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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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crews of the grad multiple launch rocket system and the vostok group are working in the southern donetsk direction. they hit enemy artillery, strongholds, armored vehicles and manpower. eduard punigov will tell you how often you have to engage in battle. the main advantage is the multiple launch rocket system and mobility. the hail team is on duty along the entire front line in the southern donetsk direction. unpretentious.
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a reliable installation can fire from any position; now the crew is on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye, near the village of urozhaynaya. this fighters of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group. they accounted for dozens of destroyed tanks and armored vehicles, as well as several strong points. in winter, our crews’ work is much more difficult. the city is, of course, all-wheel drive, but in such off-road conditions it is much more difficult to move, the most important thing is that the speed of movement decreases and the car becomes slower.
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well, it’s always different, it happens that there are many, a surveyor with the call sign kazanka 32 is also from buryatia, he is responsible for shooting accuracy, according to him, for the ukrainian armed forces the city is one of the priorities goals, because the installation is capable of covering a huge area at once at a distance of up to 20 km, how effective this machine is, how afraid i am to show myself, well, in combat it shows itself perfectly, despite its age , it has not failed, the tasks are completed. the enemy has become more active or , on the contrary, is blown away, the enemy is blown away, kazanka, i’m the second target ready, on the front lines in winter it really has become a little easier than six months ago, but grad crews are on duty on the line of combat contact as before, day and night, helping the infantry advance forward. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in houses in the north-east of moscow , the supply of heat and light has been fully restored after a utility failure.
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the outages occurred on thursday after a fire at a substation. according to the mayor of the capital, all high-rise buildings are already powered on a permanent basis. meanwhile, in the moscow region, the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation due to interruptions in the heat supply. thus, technical problems with boiler houses left areas of solnechnogorsk without heating. return the temperature in apartments to optimal indicators were promised in the morning, the reserve boiler was launched the night before. as the mayor's office explained, the networks here are very worn out and... have been tested by frost. thousands of podolsk residents were left without heat. according to regional authorities, leaks were first discovered on the heating main and were repaired. they restored the coolant supply, and then it turned out that problems had arisen in the boiler room itself. the first of three boilers has already been launched, and the first 20 houses have received heat. the remaining fifteen hundred are promised to be launched within 24 hours. for field kitchens were organized for residents, and blankets were distributed in the evening. and news from the telegram channel
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in the capital's luna theater. a burst hot water pipe disrupted the nutcracker performance the night before. 360 people came to see it. everyone had to be urgently evacuated from the building. no harm done. according to preliminary data, the accident occurred on the third floor of the building and is being eliminated. the anomalous frosts in moscow and the region have weakened a little, at the same time , heavy snowfall has come to the region, heavy rainfall on the roads, poor visibility and black ice. motorists were urged to be careful and obey speed limits. as meteorologists said, the peak of cold weather in the capital has already passed, but rapid warming should not be expected. today it will be -16. residents of one of the districts of donetsk complain about an interruption in water supply to the upper floors of their houses. on oboronnaya street the water simply does not reach.
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has not been observed for two weeks, according to representatives of the water utility, water is supplied by the kuibyshev water complex, where there is insufficient water and insufficient pressure in external water supply, plus the leninsky district is located on a hill, which complicates the task of filling the system with water; it will flow steadily only when the entire republic is liberated and the seversky donetsk-donbass canal operates at full capacity. fsb officers detained a suspect in preparation for sabotage at a ministry of defense facility in the chelyabinsk region, according to the department's public relations center. the detainee worked on instructions from the ukrainian special services,
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was recruited through social networks, and may also be involved in arson at communications facilities and railway in dagestan at the end of last year, during a search of the defendant , photo reports and correspondence with curators were found; all materials were transferred to the investigative committee. the moscow philharmonic has opened a series of concerts with the music of your favorite films, an event dedicated to the centenary of musfilm. the anniversary is celebrated this year. in the tchaikovsky concert hall , music from the studio's films was performed, written by famous composers, including dunoevsky, sviridov, shnitki, glotkov zatselen. participants of the affordable rental program received the first keys to the apartments housing in the far east. it was launched on the initiative of the president. part of the rent is covered by subsidies from the state. who is entitled to benefits and who has already taken advantage
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of them? andrei kolesnikov met with novosyolyi. the drain works. here. will fit a lot of dishes. the rebko couple are carefully inspecting the property, they plan to settle here in the very near future, however, there is nothing to complain about: modern layout, high-quality finishes, new furniture and household appliances, everything a young family needs, expecting any day now. addition, a completely new apartment, and an area that we have had our eye on for a very long time, everything came together here, i really like that the sea is within walking distance and on the other side there is such a forest, everything, favorable conditions for for the child to grow. the head of the family, denis, works in the inspection for the protection of cultural heritage sites in primorye. the young specialist entered the affordable rental housing program. its launch was initiated by the president.
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the mechanism for preferential rent was developed by the government, first a special financial the domf institute, which promotes the implementation of state housing policy, buys living space from the developer. we have been entrusted with the implementation of a large program. provide housing to thousands of families , mainly housing for young, sought-after specialists who come to the far east, including the priority we give to the guys who return to the northern military district, most often the events that need to be covered by journalists
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do not happen according to schedule, our colleague, correspondent of state television and radio broadcasting company vladivostok, sergei komarov is ready for filming at any time of the day and nights, the convenient location of the block, where he also received the keys to the new rental housing, allows him to easily get to the center in 15-20 minutes, on the contrary, quickly leave the city, have an urgent business trip, from the nearest junction, travel with a premium ticket to the bypass highway. i've been doing this for, i don't know how long, six, seven. i’ve been wandering around rented apartments for years, those apartments cannot be compared to this one in any way, especially if we take the price- quality ratio, it’s absolutely fantastic, the monthly payment is only 9,500 rubles, excluding utilities, this is three to four times less than the average rental price of real estate in vladivostok, approximately 2/3 of the cost is covered by the regional and federal budgets, this rule is valid for the first 5 years, in subsequent years the amount of state co-financing will gradually decrease, it is assumed that during this time the tenant will get back on his feet... career growth, or will consider some offer on the mortgage housing market. new
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housing for young professionals is being rented out in a dynamically developing microdistrict located on the picturesque shores of the bay potrokol. modern, comfortable houses of different floors are being built here. the program is developing and gaining momentum. in vladivostok, the first tenants are already settling into 42 new comfort-class apartments, and the keys to another forty were recently handed over to residents of anadar. andrey kolesnikov, denis yunak, dmitry popkov, hosted by dalnev. eastern bureau. a festive teleconference took place between motorized riflemen from tatarstan and their relatives. the servicemen and their loved ones congratulated each other on the new year, then talked in person. one of the fighters even congratulated his wife on her anniversary by performing a musical composition for her. in conclusion, the military commissar gave gifts to relatives,
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and they became defendants in criminal cases for smuggling. is there a way out? look at it right now. save. at any cost, parents of children diagnosed with rare diseases who buy
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drugs abroad that are prohibited in our country are subject to criminal prosecution. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. varya really loves it when i read books, she has such attacks that she stops breathing. article 229, when, part three. come on, sit down, now, sit down. what is clearly visible is that he understands what he is ordering, medications should not be given away, they can and must be sent back
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to the sender, on our website you can purchase narcotic substances, but of course no one writes this, everything is fine, tv, refrigerator, the security forces initiate walks and criminal cases of drug smuggling with enviable regularity; most often , enterprising businessmen try to order drugs under the guise. in online stores drug-containing substances in order to then resell them and make a significant profit. sometimes, on the advice of doctors they know, respectable citizens prescribe from abroad antidepressants or dietary supplements that are prohibited in our country, and it also happens that parents strive to cure their children of a serious illness and purchase life-saving pills, such as usually for... the reason is smuggling, but really foreign drugs ordered on the internet
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are subject to criminal prosecution; how to save your child without getting caught prison, who stamps pill cases? we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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volgograd resident yulia kislyak has not worked for several years, she spends all day and night with her daughter variy, the girls demand.
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spectators and players looked at the scoreboard. three teams of participants earned five points each. kozhik's ball saved the leader, but did not go into the basket. little varya gets bored with the book pretty quickly. it's time to get ready to go outside. yulia puts the child in the stroller and begins to carefully descend. the task, frankly speaking, is not easy. this is how it happens, what the whole child weighs 17 kg, plus the stroller is more than 10 kg, and this is also a lightweight stroller, later they will only move heavier and heavier wherever they go.
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having reached the playground, yulia stops and begins her incredible story about how she almost became a smuggler. varvara, unfortunately, has health problems, we are diagnosed with cerebral palsy and a chromosomal anomaly, this is half of the eighth chromosome, non-hereditary, and also focal epilepsy. yulia kislyak is a methodologist by profession; she previously worked in railway technical school, 3 years after birth. we were constantly looking for therapy, because epilepsy is such an insidious disease, that is
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, not a single doctor can tell you with a 100% guarantee that this medicine will suit you and your child can be stopped. us on our own with the help of medicine in rectal form and so as not to wait for an argument, because this count can already be said to be in minutes, because most likely varyusha is having such attacks that breathing stops, and here you already understand, even these 10 minutes until we are waiting for an ambulance, that is, they decide a lot , the necessary drug was selected, when the pills ran out, yulia went to the clinic so that... the child could be provided with the necessary medicine as quickly as possible, but the woman never received an answer from the doctors and decided to act on her own, just i found in the search engine, yes, that i need to buy this drug, there is some dosage in rectal form, and it gave me several sites, so i entered the site,
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that is, i found out the price there, i wrote there that it is possible to deliver there to my city, yes... they knew that everything was possible, so pay and wait, the post office reported that the parcel had been delivered, but as soon as yulia took the treasured box, two men approached her and introduced themselves as employees of the astrakhan customs. the parcel was confiscated, the tablets were sent for examination, then there were endless calls for questioning to... the police, dozens of explanations, and as a result, all the grounds for initiating a criminal case.
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now let's move to khabarovsk.
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dmitry vaulin, former police officer, currently convicted, he was sentenced to four years in prison for smuggling. strong active substances, the man categorically disagrees with the court’s decision, he says that he ended up behind bars out of ignorance, he actually bought the medicine, but only for himself, and he learned that it contained prohibited substances already during the investigation, vaulin and i met in a pre-trial detention center where a former law enforcement officer is awaiting transfer to a colony. the man tells his story, cursing the injustice of fate. in 2003 we got into traffic accident. the diagnosis
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was a compression fracture of the cervical spine with rupture of the intervertebral discs and their displacement. in principle , the materials of the criminal case say that the doctor says recovery is impossible without surgical intervention. and basically i still suffer from pain, i had to resort to ordering medications. dmitry vaulin decided to self-medicate; a doctor he knew advised him to try a foreign painkiller. vaulin began searching for magic pills, and through it took me a while to find them, i decided to order it through an online resource.
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there were no problems at all, the second time i ordered, the parcel arrived from moscow, i received a regular postal notification that a postal item arrived from moscow was waiting for me at the post office, i came, received it and was detained by fsb officers, the officers were no longer present there, the man was detained and taken to the local police department, where he was charged with smuggling of potent substances prohibited on the territory of... the russian federation. they did not arrest vaulin; they signed a written agreement with the man not to leave the country and sent him home. in the evening i went to receive a parcel.
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they took the receipt out of the mailbox, as if they were waiting there and ordering things for the child. here. at 6-7 he left, at 8:9 he was gone. eh, closer to 10, probably at 11, no, even later, probably after 11 o’clock he already showed up, that’s it, where? they lost you, the fsb says at the post office , they took him with some kind of parcel from belarus, well , of course we were in shock, they threatened to search him and such, they intimidated him, so they allegedly came some prohibited substances, well , it was up to the employees of the eastern interregional investigation department for transport to unravel the vauln case. the investigative committee of russia established this fact of the possibility of this citizen acquiring highly active prohibited substances and , accordingly, various
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measures were quickly carried out on...
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look, he ordered on february 10, and received on may 14, for a long time he tracked the shipment itself at least 64 times , that is, its location,
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quite often, at the very beginning he corresponded with the seller about how to make the payment, that is, the correspondence with the seller directly concerned the sending of the goods itself, it was objectively clear that he understood what he was ordering, in an hour of interview, a former police officer dmitry vaulin never complained of pain in his spine, apparently it went away or the foreign pills banned in our country did him good. by the way, i really bought the drug vaulin only for myself, not for sale, but for i remembered the injury only at the end of our conversation, when we asked to talk about the daily routine in the pre-trial detention center about the current problems, if of course there are any, how are you being kept in pre-trial detention, do you have any complaints, no, everything is fine, tv, refrigerator, walks, everything is fine
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, what do you do, we do it in our free time... well, walks, i can’t play sports, i have a spinal injury, i can’t even do pull-ups, because a slight displacement of a vertebra can pinch a nerve, and they will remain permanently disabled, he used to exercise swimming, in dmitry vaulin will spend the next 4 years behind bars for smuggling potent substances, could it have been limited to a suspended sentence, is the former police officer dangerous for society? it seems not, because he bought the medicine. exclusively for personal use, however, ignorance of the law does not excuse one from responsibility, but now, after the verdict has been passed, there are other opinions, primarily among vaulin’s relatives, firstly, that the drug is not from russia, it doesn’t even knew, secondly, of course, he periodically they tormented him, he felt some pain, something clicked, something hurt, but of course, yes.
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