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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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the first screening of the film took place at the moscow international film festival. ada entered the competition for russian premieres, and immediately after won the fourth international children's film festival in beijing, where it was the only film from russia. and now the film is hitting the big screens. you watched the film industry program, new films, faces from... events and opening in the next episode in exactly a week, see you at the cinema, who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and... irresistible troubodour . that's mine
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group. hello my fans. hello. where were you before? why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. you can't do without deception here. i'm after you. for them, palaces and tempting vaults will never replace freedom. she's missing. call the guy. accepted. the fairy tale we've been waiting for. donkey, what, dog, cat, cockerel. they called themselves temporary musicians. actually, i sing too. the bremen town musicians.
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let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronica pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss. and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma to the skull, vosnetsova, always one step ahead, four , sign up, look, i’ll shave your head to intimidate her, i wouldn’t ruin your situation, you need to try really hard, we ’ll burn her, let’s say i really went back in time, but why the hell come here , servant 2. hello,
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the program correspondents will be told about the main legal events of the day by the duty department and i, maxim movchan. mom's country house turned into a drug laboratory. moscow region police liquidated a synthetics production workshop located in a residential cottage. huge flasks, canisters with precursors for making potions and ready-made poison, packaged in bags. in total , about 100 kg of powder was seized from the dacha. according to the conclusion. expert of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the moscow region, the substance submitted for research contains a narcotic drug that is a derivative of methyllophidrone. the owner of the laboratory was detained, operatives are looking for his accomplice. record frosts caused several major utility failures in the capital region. leaks and breakdowns at substations left people without heating and electricity. now utility workers are trying to restore all communications as soon as possible.
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the prosecutor's office has already become interested in how the services prepared for winter and maintained equipment, material by alexander mostova. for some residents of the moscow region, the new year holidays turned into an ice age, without light and heat, they were left for several days in the entrances with frozen windows, burst radiators and snow. in apartments the thermometer barely reaches fifteen degrees marks. people cover themselves with warm blankets and light candles. even in the administration there is no light, look. our heating has been turned off since yesterday morning, the house is very cold, +10, +9, yesterday evening it was +5. abnormal frosts are testing the strength of the power supply systems in moscow and the moscow region, record low temperatures for the beginning of january. breakthroughs of heating mains in khimki, solnechnogorsk, ramensky, chekhov districts, as well as the urban district of podolsk. emergency services are now working in emergency mode and eliminating the consequences of the emergency. in the city
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in the podolsk district, they spent the entire night eliminating an accident on a heating main that occurred at the boiler house of the klimovsky cartridge plant. it provides heat to the entire neighborhood. experts detected three leaks at once. emergency teams from almost the entire moscow region gathered here, including the mitichenskaya heating network, the podolsk heating network itself, in a specialized institution, swvs, during the night they eliminated all these leaks that existed, there was quite a difficult welding of the plant territory itself, that is, everything these leaks on factory territory. the head of the podolsk city district, grigory artamonov , monitored the progress of work on the spot, heat guns were delivered to the nearest hospital to maintain the temperature, temporary accommodation points were organized where... residents can warm up and drink hot tea. we have prepared two temporary accommodation points, this is in the gymnasium of potorsky cadets - in the palace of culture of mechanical engineers, until all the consequences are completely eliminated, these points will work. at temporary accommodation sites we
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provide hot tea and small snacks in the form of gingerbread cookies. if, god forbid, the accident continues, we will accordingly take other measures to... support the population. the load on electrical substations has increased sharply. mobile generators were additionally installed in some areas of the moscow region. at 18 only in the solnechnogorsk urban district. the government of the moscow region, rosseti , and mosablenergo have been working in intensive mode for four days in order to restore power outages as quickly as possible. in certain areas power engineers are replacing machine guns with more powerful emergency rescue specialists. rosseti operates around the clock. due to massive accidents on heating mains, the prosecutor's office of the moscow region began an investigation. the management of resource-supplying organizations has already received a presentation. city and district prosecutors, as part of supervisory activities, have been instructed to evaluate the activities
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of resource supply organizations, including ensuring the proper technical condition of transformer substations, heating and water supply systems. local the authorities promise that the residents will be affected.
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in addition, while driving, the cause of fatal accidents is the desire of reckless drivers to drive a car, which is called undershape. this is clearly evidenced by police reports, which during the holidays record a sharp increase in the number of drunk drivers and accidents with their participation. the topic will be continued by alexander polivka. in the snow there is a child's
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backpack and fragments of a mangled car. this is the first footage from the scene of a fatal accident on mira avenue in yuzhnosalinsk. a white foreign car demolished a bus pavilion. under the wheels there were four passengers who never received a public welcome. transport, among them a ten-year-old girl, now she is in serious condition in the hospital. as a result of the traffic accident , two women died, an unidentified man and a ten-year-old girl were taken to a medical facility. for the driver who caused the accident, the january holidays turned out to be very hot. he drove drunk and did not have a driving license. lyakhach was driving in the oncoming lane and, apparently, was significantly speeding. from these frames you can judge the force of the impact. the front part of the foreign car is soft-boiled , there is nothing left of the bumper and headlights, from... what we see, he just drove into the bus pavilion at full speed, and his condition, he is normal, adequate, or whatever, well, he is drunk, yes, yes, yes, in a strong state of intoxication , a criminal case has been opened against the violators, and how many more such drivers drive along the roads on holidays, traffic police officers are now
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working hard in all regions of the country , raids are carried out everywhere, this is footage from the village of beyandai, in irkutsk areas, traffic police inspectors went down in pursuit of a drunken driver; by the way, he had not been driving along the highway for long. but, stuck in a snowdrift, he abandoned the car and decided to run, it didn’t work out, and this is moscow, a drunken reckless driver, imagining himself as a street racer, staged a performance in the courtyard of a residential building in novagireeva, a white mitsubishi , leaving the parking lot, immediately said. cars new year's holidays liberate some drivers. in the city of mikhailovka, in the volgograd region, a twenty-one-year-old citizen without a license, after drunken get-togethers , decided to try himself as a car enthusiast. the result is a fatal accident. a blue car collided with a white car. her driver died on the spot. the driver of a kiya car, born in 2002, without a driver's license, drove into the lane intended for oncoming traffic. collided with a car, in general , over the past few years there have been fewer accidents involving drunk people, largely thanks
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to the competent work of traffic police officers who regularly go on raids, our film crew saw how inspectors of a separate battalion traffic police department work on new year’s holidays, traffic police, police department for the southwestern administrative district of moscow. good evening. traffic police inspector, senior police lieutenant psukhov. please, driver's license. when approaching the car, observe personal safety measures. alcohol from the vehicle, you can ask the driver to get out of the vehicle if he smells alcohol on his breath, they not only catch the violators, but also come to the rescue when they see trouble. during this night raid, traffic police inspectors discovered a hot car and called to the scene fire incidents. afterwards, traffic police inspectors continue the operation.
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having failed to pass the exam, the young man openly ignored traffic rules. luckily for him, there were no casualties in the accident. he got off with a fine, but that doesn't always happen. for some drivers , driving around the rules can be fatal. and the drunken lechach from yuzhno-sakhalinsk is a vivid example of this. by the way, by court decision he was sent to pre-trial detention. alexander polivka, alexander mostovaya, denis novozhilov, mikhail shirin and olga mazurak. news, duty department. walk out after dark to continue the banquet. despite the strict ban on the night sale of alcohol, small shops, as they say, make cash a month in advance,
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serving under the counter those who do not want to stop having fun, but a big jackpot for traders often turns into big problems. material by maria bucato. as soon as the clock strikes 11 p.m., paradoxically, a line of drinkers flock to this 24-hour grocery store for refills. what kind of beer do you need? the sales of alcohol at night, contrary to the law, were stopped by employees of the outlet. necessary, yes 495 rubles. here, payment for large purchases is accepted exclusively by transfer to a card, bypassing the cash register, by the recipient, who is also the probable organizer of gray sales, a certain isa. this is the result of the control purchase of social activists, after midnight there were nine bottles of strong drinks at once...
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attempts to justify themselves did not work, then the businessmen tried to escape from journalists and law enforcement officers into a backyard. do you have any documents? here at home, yes, at home, why don’t you carry it with you? and at home, where do you live? nearby, right? as it turned out, citizens foreigners work in russia without the appropriate documents. because the store. due to dozens of violations , he closed his doors to visitors, the employees of the point went to the police department, the high-potency liquids that the couple sold to customers under the guise of expensive alcohol should be confiscated for inspection in the near future. on holidays , police bring dozens of samples of such swill for examination to the forensic center of the russian ministry of internal affairs. there are many problems with the sale of alcohol consumption in the kurgan region, buryatia and chukotka. according to experts, the capital’s hospital is now overcrowded with victims of uncontrolled consumption
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of high-grade poison. acute surgery works day and night, pancreatitis, cholecitis. infection with severe food poisoning, these are all the consequences of the new year, our mortality rate increases four times, someone is sent to the operating table, he is operated on, someone is in intensive care, his condition worsens, you cannot plan on gluttony, binge drinking. sergey, i decided to buy several boxes of alcohol for a corporate party at a small convenience store on the outskirts of the city, bought into the persuasion of the sellers and the so -called yellow price tags, as a result. in the coming week, perhaps more than one, the man and his colleagues will spend in hospital beds under ivs. i am suffering from poisoning, and also from alcohol, there was a corporate party at which i drank a lot, to put it mildly, i had too much and the state was so nauseating, my head was spinning, but everything could have ended much worse, in view of such a depressing
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high-level agenda, experts from the ministry of health and state duma deputies suggest introduce more stringent ones. regulation of alcohol markets. it is proposed to reduce the number of points selling alcohol, i quote one store per square kilometer, and reduce the sales time from 2:00 until 11 am on the shelves, so as not to drip. however, how soon these initiatives will be implemented, time will tell, but even in this case, much will still depend on the consciousness of not only sellers, but the consumers themselves, because everyone decides for themselves where to buy and with what... to fill their glass for new year's table. maria bukaty, daniil sukhorochka, oleg ivanov and vadim kalevanov. vesti is the duty unit. tens of thousands of objects are under guard, each of them closely monitored. during the long new year holidays, when apartment owners or company employees have gone on vacation, private security officers have a busy time. the alarm could be a potential robbery and a call to save a life. the topic
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will be continued by vlada egorova. 1,633 connections. kashirsky proezd, building 9, building one , the front door worked. the crew of the russian guard is always ready. when an alarm sounds, he rushes to help. dmitry vishnyakov and alexander madzhiev - partners keep order in the southern district of the capital. both came into the profession after serving in the army. the work is dangerous and we face challenges every day. over the 5 years of service , i have seen a lot, says alexander. and i had to catch criminals and save people. we found a girl on the balcony, she wanted to commit suicide. my eldest distracted her, i grabbed her, it turns out, by her things, it turns out that together with the eldest we pulled her onto the balcony. in such cases, according to alexander, one has to be a psychologist, such skills are taught at the vocational training center, it lasts 3 months, only after that you are welcome to private security. employees arrive at the unit at 7 o'clock, after arming
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they receive ammunition, then they have a formation and inspection. shifts are 12 hours long, one crew replaces another, and so on around the clock . over the past year, with the assistance of the unit’s employees, nine crimes were solved, including drug trafficking, theft, employees responded to more than 11 thousands of alarm messages. we go to apartments, but also to alarm buttons in stores. the emergency service responds to calls with lightning speed, arriving on site in literally 3-5 minutes. signals for help come not only from guards. objects, but also from our colleagues from the police , right now we are going to such a call to one of the supermarkets, where a certain citizen is hooliganism, together with the employees of the national guard , we will sort it out right now, citizen, i drank today, how are you feeling, the man has difficulty speaking , how it turned out that he comes here often,
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warms up, drinks the rest of the strong drink immediately after the next dose of alcohol, but this time everything is fine... operators here work around the clock, serving 800 residential premises and about 900 non-residential objects. as the employees say, there are quiet days and not so much. day, sometimes you have to handle from 50 to 100 alarm calls, thefts have rarely happened lately, the shift manager assures, more often residents forget to disarm the apartment or sensors inside it are triggered
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movements. in such cases, the crew is also obliged to go to the site to make sure everything is in order? for door 213, the signal is stable, it was a false alarm, the signal is on, there was no damage to the door or windows. employees of the southwestern district unit are required to respond to all alarms. a call can come in at any time; until it is received, the crew patrols the area, and emergency services personnel often help deal with emergencies. we report to the duty department, begin to evacuate people, and put out the fire. with improvised means. there are more than 186 thousand objects under the protection of the capital’s units of the russian guard. at the end of last year, employees made more than 180,000 visits and detained about 50 thousand law enforcement violators. parents who seek to cure their children of a serious illness are increasingly becoming defendants in criminal cases. on the internet they
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purchase life-saving pills that are prohibited in our country, just as a package of medicines can land them in the dock. watch this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel, the investigation of dord petrov, the tablet case. save at any cost. parents of babies. how to save your child without going to jail? i can’t put
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my child’s life on the line because i can’t import this drug, can i? it can be punished by law when it is used as a narcotic drug. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. in jail for assaulting a veteran. the chelyabinsk court did not stand on ceremony with the instigator of a mass attack on a combatant, five brawlers attacked the man and then sprayed the contents of pepper spray into him they began to beat the spray can, the word to galina khungureeva: an even parting on her carefully combed hair and a modest look at the floor, like a schoolboy in the principal’s office, but all around is the ascetic surroundings of the chelyabinsk district court, the formidable employees of the vs are vigilant for the young talent, the investigator is not allowed to relax...
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most likely, safarov in this video is not sober and the change in behavior is striking, not a drop of intelligent embarrassment, not a bit of education, sheer aggression, insult and unprintable phrases, attacked, by the way, a member of the northern military district, a combat veteran, together with friends and their wives, were waiting for a taxi. behind the scenes you can hear the calm voice of a man who did not want to escalate the conflict to assault, but the young opponents were determined. two of safarov’s comrades were in no hurry to calm him down, and then they completely used pepper spray, and this , by the way, is footage of the detention of young fans
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of spicy gas several hours after the incident, brothers alexei and georgiy are 18 and 17 years old, the older one is in court watched the process with a slight ironic smile, explained the attacks of the drunk company by the fact that they considered the laughter of one of the women as a mockery addressed to them. the criminal case has been transferred for further investigation to... the third department for investigating particularly important cases. the defendants were charged with committing a crime under the second part of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. the most active participant in the conflict , ruslan safarov, managed to escape. he was put on the federal wanted list. having learned about this, he himself came to the investigative department, after which he argued that he had nothing to do in the pre-trial detention center, sanction that is subject to house arrest. as soon as i found out that he was looking for me, i immediately appeared. to the department of the investigative committee, that is, i did not hide, i stood up for my sons, judges and the mother of my brothers, she says, they were not drunk, and in general
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the guys were very well-mannered, 7 years old. let them ruin their lives, one is 18 years old, the other is 17 , the boys have their whole lives ahead of them, well, that is , it has nothing to do with it, in no way at all, in no way at all, my children are raised and know what it is, they are extremely indignant the behavior of the chelyabinsk thugs, a colleague of a combat veteran, what just happened to my comrade in arms, it hurts me very much, look at this video for yourself, how you can... tolerate it, as it turned out, sofarov has a rich criminal record, he was previously convicted of theft, is now awaiting a verdict for extortion; moreover, investigators expressed concern that the young man could hide from the preliminary investigation authorities of the court and threaten witnesses. as a result, the court detained safarov for 2 months, and alexey and george was released under house arrest. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. south african paralympic legend, runner
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oscar pistorius, was found guilty of murdering him. the girls were released, sentenced to 13.5 years in prison for the massacre , he served 11 years and earned the right to parole. officials from the udo commission assured that the attitude towards the sports star at all stages would be exactly the same as towards all prisoners. however, pistorius left the correctional facility through secret move, thus avoiding meeting with the press. journalists had been on duty at the prison gates since early morning. soon photographs of the cell in which the runner was serving his sentence appeared in the press. the athlete's prostheses are visible on them. family photos on the walls. let me remind you that oscar pistorius, a six-time champion of the summer paralympic games, dealt with his girlfriend reeva steenkamp in 2013. after a long investigation, a high-profile trial took place, at which the athlete only partially admitted his guilt, insisting that the murder was unintentional. about the latest you can find out legal news around the clock in telegram channels. lead by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you.
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we'll take on this matter, this. there will be an honest detective.
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beware of rental cars, korsheling users never cease to appear in incident reports throughout the country. hello! in
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the studio eduard petrov.


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