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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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lawyers check the papers at headquarters step by step. the collection began on december 23; to register as a candidate for the presidential election , a minimum of 300,000 signatures must be collected. the deadline for submitting documents to the election center is the end of january. on the kupinsky sector of the front, where the group of western troops operates - the west , infantry groups and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. according to the ministry of defense, to detect hidden enemy positions. drone operators helped; in the krasno-limansky direction of the special operation, the artillery of the center group hit more than 100 military personnel enemy objects, these are mainly cars and howitzers. this coming year , elections at various levels will be held in more than 70 countries, and more than 4 billion people will vote. what changes should we expect and how is globalization in the economy changing to regionalization, what could this lead to? to these and other questions. trying to answer
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the international review program. watch right after the commercial. apartment in moscow count five. only five purchases from 1. rub. with any credit card from ber until january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours. and if the cards are still no, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card. allow me to introduce, ekaterina, ekaterina, allow me to invite you, well, i’m actually not ready , i got up and went, golob 2 is already in the cinema, than to watch it 100 times, it’s better once, turn it, turn it, turn it, only after confirming the payment, up to 4 february, order savita with delivery from 1 ruble, check. the product
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suits you, and then confirm the payment, my daughter sang the best again, that’s five, the action of the oral septa for pain and inflammation in throat, in the zoo -5, mom will say, this is five, the action of orals for bacterial and fungal infections, so as not to miss the spring, let's shout together, this is five, five actions of oralsept for a sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old, oralsept is five, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, fuss, fireworks, turn on the new year's lights, lights the lights, a magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he knows how to do magic. snowman courier, it is proven that
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my grandfather is santa claus, on new year's eve anyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts, for those around them, happy new year, wizards, we bring the swords, and you bring them out! such a benefit peko washing machine for only 24,999 in sportmaster, prices are half the price for world and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. you are ready to enter the game, ready to forget about everything, ready to fall and get up again. not ready, get ready. ready to reach for the stars, ready to melt ice, ready to rise above everyone else, ready to go down in history. ready to endure, ready
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to win, you are ready for real hockey, this is the khl championship. start the year with benefits shopping at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. the legendary alfabank credit card is free forever. has become even more profitable, receive a supercake every month for free , withdraw cash from any atms throughout the country, not just profitable, alpha profitable, hello, international review is on air, in the studio fedor lukyanov, today on the program. people's review events of the week,
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chronicle, facts, comments, completion of globalization at whose expense. lived long, searching our hearts, the right decision, down with the economic materials of our program. a crisis demands change, an era of global inequality is dawning, vote or lose, election year 2024.
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in total , more than 4 billion people around the world will vote, literally a global majority, something that doesn’t happen often. in 2024, presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in almost 40 states. intense campaigns, according to experts, are expected in bangladesh, taiwan, pakistan, india, indonesia, mexico, the usa and south africa. and also elections waiting for europe. people in bangladesh will vote on january 7th. the leader of the ruling awami league party, the current prime minister of the country, sheikh hasina, has already won elections three times and intends to be re-elected again. it is opposed by
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the bangladesh national party, bnp, whose leaders are in prison or in exile. on january 13, elections will be held in taiwan, the current president is tsai ing-wen. is completing his second term in office and by law can no longer run again; three former city mayors will compete for the presidency in taiwan, light is beijing's main opponent, hou yi of the gamildan party, and kowzhe is the founder of the taiwan people's party. general elections in pakistan are scheduled for february 8. the political crisis has been going on in the country for 2 years. in april 2022, the pro-centrist pakistani conservative party... led by shahbaz sharif, initiated a vote of no confidence in prime minister imran khan in parliament, as a result of which he was removed from office. however, he remains the most popular politician. it is unclear whether he will be able to participate in elections? indonesia's general elections will be held
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on february 14, and current president joko wedoda cannot run for a third term. three candidates are participating in the election race. leader. retired general probova, son-in-law of former president suchart. national elections in india will be held in april and may. the indians will elect members of the eighteenth national parliament. the party or coalition that wins the majority of seats in parliament will in turn choose the prime minister. there is a high probability that narendra modi and his pharathiya party janata party" will win their third election in a row. and they will not have to form a coalition to ... govern the country. the presidential elections in mexico will be held on june 2. two women are vying for the post of head of state. this is the former mayor of mexico, claudia sheinbaum, a representative of the morena party and a longtime ally of the current president, obrador and businesswoman
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xochitel galvez. the latter is united by a coalition of three opposition parties. the us elections will be held on november 5. john f. kennedy, robert francis kennedy, jr. in jur, the date of the general elections is not yet determined. for the past three decades , the african national congress party has been in power, led by the current president, cyril ramoposa. he plans to run again, but the coalition opposes him. opposition parties. the date of elections in venezuela is unknown, but president nicolas maduro promises to hold them in 24. in october twenty-third, the maduro government entered into an agreement with the opposition on dialogue and organizing voting. elections to the european parliament will be held in june, following
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which senior officials will be appointed faces of the european union, the next presidential elections in europe will take place in finland on january 28. nine candidates are vying for the presidency, the most famous of them being former foreign minister pekka havista. the current head of state, sauli nieinistjo, will leave his post. he already has two presidential terms behind him. elections are important, including for international reasons, when the world is very unstable, the stability of national systems becomes crucial, and it depends on how much the government is able to ensure recognition of its management rights. in other words, gain legitimacy. historically this has happened in different ways. force, class hierarchy , dynastic tradition, and finally , voting, with increasingly mass participation,
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at the end of the 20th century, the liberal democratic system with competitive elections became the norm, dictatorships turned into an indecent anachronism, it is good form to introduce or at least imitate democratic institutions. but to paraphrase the classic, democracy is not a dogma, but a guide to action; it does not stand still. o we asked a sophisticated observer and keen connoisseur, gleb kuznetsov, about modern features. gleb, who is the main character of the election campaign now? politician, technologist, consultant, self-voter? over the last quarter of a century, let's say, yes, 20-25 years, the role of the candidate has been a little respectful to the public, voters, and consultants. fell to the first place everywhere
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, election administration bodies come out, in some countries, it’s like in latin america, these are the so-called electoral courts, electoral tribunals, in some places it’s like our electoral commissions, somewhere bodies of the ministry of internal affairs, which also perform functions in a number of european, for example, countries.
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who were obliged, therefore , to administer elections in spain, they withdrew a little, and this gave more power to the municipality, and so on and so forth, and, as they say, launched a chain of events that led to the retention of sánchez as prime minister of spain. increasing the role of the regulator, this does not mean straightforward falsification, well, they took it and drew numbers. it’s not fashionable now, so to speak, moreover, it’s not at all no... necessary, yes, that is, in this style , king and cabbage, even latin america
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no longer operates, due to which the role of regulators is growing? firstly, it grows by ensuring access to the ballot, that is , the regulator determines enough, weighs the candidate, and determines whether he is sufficient to be included in the ballot or not enough, in brazil, for example, after the elections, after... in in which it existed, it turned out that several dozen deputies committed terrible, which means, offenses during
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election campaign and already six months later, one might say, after fulfilling their powers, they were deprived of these very mandates, that is, ensuring access to the ballot, then ensuring access to elected bodies is the function of the regulator, the second is ensuring access to the media and social networks, this is also an absolutely regulated story, in general, some can be raised, so to speak, others can be lowered, as was said in our great film, and the third is of different kinds. administrative restrictions imposed on events and so on and so forth, that is , there are a lot of options for influencing the electoral process, the results of this process, that is, the formed authorities, and practically nowhere really, except perhaps in very wild african or asian countries, they
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come down to what it means in in some black black room, a black black regulator, which means it creates its own black. were involved in ensuring the victory of lula disilova in new york for several days with the staff of the state supreme court, with the staff of the supreme supreme courts and not only states whole, but of each specific state, they visited, learned something there, exchanged experience, it was all sponsored by
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democratic organizations, naturally, because it was all sold under the sauce that here comes... exchanging experience in opposing right-wing populism, then there are americans who are also studying, americans are trying to study the best practices, and of course brazil is a large country , diverse, divided, federalized, that is, also a federation consisting of states, for americans it’s a good model for all that to tell you about the understandable limitations of the experience... of the supreme electoral court, the americans are trying to somehow analyze for themselves to see what they can take from the practice of brazilian judges and what they cannot? elections, especially where democratic procedures are rooted, are now becoming not so much an instrument of turnover and renewal, but rather a way of consolidating the status quo and preventing alternatives. why
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does this happen? elections have turned into such a story, there is a popular genre of mobile games based on...
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a threat to the liberal world order, accordingly, this is actually where the strengthening of regulators comes from, because it is the regulators in this logic who should create the main obstacles to the status quo, if people don’t want to vote for those for whom it is right to vote, then we must create obstacles for them to voting
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for those for whom voting is wrong, once and twice, creates non-competitive advantages. for those for whom voting is correct, this is actually the whole narrative on this topic, this is the fight against fakes, this is the very access the media, these are the courts, this is a ban , which is what they are talking about endlessly in germany now, attempts to somehow ban or limit the right-wing, so-called parties, that is, those parties that are not liked, democracy will remain, but it will remain as such, such a movement is absolutely protestant... different types of elections have one thing in common: manipulation from legal, administrative to media. understandably, against the backdrop of international unpredictability, internal shocks are all the
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more dangerous because they resonate with external shocks. hence the desire to work as hard as possible more reliable. true, they are far from the original democratic ideals, but they are ultimately a tool, not an end in themselves. democracy, however, is viewed with suspicion by many. screen. the world is not ruled by those who are given the official reins, but by someone standing behind the scenes. the masonic movement began in england in 1717, when the grand lodge was created. among the first to join the secret mystical school were the english and prussian kings. later, many european monarchs became american presidents, from napoleon and george washington. to richard nixon. on the dollar bill has a symbol of freemasonry - the all-seeing eye. it is believed that it symbolizes control over the world economy. but the main thing that
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the masons are accused of is the so-called masonic conspiracy. its goal is to establish a new world order with a single world currency, erasing national and religious differences between peoples. another frightening goal is the creation of a shadow government, which at a certain point in time. will take power from the official ones. another fashionable theory is that the world is ruled by two famous banking families - the rothschilds of great britain and the rockefellers of the usa. according to some experts, scientists or simply conspiracy theorists, these two houses are behind almost everything that has happened and is happening on earth since the middle of the 19th century. this is their secret influence on european politicians of the first half of the 20th century, including hitler and stalin. not a secret. that largely thanks to the rockefellers , the us federal reserve system was created, and the dollar became the world reserve currency in forty years. in may 1954,
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the bilderberg club emerged, founded by the foundations of three american billionaires, rockefeller, carnegie and ford. its first meeting took place at the bilderg hotel, in the dutch city of oosterbeg, where 70 people from 12 countries met. political and business circles of europe and the usa. since then, secret meetings have become annual. the club's headquarters are located in new york at the carnegie endowment. one of the main stated goals was to solve the problems associated with the existence of the ussr, as well as the creation of a european superstate with its own central bank and a single currency, under natural us control. many of these tasks have been successfully resolved, among them european integration and the euro area. the club and its members never make official statements following meetings. the last meeting of the club took place in may '23 in
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lisbon. among its participants were henry kissenger, mark rutte, jens stoltenberg, joseph barel, wolfgand schmidt, radoslaw sekorski and other famous names. in addition to the bilderg club, participation in planning a new world order is attributed to such organizations as the committee of 300, the council on international relations, the tripartite commission, the club of rome, the german marshall fund, and the participants in these communities are often the same. whether the rothschilds rule the world or not, we don’t know for sure, but we know for sure who the king of beauty in the african savannah is, rothschild’s giraffe, the rarest of the giraffes, and therefore... report from kenya.
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for decades, the pakot and ilhamus communities of baringa county have fought over livestock pasture and land. banditry and animal theft flourished in the region, often accompanied by deaths. but in 2007 the situation has changed. the rivals united in the face of common ground.
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the reserve covers an area of ​​4,400 hectares. rothschald giraffes once inhabited the lands around lake baringa, but their numbers have declined sharply and today, due to conflict and poaching, they are on the verge of extinction. according to the kenya wildlife service , only about 600 individuals remain in the country. reserve manager ravi chepchumba remembers how they first moved eight rothschild's giraffes here in 2011, providing them with safe lands to repopulate. number giraffes in kenya are declining. our mission is to ensure the protection of these beautiful animals. here, in the reserves, giraffes feel very good. this is a unique species that is in danger of extinction without our help. the reserve is not a guarantee of salvation. climate change and global warming could lead to disaster in this seemingly safe place. in 2020 due to heavy
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rains. due to climate change, the water in lake baringa has risen and giraffes have become isolated on long charo island. in 2019, we turned to partners for help and after 2 were able to transfer nine giraffes from the island. there were still some left. transporting giraffes turned out to be more difficult than we thought, putting them on a boat and transporting them was very exciting, but we managed , largely thanks to specialists from the kenya wildlife service and the northern rangelands trust , the last transportation took place in 2021, then we returned nine giraffes ,
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there are already 14 of us, now on...
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because of lengatai and his family, the appearance of a reserve a few meters from the shore of lake baringa became a gift of fate, along with with this he had a permanent income, before that, for many years he patrolled the wild nature and watched giraffes, and now they have become his friends, giraffes are very vulnerable creatures, when moving they get nervous and take a long time to get used to a new area, and therefore live in certain territories, there are still many fertile places in the reserve,
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communities that have been at odds for decades now coexist peacefully on these lands. we can only hope that despite the cataclysms, this reserve will continue to exist and at the same time maintain the established fragile peace in the region. or maybe, if i were rodschild, i would probably abolish money altogether, down with money. and let’s take a good look at what money is? strictly speaking, it’s just imagination, self-deception: people took a piece of paper, drew a picture, wrote 3 rubles in silver, money, i assure you, is from the devil the tempter, one of the most powerful passions, everyone wants it, and no one has it...


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