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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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the mtr shelled the belgorod region, and the city of shibekina also came under fire. a man received a shrapnel wound and was taken to the hospital. power lines were damaged and several streets were left without power. belgorod and five other districts are also under fire. air defense systems intercepted 10 missiles, but shrapnel shattered windows in houses and damaged cars. two people were injured. the authorities said that for security reasons they were ready to remove everyone from belgorod. nearby cities,
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the situation in belgorod continues to be difficult, we do everything that depends on us restoration, now the operational headquarters for the restoration of belgorod is working, some families write, we are scared, help us go to a safe place, we are ready to transfer you on the same day, we will accommodate you in comfortable rooms, warm, safe, without... paid meals, and you will stay there as long as necessary. there are not enough places in our temporary accommodation centers in the region, which means i will turn to my colleagues, the governors of neighboring regions, so that they can provide us with all possible assistance. armed forces of ukraine they are hitting peaceful cities, proving to the west that kiev is still ready for any crimes, if only the allies continue to give money. according to the western press, by january 10, when the nato-ukraine council will take place.
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they will go mainly just to the north of belgorod, some will get lost , the city of belgorod itself will fall, put an end to this city, it simply won’t exist, it’s better to leave immediately for the urals, because realistically in the next one and a half to two years we will have a task there to get it, it’s about 2,000 km, i think we’ll have long-range weapons to such a range, at least they are already declared, in fact this is an open statement to those preparing... and a terrorist attack,
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in order to sow panic, not a word in language, pure russian, the presence of missiles with a flight range of 2.00 km is a lie to make it even more gloomy, but here multiple launch rocket systems are actively used against civilians, while ukrainian armed forces soldiers on the front line try to survive on a diet of shells. spanish el pais writes with reference to the sergeant of the forty-seventh separate mechanized brigade, they are fighting with remnants unsuitable for the purposes, but the purposes military ukrainian leadership.
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soldiers, mercenary officers, 14 tanks and 68 other armored vehicles, as well as 87 gunships and missile systems, including american, polish and czech production, were destroyed, a su-27 fighter and a mi-8 helicopter were shot down, as well as 253 combat drones.
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the latest means of combating drones were demonstrated at the raevsky military training ground near novorossiysk, where an off-site meeting of the council of the innovative technopolis was held.
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before the battlefield these unique decisions occur. fsb officers detained a man involved in an attempted sabotage at a ministry of defense facility in the chelyabinsk region. this was reported by the department's public relations center. he was recruited using social networks. he is also involved in arson attacks on communications facilities and railways in dagestan in november last december. communication equipment and electronic media containing photo reports and... with ukrainian curators were confiscated from the detainee; the collected materials were transferred to the investigative committee. the prosecutor's office near moscow is conducting an inspection after interruptions in the provision of public services. emergency restoration work on the heating main in podolsk has been completed. the reserve boiler has been started and work is currently underway on the main boiler.
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heat has begun to flow into houses in the klimovsk microdistrict. this was announced by the head of the city district, grigory artamonov. temperature in the houses of solnechnogorsk. will be raised to optimal levels by the morning, the regional energy minister said. we have now carefully examined the measures that need to be taken in order to increase the temperature of the coolant in order to comply with sanitary standards in apartments. it's already launched today one additional boiler so that by morning all the apartments are fully warmed up, well, in the north-east of moscow, according to...
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we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, you can’t find your grandfather leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer , kids, this is the work of your hands, open the laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there are resources about elections on the internet, i opened the site immediately in the know, data about the candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results from, how technological everything is, you can see for yourself by looking on the internet at the chikrf portal that choosing in the country is free, important, and honestly convenient.
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november 5, 1942, residents of the city of ardzhanikidze , now vladikavkaz. were alerted, the advanced german units broke into the village of gizel, from here to the center of ardzhanikidze, they had only 8 km to go, but the nazis were unable to take the city. soon, near gisel, selected wehrmacht tank units were surrounded and defeated. after this, the german offensive in the caucasus stopped. hitler put everything he had into this blow. the goal was
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destroy the soviet union, in principle, take it out of the war. the battle for the caucasus lasted 442 days. on the front, stretching from novorossiysk mozdok, 1.5 million people fought in mortal combat. very long, difficult, very bloody. the battle for the caucasus ended in our victory. what goals did hitler pursue in the caucasus? how did the germans manage to get to the top of elbrus? why did the battle of the caucasus turn into a military disaster for hitler?
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at the end of july 1942, german troops reached the foothills of the caucasus, and on august 15 they approached to the foot of the ancient volcano to mount el brus. it was the highest mountain in europe. it rose 5.5 km high above the plain. to
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conquer elbrus, the germans sent 18 military climbers from the edelweiss mountain rifle division. the ascent was commanded by captain hines groth. in 1939, even before the start of the war, grod climbed elbrus and knew the mountain roads and pass leading to it well. this.
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it was decided to rename the western peak of elbrus hitler peak. a nazi flag was placed at the top of elbruks. this a rather well-known episode, it was carried out by a divisional unit, and... then down at the foot of this mountain, this is described, by the way, in several memoirs, the germans held a solemn, such a symbolic parade, i would even say a kind of sacred parade, because in it only ss units took part, which marched in their black formation, in black ceremonial uniforms, and thus promised that on one of the peaks, on one of the symbols of the soviet union, there was a raid, a flag of the third reich, a newsreel... german weekly the newsreel dedicated a special
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issue to the conquest of elbrus and the installation of nazi banners. berlin radio announced that the caucasus had become part of the third reich; propaganda leaflets were printed especially for residents of the caucasus and soldiers of the red army in germany, which luftwaffe pilots dropped from planes over soviet territory. one of these leaflets said: residents of the caucasus, german troops are already in the north caucasus, the hour of your liberation is near, the collective farm system of power is under control. on these same days in all major cities thousands of people held rallies in the caucasian republics. people of different nationalities took to the streets of ardzhanikidze, grozny, tbilisi, makhachkala, sochi and baku. here are rare footage, newsreels that were filmed
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on august 13, 1942 in the city of ardzhanikitse. residents of the ossetian capital and envoys of the caucasian republics, among them russians, ossetians, georgians, azerbaijanis, kabardians, circassians, avars, chechens, lezgins, gathered at a rally dedicated to the defense of the caucasus. addressing them, a native of stavropol, major general vasily book, said. peoples of the soviet caucasus. we have gathered here at the foot of the caucasus mountains, this is a difficult time for our homeland, german robbers have broken through to the kuban dons, they are rushing to the terek and sunzha, they are rushing to our bread, our oil and our gardens,
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never let this happen. fighting friends, sharpen your blades, preparing for a mortal battle with the fascist robbers, we swear over the pride of our fallen comrades that we will stop the enemy, we will defeat him and kill him, but we will not retreat one step. the battle for the caucasus became one of the most large-scale battles of the great patriotic war. the front line stretched for 1.00 km. fierce battles were fought among inaccessible mountain peaks and glaciers and gorges. to stop the enemy, the soviet command had to
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urgently revise many outdated tactics. victory of soviet troops in the caucasus. had enormous strategic and moral significance for the entire country. in principle, the defeat of germany in the battle for the caucasus was a fatal blow for germany, if we consider it together with stalingrad, and not consider it together with angrand is impossible, because this is one single operation, a single german operation, respectively, the failure of a single german operation, this is stalingrad and the battle for the caucasus, together, this is exactly what. the main caucasian ridge stretches for 1300 km from the caspian to the black sea. since ancient times, these mountains were the natural boundary that separated europe and asia. the bloody wars for dominance over the caucasus were fought by giskhan,
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tamerlane and other conquerors. at the beginning of the 19th century. the caucasian peoples voluntarily became part of russia. after the revolution of 1917 and after the end of the civil war, they united into the transcaucasian federation. in 1922, this republic signed a union treaty with russia, belarus and ukraine on the formation of the ussr. during the years of industrialization , rich deposits of mineral raw materials were discovered in the caucasus. at the end of the 1930s, the caucasus provided 85% of all soviet oil, 65% of natural gas, 56% of manganese ore. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, the north caucasus became the main all-union hospital. more than 100
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sanatorium hospitals for soviet soldiers were established here. found supplies of american weapons, ammunition, aircraft tanks under the lend-lease program. hitler believed that the forty-second year would be the year of the complete defeat of the soviet union, that is, in the forty-second year the soviet union would cease to exist. and gittor concluded that the capture of moscow does not mean the capture of the destruction of the soviet union. he stated in a categorically natural manner that moscow had nothing in common with him. no importance in this regard, that the main thing is to gain control over the food supply, food supply the base is ukraine kuban don, this is the first. second, it is necessary. take control of the oil fields of the caucasus, well , first of all, the northern caucasus, the caucasus occupies a very advantageous strategic position, it is located at, so to speak, a crossroads, on
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the one hand, from the caucasus you can strike at iran and further, from iran to anywhere, from iran to the middle east, to asia, anywhere, even to africa, and this very blau plan, that is , the blue plan, is supposed to decide the overall outcome of the war. april 5, 1942 hitler declared the capture of the caucasus the main goal of the wehrmacht's summer campaign. at one of the meetings with the command of the army group south, the fuhrer said: if i do not get the oil of maikop and grozny, i will have to end this war. hitler personally supervised the development of blau's plan to capture the caucasus. in july. in 1942, after a long siege, german-romanian troops took sevastopol and occupied the entire crimea. soon after this, the fuhrer divided
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army group south into two powerful factions. one of them, army group b, was ordered to capture stalingrad and cut off the supply of the soviet armies along the volga, another army group a, break through the caucasus mountains and take baku. the operation was called edelweiss. the german command intended to bypass the main caucasian ridge and encircle the soviet troops, delivering two crushing blows from the west and east. the point was that they wanted to enter, firstly, the oil-producing regions, this is the north caucasus, this is baku, baku and grozny. then they wanted to take the coast of the northern caucasus, especially such important ones.
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eternal terrain, with the actions of rebel groups, that is, relatively speaking, a specialist in such balkan operations, balkanization, well
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, the balkans are mountains, the caucasus mountains, that means velgel mlyst, especially since velgel mlyst is, in general, quite tough, quite professional commander with good experience. the caucasus was defended by two soviet fronts: the north caucasian front of marshal semyon budyonny, and the transcaucasian front of general ivan tyulenev.
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did not start very successfully, one might say, even completely unsuccessfully, a failed offensive under kharkov, but the most important thing is that this significantly worsened our military-strategic situation in the south of the country, and it is no coincidence that it was in july of the forty-second year that sevastopol fell, finally, which had resisted since the forty-first year, and crimea also became completely german, so against this backdrop, the germans decided to build on their success and try to accomplish what they had failed in the center.
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on july 23, 1942, german troops captured rostov-on-don. on july 25, the wehrmacht received orders to begin operation edelweiss. main the blow was struck in the direction of grozny. two tank armies were sent on the offensive. in just a month they were able to capture voroshilovsk, krasnodar, armavir, maykop,
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elista and mozdok.
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thinks that the caucasian ridge itself is an impassable barrier for the enemy. we must firmly remember that the line that is skillfully prepared for defense and stubbornly defended is impassable. soon, on stalin’s instructions, another native of georgia, people’s commissar of internal affairs of the ussr, lavrenti beria, arrived in the caucasus. the people's commissar was accompanied by his son
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sergo. he remembered. i saw budyonny , who, as it seemed to me, was in a state of prostration, when my father came to him, he began to convince him that there was no need to defend these tangerine groves, he had to leave, the front commander could not clearly explain where which units were located, who commanded them. by order of beria, many commanders were removed from their posts. budyon. recalled to moscow, climbers were urgently called up from all fronts to the caucasus, well -equipped sabotage groups were created from them, things got better supplying the army, but all these measures could not immediately change the situation at the front. the germans sent elite units of the 49th wehrmacht mountain rifle corps to conquer the caucasus, among them


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