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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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beware of the rental car, car sharing users keep getting into the reports.
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hello, in the studio eduard petrov , what happened, what happened to my mother , there was a problem, my mother died, two people died under your wheels, do you want to say something to their relatives, be careful while driving, i didn’t see what was in front of me at all, in short, damn it, take the damn microphone away, please. yesterday i definitely didn’t drink, the day before yesterday i drank, we’re blowing, we’re going, more, more, more, more, and the alcoholic stupor is four times higher than the established norms, this year by our employees identified more than 49.00 violations committed by the owners of the corsharing business, why were you detained? they found hidden numbers, traffic police officers often stop you, they often ask about you, yes, an account, did you drive using your account? no, i bought it. they bought the account and
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bought the rights. this will result in criminal liability with all the ensuing consequences. i skidded, i got into an accident at the skorsa station, you were given a fine of 1.31. rub. car sharing for renting a car by the minute appeared in our country several years ago. especially for those who need a car for a short time. and it’s true, it couldn’t be more convenient, i sat down, i didn’t want to, i went wherever i wanted, and therefore in the big cities of russia, corsharing is becoming more and more popular and serves as an alternative to taxis and public transport, but the number of bad stories involving such cars is steadily growing, who gets behind the wheel of a car sharing service, is it easy to fake an account for renting a car and how to create a rental car service? convenient
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not only for its users, but also for all road users. we took up this matter and conducted their investigation.
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valery vasiliev, a resident of the moscow region city of lyubertsy, an avid traveler and music lover, has magnets from different countries on the refrigerator, and next to him in the closet is a large collection of discs and vinyl records. vasiliev recalls that music once played a big role in meeting his future wife, svetlana shmatko. those who came out of the nineties know well the peja boys, tipeshmot, madonna, as i said, and many, many others. and it so happened that she and i found ourselves exactly on the same wavelength, then there is that... there was no such thing that, oh
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, turn it off, i can’t, like, my ears are turning up, never, that is, in this regard, we have a complete coincidence of tastes, so he came, his guests are big fans and somehow, having met each other, we began to communicate more closely, more closely, more closely and began to meet , it turns out how many years, oh, well, we ’ve been around for about 200 years, probably since ninety-nine, we all started living together already, and officially already before before birth their firstborn, well... how did they get married, so how much is it, well we have been together for 20 years, this is how it is officially, one might say, valery vasilyev’s wife , svetlana shmatko, died on july 11, 2022,
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she was hit by korscheringo’s car at a pedestrian crossing, monday morning is banal, that’s it, hello, hello, bye, bye, and me i left for work, she... ran away to her place, i’m going to help myself and i’m on my way, then there’s a call, an unfamiliar number, it’s an employer, like it’s a colleague, svetlana, where you are now, sveta’s car hit sveta, don’t worry , she is breathing, valery vasiliev rushed to the hospital, but i didn’t have time, it’s just wildness, it’s... it ’s just as if a concrete block was dropped on you, you’re crushed, you have no thoughts, nothing works, it’s impossible to imagine and worry about. a terrible accident on oktyabrsky avenue in lyubertsy was captured by a video surveillance camera:
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korsharing’s car flies at high speed in the oncoming lane and does not even slow down in front of the zebra crossing at the moment when there are people there. the blow was so strong that three pedestrians were thrown several meters away, he began to drive here, we thought that he was turning around, it starts, in my opinion, even he increased the speed, drove straight towards the pedestrian, three pedestrians flew up, the victims were a forty-six-year-old, a forty-five-year-old and...
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i called my mother, the doctor already answered the phone, well, i immediately went to the hospital, and there they didn’t let me in , she was in intensive care, i stayed there for about an hour and a half or two hours, then they sent me home, they told me to be on the phone, because she was unconscious there, they wouldn’t let me in, within 40-50 minutes, probably, i arrived home and they called me from the hospital and said: that a miracle did not happen , that the mother died, the driver of the kio car sharing car, a resident of surgut rustem ilyasov, did not run away from the scene of the accident, the man was detained and immediately taken
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to the hospital, experts found no traces of alcohol or drugs in his blood, which was the cause so? inappropriate behavior on the road is still unclear. what court decision do you expect? two people died under your wheels, do you want to say something to their relatives? during the investigation, ilyasov was sent to a pre-trial detention center. were you drunk did it make your eyes darken or did you really feel badly? yes? we invited the accused to voice his position on this case, but he categorically refused to meet with the film crew, perhaps because rustem
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ilyasov turned out to be the owner of several gas stations and one store in surgut, all of his... enterprises with large debts, now against rustem four arbitration cases have been opened, the man owes 44 million. as it turned out, the tax office is looking for him, perhaps that’s why ilyasov used a rental car, apparently hid his property, fearing that he would be arrested. to we will return to the tragic story of valery vasiliev, who lost his wife in a car sharing accident, a little later. the car sharing niche
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is perceived by many drivers as a gray area, this is confirmed by raids by employees of the second separate special battalion of the moscow traffic police. our film crew went to one of them. the first point in the northern district of the capital. the traffic police crew takes positions and begins to work with a wave of the baton and the first rented minute for the car stops on the side of the road. moscow, third main street, another raid. state traffic inspectors stopped a man who was driving this car and suspected that he was using drugs. that we smoked, we didn’t smoke anything, we
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’ll check everything now, are you sure you ’re feeling okay? i'm sure i'm the only one with a headache, why? well, i fell on a scooter, did you fall on a scooter? and hence the bruises you have, and well, you can see the abrasions on my forehead, but only because i fell on the scooter, i have a headache, according to the young man. a man who introduced himself as ilya chabyrev, he had never used prohibited substances in his life, and the reason for the stop was allegedly his appearance, which we do not agree with at the moment, i agree with everything, so i am suspicious, it seemed to the inspectors only that my face was not in the proper shape, like this, but it’s like after a fight, well, not after a fight, but falling from a scooter on the asphalt can be the same thing, hit your head, right? when it was? 5 days ago, did you drink alcohol? no, i didn’t drink, i definitely didn’t
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drink yesterday, i drank the day before yesterday, the device showed zeros, zeros, zeros for alcohol, of course, but for drug reasons you have to go, zeros, we’ll go, we’ll show you, that is, you didn’t refuse, no, why should i refuse, that is , you have nothing to be afraid of, and what should i be afraid of, carsharing services have all the clients more. and at the same time , the number of citizens who believe that they can do whatever they want with a rented car is increasing. to prevent crime, employees of the capital's traffic police constantly conduct special raids. some coshiring, seeing police officers sharply change lanes to the left, in the hope that he will pass unnoticed and no one will stop him. this car from the left lane was just stopped, now they are checking
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the driver’s documents, do you often use car sharing? yes, often every day almost, of course, they drove in the left lane, they thought that they wouldn’t notice you, no, i’m not afraid at all, no, no, yes, everything is fine, even a citizen of montenegro, you see, they use it, a citizen of montenegro, you and by the way, you have rights, montenegrin, yes, yes, but the duplicate must be russian, absolutely that’s right, the drivers are present, yeah, the account belongs to the driver, so how is it convenient to use car sharing in russia? very convenient, yes, i get stopped often, no , at first two or three years ago i stopped there more often, now not so often, of course, that is, you consider it a normal form of transport, safe, wonderful, yes, safe, i don’t know, convenient, most importantly convenient, another stopped car sharing car, inspectors of the second separate special battalion traffic police, traffic police. main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for moscow, in addition to the driver's license identification, they are politely asked to present
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a smartphone with an open application. hello, we wanted to know you, do you often use car sharing? often, often? so, how do you like this type of transport? really like. do traffic police officers often stop you? what is often asked? are they asking for rights? i just do not know. such cases, unfortunately , are rare, of course. while driving car sharing , citizens behave differently: some follow all the prescribed rules, others are not averse to driving around.
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this is novosibirs, a racer in a rented car lost control and crashed into a bus stop. one woman died on the spot, three more victims were taken to
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the hospital. tell me, do you remember the moment of the collision itself, how it happened? and i already had a lot of work in the pillows, and i didn’t even see what happened before... i want to say that we all have a burden on our hearts, on our relatives, on me, on my son as well, that is, this, that happened, it’s like for the rest of my life now,
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keep in mind that, well, i want to tell everyone that be careful when driving and... here in general, and this is kazan, a carsharing driver tried to drive around a construction site at high speed, but it didn’t work out, the foreign car flew into a pit and overturned, in order to pull out the driver-passengers, the rescuers had to saw off the roof of the car. moscow, schoolchildren rented car sharing through a fake account and crashed into a pole.
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fortunately, there were no injuries, but as car sharing spreads across the country, tragedies of this kind occur. yaroslavskoye highway, the flow of cars here
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is always dense, regardless of the day of the week and time of day. inspectors stopped, the car under his control abruptly changed lanes from lane to lane, it immediately turned out that timofeev was driving, good evening, they asked that no, but what about your condition, you smell of alcohol , i have no idea, i have no idea, go inspect the state of alcohol intoxication, ready, ready, understandable, please close the machine. what kind of alcohol did you drink today? no, yesterday, yesterday, yes, a lot, no, how are you feeling?
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you understand that it’s impossible, that it’s impossible, you can’t get assed in such a standing position, in short, damn it,
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yes, take the damn microphone away, please , don’t swear, damn it, what is it, pee , please, blow, please, let ’s go through everything now, it’s easy, so you just damn it, don’t let her bother me, where will i fall, damn it,
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i'll tell you. alexander timofeev will have to say goodbye to his driver’s license. the state of alcohol intoxication was determined to be 0.687 mg per liter. after which
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, administrative material was drawn up against timofeev under article 128 part 1 of the code of administrative offenses of the russian federation, which provides deprivation of the right to drive from 18 to 24 months, with a fine of 30,000 rubles. also evacuation of the vehicle. to a specialized parking lot, and the violator timofeev will have to pay a substantial fine to the car sharing company for drunk driving. to find out how the situation with car sharing is changing in moscow, we turned to the head of the capital's state traffic inspectorate, alexander bykov. the major general of police does not often give long interviews, but for our program he made an exception. how often do traffic police inspectors
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identify car sharing drivers in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication? this year, we have identified more than 600 cases of driving while intoxicated. also, about 20 cases of driving vehicles without an account, or rather with a fake account, were identified, because without an account it will not start. without a license, without a driver's license, such cases are identified. without a driver's license, yes. we also identified about 50 such facts, are they mostly foreigners or russian citizens? you know, these are different categories, including persons coming from abroad, and a young category of road users, there is also a category of persons who are deprived of the right to drive, or did not have the right to drive, whose actions will be qualified under article 127 of the code of the russian federation on administrative offenses. this year, our employees have identified more than 49.00 violations
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committed in... the main ones are failure to comply with the side interval, lack of documents established by traffic rules , driving through a prohibiting signal traffic lights, violation of road markings and road sign requirements. i came to the zone of a special military operation at the call of my heart; of course, i was not suitable due to my years, but as a military specialist, i considered it necessary to be here in difficult times for russia, i just went and went to the military registration and enlistment office. the time has come for russia that we had to get back into line with our former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war fought to the death for our homeland, many, even children, fled to the front, to get there, take up arms and fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, join
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our ranks, take them in your hands. weapons, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down, serve under a contract, god, with your strength destroy our enemies through ukraine’s readiness to fight to the last, come to church, hear the moscow speech there , you can set fire to everything, do it calmly, fire in these matters is normal. they essentially separate their own society, the church dimension, this is even more tragic, they have crushed this whole thing in their heads for a long time, because for 30 years there has been a constant rejection of everything russian, which maybe i could not even imagine such a plot and even predict. ukraine is influenced by this magic, that it will enter europe and it will be fabulous there, that now
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the wonderful catholic church will come, there will be, yes, the end point of the enterprise will be uni, attention to all personnel, attention to all personnel, we begin to move , we begin to move, your task is to deliver materials, equipment, personnel to the contact line, it depends what is there, any ground, here, oh, the sight immediately appeared, the guys who are the crew, this is...
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