, that’s what you need, after that it’s loved again for a long time, until you get hungry, mm, couscous, megamarket,
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it’s profitable to bring joy in the new year, the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable, receive a supercake every month. and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. but with bref there is an easier way. bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket.
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pay for purchases with any credit card from bera. an apartment in moscow can be yours. the credit card is the best in the country. how did the republic of congo become the most soviet?
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country of africa, how many kongali ministers know russian, about this and more, see anna afanasyeva’s report in a few minutes. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections? today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote, choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why? there are so many cameras here, observation of the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, it will record an instant of this case, observation, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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who tempting vaults will never replace freedom, it is gone, call the strongman, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale that was waiting for, asel i, a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, oh, the bremen town musicians .
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let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronica pavlovna, vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, we are four, we sign, we look, i will shave your head to intimidate her, i wouldn’t ruin your situation, you need to try very hard,
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i'll burn it. let’s say i really went back in time , but why the hell come here, holob 2, in this country there is red square, there is lenin street, a monument to pushkin, gagarin, many politicians here speak excellent russian, among the names that local people have you can find such , like tatyana, taisti, larisa, vadim, in general, we are in one of the most soviet countries on the african continent, we are in the republic of congo.


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