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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace, and with her own hands fired at a peasant’s hut. miraculously she didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and she’s a girl, she repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, you can it would be possible to forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia,
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look in the application or on the website.
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in recent years, carsharing has really loved by residents of megacities, quickly and inexpensively, but few users carefully read the terms of the rental agreement. in march 2022, a resident of st. petersburg , boris uzbekov, rented a car parked next to his house. he planned to get from the pulkovskoe highway to the village of shushary in about 20 minutes , spending about two on it. but on
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the way, uzbekov got into an accident, i skidded on the skolsky section, i got into an accident, that is, i crashed into an otbodnik. after which i immediately called the car sharing company for support and reported that i had been in an accident, i was told to stay in place, photograph the car from all sides and send it to them by mail, after which i acted according to the instructions, volunteered, while i called the traffic police, i took a photograph. i sent them all the necessary documents, paid 5.00 rubles for the unsuccessful trip and evacuation of uzbeks, and after 3 days i received a message about the debt for the repair of a foreign car. we received a notification that we are very deeply
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sorry, but our car was damaged and mutilated, and therefore, accordingly, in connection with this. you have been fined 1.31. rub. here on the side, the korshiring company included in this amount some non-existent violations of boris uzbekov, this includes speeding, being intoxicated and even leaving the scene of an accident. of course, none of the above happened in reality, and this is confirmed by documents from the scene of the accident. nevertheless, boris was offered to pay off the fine, at least in installments, and the first call came the very next day after receiving the fine, the collectors offered to negotiate, the amount was significantly reduced, i agreed, yes i i got into an accident, and i caused damage to this
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vehicle, and i said that i was ready to pay a fine, but not more than 200-300 thousand rubles.
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and we are returning to moscow on a raid with employees of the second separate special battalion. novokasino district. despite the fact that the characteristic smell of alcohol did not leave the korsharing driver, his behavior seemed suspicious to the police. a man named yakov began to actively prove that the inspectors had no right to stop him at all. there was no smell of alcohol coming from his port, it was more his behavior for...
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3000 rub. do you understand this? an investigative team arrived at the scene, police officers conducted a personal search of the car and found drugs on the driver. further witnesses, please ask, what is a citizen? did you find the case? on the street, please tell me why you were detained? found a forbidden number, but what did you find? i don’t want to say, no, i refuse, there’s nothing like that , it’s, well, they found it, they found it, well, you
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know for sure that it’s prohibited, you often use dashiring, yes, why did you refuse a medical examination, i don’t see the point, well, you right? for possession and sale of drugs, a drug addict may face a significant prison sentence, and he will not get behind the wheel of a rented car any time soon. the inspector has the right to inspect the car, what technical condition is the car sharing, look at the fire extinguisher, should a tire change be included in this kit? exercising his powers, the road patrol inspector has the right to externally inspect the vehicle and identify any malfunctions even if the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.
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certificate, some of them were deprived long ago i’m right, someone out of laxity simply forgot a document at home, that’s what happened with vasily ivanov, as you forgot about the vacuum, it happens, force majeure, they left it at home, well, in one kumura there’s just documents, a license, a passport, all in one, the driver’s most important document, well , fine me a little now, 500, well , maybe, yes, tell me, he often uses karzhiring, well, it happens, yes. our film
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crew reaches the point where another crew is on duty. the driver of carsharingo and kio rio, roman umans, was suspected of drinking alcohol prohibited substances. the man was offered to vent or go to the hospital, but he is stubborn, apparently, he understands how such procedures will end for him. well, you know what kind of refusal... this time, probably, yes. inspectors drew up a report against raman umansa for refusing
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a medical examination, which, according to the law, is equivalent to drunk driving. drunk, on a squirrel, like that. a person was killed, but the person is fine, last year, taking into account our work, we achieved significant results, the accident rate for this category of road users has decreased by more than 10%.
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we constantly monitor this category and pay special attention to this category of vehicle drivers. and the reason for the death of car sharing drivers is - maybe it’s the poor condition of the car or is it the fault of the drivers who can’t handle it or have little driving experience, so these are the types of cases that mostly happen? the main causes of road accidents are the fault of drivers, since the vehicles involved... are rented by sharing companies, they are quite fresh, up to 3 years old, last year
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this service life was increased to 4 years, and their technical condition is satisfactory. the main causes of accidents are failure to comply with the speed limit, failure to maintain distance, failure to maintain lateral intervals, driving into oncoming traffic, and sometimes, of course, driving through a prohibiting traffic light. again on the raid, another driver who aroused some suspicion among the traffic police officers. but tell me, what is your name? andrey, from moldova, the law enforcement officers had questions about his documents, are you using your account? no, i bought it, and the account was bought, the account was bought, everything is fine with me , but where did you buy the account, you should have just registered, well , a normal account was registered, you just asked as if i bought the account, and the account was bought , and bought a license,
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isakevich’s account actually turned out to be real, here’s the driver’s license... the visitor’s license seemed suspicious, this driver’s license will be available now seized from him and sent for examination, where the expert will make a decision on whether it is fake and that criminal article 327 will be initiated on it. recently, the so-called black market for car sharing accounts has been expanding its boundaries on the internet, increasingly offering to buy such data for illegal ones. use, we are talking about both hacked accounts and so-called accounts registered to dummies. driving a vehicle using a false account is subject to criminal liability. since this act forms part of a criminal offense 166 of the criminal
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code, unlawful taking of a vehicle and this is... punishment for a person, criminal liability will be provided for this with all the ensuing consequences. special devices, alka-testers installed in the car interior, could protect road users from inadequate car sharing drivers. they wouldn’t even allow you to start the car, much less drive it onto a busy highway, but such a support initiative is still no... received, because this will undoubtedly increase the cost of the trip, unfortunately, such devices are incredibly expensive, firstly, secondly, they are not produced in the russian federation, this money will not come out of thin air, it will come from the consumer’s pocket, then a simple economic law arises: if it’s expensive for a person to use this service, he will prefer another service
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there, public transport, for example, everyone will be in the red. most often, the car sharing fleet consists of new or almost new cars, however, they wear out before our eyes, this quite understandable. and where do these cars go then? and we have our own channels , we give away these cars, well, that is, they do not remain in car sharing, but then they are suitable for ordinary people, that is, you can buy a car for your use that is painted, there are different ones. channels where these cars go, someone goes to heaven. car sharing is a service only for law-abiding and responsible citizens, and preferably with extensive driving experience. and anyone who is going to use a rental car should
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understand that they immediately become an object close attention of traffic police. our advice: do not under any circumstances purchase fraudulent accounts on the internet or from your friends, since we pay close attention to this category of vehicles; in any case, it is difficult to pass by a state traffic inspector without the check required by law, if such a fact is revealed you will be prosecuted with all the ensuing consequences, so advice to young people, do not ruin your life, study in driving schools - get the right to drive vehicle and drive vehicles only if you have established valid documents, well, for those citizens who decided to drink, it will not be easier to get to car sharing either, absolutely a person can come into the field of view of traffic police officers, everything is correct, statistics confirm 600 drivers who we identified this year, we felt it
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ourselves, people really are not very good at... let's return to the tragedy of valery vasilyev, on july 11, 2022, he lost his wife svetlana shmatko, the woman died in an accident with a car car sharing. every morning valeria begins with a long look at the smartphone screen, the man seems to be talking to his beloved svetlana, but in public he holds his own. he remembers that the worst thing for him was telling his children about everything that happened. well , on the same day, my eldest, he called his mother,
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she naturally didn’t answer, so he started calling me, what happened, writing a text message, what happened, what happened? well, i said as best i could, wait, wait, wait, wait, i’m trying to find out what happened to my mother trouble, now the doctors are working, so, but... when i found out, i already called my son and said that my mother had died, that day, of course, he supported me very much, and the youngest, of course, when i had to tell her, she of course she cried, very hard, very hard, but about the mother-in-law... i can already say that this is the only daughter, my beloved, but in principle, you know, when
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a family lives in love, in harmony, the loss of a loved one, it hits on the spot. this is how we saw the problems of domestic carsharing and its clients, this was our investigation from different regions of the country, it's up to you to draw conclusions... meeting on the russia 24 tv channel
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. india is a country of colors and smells. when people talk about india, one of the first things that comes to mind is indian cuisine. each crew calls their car whatever they want, this car, mars, is called, along a narrow strip of the volga coast , 2 million people came together in a deadly fight. save at any cost. parents of children diagnosed with rare diseases buy drugs abroad that are prohibited in our country. epilepsy is such
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an insidious disease, no doctor can help you there is a 100% guarantee that this medicine will suit your child. and they end up under criminal prosecution. in my opinion, these substances that exist are not a criminal offense at all. who produces tablets?
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here's how to achieve what you want you’ve reached it, it seems to you that you’re on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off, and went. is russia ready to change? is there evolution in any structure?
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when engaging in extreme sports , take precautions.
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crews of the grad multiple launch rocket system of the vostok group are working along the line, hitting enemy artillery strongholds of armored vehicles and manpower. eduard punigov will tell you how often you have to engage in battle. the main advantage of this multiple launch rocket system is mobility. calculation grad is on duty along the entire front line of the southern donetsk direction, unpretentious.


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