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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work , i lead a sedentary lifestyle. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. shop women's clothing, shoes and accessories with discounts of up to 70%. well, debts? there is interest on credit cards, what kind of interest do you need , you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to credit cards, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with help, hello, live legal program to conduct the duty department in the studio maxim movchan is in a detention center for attacking an isvo veteran. the chelyabinsk court did not
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stand on ceremony with the instigator of the mass attack on a combatant; five rowdies attacked the man, and then sprayed the contents of pepper spray into him and began beating him. word to galina hungureeva. an even parting on carefully combed hair and a modest look at the floor, like a schoolboy in the principal’s office, but all around is the ascetic surroundings of the chelyabinsk district court. terrible employees are vigilant the investigator and the prosecutor do not let the young talent relax. of course, questions from journalists, this is how ruslan safarov appeared before the fimida, do you regret what happened, safarov is called the instigator of the fight that took place in chelyabinsk on new year’s eve, in the footage that the injured party managed to film, a young man who looks a lot like a shy guy in the glass box of the court, he is waving an iron shoehorn like nunchucks. we were attacked by guys, come on, come on, yes, come on! most likely safarov
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in this video he is not sober and the changes in behavior are striking, not a drop of intelligent embarrassment, not a bit of education, pure aggression, insult and unprintable phrases. by the way, they attacked the participant. svo, a combat veteran, together with friends and their wives , were waiting for a taxi. behind the scenes you can hear the calm voice of a man who did not want to escalate the conflict to assault, but the young opponents were determined. two of safarov’s comrades were in no hurry to calm him down, and then completely used pepper spray. and this, by the way, is already footage detention of young lovers of spicy gas after a few. after the incident, brothers alexei and georgy, 18 and 17 years old, the older one in court watched the process with a slight ironic smile, explained the attacks of the drunk company by the fact that they considered the laughter of one of the women as a mockery addressed to them. the criminal case has been transferred for further investigation to the third department for investigation of particularly important
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cases. the defendants were charged with committing a crime under the second part of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. most active participant conflict ruslan. zafarov managed to escape, he was put on the federal wanted list, having learned about this, he himself came to the investigative department, after which he argued that he has nothing to do in the pre-trial detention center, the sanction that house arrest is counting on, as soon as i found out that they were looking for me, he immediately appeared at department of the investigative committee, that is, i was not hiding, i stood up for my sons, judges and the mother of my brothers , she says, they were not drunk, and in general the guys are very well-mannered, give 7 years, ruin their lives, one is 18 years old, the other is 17, the boys have their whole life ahead of them, well, that is, it has nothing to do with their own, in no way at all, in no way at all, my children are brought up and know what it is ,
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the colleagues of the combat veteran are extremely outraged by the behavior of the chelyabinsk thugs, what just happened to me comrade in arms, this hurts me very much, watch this video for yourself, how can you tolerate this? as it turned out, safarov has a rich criminal record, he was previously convicted of theft, and is now awaiting a verdict for extortion. moreover, investigators expressed concern that the young man could hide from the preliminary investigation authorities of the court and threaten witnesses. as a result, the court detained safarov for 2 months, and released alexey and georgy under house arrest. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. in samara , a former policeman who was accused of abuse of power was sentenced . in the past... having refused meta-testimony, she entered into a verbal altercation with the inspector. at some point, kolochkov could not restrain himself from
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hands, as a result the lady received several blows to the head and was handcuffed. collected by the lenin interdistrict investigative department of the city of samara of the investigation department. committee of the russian federation for the samaral region, the evidence was recognized by the court as sufficient to pass sentences against the former police officer; he was found guilty of committing a crime under article 286 of the criminal code of the russian federation, abuse of power. as a result, the former inspector was sentenced to 3 and a half years suspended imprisonment, it is unclear what consequences the meeting with the police had for the stubborn lady. record frosts caused several major utility accidents. in the capital region , leaks, corpses, breakdowns at substations left people without heating and electricity, now utility workers are trying to restore all communications as soon as possible, the prosecutor’s office has already become interested in how services prepared for winter and maintained equipment, material by alexander mostova.
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new year's holidays for some residents the moscow region turned into an ice age; they remained without light and heat for several days. there are frozen windows, broken radiators and snow in the entrances. there is a column in the apartments. power supply systems in moscow and the moscow region, record low temperatures for the beginning of january, breakdowns of heating mains in khimki, solnechnogorsk, ramensky. chekhov districts, as well as the urban district of podolsk. emergency services are now working in emergency mode and eliminating the consequences of the emergency. in the urban district of podolsk, they spent the whole night eliminating an accident at heating main, which occurred at the boiler house of the klimovsky cartridge plant. it
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provides heat to the entire neighborhood. experts detected three leaks at once. emergency teams from almost the entire moscow region gathered here, including the mitichenskaya heating network, and the podolsk heating network itself. and the specialized institutions of the osvs liquidated all these leaks that existed during the night; it was quite difficult to weld the territory of the plant itself, that is, the leakage network on the territory of the plant. head of the podolsk urban district grigory artamonov supervised the progress of work on the spot, heat guns were delivered to the nearest hospital to maintain the temperature, and temporary accommodation centers were organized where residents could warm up and drink hot tea. we have prepared two temporary accommodation points, this is in the gymnasium of podozhsky cadets in the palace of culture of mechanical engineers, until all consequences are completely eliminated, these points will operate at temporary accommodation points. if the accident lasts, we
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will accordingly take other measures to support the population. stress on electrical substations increased sharply, mobile generators were additionally installed in some areas of the moscow region, 18 only in the solnechnogorsk urban district. the government of the moscow region, rosseti mos oblenergo, have been working in an intensive mode for four days so that... power engineers are replacing automatic machines with more powerful emergency rescue operations , rosseti specialists are conducting round-the-clock operation. due to massive accidents on heating mains, the prosecutor's office of the moscow region began an investigation. the management of resource supply organizations has already made a presentation. city and district prosecutors, as part of supervisory activities , have been tasked with assessing the activities of resource providers.
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artamonov, a reserve boiler has been launched at the klimovsky cartridge plant, at the same time specialists are continuing to repair the main one, well , grigory artamonov himself talked to the residents of the houses on vesennyaya street, he emphasized that he will remain nearby to provide all possible assistance. tomorrow hot meals will be provided in podolsk; people will be able to receive porridge and tea. and in continuation topics mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin reports that power supply has been restored in the north-east of moscow. the consequences of the accident at... the electrical substation in otradnoye have been completely eliminated, and 20 teams continue to be on duty. forays after dark to
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continue the banquet. despite the strict ban on the night sale of alcohol, small shops, as they say, make cash a month in advance, serving under the counter those who do not want to stop having fun. but a big jackpot for traders often turns into big problems. material maria bucato. the clock barely strikes 11 p.m. when you arrive at this 24-hour grocery store. although this is paradoxical, a string of people who want to drink are reaching out for more. the sales of alcohol at night, contrary to the law, were stopped by employees of the outlet. yes, you can. 495 rub. but payment for large purchases here is accepted exclusively by transfer to a card, bypassing the cash register. the recipient is also the likely organizer of gray sales. a certain isa. this is the result of the test purchase of public activists.
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after midnight, immediately nine bottles of strong drinks of various sizes and under different labels. in pursuit of income , traders, as it turned out, did not neglect selling alcohol to minors. dudes, why did you ruin such a good night in the area? the drunk brunette and the young men accompanying her admitted that they always go to the market. origin and bottling, moreover, without alcohol, bottles with contents of dubious any excise taxes, the store employees hid behind a sheet of cardboard the size of a man, but this underground business with super prices quickly collapsed, involved in alcohol schemes, the saleswoman in a colorful scarf and her boss isa were not happy with this position of the bottles, the man ran around the store and began...
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attempts to justify themselves did not work, then the businessmen tried to escape from journalists and law enforcement officers into a backyard, and you have documents, you have them at home, yes at home, why don’t you carry it with you, well, do you live it at home? as it turned out, the citizens are foreigners and work in russia without the appropriate documents, so the store with dozens of violations closed its doors to visitors. the point employee went to the police department, liquids from high alcohol, which the couple sold to customers under the guise of expensive alcohol, should soon be seized for inspection. on holidays , police bring dozens of samples of such swill for examination and to the forensic center of the russian ministry of internal affairs. there are many problems with the sale of alcohol consumption in the kurgan region,
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buryatia and nokokotka. according to experts, the capital’s hospital is now. decided to buy it in a small convenience store on the outskirts of the city, bought into the persuasion of the sellers and the so-called yellow price tags, as a result, the man and his colleagues will spend the next week, perhaps more than one, in hospital beds under ivs. i am suffering from poisoning, yes, from alcohol, a corporate party where i drank a lot, to put it mildly, i had too much and
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the condition is so nauseating, my head is spinning, but it will end. everything could have been much worse, in view of such a depressing high-level agenda, experts from the ministry of health and state duma deputies propose introducing more stringent measures to regulate alcohol markets. number of sales points they propose to reduce the amount of alcohol, i quote one store per 1 km, reduce the sales time after 2:00 until 11 am on the shelves, so as not to drop a drop. however, time will tell how soon these initiatives will be implemented, but even in this case. much will continue to depend on the consciousness of not only sellers, but consumers themselves, because everyone decides for themselves where to buy and what to fill their glass with at the new year’s table. maria bukaty, daniil sukhorochko, oleg ivanov and vadim kalivanov. lead the duty department. we were delayed for more than 15 hours at shremetivo airport russian tourists who were preparing to leave for venezuela early in the morning.
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nordwind airline passengers had already boarded the plane, but the flight was cancelled. at the same time, the liner. i even managed to drive a few meters towards the runway. people were informed of a technical problem and returned to the terminal. around 12 o'clock the landing was repeated again, but this time the plane did not take off. representatives of the company gave tourists vouchers for food in the amount of 450 rubles. asked to wait for the reserve board, which must fly all the way from cuba. no other information was provided according to the people. and only after gathering in a large group and tired of information, the passengers found out that they could leave the so-called sterile zone and get directions. hotel, or stay in a capsule hotel. by the way, the flight to venezuela takes 14.5 hours. we will monitor the situation. i would like to note that the day before, red wing clients waited almost 13 hours for their flight to sri lanka. there, flights were also disrupted by a technical malfunction of the aircraft. people at this we lost both time and serious funds. during a game of vnarde in bashkiria
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, a sentence was passed on a debater who almost killed his opponent in a board game. a conflict broke out in a beer bar and was soon moved. no matter how this accused of attempted murder asked to be placed under house arrest, he was again brought from the pre-trial detention center under escort in handcuffs to the next meeting. firstly, the house of thirty-five-year-old mansur ergashov is too far away in uzbekistan; the attacker was in russia illegally, working as a loader he was doing repair work at the market, and secondly, the crime he committed.
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in bashkiria was recorded by a surveillance camera; the footage shows how, during a brawl at the entrance to a pub, ergashev takes a huge kitchen knife out of his pocket and mercilessly strikes his opponent with it one after another. at that time , he had known the victim for at most a couple of hours, sat down at the next table with a heated group who were playing backgammon, drank together, and then had a fight. thirty-four-year-old sergei mukhametov actively resisted, but still received serious injuries, only the man was saved. miraculously , the victim suffered bodily injuries in the form of a penetrating wound to the chest on the left with damage to the upper lobe of the left lung, a non-penetrating wound to the left shoulder and a wound to the left forearm. thanks to the man’s active resistance and timely medical care, including surgery, his life was saved, but he suffered serious harm to his health.
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the attacker fled the scene of the crime, and wrote a confession after his arrest, tornadoes circumstances - this is a partial admission of guilt and the appearance of spamina, desperate guilt of the circumstances , i ask the court to admit to the state of the charge. when the court gave him the last word, ergashev still continued to ask to go home. i ask for forgiveness and... i am punished for the actions i committed, but i also ask you to release the data. as a result, ergashev will not fly home soon. the court sent him to jail for 6.5 years. a foreigner, of course, can appeal this decision, but there is a risk that the appellate authority, on the contrary, will increase term. angelina mashkina, slavat valeev, lead the duty unit. in tyumen, operatives are looking for six criminals who, using the wolf pack principle, drove their victim into a dead end. a collective hunt was captured by a surveillance camera: a black foreign car is trying to escape from foot pursuers , it leaves the yard in reverse, but the only exit is blocked by a red car, after the impact
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an armed hunter also jumps out of it and begins to shoot at the victim’s car, the driven driver makes a second attempt, breaks forward, but here a block is waiting for him, the raiders surround the foreign car, shoot at the wheels, although the man doesn’t like being prey, he goes for a ram and nevertheless breaks through the encirclement, while several more cars were damaged... parked in the yard , law enforcement officers are looking into the causes of the conflict. car sharing , car rental by the minute, has become part of the life of big cities in our country. but the number of bad stories involving rented cars is steadily growing. what do unscrupulous clients do? watch the investigation immediately after our program eduard petrov. car sharing passions-2. beware of rental cars. carsharing users continue to appear in incident reports across the country. you were drunk, it was just wildness, you couldn’t imagine anything more convenient, you sat down and wanted to go wherever your eyes looked, you were given a fine of 1.31. rub. moscow,
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third main street, another yard, in this category of vehicles we pay close attention, we were driving in the left lane, we thought that whoever was driving the car wouldn’t notice you, in short, take the damn thing away microphone, sober today, come on. more, more, more, well done, they found it baked, you know that they will take away your license, is it easy to fake an account for renting a car, drive using your account, no, i bought it, criminal article 327 has been opened, we have taken on this matter and conducted their investigation. tens of thousands of objects under guard, each closely monitored during the long new year holidays, when the owners of the apartment or company employees went on vacation, the employees of private security have a hot it's time, the alarm could be a potential robbery and a call to save a life. the topic will be continued by vlada egorova. shanka 1,633 connections.
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kashirsky proezd, building 9, building one , the front door worked. the crew of the russian guard is always ready. when an alarm sounds, he rushes to help. dmitry vishnyakov and alexander mandzhiev, partners, keep order in the southern district of the capital. both came into the profession after serving in the army. the work is dangerous. every day we face difficulties, in 5 years of service i have seen a lot, says alexander, and criminals had to be caught, and people were saved. we found a girl on the balcony, she wanted to commit suicide, my elder distracted her, i grabbed her by her things, it turns out that together with her elder she was dragged onto the balcony. in such cases, according to alexander, you have to be a psychologist; such skills are taught at the vocational training center. it only lasts 3 months. then welcome to private security. employees arrive at the unit at 7:00, after arming they receive ammunition, then they have they line up, inspect the equipment, then at 730
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they sit down in the service class for divorce. shifts are 12 hours long, one crew replaces another, and so on around the clock. over the past year , with the assistance of the unit’s employees , 9 crimes were solved, including drug trafficking and theft. employees responded to more than 11,000. we send alarm messages to apartments, but also to alarm buttons in stores, the duty squad responds to calls with lightning speed, arrives on the spot in literally 3-5 minutes, no signals for help are received only from protected objects, but also from colleagues from the police, right now we are going to respond to such a call in one of the supermarkets, where a certain citizen is hooliganism, together with the employees of the national guard, right now we will sort everything out, citizen, you drank today, how are you feeling? bad, the man has difficulty speaking, as it turned out, he comes here often, warms up, drinks the rest of the strong drink right there with the next dose
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of alcohol, but this time... everything didn’t go according to the script, he tried to steal alcohol, called the police, sits, sleeps here, yana is constantly begging, the employees called an ambulance and handed over the drunken visitor to a medic, entry into the store is now apparently denied to him, the alarm went off at object 1568, and this is the bullet of the centralized security, exactly the place where alarming messages arrive, and from where information about them comes to the duty... unit. operators here work around the clock, serving 8,500 residential premises and about 900 non-residential properties. as the employees say, there are quiet days and not so much. behind sometimes you have to handle 50 to 100 alarm calls per day. thefts have been rare lately, the shift manager assures. more often than not, residents forget to disarm the apartment or motion sensors inside it are triggered. in such cases, the crew is also obliged to go to the site to make sure everything is in order.
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division of the russian guard over 186 thousand objects. at the end of last year, employees made more than 180,000 visits and detained about 50 thousand law enforcement violators. vlada egorova, alexander polivko, oleg ivanov, nikolai purtov, lead the duty unit. london police have refused to investigate prince endriu's involvement in sexual abuse of minors. scotland yard said this was due to the lack of any new information, although the
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us court had recently published documents related to the case. american financier jeffrey epstein, in which the name of prince is mentioned 70 times, and also contains testimony from several witnesses claiming that andrew took part in sex parties. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and honest detective, subscribe, also our investigations, daily releases on the platform watch, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel at 21.
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we continue our news review in the belgogorod region, another victim of ukrainian shelling, the ukrainian armed forces struck the city of shibekina. according to local authorities, the man who received a shrapnel wound has already been taken to the hospital. several power lines were also damaged and several were left without power. central streets. and earlier today , belgorod and five more districts of the belgorod region were attacked by the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian troops fired 10. they were shot down by the air defense system, but shrapnel shattered windows in houses, cars were damaged, and two people were injured. the regional authorities said that for security reasons they are ready to remove everyone from belgorod to the nearest cities. according to governor vyacheslav glodkov, several families have already moved. the situation in belgorod continues to be difficult, we are doing everything that depends on us to restore it now the operational headquarters for the restoration of belgorod
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is working. some families write: we are scared, help us go to a safe place, we are ready to transfer you on the same day, we will accommodate you in comfortable rooms, warm, safe, free food, and you will stay there for as long as necessary , there are not enough places in our temporary accommodation centers in the region, which means i will turn to my colleagues, the governors of neighboring regions. so that they can provide us with all possible assistance. vremyadorona today spoke about the results of the special operation over the past week. in the donetsk direction alone, according to the department, the enemy lost almost 2.0 military personnel. in the period from december 30, 2023 to january 5 of this year, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 41 group and one massive strikes with precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles.


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