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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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“when i was at school, i really looked at the military and i liked it, and on may 9, my father always sewed such a small shirt for me, it was a childhood dream, so to speak, to wear a uniform and wear shoulder straps, when i joined the army, i was firmly i’m 100% sure that i won’t sign a contract, i’ll serve my military service and leave, but..." i ended up in the tank forces, i really fell in love with these vehicles, i realized that most likely, if i quit, i would miss them very much, why your call sign is a creative poet, in fact, my call sign has nothing to do with creativity, i have my friend is very good, and i asked him once to come up with a call sign for me, and i don’t think for long, it comes out with a verse, i say, maybe not a verse
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, it’s better to be a poet, he is like that, everything is a poet, as if easily and deeply, i would even say, period, point of the pan, khariton, as a child i dreamed of becoming an electrician, but it so happened that i trained as an electrician and then went to serve in the ministry of defense on a ship, specifically as an electrician, 7 years in the navy, but now you have become a tanker, to what extent? you feel the difference, everything is different, the organization, the daily routine, everything, people are different , you get used to it, to be honest, i wouldn’t return to the mf, after all , i already like the armored forces, i’ve already gotten used to it, everything is already here, everything is familiar , send it first, i thought, i’ll serve then i’ll work somewhere in another sphere. well, in
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the internal troops, it turns out, they offered to sign a contract, and i agreed, i thought , well, why not try, and now i’m still serving here, a contract is the choice of a real man, that is, well, for me this is a very promising job, as it were she brings of course, not only some kind of financial and material. support, it brings pleasure from work , that is, and this is when you combine pleasantly with useful , and you feel that you are in the right place, i feel like i’m in the right place, ready, yes accepted, yes accepted, managing , shot, i would say, the tank is a member of my family, now i have always served in conscript and contract service in tanks, military units, but the people in which i now serve do not change, send me there, ready.
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hold back so that our units leave of this ring, we went directly to the fire, as it turns out, in front of us, when i saw a cross on the face, i shout to the commander, tank, tank, he says, shoot, shoot, right here, well, of course he was the first to shoot, but he missed us, it turns out he's under...
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what does it feel like? in fact, it was a little scary at first, then, when the tank had already caught fire, i realized that there was nothing to be afraid of, and even, i would say, our crews were pleased that the final task was completed. the most difficult work was going through a mine trawl forest belts, that is, to directly come into contact with the enemy at the same moment to mine a minefield in front of you, well , it’s very difficult, for the driver it is very difficult, for the commander it is very difficult , visibility is poor, the tank is heavy, mud, that is you need to take all these points into account in order to prevent the car from overheating, and always think a little ahead. take steps
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deliberately, here in a year and a half i learned even more... to master this technique more when you go to complete a task, that is, it’s already easier for you, because you already know, you own it, you’re already in the tank, well, how can i say, a fish in water, when you roll out to a position, you don’t think about the bad, you don’t think that something won’t work out for you, you’re sure that everything will work out for you, that’s it when you are confident in what you are doing, you will always succeed, everything should be simple, the main thing is to clearly with a cool head, accept the task, complete the task, save people’s lives, save equipment. we drove out with the crew onto the plain, a forest plantation stood in front of us, we approached the forest plantation, a direct shot could be fired at i saw a crew in the bushes, they launched a rocket, the rocket flew up to the tank and before
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the collision, literally, i think, meters away, it rose a little higher and flew away, the crew remained intact, the tank remained intact, i did not believe in god, here you have to believe. because god still exists, someone or something is still protecting me, thunder, everything is catchy, all the chickens, thunder, pile up, pile up, more, more, back there, back there, okay, good, more, more, more, good, good. i have a cross hanging around my neck, it has been with me from the very beginning, i i think it’s just that i can’t get enough of my talisman, i can show you, it’s already old , it’s turned black, now there’s a new cross hanging, my friends gave it to me, this cross
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is with me everywhere for all tasks, absolutely everywhere with me, i don’t take it off , they brought us food before we entered... they said it would help, i was skeptical about it, and i believe that this cross protects me, if i lost it, then i think it would be a disaster for me, alone once i took it off, we came under terrible fire, they aimed at us artillery and for probably five hours they ironed us for a very long time, i immediately remembered that i had removed the cross and thought when it would all be over. i’ll definitely find it and i’ll never take it off again, even when i was wounded, they didn’t even take it off me, i’m not my light, you write to me, on a spring night in a birch bark, and i ’m thinking what happened, i didn’t warm up well,
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we got out from a tank, a shell flew nearby, but i didn’t even hear it, i just felt pain, a flash, pain, i closed my eyes, i open my eyes, i’m already lying on the ground, he runs up my comrade, it’s good that he lifted me up, i couldn’t have gotten up on my own , he knocked my arm off badly, at first he showed that my arm had actually been cut off, i was evacuated, an hour later i was undergoing surgery, the guys, the specialists, did a great job, they were quick worked very well, once again i was convinced, more precisely, that god exists, someone still exists, otherwise, how can i explain it, the situation was such that it was possible. i can’t sit here anymore, they performed three operations, pulled out the fragment, sewed up the intestines, all after 5 months i arrived in the zone again esvo, because i have comrades here whom i cannot leave, even after being wounded, you still decided to return here,
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yes, because if not us, then who will defend our country, don’t let us down. century, they made a canopy against drones, the more rolls, the better, maybe the t-90 would be better, but we are happy about that, they will always support us in any situation. we went to practice from closed firing positions, uh, we worked on half a conveyor belt, they started working on us, it seemed like nothing, but suddenly smoke began to appear in the warhead of the tank, all the systems are working, but all the smoke when firing is very big, in the end
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, when we returned, it turns out that we were shot by the receiver, just a small hole, everything is in the warhead, you can’t breathe, there are even situations like this, but we... we all completed the task and returned, unharmed, closer to 20, let yes, closer to 20, closer to 20, to the same place, correct, correct, where you fell to the right to the right to the right 300 let yes to the right let to the right 300 to the right 300 to the right 300 to the right 300 accepted if there is any serious damage, of course we send it to rembat, and if there is some kind of minor breakdown, but it’s worth attention, we send it out in time, well, in counted days, as if the breakdown is eliminated, this is not a wheeled vehicle, that i just took the wheel and re-bolted it, as if not to tighten the gooseneck, everything else is really hard work. you can’t do anything very alone, there’s always a crew, but it’s better to get help, a repair team
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always comes to help, even if you need evacuation, they come with special equipment prepared and evacuate you, in short, the colonel has arrived for the award ceremony, already there is. i am engaged in servicing equipment , this profession is basically familiar to me, my father taught me in childhood, accustomed me to technology, and i have been working with cars since childhood, but a tank is the same car, a track, well, the first time it was not easy to change a caterpillar on a tank, but we dealt with the second quickly, we repaired and maintained tanks, here are the seventy-second, tanks of the eighties. all the machines are basically in good working order, little by little, naturally, like this technology, something comes out,
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sometimes i stop, but we keep an eye on it, on time we support, so we basically have everything ready to lead further, we can’t let the guys down where they can’t go in a faulty tank, i think these are lost friends, damn it, dear guys who have already become like brothers to us here, and we all it 's shoulder to shoulder here. one big family, and you need to take care of your family, i know that your brother also made a contract, we sleep with each other, we eat together, and we live on a contract, he has been here for almost a whole year in the northern military district zone, successfully carries out combat missions, is alive and well, a couple of weeks ago i talked to him, she’s doing well too, how did the family feel about this? that you, brother, yes , the father has two sons, he raised them,
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raised them to their feet, so we happily protect him, mother and our children, he said, when the enemy is at the doorstep, there is no point in sitting at home, we must go meet the enemy , good afternoon, once again to st. petersburg, dear loved ones, relatives, can you hear me , please raise your hand, daughter, hello, hello, darling, hello, dad, hello, my little one, how are you? it's okay, don't worry, we're fine, son, everything's fine, yanochka has recovered, she’s no longer sick, everything ’s fine, let’s go watch cartoons at the cinema , we’ll buy a toy, don’t worry, watch cartoons, buy toys, the main thing is to dress warmly, don’t get sick, we’re waiting for you, okay, i ’ll be back, that’s it, i love you, i kiss you, i tell you word to others, and we kiss you, bye. bye, let's return with victory, keep us quiet,
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support, help, yes, of course, this makes me very happy, i am pleased to see her, cheerful, cheerful, healthy, mother, grandmother, tears are welling up, yes, of course, children - this is happiness, the flowers of life, i wanted a son all my life, but i’m very happy that i am. such support, yes, yes, of course , it warms the soul, before communication, well, a stingy man ’s tear flowed, uh, it was actually very nice to see everyone, because we haven’t seen each other for quite a long time, to talk, to hear , well, it was enough to actually hear some simple words, even everyday ones. how are you, how’s your mood, i’ve actually been waiting for this for a long time, why? because after already
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for a certain period of time, quite a long time, i caught myself thinking that dreams here take on a very, very serious thing, because only in dreams can you see your loved ones, relatives, you dream about them very often, you wake up in the morning, such a smile and a good mood, yes. time is very fast with family. walks, but here it seems as if when you work, it somehow goes, goes, goes, when you get up there for 2-3 days you stand and think, wow, these 3 days, they go on for a very long time, drag on, on vacation, these 3 days fly by, just once you slip your fingers everything just flew away , you didn’t have time to enjoy, so to speak, all of this, as if very emotionally, tightly, the father
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hugged him very tightly, the girl greeted him very warmly, even it was in my heart... somehow it was so pleasant, that’s just 2 weeks and i want to somehow embrace everything, but i can’t, well, 2 weeks, i want to see these, these, and somewhere someone lives further, someone closer, and it doesn’t always work out that way, so you have to wait for the next issue , at home, my father is generally proud, my mother is also proud, it’s not like when i arrive i show the order of courage, my mother i cried, my father cried too, they gave us... this kitten, friends, he has taken root with us for about four months now, he lives with us, helps us get through stressful situations, you go on vacation and see that
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people live their lives, met people who don’t know that there is some kind of special military operation going on here, they say, so what? it’s still going on, but people are being called up, there are such people, you signed a contract, that’s it, you go, that means you protect, but this is wrong, here people are simpler, here there is no such anger, here everything is, as i already said, all the brothers here, all the fighting brothers, will never refuse help, but there, well, i will say that not everyone fully understands what is happening. not so long ago we were taking a forest belt, so we interacted with a motorcycle unit, an assault assault squad, so we went forward, they followed us, that is, we completed the task, as we were assigned, we completed everything, because well, everything was clear, competent it was discussed with each other, they covered us, we covered them, support the
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riflemen, in principle, you help their comrades, by the way, it’s very convenient to work like this when... and the assault group and the tank, they guide you, give you a point, you don’t work on it and move on, and it’s very convenient to work like that, and it’s convenient for them, it’s convenient for us, i ’m holding on, we advanced with the support of tank units, that is, the tank walked in front, or rather rode with the midsection.
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we give them the coordinates and then the tankers are already working on the coordinates that we transmit, this is just a completely different war, not what was there in 2006, already drone, birds, tank, orta, then they are training the infantry, without fire support, you can’t stick your noses in everywhere, they even carried out the assault without a single one. losses, i hold, they took 200 m from the enemy, here is the battalion commander, he thought through everything very well, calculated it, the company commander inspired, we passed, took it, i want to say hello to my family, natasha aminochka, i love you very much, dad will only return with victory, i convey hello to my
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early residents, my relatives from the village of srednyaya lyuzan, pelinsk region, as well as to the command staff of the moscow command school. i want to convey fiery salam to everyone to the dagestani people, in particular my district, the kozbekovsky district, let them go, that’s it, well done, go away, go away, let them go, let them go, everything will start to fall, okay, i just piled on the first one. there, we are all brothers here, fighting brothers, this is already your family member, you are family, even though you serve in another unit, absolutely, our meetings. it ’s always like a holiday for me, i see my comrades, i have such indescribable happiness that they are all alive, everyone is healthy, is there an inner feeling that you
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became a different person, maybe some values ​​changed for you, became more reasonable, calmer, i think so, all the old fears that were before the special military operation faded into the background all the problems that i had there before that they... cover it with cassettes, that is, in general it was very spontaneous, as if at this moment you need to react very quickly and hide people in shelter, that is, because
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some people, at that moment they begin to get lost and run away, here’s mine task as the commander who is here in this position, do not let people panic, that is, hide in cover and do not come out until, well, how to say, the shelling is over. now we also hear it, but are these arrivals? yes, this is our left flank, we have heavy battles there, heavy battles go on every day, that is, these units are stationed there, which take on battles every day, so we sometimes support them from closed firing positions, and not so long ago we went there directly , they shot, they also supported, but they throw it there because - there is such point there, in order to bypass us from the flank, they need to penetrate one village, which is located to the left of us, that is, it is beneficial for them, so they
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work most strongly, so to speak, on the left flank, humor helps us a lot to relax, to forget that , that literally at arm's length we have an enemy at... i can think that if it were like this, yes, that is, i do not exclude this option, because, as it were, but to show, again, it cannot be shown to no one, somewhere alone, sat down, drank tea somewhere
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and i just thought about it all, then i let go of this situation, you move on, for which the battalion commander awarded you the sugorov medal, what happened then, well, i really can’t tell you in more detail. but there were few of our guys in this settlement, we were sent there for support, and we worked every day for a week, two weeks, the infantry thanked us very much then, of course, the command always told us, here’s a little more, wait a day or two , now help will come, well , we are basically without help. cope with, state award, soorov medal
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, there is an award for a participant in a special military operation, there is a departmental award, rallying of military teams, and honestly i don’t remember anymore, in fact there are still some grapes there, i didn’t pay much attention to them, that’s not what i’m interested in priority, it’s nice , of course, that your merits are somehow noted. but we must continue to fulfill the task, the order of courage, for which you were awarded after a tank duel, when i hit an enemy tank twice, then a state award, this is an unforgettable feeling, in fact, hunting, of course, you also have to meet an enemy tank, you want to knock it out, you want to burn it. abrams is said to burn well. i am ready to support the words
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of many svo participants who claim that we are continuing the work of our grandfathers to destroy nazism, and this is so . and we write our history, our future, with our own hands, and the more you are here, the more you understand this. shot, one young lady drank wine with the hussars, asked for fun.
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we watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, free without registration, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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vladimir putin's election headquarters is gradually accepting signature sheets in support of the candidate. today, another 25 regions handed over the documents; the headquarters’ lawyers will check the papers before submitting them to the election center. the collection of signatures began on december 23 throughout the country; a week later, the first part of the signatures was sent by the moscow region, and then by another 19 constituent entities of the country. according to the law , a self-promoter must collect at least 300,000 signatures; presidential elections will be held in mid-march.
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subscription sheets are now starting to arrive. 45 regions have already sent part of the signature sheets, we need to organize a check of these signature sheets, there are volunteer guys working who carefully analyze everything, we need to make no mistakes here, the work will intensify every day. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail; it is not difficult to understand them. important, honestly convenient, what is a newsletter? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, writing down the candidates, not forgetting mom and dad, putting in a lot of very clever degrees of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks, let’s go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but he said...


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