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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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9:31 am
and i always understood that i wanted to help people and decided to go into cardiovascular surgery, to help save people from this disease. kfu is one of the locomotives of development region, the most important university for a number of industries in the country, with rich traditions, as well as a modern technical base that allows solving a wide range of problems. my daughter sang the best again, that’s five, the effect of oral septa for pain and inflammation in the throat, at the zoo -5, mom will say, that’s five, the effect of oral septa for bacterial and fungal infections, so as not to miss spring, let’s shout together, that’s five, five actions of oralsept for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old, oralsept is five. one
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my friend has a difficult relationship with the internet , great blow, now i’ll post it, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed coverage, cool video , it took off faster than i thought, because with 5g it would still be possible. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy household appliances with cashback of up to 50%. new year's discounts in a magnet. belster cheese 1999. what men are silent about, that life is out of control, fears of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps. eliminate the consequences of prostatitis,
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the recommended course is two packs of langitis against prostatitis from a dream. one home click away just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts and what can you do you can connect yota for a maximum of 399 rubles get superboxes as a gift you can iota from this cage the bremen town musicians are already in the cinema. this is our usual ivanovo morning, i
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want there to be more of us, these are my best evenings, pokrovsky evenings, and i want them there was more, because there is nothing greater than happiness, national demography project, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million. rather, for a ticket. my daughter sang the best again, these are five actions of oralsepto for a bacterial fungal infection, five actions of oralsepto for a sore throat, new year's discounts in a magnet, carbonated mineral water, dry, 44.99, magnet - price, what you need, hello, i'm dash my beloved and i'm visiting my parents, my daughter, let's go have lunch, she comes here often, she cooks he is unreal. we are not always loved,
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we are unbearable, sometimes we are unbearable, sometimes wonderful, sometimes tired, but the beloved always comes back, what do we need for this? care about each other. megamarket, it’s profitable to bring joy in the new year. there are all kinds of dragons. the strong ones, the small ones, the bullies, and all of them are good, but still, our own people are most precious to us. beline values ​​her clients and gives away 100 gb per year of the dragon. belaine is on your side. pain, spasm. primibuen was jealous. it reduces pain. svirin renival helps with stomach cramps, we trust renival, we choose renival. along a narrow strip of the volga bank
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, 2 million people fought in a deadly battle; a lot of people died during torture, they were thrown out of windows, they were shot in the streets, they were persecuted even abroad, every crew. calls his car whatever he wants, this car is called mars, he saw the truth with his own eyes and is now ready to share it with those who have not yet been completely driven crazy by western propaganda, these are the results of the trip to donbass a former us army officer, he is a journalist and political scientist, scott bennett, who spoke with us specifically for the stop fake program on... russia 24. so, a relatively short business trip to donetsk was enough for scott bennett to immediately understand what threats the kiev regime creates there , and the american had to verify this from his own experience. they sent five drones after our report.
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when we were with the director, cameraman, driver. we recorded what was happening around us. and, naturally, they don’t liked. they didn’t like the fact that an american military officer in donbass was revealing the truth. they sent five drones to donetsk with the aim of killing us. we left shortly before. the flamboyant style of the ukrainian armed forces hits not only journalists, but civilians in general. for comparison, the reaction of the american office to the radio liberty agent to one of the bloody shellings of donetsk, they say, cannot confirm the death of six people and the injuries of 11. since he reported casualties, quote: the official appointed by the kremlin means the head of the dpr denis pushilin, whose statements, as they believe , must certainly be questioned, photographs on the internet, mother’s tears, coffins there, this is also not a confirmed source,
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because it is given by the wrong people, this all translates again so internally of a person, that people in donetsk are some kind of second class. they don’t use weapons against civilians at all, the russians only hit military targets, but the ukrainian armed forces strike donetsk to kill civilians. the fake-throwers already have a standard answer, they say they’re russians provoke such attacks, or even
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engage in self-fire, but the old record, of course, is false; just remember how ukrainian formations recently attacked emergency situations ministry employees who arrived at the fire after the first one. com produces drones that are used against civilian targets. i saw the hymars. weapons from america, britain,
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france, germany, poland are all the work of defense companies. it's all about money, it's a real tragedy. they claim that these weapons only hit military targets. here you can’t argue that with every criminal strike , foreign information dumps insist that the target was, say, a certain one. russia is doing, this is, of course, a crime, this is, of course, military aggression, however,
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there is reason to believe that the resources for terrorist attacks, the nato artillery, remains less than it was, on the one hand, the alliance, according to reuters, does not abandon hopes of increasing the production of ammunition by needs for ssu, but on the other hand, it seems to be silent about the condition of the guns themselves, even the notorious propagandist julian roebke was forced admit all these cesars, paladins crabs turned out to be not adapted to such an intense conflict, otherwise... break down, so the russian military-industrial complex strengthened the potential of counter-battery warfare at the right time, launching a series of production in the coalition ground forces. the installation’s fire range reaches 70 km, that is, as much as 14 more than that of the german analogue pzh-2000, which was considered the world record holder among analogues. but in addition, the coalition also has an outstanding rate of fire of up to 16 rounds per minute. the ammunition is also quite solid, 70 shells, a full reload takes only. simultaneous fire attack mode,
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when several ammunition is fired at different angles and simultaneously falls on the target. finally, the engineers took care of the safety of the three-person crew; it is located in an armored capsule inside the hull, the combat module is uninhabited, and the vehicle only needs a minute to roll out of position. in this conflict, ukraine and russia have fundamentally different positions. on the other hand, russia, which relies on its own military-industrial complex, in as a result, it is the svo that pushes its needs to accelerate the russian military-industrial complex in different directions. as for those who oppose russia directly on ukrainian soil, scott bennett gives them a comprehensive description. if the american public knows what i know,
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they will be furious. they will say: wait a minute, we didn’t bring back the nazis, we actually had a war against them. you desecrate the memory of our ancestors, create nazis, support them, arm them, this is a path that they do not want to take american citizens. again, he became convinced of the tsism on his own, and went to prison to see militants of a prohibited terrorist group. a swastika on the chest, a wolf hook on the arm, runes on the leg, a full set of corresponding symbols, nothing sensational for the russian audience, but the american and european audiences have been fed stories for years that the fascists in ukraine were invented by our media. narratives were promoted in the new york times, on euroronws and many other places, including other once authoritative media, and for some on the pages of yahoo news to this day enough conscience. this is not the first such scandal
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that has happened, because before that a whole memorial was opened for them, when this memorial was opened, people there also tried to raise their heads to say, and you know, these people walked around with swastikas, but they were pushed away they said, you will be silent there, you are stupid, you don’t understand anything, but here, too , there would be nothing... a video from kiev, where young boys unfurled a flag with a swastika, and behind them some freak in a patron dog costume danced. i had to dampen the resonance colonel of the strategic communications directorate of the general staff of ukraine taras dzyuba, who spoke in a predictable manner. we have a law in ukraine that prohibits the use of any nazi. the character clearly hints at the production, but significantly
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ends up in a puddle. in modern technologies there is such an interesting thing called geoint or geospatial intelligence, it uses open sources of information in order to find clues, in order to find certain hooks, and by which one can identify place. it was possible to establish that this shooting took place near the metro. kuznyaki in kiev, and these are real teenagers who unfurled the nazi flag. it was precisely these ukrainian realities, according to scot bennat, that forced the population of donbass to make a historic choice in favor of russia. the people i talked to in donbass realize that the ukrainian side has simply lost its mind, has become toxic, very angry, mentally enslaved by the west, and people there understand that russia is the only place where they can feel in security that they will live. here bandera’s followers also turn everything on its head,
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turning the situation around as if the russians are not capable of creating. according to tradition, one of the running gouleiters , andryushchenko, is especially trying, who rejoiced at the dirt in the courtyards of mariupol, but for some reason did not mention that large-scale renovations are currently underway in this location and it would be advisable to carry out landscaping after it, and in general the rapid pace of restoration of the city may not be noticed only knowledgeable madmen. by the beginning of october, 30 residential buildings were commissioned in mariupol more than 2,000 apartments, including the izumrud residential complex at the entrance to the city and the cheryomuzhki microdistrict on irtyshskaya street, by the new year another 14 high-rise buildings for 100 families were erected, also... 53 km of mariupol roads and a bridge was opened across the kalmeos river, it was blown up in the ukrainian armed forces, but now again connects the central region with the left bank. a new medical center with a capacity of over 50 thousand people a year appeared on lenin avenue; three workshops were restarted at the ileich metallurgical plant, thanks to which almost 400 work places. it is covered in great detail on
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a number of channels, unofficial, and those filmed by the city residents themselves. well, you will see what is happening there, and for many it will be a surprise, the city center is undergoing a large-scale reconstruction, that is, it now looks better than it looked at the time it was built. scott bennett was especially drawn to the training of russian volunteers in the siberian federal district; an american officer with many years of service joined them at the shooting range, had a heart-to-heart talk with them and made objective conclusions. and most importantly, benet did not see a single soldier who would need to be sent to the front line by force. russian volunteers are on the front line voluntarily, not under
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duress. they are there because they love their country and want to protect the country from the nazis. this is at a time when fighters from the ukrainian side were literally caught off the street, they were given a choice, prison or death, and sent to fight. an exhaustive commentary on zelensky’s rampant lies. let me remind you that he was extremely fond of stories about mythical ukrainian volunteers, whom they say, there is no need to force people into war with sticks. and here is just a good example of the so-called respect for rights and freedoms. a resident of odessa miraculously fends off her husband from the military commissars, and... they were engaged in catching mobilized people under the cover of an ambulance. the western fund , which is engaged in the purchase of ambulances for ukraine, is clutching its head, biting its elbows, that this happened in odessa, it turns out that men are taken to the front by ambulance, but they know very well that not only men are taken to the front, but also and ammunition they bring them in, use it all for military purposes,
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hence the logical question: how many foreigners really want to sponsor such a regime , do you know? that american taxpayer, where does his money go? scott bennett responds harshly. americans do not want democrats in government, but new political leaders who will say: no more money for ukraine. i see ukrainians trying to claim that they are fighting for democracy so that europe and the us will give them money because they are supposedly fighting for security of europe, but they are lying. this is wrong. they take this money, buy villas, yachts, property, they steal. according to the words, the level of the fight against corruption in the square has reached unprecedented levels; the voice of america agent praises the sbu for allegedly uncovering a fraudulent scheme in the purchase of weapons. the financial times suggests that ukraine is moving towards overcoming bribery and lawlessness, and franz-24 sees signs of some kind of restoration of order by
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defense minister umerov and no one, apparently, is embarrassed by the frantic purchase of real estate very far from ukrainian borders. this is asked by the president himself, the mayor of the italian city of forte dei marmi confirmed that the villa located there with an area of ​​about 400 square meters belongs to the zelensky family, costs 4.5 million euros, another house was bought for $8 million in the israeli reshpon, not far from tel aviv, and by the way, he is twice as big, in the name of his mother-in-law, the leader of a gang with a bank account bought a mansion on the shores of the red sea in egypt, its price is almost 5 million dollars, officials of a smaller caliber are not far behind, from the director of kiev city construction. igor kushnir found a villa for 20 million euros with garden and sea view in france, and the even more modest ex-military commissar of odessa evgeny borisov managed to earn money on real estate in spanish marbella. the house and office space in the city center cost him 4.5 million euros. western partners openly admit that ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world.
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we see a concrete example of how the zelensky family received a certain fork from this money, and in egypt. and the journalist who conducted the investigation and who published this investigation, he simply was found dead several days later. what to do with an aggressive, corrupt junta? according to scott bennett, there is still a way out, but this requires prudence, primarily on the part of the collective west. from the very beginning, putin and russia did not wage an aggressive war, they defended people who were attacked and subjected to genocide by the ukrainians. and i think if we stop the supply of weapons money, this war will end in a month. and if every ukrainian soldier lays down his arms and goes over to the russian side, then the war will end tomorrow. and russia will not harm any of them. it may sound too idealistic, but at least it makes it clear that in the eu and the united states there are plenty of those who
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are aware of the true causes of the current conflict, distinguish truth from misinformation and do not want to settle for ridiculous fakes, which we will certainly continue to expose in the stop program fake on the russia 24 tv channel . we don’t know what tool will make new year’s morning simple, but we know what bank will make the whole year profitable. bank ural sib.
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save at any cost. parents of children
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diagnosed with rare diseases buy drugs abroad that are prohibited in our country. epilepsy is such an insidious disease, not a single doctor can tell you with a 100% guarantee that this medicine will suit your child. and he faces criminal prosecution. who is churning out tablet cases? do they allow this parcel to cross the border, do they know which post office it arrives at, how can they save their child without going to jail? i can’t put a child’s life in the background. due to the fact that this drug cannot be imported. it can be punished by law when it is used as a narcotic drug. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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invest rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary
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to mobilize all resources. give me the recipe in general , here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?
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in the moscow region, the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation due to interruptions in the heat supply. technical problems left areas of solnechnogorsk without heating. heating in houses is promised to be fully restored in the coming hours. also, severe frosts disabled the heating networks of podolsk, khimki, boloshikha and lyubertsy. today is christmas eve for orthodox believers. this is a time of strict fasting, it ends after the onset of darkness or the appearance of the first star in the sky, which symbolizes the star that set over bethlehem at the time of the birth of jesus. on the coming night , festive services will be held in all orthodox churches. 19 regions of russia have already submitted signatures in support of vladimir putin to the election headquarters in moscow. documents from other regions of the country will be delivered in stages. at headquarters
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they check the papers. lawyers. the collection began on december 23; to register as a candidate for the presidential election, a minimum of 300,000 signatures must be collected. deadline for submitting documents to the center assembly until the end of january. on the kupinsky sector of the front, where the group of western troops west operates, infantry groups and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. according to the ministry of defense, drone operators in red helped detect hidden enemy positions. in the coming year, elections of various levels will be held in more than 70 countries, more than 4 billion people will vote, what changes to expect and how globalization in the economy is changing to regionalization, what this can lead to,
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the international review program is trying to answer these and other questions... look right after


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