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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. we start with the latest reports on the progress of the special military operation. the russian military hit more than a hundred ukrainian armed forces targets in the krasno-limansk direction in one day. the enemy's self-propelled howitzers were also destroyed. almost three hundred militants were eliminated in the donetsk direction, as well as self-propelled artillery units and the vampire rocket system. in the kupinsky direction, acacia trees were knocked out of action by blows the armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces were hit by a concentration of enemy manpower. prices for transporting goods
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across the red sea immediately jumped by 170%. after the houthi attacks, western companies are redirected here around south africa. this caused the biggest disruption to global trade in years. despite the us administration's assurances of its determination to strike at the yemeni rebels, carriers do not feel safe. and now footage from telegram channels. this is mexico, and four people were victims of a private plane crash, including three dead women, photographs of eyewitnesses show that the aircraft was torn into pieces. and now in the united states, a scandal is growing there around the case of billionaire jeffrey epstein, who created an underground network for influential pedophiles. a number of documents with the names of possible participants were leaked online. maria skorodilka has all the details.
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der was thoroughly aware of the predilections and sexual habits of politicians. elite new york lawyer alan derschewitz, a staunch supporter of hillary clinton, is also on the list. epstein forced teenagers to have sex with dershivitz and this is what the lawyer himself said in response to these accusations. i should be scared by this. i didn't do anything wrong, so i'm not ashamed. crowds of people visited there; all these accusations require proof. epstein was my partner, all these horrors from... his
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life that they tell me about do not concern me. the washington post published a chart of those who in one way or another communicated with epstein, and former israeli prime minister hood barak, who held this post from 91 to... he met with epstein at least 36 times. former israeli spies even reported that epstein's international sex trafficking operation was an operation to obtain valuable incriminating evidence to blackmail the global elite, global village claims. the black book of an american billionaire is capable of destroying careers and sowing chaos, newspapers write. commenting on the presidential race in the united states, epstein himself said more than once: “if i say what i know about the candidates, they will have to cancel the elections.” now american journalists believe that biden has something to fear, otherwise why has the white house administration made great efforts for several years to block epstein's lists. several hundred more documents related to the pimp should appear in the public domain in the coming weeks, unless, of course, someone suddenly dies, as happened to epstein himself, in a heavily guarded prison. maria
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skorodilka, news. political debates continue in the united states. joe biden returned to the election campaign and he began by criticizing trump. pounced. competitor during his keynote speech, recalled the events of three years ago in the capitol and blamed everything on his predecessor. trump's attack on democracy is not only part of his past, he doesn't worry about your future, he's upfront about it and doesn't hide anything. i understand power. after an angry speech, biden needed his wife's help. so that, as usual, you don’t get lost in the scene. donald trump, in response to this speech, said that the current president is not capable of governing the united states, and he cannot even be trusted to run a store, let alone a country. he's a threat to democracy,
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he can't read a word, he's a threat to democracy. he is not capable, if you had a store and you would if you were going on vacation for a week, you wouldn't leave him in charge of the store. such a thing, you would not trust the president of the united states, even a store, he is not capable, i warn you, joe biden’s banana republic will end on november 5 , 2024. today is christmas eve for orthodox christians. on holy days it is customary to sing carols. these traditions are carefully preserved in belarus. report by anastasia sokhovskaya. in the gomel region, traditions are so carefully preserved that in the twenty-first century, magicians knock on the windows of the owners of village huts.
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with satisfaction, they open the doors for children with pleasure; not opening the doors is a bad omen; if happiness comes into the house, it must be let in. and in this polyphony of duda, the belarusian bagpipes are saluted by the whole herd, a cheerful loud crowd in the old estate of tourists performing magic like several centuries ago. the form may be more modern, but the essence remains the same. among the heroes there are many characters of wild nature, for example, the wolf brings happiness, the bear, the main blessing, is a symbol of health, strength and wealth. of course, a lot of music tools, for example, these sprinklers, counting tools. in general, carols are always very noisy and very fun. on smartphones, stories about traditions, masks on a hat, on a down jacket, a scarf, this is a woman, a wise character, symbolizing the cult of ancestors. there are no negative heroes here, you can even come to an agreement with a mischief maker, a devil hooligan, the carol grandfather leads the mummers. in general
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, carols are holy, they are associated with the solstice, that is , when the day became longer, the night became shorter, and this meant that the earth was moving into a new life cycle. if speak in simple language.
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generous, and in the end they prick before baptism , sweep out evil spirits from houses, and children sprinkle the floors with grain, wishing for a rich harvest.
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the northeast of moscow has been completely restored after a utility accident. the outages occurred on thursday after a fire at a substation. all high-rise buildings are already powered on a permanent basis. meanwhile, in the moscow region , the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation due to interruptions in the heat supply. technical problems left areas of solnechnogorsk without heating. return the temperature to optimal levels they promise in the next few hours. as the mayor's office explained, the nets did not pass the frost test. thousands of residents of podolsk were left without heat. at first, leaks were discovered on the heating main, they
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were fixed, but then problems arose in the boiler house itself. the first of three boilers has already been launched, 20 houses have received heat, the remaining one and a half hundred are promised to be launched within 24 hours, field kitchens have been organized for residents and blankets have been distributed. our colleagues will tell you how residents of the central regions endured the january frosts in the final report... see the weather right now. frosts have loosened their grip on the russian plain. but does this mean that the arctic service has come to an end? we'll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, and here are some other topics we'll touch on. invulnerable and deadly. the mobile group of the strategic missile forces was fully armed with yars, which is what the latest russian intercontinental ballistic missiles are capable of. new tactics. our armed forces are bearing fruit, why do the ukrainians themselves call
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their air defense leaky? is it even able to protect independent military installations from combined russian attacks? olympics in paris is under threat, the seine river is teeming with dangerous infections, what does the weather have to do with it, and is it really possible to improve the quality of water before the start of the summer games in the french capital. you are watching the main weather program, i am vadim zavuchenkov, hello, the new year began with severe frosts, the cold is gradually receding, but very slowly, when the main focus of the cold leaves the european part of the country, should we expect thaws, we will definitely tell you about this immediately after the review of the main disasters of the week . greetings to you from the pole of cold of the moscow region, the klinsky region has warmed up to -28. let's celebrate dubak with a challenge, while this winter it has never been so cold in the moscow
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region, the air cooled down to -32, only one tenth was not enough to reach the record in kolomna, in moscow itself from -25 in the center to -27.7 ° in tushino. against the backdrop of extreme cold , a major utility accident occurred; due to a fire at an electrical substation , several dozen houses were left without heat, water and power supply; the consequences of the emergency were successfully resolved. in moscow there were no records, but in st. petersburg the meteorological statistics were updated, judging by the video from of the northern capital , double-glazed windows were frozen in the houses, i like it, it’s just snow here, well, now it’s not blowing, but on the streets those who like to harden themselves felt great, there are a lot of such shots on the internet now ... there are a lot of them, a real paradise for walruses on thursday there was also vologda, where the cold was also
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record-breaking. it is worth noting that frosts did not reign everywhere on the russian plain. the south of the country was outside the arctic invasion zone. in rostov-on-don, for example, during the day the air warmed up to +7°. true, in winter this weather is no better than cold weather. she's dangerous in its own way, the city was covered in dense fog. visibility at the local airport weather station was reduced to 300 m due to new year's frosts. the crews had to work around the clock; from december 31 to january 2 , more than 50 outages occurred in the leningrad region. against the backdrop of a sharp cold snap, without heating or hot water. more than 100 multi-storey buildings remained in voronezh, a leak was discovered in the pipeline, repairs lasted for several hours, a cold collapse occurred in the south of siberia, due to snowfall in the kemerovo region, visibility on the roads at times reduced to a minimum. drivers lost control on snow-covered roads, cars flew into a ditch, and
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traffic police inspectors helped return them to the road. more than ten cars collided during a snowstorm in the altai territory; here the cold snap was... very sharp. in the regional capital, the temperature dropped by 20° in less than 24 hours. extreme cold gripped much of the northern half of the russian plain this week. but the northwest of the region was at the epicenter of the cold. so in the south of karelia the air cooled down to almost -40 in the morning. and even its proximity to the warm baltic did not protect st. petersburg from record-breaking twenty-five degree frosts. now the icy center of high pressure is living out its last days on the russian plain, on saturday the first attempt of the atlantic to break through the frost block, but unfortunately, not very successful, because on sunday the anticyclone will intensify again, but with the beginning of the new week , northern cyclones will become more active, rounding scandinavia, these eddies will begin to dive into southern
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latitudes, pumping rather warm air into european russia. mass, therefore with sunday frosts will intensify again in moscow on the holiday night -21, and -19 during the day, but starting from tuesday in central russia more stable warming is expected, first the temperature regime will enter the climate framework in the afternoon to -7-9, by thursday the thermometer columns will reach during the day and up to -2. after abnormal frosts in the first ten days of the month, in the following days milder weather will prevail in the european territory of russia, so that the average temperature in the west and south of the region will be 1-2 degrees above normal, only by the north and northeast will be slightly colder than usual. western currents carrying atlantic air masses will continue to warm siberia and the far east; here
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, a cold temperature anomaly is predicted only in the baikal region and the kolyma region. in the next days of the calendar winter , weather processes, for example, in central russia, will become unstable, so heat waves will be replaced by cold waves, and the most significant arctic invasions are expected at the end of the second decade at the junction of january and february. mobile group the strategic missile forces were completely re-equipped.
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capable of destroying a small city. so, at the start of the new year, the strategic missile forces completed the planned rearmament of the mobile group. the last formation that switched from the topol-m complexes to the new yarsy was the bologovskoye missile formation, located in the tver region. at the same time, the mobile group still has regiments armed with a modern mobile ground-based missile system topol m with sufficient operational resource. planning to start. rearmament of these regiments after 2025. the most important thing is that the stage of modernization of our main component of intercontinental ballistic missiles, which will make russia's nuclear deterrence absolutely guaranteed, has ended. the rs-24 yars is a mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile. for obvious reasons, its exact combat
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characteristics are kept secret. however , it is known that in terms of the throwable weight of this rocket. poplar rs-12 m2 rises, more than by 20%. yar will demolish not one, but 3-4 nuclear units. despite this, russian designers managed to maintain the flight range of the strategic missile at 11-12 thousand km and, most importantly, new technological solutions guarantee yars high survivability. yars is invulnerable at all stages of flight, from launch to hitting the target. the main feature is that this missile carries several warheads at once; during the flight, they are distributed by the combat stage. missiles, each with its own target. this type of missile equipment is called a multiple warhead. part with individual guidance units. most yars mobile systems are equipped with
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an autonomous launcher. this means that a strike can be launched from any point along the patrol route. this means that three to six targets, independent targets, i emphasize, can be destroyed with one launch. this is a fundamental difference because ... if some object is struck by six warheads, and not one, this means that all complexes located in this area are destroyed. strategic yars were specially made not only in a mine version, but also in a mobile version, so that the enemy would constantly puzzle over their location. to camouflage nato spies from satellites , special aerosol clouds are used, among other things. make the equipment practically invisible from the air, radio electronic warfare equipment operates in the places where it is located. thus, the state of our nuclear triad allows us to guarantee
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strategic deterrence. massive russian missile strikes took out the system the air defense is independent, it was not very effective before, and now even the ukrainians themselves call it a hole. tatyana belova will tell you what new tactics the russian armed forces began to use when preparing strikes on military targets of the armed forces of ukraine. tanya, american patriots didn’t help? vadim, they didn’t help. russian missiles successfully overcome the ukrainian air defense system, including its nato component. the russian armed forces began to use new tactics of combined strikes. first, a pair of kamikaze geranium-2 drones are lifted into the sky. they they begin to sort out your areas of interest... calculation po reveals his positions. at the same time, attacks are carried out by cruise missiles and gliding bombs. the final part of the attack is the use of hypersonic daggers. this is not due to the fact
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that daggers can be intercepted; no one can intercept them now. these are the missiles for which there is currently no antidote, no protection. and with the fact that thanks to previous attacks , all priority air defense systems are identified that are subject to destruction. actually speaking, they were already using daggers and working on air defense systems, on warehouses with ammunition for air defense systems, on decision-making centers on buried command posts. as a result of the latest massive russian strike, the military-industrial complex of ukraine suffered significant losses. it is known that the malyshevo plant in kharkov was damaged, where they again tried to establish the production of drones and repaired armored vehicles. military enterprises in the sumy region were also targeted. and chernigov. in addition, serious damage was caused ukraine ppv system. there is evidence of the destruction of at least one petriot complex at a school airfield near odessa. well,
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in kiev, one of the main targets was the mayak plant. even before the north military district , firearms and mortars were produced there. and since last year, we started producing ammunition, including for drones. there are also three protected bomb shelters on the territory of the enterprise, suitable for storing various cargoes. footage of the burning lighthouse building. clearly demonstrates the success of the russian attack. former deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine igor mesyachuk in his stream spoke about the defeat of a number of defense industry enterprises in kiev. these include the mayak and artyom plant and a number of other enterprises. in fact , the entire military-industrial complex of the ukrainian capital was destroyed. and as a result of this strike , the remaining weapons production enterprises in kiev were destroyed, such
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as although, judging by the plumage and shape, this object has nothing in common with a dagger, but it very much resembles a rocket from the german iriste complex, apparently the ammunition is not smog.
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the goal is enough, and after it’s worked out fuel, the free fall just began. for some reason the self-destructor did not work. it’s good that the rocket crashed into the water, but others are falling on residential buildings. it has long been clear that western countries are disposing of old weapons in ukraine that are subject to decommissioning. these are the allies of the kiev regime. dirty, dangerous and smelly. french journalists do not skimp on... unpleasant epithets regarding the main water artery of paris, the quality of the water in the hay is catastrophic, it is full of bacteria, sewage floats in it, an unprecedented level of pollution of the river threatens the holding of aquatic competitions as part of the olympics, which is to be held in the french capital this summer. details in the story. the 2024 summer olympics are in jeopardy, at least the sporting
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events. including leptospirosis, a disease transmitted through the urine of rodent corpses often found in the sewers of paris. pesticides, nitrates, and waste discharged into the river turn it into a breeding ground for bacteria. swimming in senj has been officially prohibited since 1923 . in 1988, jacques chirac, then mayor paris, came up with the idea of ​​cleaning the river. he even promised to swim in it after 3 years in front of witnesses to prove that the hay
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had become clean again. 1991 to 2001, the state and private investors invested 10 billion euros in the construction of infrastructure , including 500 sewage treatment plants, nothing helped, the hay is still considered the dirtiest river in europe, and experts very much doubt that the paris city hall will be able to fix anything by the french authorities for half a year. it is no coincidence that for such a long period of time france cannot resolve sinna's water pollution problem. this has less to do with itself. sey, as with, say, a reservoir, and so on, this is due to the specifics of the administrative management resource of france itself, its , let’s say, traditional inefficiency. france very often, let’s say, exhibits specific administrative impotence, and there is no escape from this, that is, it can want anything, but with a high degree of probability it can provide what it wants, to the extent that it wants, she doesn't
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will be able. in the same time. the interdepartmental association for disinfection of the paris agglomeration claims that over the past 40 years it has been possible, quote: to significantly reduce the percentage of fecal bacteria in hay, and the paris 2024 organizing committee assures that by the start of the games the water in the river will meet sanitary standards, although the weather still needs to improve : paris's sewer systems periodically fail, and if there are heavy rains during the olympics, water will flow out of the overflowing sewers again. and at the end of the issue we’ll talk about humanity's efforts to curb the rise in global temperatures. the results of recent studies have shown that a key threshold for global warming will inevitably be exceeded in the coming years. an international team of scientists published the following data. estimated to be in 2023. humanity
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released more than 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, this figure was even higher than a year earlier. researchers are indignant, the promises made by governments by large companies are very different from their actions, here is the result: at this level greenhouse gas emissions, global warming will exceed 1.5° in the next 7 years. overcoming the key threshold of one and a half degrees seems inevitable, but the main question is how quickly this will happen and will we subsequently be able to reduce the temperature on the planet? it is important to understand that global warming can trigger irreversible processes in the atmosphere, and the higher the temperature rises, the higher such risks are, but we cannot give up, we must continue to fight for every tenth of a degree, in fact.


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